Instagram for Brands

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Table of Contents01 introduction

02 Why instagram Matters for Brands

05 Picture Perfect: 11 Brands Who are rocking instagram

18 7 Ways instagram Helps Brands Connect Online and Offline

20 When Brands Collide: Facebook Buys instagram

22 instagram Profiles on the Web

24 What’s Next for instagram?

26 What are you Waiting For?




Coming into 2012 they’d just been named the iOs

app store’s app of the year. What followed was an

impressive series of events including a record launch

on google’s android platform, a record acquisition

by social giant Facebook, and finally, hitting the

100 million user benchmark faster than both twitter

and Facebook. instagram also saw its highest traffic

day ever on thanksgiving 2012 (not surprising as

many love posting food pics to the network).

instagram gains a new user every second. in that

same second current users upload 58 new photos,

perform 575 likes, and leave 81 comments (instagram

Press Center).

this is an unprecedented number of users flocking

to a social network and interacting with it at an

unprecedented rate. don’t you think your customers

might be among them?

Over the past year, i’ve made no effort to hide my own

interest in instagram — both as a digital brand strategist

and a social media user. it holds tremendous potential

for brands in terms of creating content and closeness

with their communities.

in this book, we will take a look at why instagram matters

for brands, which brands are unleashing the network’s

potential, tips for engaging, what the Facebook acquisition

means, and what the future holds.

Let’s get started.

Nick Westergaard, Brand Driven Digital

It’s no secret that instagram has had a big year.INTRODuCTION



Why Instagram Matters for Brandsthere’s been a lot of talk about instagram

lately. specifically what, if any, role the

photo-sharing app should have as

businesses build brands online. as new

networks crop up left and right from

google+ to Pinterest to Path it’s easy to

feel like there’s just too much to keep

track of. However, i think there’s a place

for instagram.

instagram currently boasts over 100 million

users with over a billion photos uploaded.

Users obviously love this simple app

that lets you shoot photos from your iOs

or android smart phone, apply filters

and some basic effects, and push these

unique photos to Facebook, twitter, Flickr,

Foursquare, tumblr, and Posterous.

among these millions of users you’ll also

find several brands from various sectors

experimenting with the platform. Creating

an account for a brand on instagram is

no different than creating a standard user

account. there aren’t designated brand

pages like Facebook and google+ (and

soon, twitter).

great. We can create profiles for our brands

on any number of social networks but are

more networks always better? sometimes

isn’t more just more?

Intimacysince the early days of email marketing,

i’ve always said there is a special closeness

about being in someone’s inbox. it’s a very

personal place where you interact with

family and friends and, if you opt-in, certain

brands as well. this is extremely valuable

real estate.

Beyond email, this argument of

closeness is also helpful in encouraging

brands to engage on social networks

including instagram.

imagine your

brand’s photos

appearing in

the instagram

feed (like Facebook’s wall, but less noisy)

alongside their friends’ kids and what

they’re having for dinner. But what makes

instagram photos better than just sharing

on Facebook or twitter?

Everyone’s an Artistthere’s an artist in everyone dying to get

out. Or, the very least, a content creator.

some have the raw talent to help this

art escape into expression. instagram is

noteworthy as it gives novices an easy way

to make art out of little moments in life.

Imagine your brand’s photos appearing in the Instagram feed alongside their friends’ kids and what they’re having for dinner.



this easy-to-use creative flair is also a

key point of differentiation. as Facebook

continues its massive adoption, many

users feel that anyone can upload a plain

old Facebook photo. instagram gives you

quick, bold strokes that make art out

of seemingly simple moments.

Brands of All Shapes and Sizesa quick scan shows that brands

of all shapes and sizes are

testing the waters on instagram.

From large consumer brands

like Pepsi and starbucks (currently the most

followed brand on instagram) to emerging

brands like Chobani and Warby Parker.

Fashion and beauty rands with obvious

visual appeal have planted flags there as

well, such as Burberry and aveda.

several news outlets seem to have made

the jump to instagram with NBC, aBC,

CNN, and NPr staking out at least one

account each. Many networks have

multiple profiles for individual programs

such as NBC, which maintains their core

NBC News account as well as a page for

the today show.

instagram also shows promise for

entertainment brands. Foo Fighters keeps

fans updated from the road while Zooey

deschanel and sons of anarchy creator

kurt sutter provide behind-the-scenes

sneak peeks of their respective shows.

Beyond traditional brands, instagram

also allows you to create a more

intimate connection as a personal brand.

MarketingProfs’ ann Handley’s love of

nature and family shines through from

her account while gary Vaynerchuk’s

passion for sports is front and center.

Find a Simple Strategyso if there’s a place for you on instagram,

what do you do? Like engagement on

all social networks, having a plan is key.

What do you want to share here?

Consumer brands

should be cautious

about filling the

feed with boring

product shots

that followers

could just as easily

find on their web-

site. instead, look

for ways to give

special access like New Belgium Brewing

does when they share new products and

packaging. along those

same lines aBC News

provided a backstage

pass to events like

the gOP presidential

debates via instagram.

another option is

showing a different

side of your brand.

greek yogurt

Chobani has several

photos in their

feed featuring

Consumer brands should be cautious about filling the feed with boring product shots that followers could just as easily find on their website.

» Why instagram Matters for Brands (cont.)



presentations of charitable giving

around the holidays.

While many examples come from larger

brands, there are opportunities for

small local businesses as well. Fine

restaurants can post mouth-watering

images of tonight’s special while the

local independent bookseller can show

new arrivals and readings. Not to

mention the fact that you can geotag

posts and push updates through

to Foursquare.

In Shortthere are many brand-driven opportunities

with instagram. is it managing another

social network in an already busy workday

for community managers? yes, but there are

synergies with Facebook and twitter that

you can utilize. Might instagram be a better

fit for fashion brands and news services?

easier perhaps, but there’s always another

side to your brand that you can express

visually. this could even lead to a deeper

connection with your followers. is the rOi

unclear? it’s as clear as it is for other social

media channels, which incidentally can be

just as cloudy as traditional media. We’re

just used to giving traditional media a pass

when it comes to measurement.

get started by searching instagram for

other brands in your industry or related

industries. if you find activity, follow them

for a while and see how they are using the

platform. if no one is there yet from your

sector, maybe you could make an impact

by being the first.

to help you arrive at a strategy that makes

sense for your organization, let’s take a

look at a few brands that are already doing

great things on instagram.

» Why instagram Matters for Brands (cont.)



Picture Perfect: 11 Brands Who are rocking instagramas businesses look to broaden their reach with new social networks, many are asking, “is there a place for my brand on instagram?”

Many brands from a variety of industries are already sharing engaging photos here. as a means of igniting your creative spark, let’s take a look at the 11 most effective brands using instagram.



Are You Ready to Rock?are you inspired by how these brands are

using instagram? Have you seen others

that you think are doing it better? and, more

importantly, could your brand be creating

engaging content and valuable connections

here as well?

While it should be more than obvious

how you can connect with your community

online via instagram, let’s take a look at

how it can impact your brand offline as well.



7 Ways instagram Helps Brands Connect Online & OfflineOne key advantage of visual storytelling

is the ability to connect your online and

offline engagement and vice versa. Beyond

social media activity, brands continue to

engage in real-life events that foster a sense

of closeness and strengthen online ties in

real life. that’s why conferences play such

a strong role in many online brands. With

instagram, brands can take this engage-

ment a step further by sharing photos that

bring offline stories to life online.

several brands are already using instagram

to connect their offline and online worlds

through coverage of live events, special

instagram-only events, and taking their

community inside their culture. Let’s take

a look at some of the strategies you can

employ to bring your brand’s real-world

stories to life online.

01. Create Exclusivityas noted earlier, high-end clothier Burberry

(@burberry) is easily the best at this as they

hold many events that they cover heavily

via instagram. While this fashionable brand

might seem like an easy fit for the app, there

are several ideas you can borrow such as

this photo of an invitation they mocked up.

this not only provides the community with

needed info to follow the event online, it

also makes their instagram network feel

like they have exclusive access.

02. Build Anticipationevents are high-profile brand touch points

that can arrive quickly and be gone before

you know it. that’s why savvy conference

marketers like the team at MarketingProfs

(@marketingprofs) builds event anticipation

through instagram photos of the stage

being set and the badges and conference

swag at the ready. remember your role

as your brand’s photojournalist the next

time you’re setting up an event.

03. Visualize Datarecently Pew research (@pewresearch)

joined instagram and began covering

announcements on new data releases. in

addition to featuring photos from the event

they also took several key graphics and

shared them on instagram as well. these

charts stood out on instagram feeds heavy

with photos of kids and food. do you have bold

data that you can turn into visual assets?

Make your Instagram network feel like they have exclusive access.



04. Foster Meet-UpsMany examples start with an offline event

and take it online. However, a hybrid solution

is to create a real-life event specifically

for your online community. eyeglasses

maker Warby Parker (@warbyparker) does

this through their photo walks in New york

where fans meet up and hit the streets,

instagramming cool NyC photos and

sharing with a branded hashtag. these

meet-ups sold out and yielded 678 photos.

Have you ever thought to host a meet-up

of your brand’s instagram followers?

05. Leverage SponsorshipsMost brands end up in the sponsorship

arena in some capacity. Often times a

big consideration is rOi and how you can

best ensure that your sponsorship gets

the most bang for your buck. Chobani

(@chobani) does a great job of this by

photographing their product on-site,

using the event hashtag, and geotagging

the location. sponsorship doesn’t have

to be a passive channel with social

media. are you doing everything you

can to engage with the events your

brand sponsors?

06. Look Inside the Processanother role instagram can serve is taking

your community behind the scenes of

what you do. if how you do what you do is

a key differentiator, visually documenting

these processes is critical. dogfish Head

(@dogfishbeer) uses their instagram feed

to take you inside their own unique and

innovative brewing process. How can you

take your community behind the scenes

of what you do?

07. Communicate Culture & Spacein the digital age, we find ourselves inside

our clients’ and partners’ offices less and

less. yet with so many innovative work-

places it’s a shame not to share this as

much. edelman digital has done just

that by documenting their new social

intelligence Command Center (or siCC) on

instagram (follow edelman’s david armano

@darmano). How can you use instagram to

share your workspace and culture?

Final Shotas you can see, beyond taking fun photos

with funky filters, there are several business

goals and objectives your brand can realize

by embracing visual storytelling.

With potent impact for brands online

and offline, it’s not surprising that the rest

of the social web began to take notice

of instagram ...

» 7 Ways instagram Helps Brands ... (cont.)



When Brands Collide: Facebook Buys instagramin april 2012 it was announced that

Facebook had acquired photo-sharing app

instagram for a cool $1 billion in cash

and stock (later downgraded a bit due to

Facebook’s iPO issues). However, many

in the digerati expressed fears about this

acquisition, wondering if the giant in Menlo

Park would eventually devour the fun little

app. Mashable even shared an article on

how to safely extract your photos from the

network before deleting your account.

When brands collide it can go a variety of

ways. While both brands issued statements

from leadership gushing about the other

as they held hands and walked off into the

sunset, i can’t help but give a few brand

collision cautions to the newlyweds.

More Like Googlespeaking of digital giants, google is

actually a business for Facebook to look to.

in acquiring youtube a few years back they

could have easily folded the network into

their own google Videos platform. What

did they do? Just the opposite. Last year

they finally retired their platform and have

now fully integrated youtube as the only

non-google brand in their newly designed,

omni-present navigation

bar. google understood

the power of the youtube

brand and the considerable

equity it had with its net-

work of users.

the result? youtube is

now the second largest

search engine in the world

after google itself. the overall business and

market share was strengthened by keeping

these brands separate.

Less Like Twittertwitter, on the other hand, could give

Facebook a cautionary tale (a cautionary

“fail whale” of a tale?) on what not to

do. While they showed great wisdom in



seamlessly acquiring tweetie, they’ve very

clumsily gobbled up tweetdeck. though

tweetie was a great app, it was a brand built

on translating another brand’s experience

(twitter) to mobile.

tweetdeck on the other hand, created a

unique experience — slicing and dicing one’s

stream — out of twitter. this unique bit of

brand dNa has recently been steamrolled

in newer releases of the tweetdeck app.

even their black/yellow bird icon is now

twitter blue.

Careful When Petting the Rabbits, LennyMany are simply afraid that Facebook

will put on a bib, lick its chops, and devour

the app whole, offering instagram a fate

not unlike that of their most recent

acquisition, gowalla, which ended up

with a pillow over its face, Chief Bromden

style. this worry stems not only from

history but from the fact that Facebook

has a bit of a trust problem in their brand

dNa. From the gowalla brand debacle

to continuing struggles with user privacy,

Facebook does little to allay concerns that

resistance is futile.

the acquisition of instagram really provides

Facebook with an opportunity to amend

this unstable “trust” molecule in their

brand dNa. While Facebook engenders

Big Brother comparisons through privacy

concerns, instagram is a brand community

based on fun and visual storytelling. it’s

not the be-all-end-all behemoth of a social

network. it does one thing simply and

beautifully. this needs to be nurtured.

Who’s the Winning Brand?in the end, Facebook’s more subtle

acquisition, beyond simply a hot app with

a thriving community, is a strong brand.

it may sound like squishy rOi but when

you are a monster brand with trust issues,

sometimes the best way to improve your

mojo is to borrow some from a brand with

a brighter story. that’s why absorbing

instagram into their overall brand (a la

twitter + tweetdeck) is a mistake. a better

model is growing both brands — Facebook

and instagram — separately (like google +

youtube) and making the whole brand

dNa even stronger.

What’s Next?instagram is more than technology

and, given the price tag, i’m pretty sure

Facebook knows that. What remains to

be seen is whether they can embrace

something quirky with a loving community

or if they’ll kill their new golden goose.

Historically, part of instagram’s simplicity

has been its mobile-only roots. With parent

company and web-giant Facebook at

the helm, pushing the platform online

seemed inevitable.

» When Brands Collide ... (cont.)



Instagram Profiles on the WebBeyond thanksgiving’s record number of

instagram posts, November 2012 saw an

exciting development from instagram as the

network launched web-based profile pages

for users. though many forecasted this

move after Facebook purchased instagram,

this move left some wondering what — if

anything — it means for brands.

as instagram continues its meteoric rise,

brands are taking notice. the network

boasts a high adoption rate among big

brands with 40% of the interbrand 100

reporting that they have an instagram

presence. Perhaps this unprecedented user

growth is accelerating the app’s need to

become a larger, multi-platform player like

their corporate parent.

But does this development impact your

brand? Let’s take a look at instagram’s new

web-based profile pages and what they

mean for you.

Just the Factsin November 2012, instagram rolled out

web-based profile pages for all users

including brands. the profile pages offer

the same functionality as the mobile

apps with features such as like, comment,

and follow. to find a user just add his or

her instagram username after the ‘/’ at

the end of the UrL

Why It’s Good for Brandsregardless of whether or not you have the

newest iPhone or android phone with a

larger screen, it’s still hard to show off your

instagram activity to other stakeholders

at your organization. an official web-based

version of instagram profiles allows

brands to easily share activity with those

that might not be mobile users (official =

riP statigram?).

a web-based reference point for your

instagram profile also extends the shelf life

of your photos, which are instantly pushed

down by the mobile app’s news-feed focus.

if a user is following enough people, your

content could get forgotten or, worse yet,

not seen at all. a web-based profile provides

a longer tail by making it easier to get a

snapshot (pun intended) of a user’s activity,

and even makes it possible to share on

other platforms in a very basic way as your

instagram content now has an official UrL.

For brands, an extended content shelf life

has the potential to increase engagement as

it could provide another avenue for likes and

comments. as it’s easier now for others to

share links to your content, you could also

net additional instagram followers.

to be clear, i am tempering any talk of

increased engagement opportunities with

words like ‘potential’ and ‘could’ — this

development establishes a presence

on another screen but is far from a rich

multi-directional experience.



Where It’s Lacking for BrandsSo, a user is supposed to find a brand

on Instagram by typing stuff in after

a URL and a slash? No search feature??

No homepage with a wall?!? Nope and

nope — the homepage of

still pushes users to the mobile apps,

which is understandable at this stage

but one has to wonder how long this will

continue. As it stands, this approach

is pretty clumsy for discovering new

brands. If you already follow a brand

it simply provides an online reference

point for sharing.

What’s that? Sharing? Nope, they still

don’t have that on Instagram, either on

the mobile side or on the new web-based

extension. The mobile experience is so

wonderfully simple and sparse you almost

don’t miss the ability to share other users’

content. A web-based version could set

itself apart from its mobile predecessor

by experimenting with sharing. The larger

photos and displays that desktop-based

web viewing offers would be less disturbed

by the addition of this feature.

Another enhancement that a web-based

presence could allow is analytics. Currently

Instagram insights are pretty light

beyond basic engagement data such as

likes and followers.

A WarningMy warning still stands. Instagram has

grown at this fast rate largely because it’s

uncluttered and does one thing — fun,

on-the-go photo sharing — very, very well.

What feature would really help your brand

on Instagram?

» Instagram Profiles on the Web (cont.)



What’s Next for instagram?after the meteoric year instagram has had,

one can merely imagine what the future

holds. at the very least, it should be obvious

to all by now that the “little app that could”

has become a full-fledged social force.

Like their corporate parent Facebook,

they’re not without some hurdles to clear.

some challenges have already emerged

in the public while others loom in the

background. Here’s a sneak peek at what

lies ahead and what it could mean for

your brand.

Twitter Feud Comes to a HeadI hate it when mom and dad fight! in

late 2012, instagram CeO kevin systrom

alluded that the network would no longer

allow their photos to be viewed in-stream

as part of twitter’s expanded posts feature

for photos and videos. Many dismiss

this as an outcome of twitter-competitor

Facebook’s acquisition of instagram.

in reality, it’s been a long time coming.

earlier in the year, twitter cut off instagram’s

access to their follower graph which allowed

users to find their twitter followers on the

photo-sharing app. speaking of acquisition,

this may have had something to do with

the fact that twitter also wanted to buy

instagram. after they lost their bid, the

grapes have only gotten more sour between

the networks.

My prediction? instagram is the one

coming from the position of power given

their growth and brand adoption. Plus, they

have been a content destination from the

beginning, whereas twitter is struggling

to reverse engineer the idea that they

are a full-fledged platform you stay on as

opposed to a pipeline through which

content travels.


the threat to

brands is

nominal as

users can

still push


content they create to twitter. the

consequence both networks need to be

mindful of is frustrating users that enjoy

both services.

Jumping Into the Web with Both Feetas noted previously, a full-fledged web

presence is a double-edged sword for

instagram. On one hand, it adds value,

more actionable online reference points

in the form of links, and an enhanced

content shelf life. On the other hand, it

introduces complexities that could run

counter to the simple app’s brand dNa.

The consequence Twitter and Instagram need to be mindful of is frustrating users that enjoy both services.



My prediction? We’ll see a slow, deliberate

build-out in the year ahead. Nothing too

big but they’ll put another foot in the water,

perhaps with a homepage in the form of an

online ‘wall’ or feed for users to check on.

Creative Commonsamong the challenges lurking in the

background — especially as instagram

considers a more robust web presence —

are copyright issues. By and large instagram

photos are public but the laws around

sharing them are somewhat nebulous.

Many have noted that Pinterest operates

in a dubious way when it comes to the

transference of copyright, while parent

company Facebook is almost constantly

committing user privacy snafus.

the solution? develop a Creative Commons

license on instagram. yahoo’s Flickr

does this, which makes the site a favorite

of photographers and online content

creators alike.

My prediction? this would be a big move

and could pose a threat if the shift in

terms causes a privacy dust-up. Creative

Commons could be delayed under the

excuse of “if it ain’t broke …”

Paid AdvertisingMonetize, monetize, monetize. as every

social site struggles with the dreaded

m-word, many see the inevitable day

when Facebook will implement in-stream

ads on instagram. in fact, in december

2012, Facebook’s VP of global Marketing

solutions Carolyn everson noted that

monetization will indeed be coming to

instagram sometime soon.

One would hope that they are able to make

these ads seamless pieces of promoted

content as Facebook has done on their

own platform. as you scroll through your

friends’ food, dog, and kid photos, you

could encounter a photo of an athlete in

Nike-branded gear running a marathon.

the big issues this highlights are instagram’s

lack of links out of the network and inability

to open a link even within the app. Currently,

there’s no direct mechanism for creating

and tracking active hyperlinks. Of course,

instagram wants to keep people in their

locked-down ecosystem but this will most

certainly be a sticking point with brands

who may want engagement beyond a

simple follow.

My prediction? Look for sponsored photos/

posts on instagram sometime in 2013.

to be clear, these are hurdles not road-

blocks. the twitter issues are a dance

between competing giants, while copyright

issues persist across the board. the web

presence and potential paid advertising

models represent innovations that

could enhance this network even further

for brands.

at this point one question remains...



What Are You Waiting For?if you still have doubts on the impact instagram can have on your brand, let’s take a moment and think about it in a different way. Consider the following:

Fact Photos are the most engaging content on Facebook (source: Facebook)

Fact Photos are the most shared content on twitter (Source: Diffbot Page Classifier)

Fact the biggest content challenge marketers face is creating enough content (Source: MarketingProfs/Content Marketing Institute)

instead of focusing on instagram as a

niche social network, what if we viewed it

as tool for creating the most popular form

of content for the most popular social

networks in the world? Plus, as it’s mobile-

focused, you can train your team to become

content creators on-the-go, which should

increase the volume of content you’re

producing thus impacting the most pressing

challenge marketers face when it comes

to content — creating enough of it.

Can instagram be your content strategy?

No. Like all social media channels, it’s a

means to an end. it can, however, be a

critical component of your strategy as it

stands as both a content creation tool

that feeds other networks and a content

destination on its own.

remember, each second a new user joins

instagram. How many seconds have you

been reading this ebook? don’t you think

just a few of these new users might be a

customer or community member you can

connect with and find ways to uniquely

share your brand’s story?

Again, what are you waiting for?

ABOuT ThE AuThORNick Westergaard is a strategist, speaker, and writer.

He is the Founder and Chief Brand strategist at Brand

driven digital, where he works to help businesses

build strong brands and activate them across digital

touch points including social media. He blogs about

the intersection of branding and digital media at He is also the co-host of

the Work talk show podcast.

in addition to his agency work, he teaches social

media marketing at the University of iowa’s tippie

College of Business. He has been quoted in news

sources such as US News & World Report, Entrepreneur

magazine, Mashable, american express OPeN Forum,

The Des Moines Register, and The Gazette, where

he is a monthly columnist.

ABOuT BRAND DRIVEN DIGITALBrand driven digital helps you build a better brand

online with social media and digital marketing through

our mix of strategic consulting, coaching, creative

services, live learning events such as our social Brand

Forum, and training and workshop opportunities.

» For more online resources and information on our events and services, please visit BRANDDRIVENDIGITAL.COM.

