Art of Eternal Rest Travel on the Italian and French cemeteries. When before art and history the death recedes

Klemiat nadejda turizm_kurs_5

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Art of Eternal Rest

Travel on the Italian and French cemeteries. When before art

and history the death recedes

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Purpose: to draw attention of travelers to heritage of various

countries and cultures of Europe as to joint heritage of mankind

•We will visit such countries as Italy


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A little history will add rest in Italy

Staglieno cemetery

• Staglieno cemetery - one of sights of the city of Genova. Staglieno is one of the biggest cemeteries in Europe and it is located on the square more than one square kilometer. This cemetery - the real museum. Here long since buried the Genoa rich men, and over their graves the well-known architects and sculptors of Italy erected tombs, statues, sculptural groups, bas-reliefs. The cemetery still isn't closed though officially it was open on January 1, 1851, more than 15 centuries ago. It is considered one of the most interesting cemeteries in Italy. It is the real museum open-air. Such celebrities as Nietzsche, Elizabeth Avstriyskaya visited Stalyeno. Over the cemetery located on a green slope of the hill, the Protection Chapel towers. Today the territory of a cemetery includes an English cemetery, a Protestant cemetery and a cemetery of Jews. On a cemetery as it is possible to meet graves and the Russian emigrants. The ancient cemetery attracts a great number of the tourists visiting Genova.

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• One of the largest and the most beautiful in Europe – Genoa Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno is on a green slope of the mountain on the area more than one square kilometer.

The cemetery of Staglieno glorified for the whole world was opened in openly in 1851, and it’s special development fell on World War I times.


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The cemetery is well-known thanking the rich gallery of sculptures from Carrara marble

Here, there is Madzini's grave — the known fighter for independence of Italy.

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Combines in itself structure of neoclassical architecture in traditions of the Mediterranean with naturalness of cemeteriesСеверной Европы.

On a cemetery as it is possible to meet graves of the Russian emigrants and all well-known people of Genova

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Many celebrities such as Nietzsche, de Maupassant, Elizabeth Avstriyskaya visited Staglieno

Over the cemetery located on a green slope of the hill, the Protection Chapel towers

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it is a lot of marble and greens — myrtles, laurels, oleanders

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On beauty Per-Lashez in Paris doesn't give way to a cemetery

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Staglione cemetery - a silent and sad world full of monuments, lattices, fencings and angels

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Verano cemetery, Rome

The largest cemetery of the Italian capital - Verano, located within the city, its area more than 80 hectares. It was founded in 1808-1814 during the French occupation of Rome.

Long before the 19th century Romans buried here Christians

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The beginning of history of a cemetery of Verano begins with the decree of Napoleonic administration in Rome in which it was said that according to sanitary standards it was forbidden to bury dead men in city churches. However it was difficult to change the Roman custom to bury in churches, and on it the Roman authorities went to the cemetery device at St. Lavrenti's ancient basilica. So there was Verano modern monumental necropolis.

Now the cemetery is divided into sites by the confessional principle: Jewish, Catholic. There is a monument to World War II victims

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since 1813 on Verano began to bury citizens. After in 1835 the cemetery was consecrated by the Roman vicar cardinal Carlo Odescalchi, on this cemetery of burial gained more regular character, but and already from the middle of the 19th eyelid on a cemetery of steel appears graves of the noble – notable Romans

Garibaldi's family crypt. Giuseppe Garibaldi is buried on Kaprer's island

Internal part of a crypt. Entirely generals and colonels. And national tricolor

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Here the glory of the Italian cinema, great Mastroianni is based...

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Manfredi family. Here the well-known actor Nino Manfredi is buried also

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Family crypt of a family of Sordi

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Monumentale cemetery, Milan

Chimitero Monumentale (Cimitero Monumentale) in Milan is one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Europe. It is the real museum of a sculpture and architecture, which находтся open-air. The size of a cemetery makes 250 thousand meter. kv, it, it is possible to tell, the city in the city. "To the city dead" more than 140 years are.

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The cemetery is located near the center of Milan. Opening of a cemetery took place in 1866.

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Here the well-known composers, musicians, poets, writers, artists are buried. Here is based great Giuseppe Verdi's ashes, the musician Vladimir Gorovits, the conductor Arturo Toskanini, the artist and the designer Bruno Munari. This place is filled with silence and sad beauty

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Grandness of this cemetery that each grave is unique is decorated with architectural monuments

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Absolutely amazing beauty sculptural group "Last Supper" over a family tomb of a family of Kampari. Here Davide Campari is based, whose father created Kampari's well-known bitter

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White tower over a tomb of the owner of cotton factories, the patron and senator Antonio Bernokki

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Glass and the polished metal — a tomb of the known Catholic priest Luigi Giussani, the founder of the movement "Comunione e Liberazione"

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Known Milan families compete with each other, building magnificent family tombs

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Under the arches of the main building the sarcophagus of the well-known Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni is established

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Monumental cemetery Milana description of round

Main points of the program

• 2-hour walking tour on a cemetery accompanied by the guide. • Famedio visit - a memorial chapel Slava's Temple. • Visit of a tomb of the Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni and poet of the XX century Salvatore Quasimodo. • Acquaintance with a cemetery, admiring sculptures and architecture in modernist style of Arnaldo Pomodoro and Medardo Rosso. • Trip by bus from the center of Milan on a cemetery and back.


14:00 - departure from travel agency Zani Viaggi, Foro Bonaparte 76, at the corner with the street of via Cusani (MM1 Cairoli-MM2 Lanza).

17:00 - return to Zani Viaggi travel agency


- Transport with the conditioner

- English guide


- Tip (at will)

- Food and drinks

- Transfer from hotel


- The schedule can change for the organizational reasons and (or) because of transport jams.

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Cemetery Pere Lachaise, France

Pere-Lachaise is translated as "father Lachaise". The cemetery called in honor of Francois de la Cheza, the confessor king Louis XIV, was based behind city boundaries Napoleon I in 1804 after overflowed "The cemetery innocent" on the suburb of the grocery market began to present health hazard of citizens to Les Halles. The same reason was the cause of creation of the well-known Parisian Catacombs in the southern part of the city

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In total the cemetery occupies more than 40 hectares, is the largest in the city and, one of the most known in the world, attracting thousands tourists annually with the big names, graceful marble monuments and small chapels.

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"To improve" a new cemetery and to attract to it interest, at the beginning of the 19th century here reburied remains of Molière and known lovers Abailard and Eloiza.

Eloiza's tomb and Pierre of Abailard. Legendary couple which became an embodiment of eternal love. Pierre Abailard was the monk, the outstanding theologian, the philosopher and the poet of the XI century. He fell in love with the schoolgirl Eloiza, that reciprocated to him. Them wanted to separate, but Abailard took away Eloiza from Paris to Brittany where she gave birth to it to the son, and later they secretly got married. But relatives of the girl in every way opposed to this marriage, applying cruel methods, they castrated Abailard, and Eloiza compelled to accept the monastic cut. But Pierre Abailard and Eloiza's love was stronger than separation and the post-threshing barn is stronger!

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Pere Lachaise is based upon a cemetery of about one million people. It – apart from a columbarium, storage of ballot boxes with ashes. One of the cemeteries most visited in the world, annually hundreds thousands tourists come to look at this at it.

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Among Pere Lachaise known corners — the Wall of Communards at which in the spring of 1871 executed 147 participants of the Commune of Paris. The memorial in honor of fallen in World War II deserves attention also.

"Wall of Communards"

Memorial in honor of fallen in World War II

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Here such persons as are buried: French writer Marcel Proust, American writer Gertrude Stein, leader and vocalist of The Doors group Jim Morrison, American dancer Isadora Duncan, French singer Edith Piaf, French actor-mime Marcel Marceau, Polish composer, pianist Frederic Chopin, French actress Sara Bernhardt, French writer Honoré de Balzac and others

CHOPIN. Chopin lived only 39 years and died of tuberculosis in Paris. His heart, according to his desire, is transported to Warsaw and is stored in one of churches. Chopin wrote a lot of fine music, including concerts, sonatas, plays, to a song, ballads, to the imagination, by the rondeau, 16 polonaises, 17 waltzes, 21 nocturnes, 26 preludes, 27 etudesк.

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Jim Morrison vocalist leader of The Doors group. This legendary lead singer died in Paris in 1971, whether of overdose of drugs, whether of something. Anyway, the grave became a pilgrimage place for Jim's many fans. Its epitaph says: "It was faithful to the demons".

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Edith Piaf. The well-known French singer was born in Paris, her real name - Edith Giovanna Gassion (Edith Giovanna Gassion). Edith Piaf's songs knows, the whole world.

She endured four road accidents, the suicide attempt, three gepatichesky coma, the madness attack, two attacks of the delirium tremens, seven operations, the first and second world wars, demented men and died in 1963, without having lived up to fifty. It was buried by all France, bearing a coffin going on flowers, and mourned over the whole world. With it in a grave her only daughter who has died at the age of 2 years is based.

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Great French novelist. In 1850 he died. The wife its Ghanaian buried under one gravestone with it.

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http://www.похоронный-портал.рф/museum/1117/8504.htmlhttp://www.cemeteriesroute.eu/en/http://bellena.diary.ru/?p&htm&postid=168875072&uid=&rss_signature=&http://mosintour.ru/kladbishhe_stalenohttp://aibolitko.blogspot.com/2013/08/genova-cimitero-monumentale-di-staglieno.htmlbigpicture.ru/?p=126061http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/koblenz/post306615204/ http://www.votpusk.ru/country/dostoprim_info.asp?ID=3565#ixzz2qJ6tYTdArusso-italia.ru/place/kladbishhe-staleno-istoricheskiy-pamyatnik-memorialnogo-iskusstvahttp://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/culture/routes/cimetery_en.aspwww.pamyatniki.ru/znamkladb/verano/www.holidaycheck.ru/pi/e00c2b1a-1a32-36de-892c-9ad0d061995cwww.obletim.ru/italy/milan_5/www.livemilano.com/ru/v-milane/milan-monumental-cemetery-tour-detail.htmlwww.just-paris.ru/sights/perlashezwww.pere-lachaise.com/perelachaise.php?lang=katolik.ru/vatikan/117064-svyatejshij-otets-posetit-drevnee-rimskoe-kladbishche.htmlwww.fresher.ru/2012/06/28/krasivoe-kladbishhe-cimitero-monumentale-muzej-pod-otkrytym-nebom/?from=relatedwww.liveinternet.ru/users/natalia_komissarov/post276419167/www.biancoloto.com/paris/pere_lachaise.htmlredigo.ru/geo/Europe/France/poi/11671/media/photo/7omnesolum.livejournal.com/38318.htmlwww.pere-lachaise.com/perelachaise.php?lang=phototravelguide.ru/kladbische/kladbische-per-lashez/https://www.google.by/search?q=Кладбище+Пер-Лашез+фото&client=firefox-a&hs=LMr&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=3JrVUs_HHcjI4ATvhICYDQ&ved=0CCYQsAQ&biw=1240&bih=572#imgdii=_http://www.staglieno.comune.genova.it/