Maple leaf carving (楓葉雕刻)



Art of Leaf Carving

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Maple Leaf Carving楓葉雕刻


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Artists create delicate images on leaves by slowly scraping the surface.藝術家創作的圖像細膩葉子上慢慢刮表面。

Creating these leaf carvings is no easy process, taking the delicate precision from a skilled artisan. With a knife, the leaf is slowly scraped of its outer layers, eventually revealing a near transparent surface. Special care is given to keep the veins intact to preserve the stability of the leaf.創造這些葉雕,過程是不容易的,一個熟練的工匠要非常精密細緻,用小刀慢慢刮去葉子外層,最終露出了近透明的葉脈。經過特別處理,以保持穩定完整無缺的葉子網絡。

The process of producing a single leaf carving is said to take months of careful work. When the artwork is finished, the leaves are then preserved and framed--ensuring that they will last for decades.一片葉雕的製作過程,據說需要幾個月的小心工作。當作品完成後,葉子經過防腐和裝框,確保他們將可存放數十年。

Maple Leaf Carving 楓葉雕刻

All photos from 圖片來源:www

Music : Bridge Over Trouble water ~ Paul Simon
