Introduction à Sinatra Rémi Prévost — ConFoo 2011

Introduction à Sinatra

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Page 1: Introduction à Sinatra

Introduction à

SinatraRémi Prévost — ConFoo 2011

Page 2: Introduction à Sinatra

Rémi Prévost

@remi + http://remiprevost.com

Développeur Web

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• Présentation• Installation• Utilisation• Déploiement


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Historiqueet possibilités

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2008Blake Mizerany & Adam Wiggins


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ProblèmeServices Web légers


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SolutionUn micro-framework


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Prototypesd’applications Web


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ApplicationsWeb complètes


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APIs« RESTful »


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AvantagesLes bons côtés

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$ gem install sinatra=> Successfully installed rack-1.2.1 Successfully installed tilt-1.2.2 Successfully installed sinatra-1.2.0

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# contenu de hello.rbrequire "sinatra"

get "/" do "Hello world."end

$ ruby -rubygems hello.rb=> == Sinatra/1.2 has taken the stage on 4567…

$ curl http://localhost:4567/=> Hello world.

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$ rails new blogue=> create README create Rakefile create config.ru create .gitignore create Gemfile create app …

$ du -hd0=> 428K .

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DésavantagesLes moins bons côtés

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• Fonctionnalités réduites• Expansion moins guidée• Documentation moins large


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RackInterface HTTP

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Frameworkpour frameworks


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# contenu de config.ruclass RackApp def call(env) [200, { "Content-type" => "text/html" }, "Hello world."] endend

run RackApp.new

$ rackup --env development=> INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=37743 port=9292

$ curl http://localhost:9292/=> Hello world.

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# contenu de config.rurequire "blogue"

run Blogue.new

# contenu de blogue.rbrequire "sinatra"

class Blogue < Sinatra::Base # Code l’application Sinatraend

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# contenu de config.rurequire "blogue"

run Sinatra::Application

# contenu de blogue.rbrequire "sinatra"

# Code l’application Sinatra au premier niveau

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RoutesLes directions

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RESTBasées sur les méthodes HTTP


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methode_http(route) { reponse }

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methode_http(route) { reponse }

get("/") { "Hello world." }

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StatiquesRoutes fixes


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get "/" do "Page principale du blogue"end

post "/admin/article" do "Création d’un nouvel article"end

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ParamètresRoutes variables


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get "/auteur/:username" do "Les billets de #{params[:username]}"end

delete "/articles/:id" do "Suppression de l’article #{params[:id]}"end

put "/articles/:id" do |id| "Modification de l’article #{id}"end

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Splat Routes avec « wildcards »


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get "/fichiers/*.*" do # GET /fichiers/images/2011/03/foo.jpg # params[:splat] => ["/images/2011/03/foo", ".jpg"]end

get "/*" do # GET /url/inconnu # params[:splat] => ["url/inconnu"] end

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RegexRoutes avec expressions


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get /^\/(\d{4})$/ do |annee| "Les articles de l’année #{annee}" # params["captures"] => [annee]end

get %r{^(\d{4})/(\d{2})$} do |annee, mois| "Les articles du mois #{mois} de #{annee}" # params["captures"] => [annee, mois]end

# seulement ruby 1.9get %r{^(?<annee>\d{4})/(?<mois>\d{2})$} do "Les articles du mois #{params[:mois]} de #{params[:annee]}"end

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ConditionsRoutes conditionnelles


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get "/", :agent => /msie [\w.]+/i do "Page d’accueil pour Internet Explorer"end

get "/" do "Page d’accueil pour les autres user-agents"end

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set(:secret) do |value| condition { params.include?(:secret) == value }end

get "/", :secret => true do "Page d’accueil secrète!"end

get "/" do "Page d’accueil régulière."end

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• methode_http(route) { reponse }• Paramètres (réguliers, regex, splat)• Conditions

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ExécutionPasser, arrêter ou filtrer

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Passerd’une route à la suivante


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get "/admin/dashboard" do pass unless authenticate! "Le tableau de bord secret"end

get "/admin/*" do "Vous semblez ne pas être identifié."end

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Arrêterl’exécution du code


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get "/admin/dashboard" do halt(401, "Vous voulez hacker ce blogue?") unless authenticate! "Le tableau de bord secret"end

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Filtreravant et après


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beforeAvant la route


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before "/admin/*" do halt(401, "Vous voulez hacker ce blogue?") unless authenticate!end

get "/admin/dashboard" do "Tableau de bord de quelqu’un d’authentifié"end

post "/admin/billets" do "Création d’un billet par quelqu’un d’authentifié"end

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before "/compte/*" do @user = User.find(session[:user_id])end

get "/compte/photo" do "Formulaire de modification de la photo de #{@user}"end

get "/compte/motdepasse" do "Formulaire de modification du mot de passe de #{@user}"end

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before :agent => /msie 6\.0/i do @message = "Vous utilisez un navigateur dépassé…"end

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afterAprès la route


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after "*" do headers "X-Secret-Data" => "LOL"end

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TemplatesLes vues

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Réponsescompatibles avec Rack


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get "/" do "Page principale du blogue"end

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get "/" do [200, "Page principale du blogue"]end

get "/api/articles.json" do [200, { "Content-type": "application/json" }, "[]"]end

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TiltTemplates à la demande


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get "/" do haml :indexend

get "/css/screen.css" do sass :screenend

get "/api/articles.xml" do nokogiri :"api/articles"end

get "/api/articles.json" do coffee :"api/articles"end

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Optionspour chaque engin


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get "/" do haml :index, :format => :html4end

get "/css/screen.css" do scss :screen, :style => :compressedend

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set :haml, :format => :html5, :ugly => trueset :scss, :style => :compressed

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InternesStockés dans le code Ruby


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enable :inline_templates

get "/" do haml :indexend


@@ layout!!!%html %body =yield

@@ index%h1 Bienvenue sur mon blogue.

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template :layout do "!!!\n%html\n%body\n=yield\n"end

template :index do "%h1 Bienvenue sur mon blogue."end

get "/" do haml :indexend

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get "/" do haml "!!!\n%body Bienvenue sur mon blogue."end

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ExternesStockés en tant que fichiers


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get "/" do haml :index # /views/index.hamlend

get "/css/screen.css" do sass :screen # /views/screen.sassend

get "/api/articles.xml" do builder :"api/articles"# /views/api/articles.builderend

get "/api/articles.json" do coffee :"api/articles" # /views/api/articles.coffeeend

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set :views, Proc.new { File.join(root, "templates") }

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LayoutTemplate commun


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get "/" do haml :index # template: views/index.haml # layout: views/layout.hamlend

get "/article/:id" do @article = Article.find(params[:id]) markdown :article, :layout_engine => :haml # template: views/article.markdown # layout: views/layout.hamlend

get "/ajax/article/:id.html" do @article = Article.find(params[:id]) haml :article, :layout => false # template: views/article.haml # layout: n/aend

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DonnéesLes utiliser dans les templates


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get "/" do @articles = Article.all haml :indexend

-# contenu de index.haml.hfeed - @articles.each do |article| .entry %h1= article.titre .entry-content = markdown(article.contenu)

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get "/" do articles = Article.all haml :index, :locals => { :articles => articles }end

-# contenu de index.haml.hfeed - articles.each do |article| .entry %h1= article.titre .entry-content = markdown(article.contenu)

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get "/" do @articles = Article.all haml :indexend

-# contenu de index.haml.hfeed - @articles.each do |article| .entry = haml :article, :locals => { :article => article }

-# contenu de article.haml.entry %h1= article.titre .entry-content = markdown(article.contenu)

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HelpersUtilitaires disponibles partout


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helpers do def heading(level, text) "<h#{level}>#{text}</h#{level}>" endend

%h1 Derniers articles%ul.articles - @articles.each do |article| %li =heading(2, article.title)

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helpers do def link_to(path, text) path = "#{request.host}#{path}" if request.xhr? "<a href=\"#{path}\">#{text}</a>" endend

def other_link_to(path, text) # n’a pas accès à `request` "<a href=\"#{path}\">#{text}</a>"end

%h1 Bienvenue%p= link_to "/", "Accueil"%p= other_link_to "/", "Accueil encore"

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• Tilt• Options• Internes + Externes• Données• Helpers

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Configurationet environnements

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Globaleà tous les environnements


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configure do DataMapper.setup :default, ENV["DATABASE_URL"] DataMapper::Pagination.defaults[:per_page] = 20 DataMapper::Logger.new $stdout, :debugend

get "/" do @articles = Article.all haml :indexend

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Spécifiqueà un environnement


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$ shotgun --env development== Shotgun/WEBrick on

$ thin start --env production>> Thin web server (v1.2.8 codename Black Keys)>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop

$ rackup --env development=> INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=37743 port=9292

$ rackup --env production=> INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=37743 port=9292

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configure :development do set :scss, :style => :expanded set :haml, :ugly => falseend

configure :production do set :scss, :style => :compressed set :haml, :ugly => trueend

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configure :development, :test do set :s3, { :bucket => "blogue-dev", :key => "efg456" }end

configure :production do set :s3, { :bucket => "blogue", :key => "abc123" }end

get "/" do "La valeur de s3/bucket est de #{settings.s3[:bucket]}"end

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Erreursgérées comme des routes

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not_found do "Cette page n’a pu être trouvée"end

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not_found do haml :erreurend

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HTTPCodes d’erreurs standards


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error 403 do haml :"erreurs/interdit"end

error 405..500 do haml :"erreurs/autre"end

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error UnauthenticatedUser do haml :"erreurs/non_authentifie"end

before "/admin/*" do raise UnauthenticatedUser unless authenticate!end

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Fichierset téléchargements

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$ tree .=> "## blogue.rb "## config.ru "## public    "## css    %   &## screen.css    &## js    &## global.js

$ curl http://localhost:9292/css/screen.css=> …

$ curl http://localhost:9292/js/global.js=> …

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set :public, Proc.new { File.join(root, "fichiers/statiques") }

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Téléchargementsde fichiers


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get "/live/report.txt" do # Construction dynamique du fichier /tmp/report.txt # … send_file "/tmp/report.txt", :type => :attachmentend

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Sessionset cookies

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SessionsDonnées temporaires encryptées


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enable :sessions

before "/admin/*" do unless session[:admin] halt "Vous devez être <a href=\"/login\">connecté</a>." endend

get "/login" do haml :loginend post "/login" do if params[:username] == "foo" and params[:password] == "bar" session[:admin] = true redirect "/admin" endend

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CookiesDonnées persistantes


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before do unless request.cookies.include?("deja_venu_ici") response.set_cookies("deja_venu_ici", { :value => true, :expires => Time.now + (60*60*24*365) }) @nouveau_visiteur = true endend

get "/" do haml :index # peut utiliser @nouveau_visiteurend

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TestsVérifier le fonctionnement

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Rack::TestTests pour applications Rack


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$ gem install rack-test=> Successfully installed rack-test-0.5.7

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require "blogue"require "test/unit"require "rack/test"

class BlogueTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Rack::Test::Methods

def app; Blogue; end

def test_page_accueil get "/" assert_equal "Page d’accueil du blogue", last_response.body end


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require "blogue"require "test/unit"require "rack/test"

class BlogueTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Rack::Test::Methods

def app; Blogue; end

def test_redirection_mauvais_acces_au_tableau_de_bord get "/admin/dashboard" assert_equal "/admin/login", last_request.url assert last_response.ok? end

def test_redirection_connexion_au_tableau_de_bord post "/admin/login", :username => "foo", :password => "bar" assert_equal "/admin/dashboard", last_request.url assert last_response.ok? end


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$ ruby test.rb=> Loaded suite test Started .. Finished in 0.009936 seconds. 2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

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Déploiementd’une application

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BundlerGestionnaire de gems


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# Contenu de config.rurequire "rubygems"require "sinatra"require "haml"require "dm-core"

require "blogue"

run Blogue.new

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$ gem install sinatra dm-core haml=> Successfully installed rack 1.2.1 Successfully installed tilt-1.2.2 Successfully installed sinatra-1.1.3 Successfully installed extlib-0.9.15 Successfully installed dm-core-1.0.2 Successfully installed haml-3.0.25

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$ gem install bundler=> Successfully installed bundler-1.0.10

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# Contenu du fichier Gemfilesource "http://rubygems.org"

gem "sinatra"gem "haml"gem "dm-core", "~> 1.0"

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$ bundle install --path .bundle/gems=> Fetching source index for http://rubygems.org/ Installing addressable (2.2.4) Installing extlib (0.9.15) Installing dm-core (1.0.2) Installing haml (3.0.25) Installing rack (1.2.1) Installing tilt (1.2.2) Installing sinatra (1.1.3) Using bundler (1.0.10) Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./bundle/gems

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# Contenu de config.rurequire "bundler"Bundler.require

require "blogue"

run Blogue.new

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$ bundle exec rackup=> INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=22866 port=9292

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HerokuPlateforme de déploiement


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$ gem install heroku=> Successfully installed configuration-1.2.0 Successfully installed launchy-0.3.7 Successfully installed heroku-1.17.16 3 gems installed

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$ git init=> Initialized empty Git repository in /Code/blogue/.git/

$ echo ".bundle" > .gitignore

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$ heroku create blogue=> Creating blogue.... done http://blogue.heroku.com/ | [email protected]:blogue.git Git remote heroku added

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$ git add .$ git commit -m "Initial commit"$ git push heroku master=> Counting objects: 14, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done. Writing objects: 100% (14/14), 1.81 KiB, done. Total 14 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)

-----> Heroku receiving push -----> Sinatra app detected -----> Gemfile detected, running Bundler version 1.0.7 Unresolved dependencies detected; Installing... … Your bundle is complete! Compiled slug size is 924K -----> Launching... done http://blogue.heroku.com deployed to Heroku

To [email protected]:blogue.git * [new branch] master -> master

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RésuméSinatra en bref

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RackCompatible avec tout (!)


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Routesorientées « REST »


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Sessions,cookies, tests, filtres, etc.


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Déploiementfacile avec Bundler


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RésuméSinatra en bref

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• sinatrarb.com• sinatra-book.gittr.com/• peepcode.com/products/sinatra• irc.freenode.net/sinatra (IRC)• github.com/remiprev/nid (exemple)


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