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Shanghai 1990 & 2010

上海 1990 比對 2010

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Busiest. Train. Ever. 史上最擠的列車。

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The Blue Lagoon , Ecuador 藍色珊瑚湖,厄瓜多爾

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Meanwhile in Chicago … 芝加哥大雪…

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Best Sidecar, Ever 最佳機車側座

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The U.S. – Mexico Border 墨西哥與美國邊界

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Awww Yeah Flowers! 是花呢!

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Certified Badass 壞得可以

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A Castle or is it a home in Miami ? 是座城堡還是邁阿密的一戶人家?

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‘ Crystal ’ Ice Cave in Skaftafell , Iceland 史塔他非水晶冰洞,冰島

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70 Lightning Strikes in One Shot 70條閃電同時雷擊

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Autumn in the Adirondacks 秋天在阿迪朗達克斯

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Cloud City Dubai 雲城杜拜

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Epic Aerial of Barcelona , Spain 史詩般的鳥瞰巴塞隆納,西班牙

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European Beech Trees of Mariemont , Belgium 瑪莉蒙特的歐洲山櫸樹,比利時

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Festival of Lanterns in Chiang Mai , Thailand 清邁的天燈節,泰國

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Fields of Lavender in Provence , France 普羅旺斯薰衣草園,法國

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Incredible Aquaduct in Germany 令人讚嘆的運河在德國

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Instant Acrophobia or could be vertigo 馬上懼高症發作或只導致暈眩 ?

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Ladybug Lands with Style 別具一格的瓢蟲

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Lightning Show at the Grand Canyon 大峽谷上的閃電雷擊

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Livin’ on the Edge 邊緣上討生活

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Rago National Park, Norway 雷戈國家公園,挪威

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Stargazing 觀星

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Sunset on Mars 火星上的日落

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The Cloud Covered Island of Litla Dimun 白雲覆蓋的 Litla Dimun 島

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The Craziest Illusion in Paris 巴黎最狂野的造景

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The Edge of Earth – Bunda Cliffs of Australia 地球的邊緣–澳大利亞的般達懸崖

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The Great Grey Owl 大灰貓頭鷹

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The Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve in Texas 德克薩斯 漢彌爾頓池自然保留區

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The Inhabited Volcanic Island of Aogashima 有人居住的火山島,青ヶ島

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The Miniature Northern Saw-whet Owl 微型北美棕梠鬼鶚

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The Runaway Tree 跑路的樹

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The Sky Walker 天行者

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The Stunning Glasswinged Butterfly 令人驚嘆的玻璃翅膀蝴蝶

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The World’s Largest LAN Party 世界上最大的區域網路趴

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Wait… For It等…待

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Wheeeeee! 嘿ㄟㄟㄟㄟㄟ!

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Yarn Bombing in Germany 德國的毛線炸彈風格織物展示