Carie Lewis, Director of Emerging Media #CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls [ How To: Nonprofit Social Media]

Nonprofit Social Media - CrushIQ Conference

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Carie Lewis, Director of Emerging Media#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

[ How To: Nonprofit Social Media]

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My name is Carie, and I’m a social media addict.

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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“I just got a keychain and address labels in the mail from you guys. Now that I see you posting on Facebook and know you're legit, I'll be sending a donation. Thanks for the work you do.”

– Posted to our Facebook Page wall, January 2010

[ The Times, They Are A Changin’… ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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[ HSUS’ Social Media Strategy ]

• Be where people are• Stay on top of latest trends• Research new opportunities• Train staff • Have guidelines• Take an integrated approach• Measure everything!• Executive participation• Showcase successes• Listen• Don’t be afraid to fail• Learn from mistakes

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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“Social media is free… free like a puppy.”

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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[ How We’re Structured]

Lara KochMobile Communications Manager

Mobile technology initiatives

Carie LewisDirector of Emerging Media

project management and strategy

Ellen PascaleSocial Marketing Specialist

Social networking and advertising

Sarah BarnettEmerging Media Manager

Response and volunteer coordination

Sarah ButlerEmerging Media InternAdministrative Support

Anne HoganEmerging Media Specialist

Blogger outreach, monitoring

Online Volunteers

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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[ Facebook Structure ]

Facebook Fan Pagefor businesses, organizations, public figures

official HSUS presence – only one

Facebook Causesfor specific movements

each campaign can have many

Facebook Profilea real person

each person has one – but only one

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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[ Where We Are ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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[ Goals ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

• Everything we do online is tied to advocacy and fundraising

• Our social media program is no exception• We just add a customer service component• We also have social media-specific metrics which show

growth• The program complements and works in conjunction

with our website and email• Take an integrated approach – social media is not a

silver bullet

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[ Measurement ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

Success is no longer just about how many friends

you have.

Do those friends do what you want them to?

• Sign advos and petitions• Donate• Recruit friends• Share your content• Subscribe to your email list

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[ Getting Started: 4 Principles of Social Media ]

#1 : Listen• Before you jump into the fire, see what people are

saying about you.• Pay attention to where they are talking about you.• Are these people your members? Donors?• Set up searches for your name, acronym, campaigns,

staff• Start with Kurrently for Facebook,Tweetdeck for Twitter,

Google alerts for blogs and websites

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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[ Getting Started: 4 Principles of Social Media ]

#2 : Build Your Base• Too many people post without taking the time to build their fan

base. Otherwise you’re talking to no one!• Build a loyal following before you start to ask for anything• Link to your page in all relevant webpages, emails• Participate in conversations related to your work• Use tagging and create events to get into newsfeeds• Enable sharing tools on every piece of your content• Do not disable features like the wall, it defeats the purpose!• Use Facebook ads – the viral nature brings a good ROI

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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[ Getting Started: 4 Principles of Social Media ]

#3 : Posting• Don’t post just to post, but don’t let your page go stale.• Post when you have breaking news, something for people to do,

or something you think they’ll find interesting and want to share• A good rule is 1-3 times a week, and not more than once a day

unless it’s urgent• Remember – you are not the most important thing in someone’s

newsfeed. It’s very easy to “Unlike” you!• Don’t beat people over the head with asks – make it fun• Keep people on Facebook• Do not post the same thing to every network

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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[ Getting Started: 4 Principles of Social Media ]

#4: Engage• You cannot create a fan page and walk away. The community will

not fend for itself.• Don’t just post what you want to post and ignore feedback.• You must watch the comment strings and “Most Recent” section

of your fan page and respond accordingly• Monitor your page daily to delete spam / violations• Watch your unsubscribes, comments, and feedback stats and

tailor your content to what people like / dislike• Use polls and questions. Ask people what they think!• Answer and thank everyone.

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

1 – Have a Commenting Policy on your Facebook page.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

2 – Answer everyone.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

3 – Read industry publications EVERY DAY.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

4 – Look up your organization on Facebook Causes.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

5 – Set up Google Alerts and Tweetbeep notifications.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

6 – Make every single piece of your content shareable.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

7 – Create a content calendar.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

8 – Develop a custom landing tab for your Facebook page.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

9 – Divide your Facebook page but allow posts by others.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

10 – Set up Tweetdeck columns for related terms.

Get REAL serious with dual monitors.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

11 – Participate in and create your own memes.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

12 – Get your executive team on social networks.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

13 – Don’t post too much… or too little.

You don’t want to annoy people but you don’t want your page to go stale. Regardless, you should visit your page

everyday to answer questions and get rid of spam or content that violates your commenting policy.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

14 – Craft the message for the medium.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

14 – Post a variety of types of content.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

15 – Integrate with your website and email.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

16 – Participate elsewhere on Facebook as your page.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

17 – Close the loop.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

18 – Ask for opinions, experiences, and feedback.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

19 – Be timely.

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[ 20 Social Media Tactics You Should Steal ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

20 – Localize your content to make it more relevant.

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[ Final Thought: ]

#CRUSHIQ // @cariegrls

“You may not have time for social media,But social media has plenty of time for your org.”

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[ Thank you! ]

[email protected]@cariegrls