Chris&an Galvin – US Sales Director, Mobile Apps October 24, 2013 User Acquisi5on & Discovery – Why a cohesive approach provides the best results

Fiksu presentation at AppConext: User Acquisition and Discovery-Why a Cohesive Approach Provides the Best Results

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Page 1: Fiksu presentation at AppConext: User Acquisition and Discovery-Why a Cohesive Approach Provides the Best Results

Chris&an  Galvin  –  US  Sales  Director,  Mobile  Apps  October  24,  2013    

User  Acquisi5on  &  Discovery  –  Why  a  cohesive  approach  provides  the  best  results  

Page 2: Fiksu presentation at AppConext: User Acquisition and Discovery-Why a Cohesive Approach Provides the Best Results

Chris5an  Galvin  US  Sales  Director,  Mobile  Apps  

Fiksu,  Inc.  @5xlist  @fiksu  

Page 3: Fiksu presentation at AppConext: User Acquisition and Discovery-Why a Cohesive Approach Provides the Best Results

About  Fiksu    

500  CLIENTS  

1800  APPS  

300%      YEAR  OVER  YEAR  GROWTH    

 Global  Footprint:  8  worldwide  offices  in  Boston,  San  Francisco,  Europe  and  Asia.    Clients  include:  •  Leading  eCommerce  brands  •  World  class  brand  marketers  •  33  of  the  Top  50  grossing  game  publishers    

200  PEOPLE  


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•  The  Opportuni5es  •  The  Challenges  •  Best  Prac5ces  for  Success  •  Case  Studies  •  Choose  a  Proven  Technology  Partner  •  Ques5ons  

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The  Opportuni5es  

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$100  Billion  Dollar  Mobile  App  Economy  

Shipments  of    connected  devices  

1  billion  units    in  2012  

Apple    ~20x  more    iOS  devices  than    

Macs  in  Q4    

IDC  Worldwide    Dec  2012  


Mobile  app  &  ad    revenue  combined    

for  over    

$19  billion    in  2012  

$74  billion    in  revenue  will    be  generated    by  mobile  apps    

in  2016.    

GARTNER    Market  trends    Aug,  2012  

Apple  and    Google  Play    app  store  

 downloads  topped  

102  billion  in  2013    GARTNER  Sept  2013  

MARY  MEEKER  "2012  KPCB  Internet    

Trends  Year-­‐End  Update"  

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87%  of  consumer  5me  spent  in  mobile…  is  in  apps  •  Games,  news,  produc5vity,  u5lity,  

communica5ons,  social  networking…    


13%  of  consumer  5me  is  spent  in  mobile  web  •  In  browser,  surfing  the  web,  

emula5ng  the  desktop  experience.  


Consumers  Prefer  Apps  

Source:  Nielsen  

Men:  25  h  53  m  

Women:  28  h  7  m  

Men:  4  h  1  m  

Women:  4  h  23  m  



Mobile  Web  

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Mobile  Apps  –  Strategic  Advantages  Mul5-­‐event  marke5ng      Pre-­‐download  •  Impression,  click,  App  Store  landing  page  >>>  download    

Post-­‐download  •  Persistent  device  presence  •  Immersive  in-­‐app  experience  &  engagement  •  Ongoing  push  no5fica5ons  

Overall  •  Undervalued  •  Consumer  preference  •  Growing  not  disappearing  

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Desktop  /  App  Cost  Comparison  

Client   Scope   Cost  Per  Download  

Example  Desktop  AdWords  Click  

Global  Sports  Brand   Global:  iOS   $.64   $1.08  Large  CE  Brand   Global:  Android   $.57   $1.36  Fast  Casual  Chain   US:  iOS  &  Android   $.24   $.85  

Fiksu  Cost  per  Loyal  User  Index  

Source:  Fiksu  

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The  Challenges  

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Big  Opportunity  –  Big  Challenges  

•  1.8M  apps  in  Apple  App  Store  &  Google  Play  •  Top  25  developers  control  >  50%  app  store  revenues    

(CANALSYS,  DEC  2012)  •  Average  user:  has  40  apps,  but  regularly  uses  only  15    


•  26%  of  all  app  downloads  are  used  only  once    (LOCALYTICS,  MAR  2011)  

•  Measurement  &  ROI:  Is  the  biggest  mobile  marke5ng  challenge  –    cited  42%  of  survey  respondents    (FORRESTER  RESEARCH,  SEPT  2012)  

•  Fragmenta&on:    a  complex  ecosystem  full  of  disparate  point  products  •  (  

“Consumers  have  never  been  more  connected  –  but  it’s  never  been  harder  to  connect  with  them.”    –  Tom  Daly,  Coca-­‐Cola  

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Fragmented  Mobile  App  Marke5ng  Ecosystem  

Source:  Luma  Partners  

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Mobile  App  Marketer’s  Dilemma  

•  The  big  ques5on:    “How  to  succeed?”  •  How  do  I  get  loyal  users  -­‐  those  most  likely  to  mone5ze  -­‐  at  scale?  •  What’s  the  “ideal”  ranking  to  achieve  in  the  App  Store?  •  How  do  I  achieve  that  rank?  •  How  much  does  it  cost?  •  Which  traffic  sources  deliver  the  best  results?  •  How  do  I  get  visibility  to  my  ROI?  

Whether  NEW  to  app  markeHng  or  a  Seasoned  Veteran    ALL  ParHcipants  face  similar  issues!  

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1.  Strategic  goal  serng  2.  Maximize  organic  lis  through  op5mal  App  Store  rank  3.  Incorporate  vast  global  media  inventory  4.  Support  all  forms  of  atribu5on  &  measure  everything  5.  Learn  from  the  past  6.  Let  big  data  drive  op5miza5on  7.  Op5mize  on  all  event  types  and  generate  downloads  from  loyal  users  8.  U5lize  real  5me  bidding  (RTB)  9.  Take  advantage  of  social  media  10.  Create  strategies  for  peak  periods  

User  Acquisi5on  Best  Prac5ces  

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Strategic  Goal  Serng  Not  Strategic  

•  Launching  an  app  •  Achieving  specific  category  or  overall  App  Store  rank  •  Genera5ng  100K  or  1  Million  downloads  

Strategic  •  Aligning  mobile  app  objec5ves  with  your  primary  business  purpose  

-­‐  “Mobile  first”  mentality  •  Integra5ng  mobile  app  marke5ng  into  your  overall  mix  •  Understanding  mobile  app  new  revenue,  revenue  protec5on  &  margin  

contribu5ons    •  Adjus5ng  marke5ng  budgets  &  spend  in  accordance  with  contribu5ons  

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Maximize  Organic  Lis  Through    Op5mal  App  Store  Rank  

•  Organic  lis:      organic  downloads  driven  by  ad  spend  •  Goals  based  on  rank:  

•  Best  cost/organic  download  •  Maximize  volume  •  Quality  of  organic  users  

•  Key  variables  to  track:  •  Overall  app  rank  •  Category,  sub-­‐category  rank  •  App  ra5ngs  

Cost  >  Benefit  

Op5mal  ROI  

Insufficient  volume  

#1  .  .  .  .  .  –  .  .  .  .  .  .  –  .  .  .  .  .  XX  


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Incorporate  Vast  Global  Media  Inventory  

Non-­‐Incent  Networks  &  Aggregators   Social  

Publisher  Direct  

Example:  Fiksu  reaches  250  billion  iOS  and  Android  impressions  per  month…  sHll  hungry  

RTB  Exchanges  Incen5vized  

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Incorporate  Vast  Global  Media  Inventory  Change  is  Rapid  •  Networks  owning  

considerable  share  can  change  virtually  overnight  

Need  to  be  nimble    •  Adver5sers  need  to  be    

able  to  shis  media  spend  rapidly  to  find  the  best  traffic  sources.  and  respond  

Change  Con5nues  •  As  noted,  change  is  

ongoing.  Find  a  partner  that  can  respond    

2013  5%  


2012  10%  Share  

2012  0%  


2011  30%  Share  

2011  60%  Share  

Share  Volume  by  Network  

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Support  All  Forms  of  Atribu5on  –    and  Measure  Everything  

Device  Iden&fier  

HTML  5  Cookie  

Digital  Fingerprin&ng  

Android  Referrer  

Apple  Adver5sing  Iden5fier,    Facebook  ID,  MAC  Address,  IMEEI  and  others  

Takes  “digital  fingerprint”  of  configura5on.  Matches  configura5on  at  5me  of  conversion  


Small  file  stored  in  local  storage  (“cookie-­‐like”)  Requires  a  redirect  to  Safari  Browser,  

Standard  Google  Play  atribu5on  methodd  

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Learn  from  the  Past  

Receiving  over  5%  of  iOS  app  launches  worldwide  

 Mobile  Event  Data  infrastructure  

•   130  Billion  Marke5ng  Events  per  Month  •   Tracked  110  Billion  Launches  


Fiksu  ‘Knowledge  Base’:  Mobile  User  Profile  Store  

•   300  Million  Unique  iOS  User  Profiles  •   100  Million  Unique  Android  User  Profiles  


Billions  of  historical  markeHng  data  points  AutomaHcally  acHonable  for  current  and  future  markeHng  /  ad  buying  decisions  in  real  Hme  


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Let  Big  Data  Drive  Op5miza5on  •  For  op5mal  ad  spend,  take  a  “Big  Data”  approach  to  op5miza5on.    

•  Consider  an  ad  program  with:  –  5  crea5ves  –  4  sizes  each  –  3  networks  with  thousands  of  publishers  –  10  countries  –  3  devices  –  2  opera5ng  systems  

•  Mul5ply  by  thousands  of  poten5al  combina5ons  to  iden5fy  what’s  driving  best  results.  

•  Requires  an  op5miza5on  engine  that  considers  all  data  in  every  possible  combina5on.  

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Op5mize  Based  On  All  Event  Types  &  Generate  Downloads  from  Loyal  Users  

Op5mize    on  Downloads  

Op5mize    on  loyal  users-­‐  Up  to  3x    performance  

“Expanded  loyal  user  base          while  reducing  cost  to  acquire        loyal  users  by  50%;  achieved  #2                in  iOS  ProducHvity  category.”      –  Cole  Mercer,  Director  of  Marke5ng,  Lemon  

Atribute  post-­‐download  ac5ons  driving  your  business  

Tie  ac5ons  back  to  points  of  origin  


Tightly  couple  to  op5miza5on  for  best  performance  

App  Launches   Purchases   Registra5ons   Online  &  Physical  Sales  

Media  Sources   Crea5ve   Device  Type   Geography  

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U5lize  Real-­‐Time  Bidding  

RTB  exchanges:  the  most  transparent  way  to  buy  media    

•  Purchasing  more  directly  from  publisher  

•  Delivers  best  price/performance  

•  Many  adver5sers  do  not  access  this  inventory  

•  Integrate  op5miza5on  and  atribu5on  directly    with  RTB  Exchanges  to  ensure  efficiency  

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Take  Advantage  of  Social  Media    •  To  date:  Facebook  and  Twiter  only  concrete  

success  stories  for  mobile  app  marke5ng  •  Facebook    

–  Ad  types  specific  to  apps  –  Powerful  targe5ng  op5ons  

•  Twiter  –  Sponsored  tweets  –  Celebrity  tweets  

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Facebook:  The  Opportunity  •  Audience  size  (1.15B,  820M  on  mobile)  •  Mobile  usage  now  70%+  of  MAU  •  App-­‐specific  ad  unit  •  Segmenta5on  op5ons    

To  maximize  this  opportunity,  marketers  must  measure  downloads  and  loyal  usage  ac5ons.  

Your  choice  is  to  build  it  yourself  –  or  work  with  a  Facebook-­‐integrated  atribu5on  and  op5miza5on  partner  like  Fiksu.  

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Create  Strategies  for  Peak  Periods  Volume  and    cost  indexes  2012  

Thanksgiving,  Black  Friday,  Cyber  Monday  

New  Years  


11/30  App  Deadline  


App  Store  Freeze?  

iTunes  Connect  

4.57M   5.02M  6.01M  5.32M  $1.38   $1.29  $1.56  $1.67  November   December   January   February  

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Case  Studies  

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Personal  Capital  Summary  Personal  Capital,  an  innova5ve  financial  services  pla{orm  that  enables  customers  to  manage  their  financial  accounts,  seeks  to  acquire  high  quality  customers  with  over  $100K  in  inves5ble  assets.    

Approach:      •  Fiksu  effec5vely  op5mizes  Facebook  mobile  app  

install  ads.  •  Iden5fies  and  drives  high-­‐quality  target  users  at  scale.    

Results:    •  Acquired  users:    Increased  by  15X  •  Cost  per  acquisi&on:    Reduced  by  25%    


“Fiksu’s  success  in  driving  high  volumes  of  quality  users  has  had  a  transformaHve  impact  on  our  business.…idenHfying  the  right  qualified  users  and  reaching  them    in  quanHty  has  improved  our  ability  to  grow.”      —  Sam  Yount,  VP  Marke5ng    

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Large  Consumer  Packaged  Goods  Brand    Summary:  Branded  app,  part  of  mul5-­‐app  por{olio    

•  App  Engagements:  1.2  million    •  Cost  Per  Download:  $.15  •  Cost  Per  App  engagement:  $0.02  

 Plus:  Ten  million  pre-­‐download  impressions  Plus:  benefits  of  pervasive  on-­‐device  presence  

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Quick  Service  Restaurant  Chain  •  Sustained  program  to  establish  a  mobile  presence  for  its  brand  

suppor5ng  10,000  loca5ons  worldwide  •  Overall  Rank:  from  120  to  18  •  Downloads:  from  3k/day  to  30k/day    •  6.7M  app  engagements  •  Cost  per  download:  $.33  •  Cost  per  loyal  user:  $.82  •  Cost  per  app  engagement:  $0.07  

Plus:  750M  pre-­‐download  impressions  Plus:  benefit  of  pervasive  on-­‐device  presence  

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Choose  a  Proven  Technology  Partner  

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Fiksu:  Unique  Access  To  Inventory  

•  Media:    99%  of  available  worldwide  mobile  media  

•  Fiksu  KnowledgeBase:    Over  150  billion  in-­‐app  events  

•  FreeMyApps:  World’s  largest  rewards-­‐based  app  and  game  discovery  network  –  1.5  million  unique  users  

•  Facebook:  Integra5on  with  Facebook:  ad  buying  combined  with  Fiksu’s  op5miza5on  engine  

•  RTB:    Integra5on  with  real-­‐5me  bidding  exchanges  

•  One-­‐Source:  Centralized  media  buying  and  op5miza5on  through  Fiksu  

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Leverage  Technology  

•  U5lize  ALL  traffic  sources  •  Overcome  mobile  ad  tracking  challenges  •  Integrate  and  op5mize  across    

en5re  program  •  U5lize  massive  data  trove  of  app  ac5ons  •  Integrated  repor5ng  

You  Can  Build  It  or  You  Can  Buy  It    

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FreeMyApps  •  World’s  highest-­‐volume  app  discovery  network  

•  Community  of  1.6  million  highly  ac5ve  users  dedicated  to  discovering    new  games  

•  Over  quarter  million  engaged  Facebook  and  Twiter  users  

•  Consistent  record  of  delivering  100,000  users  within  72  hours—all    within  target  CPI  

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[email protected]  www.fiksu.com                  @fiksu  

Thank  You!    

Download  free  eBooks  and  white  papers  www.fiksu.com/ebooks