Tony Nero's Art issue 12


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NEWSTony Nero’s ArtThe really random newsletter all about my art December 2014 issue 12

l Jeni & Sophie’s super prize winning gardenl Peterborough Artists Open Studiosl Most recent paintingsl What’s on!

Welcome Underpass make-over looking super fab!

Welcome to issue 12 of my newsletter. I have to say, this should really be issue 13 but it’s been such a busy summer that I haven’t been able to keep up. It’s a good thing it does say on the front cover, ‘The really random newsletter’.

The last few months have been jam packed with art and music around town and as for myself, I don’t know if I’ve ever been this busy before. Assisting on three different committees, hosting my own exhibitions, two radio inter-views, producing new works and taking the odd photo.

This issue’s front cover shows the painting ‘Red Elegance’, originally intended for my Juneexhibition at North Street Bar

but was snapped up before I got to hang it on the wall. There’s some-thing about this piece.

In the last issue I mentioned that the Cowgate Underpass was getting a make over. Well I’m pleased to say that the guys have worked hard and the underpass is looking fab. When in town, I always popped along to see how the work was getting on. Speaking to Stuart Payn of Blok Collective recently, he said ‘It took longer than I thought to complete but as much as I want to get it done, I wanted to produce the work to a high standard that I was happy with. If you are ever in town do pop along and have a look.

In June I was invited to the yearly celebrations for Refugee Week, which was held this year at the Beehive Centre. Being the kind of guy I am, I offered to display my painting ‘Tears for the Children’, I thought it would be appropriate as a visual piece for this event.

It was a lovely afternoon filled with poetry, music and a lovely buffet of cakes and snacks. Their were interesting and touching stories of struggles and endeavours of some of the people in the room.

The joyful poetry from the likes of poet laureate Pete Irving, Keely Mills and young poet Alice Irving amongst others, brought a smile to people’s faces. Plus the most welcoming, pulsating beat of the African drums creating such a wonderful atmosphere and bringing people to their feet.

I was called upon to say a few words about my work, but seeing that I always get nervous speak-ing in public, it was a very short speech and executed quickly.

City celebrates Refugee Week

P’town’s Heritage FestivalWhat a fab and exciting festival this is, with two solid days to enjoy history & culture. A display of historic costumes and a past way of life. Trying to write about this event in such a short space won’t do it any justice, you really need to be there to experience it.

On the Saturday I was there in the Square, showing one of my large paintings with the Red Cross, who were still promoting Refugee Week. On Sunday, I helped to raise awareness about Peterborough Artists Open Studios group and generally talked about art and exhibitions.

At Cathedral Square with my painting ‘Tears for the Children’ - pic by Lee Hellwing

With top street photographer Chris Porsz

Tony’s Shout Out!The art of Andy GatrellIn this issue my shout goes out to Amy Wright who recently lost her husband of only three days. After spending a number of years together they decided to get married, but due to ill health Graeme lost his battle for life. To make things worse and add salt to the wounds, during her time of grief she also lost another friend.

I may be a fine artist in practice but by now you prob-ably know I admire all art forms.

So earlier in the year,

while out and about in King’s Lynn I stumbled on the work of this guy. It sure was a nice surprise wandering into King’s Lynn Art Centre and seeing the works of Andy Gatrell. Not only did the pieces take me back to my love of super heroes and comic books, but I just fell in love with the vibrancy and freshness of his work. Although most of the work were around A4 size there’s no lacking in details. I would love to see some of these pieces in a really large format.

If you ever come across Andy Gatrell’s fine artworks showing anywhere, don’t walk by without having a look.

After not even wanting to leave her home, Amy turned to her art for some peace of mind and as a way to try to relax. I am pleased to say that within a few weeks she had created work and even sold a couple of pieces, as well as gained a few commissions.Although her work didn’t get selected for the City Gallery Open, it’s great to see she had gained the confidence to enter.

Even more exciting, there are talks of a father and daughter exhibition in the near future.

I spent a day at the prize winning garden of Jeni Cairns and Sophie Antonelli at Hampton Court and what a super day that was. I even did some painting while I weas there. Also had great fun mixing it up with Tom Fox as he did his stuff throughout the day.

To find out more about this super prize winning garden ‘A place to develop and grow’ follow the link

Jeni & Sophie’s super garden

Tom Fox and myself enjoying a moment with the award winning team at Hampton Court, Sarah Haythornthwaite, Jeni Cairns and Sophie Antonelli.

Had a great time twice in the hot seat, chit chatting to (Mr B) Brian ‘The Lion’ Watson, on City Buzz, over at Peterborough FM. In the first interview we were talking about the Open Studios exhibitions and the art scene in Peterborough. Then followed asecond interview in October, when we talked about Black History Month, Celebrating Diversity in Peterborough and my Black Heroes collection of portraits.Thanks Mr B, always a pleasure to be on your show and even got to select my own tunes.

In June I had a little exhibition at North Street Bar, which onlyconsisted of 13 pieces of work. Along with a couple of old pieces, most of the pieces were new work - done in my urban style. This exhibition led to a cool article by Chantelle-Marie O’Keefe for Only Magazine. We spoke about my art in general, my involvement with Peterbor-ough Artists Open Studios and the Celebrating Diversity in Peterborough event. Following this, I was commissioned to paint a stag on the wall behind the stage.

My radio chit chat

North Street Exhibition

So this year I didn’t actually show my work for Open Studios, but being on the committee I was in the background assisting as best as possible. I have to say a personal thank you to members of the old committee who have done a sterling job for the past few years. I’m happy to say that the new committee members are just

Peterborough Artists Open Studios 2014

as passionate about local art and raring to go, so 2015 is already looking exciting. Following a preview event held in Cathedral square, I had a great time wondering around some of the various studios visiting as many artists as possible. Here are a few pictures from some of my visits.

Most Recent Paintings

Looks like I have been rather busy and have managed to produce over 40 pieces of work this year - from portraits to landscapes to mini art.I will feature a few more in the next issue and talk a little bit about some of the process in achieving these pieces.

In the picture!

Rob from up north visiting P’town sent me this pic of him voting for his fav pic at City Gallery!

Hanging with top photographer Lee Hellwing in front of ‘Tears for the Children’.

My dayz...this lass nicked my hat at Willow Festival, had to chase her down.

Cheeky pic of Kevin Tighe (CEO Vivacity) at the Heritage Fest in front of my springbok.

Mixing it up with super singer Owen Wonder at the JA Ind. dance and fundraiser.

A happy Frankie Bijster Arundell, all smiles with her surprise birthday pressie. Pleased to say that Frankie now owns two of my works.

It had to be done...I went to the House of Lords and couldn’t resist this cheeky snap with a mini canvas :)

Photo of the dayMy picture of the day is of our Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr David Over and his wife Jackie Over. I took this picture of them at the Heritage Festival next my paint-ing ‘Tears for the Children’. Yes, I know you can’t see it, but it’s featured in another photo in this newsletter.

Since taking this photo, I have on a few occasions bumped into both the Mayor and Mayoress at other functions. I have also just recently finished an oil on canvas portrait of the Mayor.

What’s onl Hoarding:Metal’s Billboard exhibition ‘Hoarding’ at the City Gallery, Peterborough MuseumPriestgate, Peterborough, PE1 1LF on until 22nd February 2015

l Flux Exhibition:Gray’s Art Gallery Presents FLUXLooks like I’ll have a few pieces in this interesting exhibition. The Rag Factory 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ18 - 22 February

l Stay in touch with Art of Tony Nero follow me on Twitter, Facebook, You Tube & Google+ You can also visit my Etsy shop