Linking Wikis and Language Learning Monica, Chan g 張張張

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Linking Wikis and Language Learning

Monica, Chang


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Introduction to Wikis Language Learning Wikispaces Wikipedia Wikidictionary Resources

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Introduction to Wikis

What is a Wiki? 1. Wiki is online software for creating

websites 2. It derived from the Hawaiian wiki3. It means 'fast'4. It supports collaborative writing

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Introduction to Wikis

5. Wikipedia is the most well-known6. Lets anyone can create and edit a

website easily without worrying about permissions, versioning, ownership, etc.

7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dnL00TdmLY

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Introduction to Wikis

Wiki7. The goal of wiki sites① become a “shared knowledge, with the k

nowledge base growing over time”② they are “expected to have some degree

of seriousness and permanence” (Godwin-Jones 2003).

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Language Learning

In the foreign-language classroom1. wikis are generally used for class

projects, or for a project based on an exchange between international classes.

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Language Learning

2. For instance, this intercultural wiki between students at the University of Padua and various American universities,

→ enabled students of English to collaborate on a variety of topics→ e.g. Recycling in Italy/the USA

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offer unlimited usage Now hosting over 3,400,000 members Learn more and

create your own classroom wiki

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Features and BenefitsEasy to use: Easy to manage:Full Integration: Branded: Secure: Proven:

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the free encyclopedia 3,109,417 articles in EnglishWikipedia is written collaboratively by an in

ternational group of volunteers.Anyone with internet access can write and

make changes to Wikipedia articles.

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釋義 長遠;永久。 《書 · 君奭》:「我亦不敢寧於上帝命,弗永遠念天威。」 《儒林外史》第二五回:「今欲有憑,立此過繼文書,永遠存照。」 楊朔 《英雄的時代》:「他們勇敢、堅韌,永遠不向困難低頭。」

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譯語 名詞 意大利語 : eternità 英語 : eternity 西班牙語 : eternidad 德語 : Ewige,

Ewigkeit 法語 : éternité 葡萄牙語 :


形容詞 意大利語 : eterno 英語 : eternal 西班牙語 : eterno 德語 : ewig 法語 : éternel 葡萄牙語 : eterno 副詞 英語 : forever 泰語 : นิรนัดร,์ ตลอดกาล

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References http://web20andlanguagelearning.wikidot.com/wikis





* 如有侵權 敬請告知 謝謝 *