Saft Gudberg K Jonsson

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S A F TSAFT - Samfélag, fjölskylda og tækni, er vakningarátak um örugga netnotkun barna og unglinga á Íslandi.

Verkefnið er hluti af Safer Internet Action Plan, aðgerðaáætlun Evrópusambandsins um öruggari netnotkun og er styrkt af ESB. Samningsaðili við ESB er menntamálaráðuneytið sem hefur falið Heimili og skóla - landssamtökum foreldra að annast útfærslu og framkvæmd verkefnisins að öllu leyti fyrir Íslands hönd.

SAFT er í samstarfi við önnur lönd í Evrópu og deilir með þeim upplýsingum, aðferðafræði og þekkingu. Markmiðið er að til verði sameiginlegur evrópskur sjóður þekkingar og aðferðafræði á þessu sviði sem styður hið jákvæða og hamlar gegn neikvæðum hliðum upplýsingatækninnar.

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Computer Game CampaignPrior to the campaign SAFT conducted a national survey on children’s computer and online game use. A brochure for parents on computer games and the PEGI rating system was published in cooperation with The Association of Film Rights Holders in Iceland and with support from Microsoft Iceland. The brochure was distributed through the elementary schools for every school child in Iceland to take home to their parents. At the same time advertising banners appeared on buses driving around Iceland’s capital, Reykjavík, web banners on selected websites, and animation advertisements were shown in film theatres and on television. Newspaper articles on computer games and rating were published in the main newspapers in Iceland. A national survey, on the knowledge of video game labelling before and after the awareness campaign demonstrated that about 36% of the population buy video games for children and teenagers. Before the campaign 75% of the total population said that they always looked at the age label before buying a video game. After the campaign the total number had risen to 83%, with women being more likely to check labels than men. The study also showed a 35% increase in the knowledge of the PEGI rating system among those who said the bought computer games for children.

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AUGA – an "all media campaign on net-ethics"Prior to the campaign SAFT conducted a national survey on various concepts related to the concerns of the general population on online conduct. Teenagers were involved in designing the message. The campaign was a huge success. In the first week of the campaign SAFT reached over 70% of the total population in Iceland, through TV, radio, newspapers and online media. A post national Gallup poll indicated the over 99% of those that had noticed the campaign thought it had a very positive message and that it got them thinking, in more depth, about online conduct. A leaflet and poster with 5 advices on good online conduct was published and distributed throughout the school system during the AUGA “all media campaign on net-ethics”. Many teachers used the opportunity to discuss net-ethics with their students and three schools (on different school levels) chose "net-ethics" as a theme for plays they set up in the second largest theater in Iceland and which was open to the public. The campaign, and the content of the leaflet/poster, generated a lot of media coverage in all media and in the online blog and chat communities.

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Hefur þú fengið einhverja kennslu í skólanum um notkun Internetsins?

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Hver er þín reynsla af því að nota Internetið við skólaverkefnin?

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Hvað var kennt um notkun Netsins í skólanum?

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Hvað var kennt um notkun Netsins í skólanum?

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Hafa kennarar heyrt um eða notað saft.is?



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