Triple R Presentation


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Triple RPovick Centeio, Sarah Lavalette, Cori Spagna, Taru Turunen, &

Michael Vaz

Who We Are

Triple R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Three R’s emphasized in our lesson plans

Our Community Partner: The Boys & Girls Club of New Bedford

Individual Roles & Responsibilities

Sarah = Community Partner Contact & Float Manager

Cori = Team Leader & Waste Reduction Educator

Taru = Secretary & Recycling Educator

Mike = Presentation Coordinator & Reusing Educator

Povick = Creativity Expert & Materials Specialist

Triple R’s Team Goals

1. Speak up! Encourage the children to friends, family & community to

spread environmental awareness By the end of April

2. Inspire Enthuse and motivate the children to recycle and, “Go Green”

3. Encourage Enhance the children’s creativity by creating their own fun

projects out of reusable items

Team Goals… (Continued)

4. Have at least 12 children march in the Earth Day Parade

5. Obtain 50 paper bags from a local grocery store

6. Teach environmentally friendly practices to at least 25 children at the Boys and Girls Club We will do this through our lesson plans

Lesson Plan #1: Reduce

Lesson Plan #2: Reuse

Lesson Plan #3: Recycle

Our Float & It’s Symbolism

Review of Our Team Goals

1. Speak up! 8 children took the pledge Accomplished by the end of April

2. Inspire community to “Go Green” Children confirmed that they spoke to friends and family about Triple R

3. Encourage creativity Our lesson plans gave the children new and fun ideas for reusing

household materials

Review of our Team Goals… (Continued)

4. Have at least 12 children march in the Earth Day Parade We had 8 children march with us

5. Obtain 50 paper bags from a local grocery store The bags were happily donated, decorated, and returned for customer distribution on April 7th Shaw’s also donated reusable shopping bags for the children to keep

6. Teach environmentally friendly practices to at least 25 children at the Boys and Girls Club We had a total of 26 children present during our time at the Boys and Girls Club

1 2 3 4 50







Quiz Analysis Results

Post Test Pre Test

# of



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# of Children/Quizzes With Result


