Building Resilient Services in Go GopherCon Korea 2015 15 August 2015 장재휴 Developer, Purpleworks

Building resilient services in go

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Building Resilient Services in GoGopherCon Korea 201515 August 2015

장재휴Developer, Purpleworks

Who am I


Ruby, C#, Go, etc.




1. Careful Coding

1. Careful Coding: #Error Handling & Clean-up

First Example

resourceA, err := OpenResourceA()if err != nil { return nil, err}defer resourceA.Close()

What About nil?

Be Careful!

// can return nil, and that's not an error!resourceA, err := OpenResourceA()if err != nil { return nil, err}defer resourceA.Close() // panic on nil????

One Solution:

// can return nil, and that's not an error!resourceA, err := OpenResourceA()if err != nil { return nil, err}defer func(){ if resourceA != nil { resourceA.Close() }}()

Make deferred Methods nil-Safe

// Don't forget: resource might be nil!func (resource *Resource) Close() { if resource != nil { // ... clean up }}

Much Better!

// can return nil, and that's not an error!resourceA, err := OpenResourceA()if err != nil { return nil, err}defer resourceA.Close() // will never panic!

1. Careful Coding: #Channels

Channel Axioms

1. A send to a nil channel blocks forever 2. A receive from a nil channel blocks forever 3. A send to a closed channel panics 4. A receive from a closed channel returns the zero value immediately


1.Careful Coding: #Panics

Panicking Code

func main() { fmt.Println(divide(1, 0))}

func divide(a, b int) int { return a / b} Run

You Can Recover From Panics

func main() { fmt.Println("result: ", divide(1, 0))}

func divide(a, b int) int { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } }() return a / b} Run

Recovering Block

func protect(g func()) { defer func() { log.Println("done")

if err := recover(); err != nil { log.Printf("run time panic: %v", err) } }() log.Println("start") g()}func main() { protect(func() { fmt.Println(divide(4, 0)) })} Run

1. Careful Coding: #Avoid Race Conditions!

Go's Race Detector:

Reports when variable access is not synchronized

Crashes with a full stack trace, including the read and write goroutines

Should be used in unit tests, development, and testing environments

Race Condition Code

func main() { c := make(chan bool) m := make(map[string]string) go func() { m["1"] = "a" // First conflicting access. c <- true }() m["2"] = "b" // Second conflicting access. <-c for k, v := range m { fmt.Println(k, v) }} Run

Race Detector Output:

$ go run -race race.go

==================WARNING: DATA RACEWrite by goroutine 5: runtime.mapassign1() /usr/local/go/src/runtime/hashmap.go:383 +0x0 main.func·001() /go/src/github.com/jaehue/go-talk/gophercon-korea-2015/race.go:10 +0xa3

Previous write by main goroutine: runtime.mapassign1() /usr/local/go/src/runtime/hashmap.go:383 +0x0 main.main() /go/src/github.com/jaehue/go-talk/gophercon-korea-2015/race.go:13 +0x22e

Goroutine 5 (running) created at: main.main() /go/src/github.com/jaehue/go-talk/gophercon-korea-2015/race.go:12 +0x1ac==================2 b1 aFound 1 data race(s)exit status 66

Enable Race Detection:

$ go test -race mypkg // to test the package$ go run -race mysrc.go // to run the source file$ go build -race mycmd // to build the command$ go install -race mypkg // to install the package

1. Careful Coding: #Implement Timeouts

Network Timeouts:

network dial timeout

network connection inactivity timeout

total connection timeout


2. Know Your Service

2. Know Your Service: #How Does It Use Memory?

Profile It! (https://github.com/wblakecaldwell/profiler)

simplechat.jang.io/profiler/info.html (http://simplechat.jang.io/profiler/info.html)

What to Watch

How much memory does the service use when idle?

How much memory per connection?

Does the system reclaim memory that's no longer used?

What's the garbage collector doing? GODEBUG=gctrace=1

Where is memory allocated? (PPROF)

2. Know Your Service: #PPROF

"PPROF" Inspects Your Running Process

Blocking profile

Goroutine count and full stacktraces

Heap profile

Stacktraces that lead to thread creations

Enabling PPROF:

import ( _ "net/http/pprof" "net/http")

func main() { http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil) // ...}

PPROF Main Page

simplechat.jang.io/debug/pprof (http://simplechat.jang.io/debug/pprof)

Use PPROF To Tell You:

How many goroutines when nobody is connected?

How many goroutines per connection?

Are all goroutines cleaned up after all connections close?

PPROF: Goroutine Page

PPROF: From the Command Line

What Are Your GoRoutines Doing?

$ go tool pprof ./simple-chat http://simplechat.jang.io/debug/pprof/goroutine

Fetching profile from http://simplechat.jang.io/debug/pprof/goroutineSaved profile in /Users/jaehuejang/pprof/pprof.simple-chat.simplechat.jang.io.goroutine.002.pb.gzEntering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)

(pprof) top 109 of 9 total ( 100%)Showing top 10 nodes out of 34 (cum >= 1) flat flat% sum% cum cum% 7 77.78% 77.78% 7 77.78% runtime.gopark 1 11.11% 88.89% 1 11.11% runtime.notetsleepg 1 11.11% 100% 1 11.11% runtime/pprof.writeRuntimeProfile 0 0% 100% 1 11.11% github.com/wblakecaldwell/profiler.func·001 0 0% 100% 1 11.11% github.com/wblakecaldwell/profiler.func·002 0 0% 100% 1 11.11% github.com/wblakecaldwell/profiler.func·003 0 0% 100% 1 11.11% main.main 0 0% 100% 1 11.11% net.(*TCPListener).AcceptTCP 0 0% 100% 1 11.11% net.(*netFD).accept 0 0% 100% 1 11.11% net.(*pollDesc).Wait(pprof) web

PPROF: From the Command Line - Visualizer

Who's Allocating Heap Memory?

$ go tool pprof ./simple-chat http://simplechat.jang.io/debug/pprof/heap

Fetching profile from http://simplechat.jang.io/debug/pprof/heapSaved profile in /Users/jaehuejang/pprof/pprof.simple-chat.simplechat.jang.io.inuse_objects.inuse_space.002.pb.gzEntering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)

(pprof) top 51537.45kB of 1537.45kB total ( 100%)Dropped 3 nodes (cum <= 7.69kB) flat flat% sum% cum cum% 512.75kB 33.35% 33.35% 512.75kB 33.35% encoding/gob.encComplex64Array 512.56kB 33.34% 66.69% 1537.45kB 100% [simple-chat] 512.14kB 33.31% 100% 512.14kB 33.31% encoding/gob.(*Decoder).typeString 0 0% 100% 1025.31kB 66.69% encoding/gob.buildTypeInfo 0 0% 100% 512.14kB 33.31% encoding/gob.newTypeObject(pprof) web

Who's Allocating Heap Memory? - Visualizer

2. Know Your Service: #Watch It Run

/info Endpoint

{ Version: "1.0.275-b244a2b9b8-20150202.163449", StartTimeEpochSecs: 1430515329, CurrentTimeEpocSecs: 143117131, Uptime: "167h10m2s"}

simplechat.jang.io/info (http://simplechat.jang.io/info)

Managing Service Version

Version: "1.0.275-b244a2b9b8-20150202.163449"

Which is:

<major>.<minor>.<commit#>-<Git SHA>-<date>.<time>

Managing Service Version

Version is stored in a global variable, set by your build script

In code:

var ServiceVersion string

Build script:

$ go build -ldflags \> "-X main.ServiceVersion 1.0.231.fd80bea-20150814.160801"

2. Know Your Service: #Keep Good Logs!

Keep Good Logs!

Create a semi-unique string per request

Use this request string as a prefix in all log entries

Always log at least the start and end of a request

2. Know Your Service: #Connection Status

Who's Currently Connected?

/connections Endpoint

{ CurrentUserCount: 1, CurrentlyAuthenticatedUsers: [ { Addr: "", Name: "장재휴", SessionDuration: "3m4s" } ]}


Thank you

장재휴Developer, [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

http://blog.remotty.com/ (http://blog.remotty.com/)