组员: 何佩珊 08305031 祝佳茗 08304062 陈洁青 08304063 肖诗萍 08304057 李 真...


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何佩珊 08305031

祝佳茗 08304062

陈洁青 08304063

肖诗萍 08304057

李 真 08305040

任志娟 08305042

The choice of image to reflect the generation gap is between parents and children, and dealt with by the title of the two arrows point to parents and children, respectively, to reflect the generation gap, the two sides have a responsibility. In addition, the title of the crack chelonian also reflect the theme of the generation gap.

Leading in ●PLAY A

● Picture&QQ: What do you think of generation gap?

●Discussion-What is generation gap?

Text Analyze ●Author ●Key words (game time) ● Main idea of each part

● Character Analyze ● Author’s point of view


Why is there a generation gap ?

● Debate ( Why there is a generation gap ?)

●Recommendation-An introduction to a film

How to solve the problem?

● PLAY B ●The bridge to the generation gap

End with singing a song

Here in the house

A son is going out…

And his mother is asking him some question.

What’s up?

Mother : Where're you going? Son : I'm going now. Mother : With who? Son : It's none of your business, OK? Mother : Would you call me a little later? Son : Stop acting like you care about me, stop like you wanna know something about me. You don't know nothing! It's... You don't care! Stop asking! (door slamming) Mother : I care!

What do you think?What do you think?


Students deliver the bottle in the sound of drums. When drums stop, the one who holds the bottle will be supposed to talk about his/her opinions~

On On QQ……QQ……


What is generation gap?

• We can find the answer in a dictionary: Difference in attitude, or lack of understanding between younger people and older people. Children always complain that their parents do not understand them while parents worry about their children's behaviors and ideas.

• Marsh Cassady is the author of forty-six published books including novels, short story and drama collections, haiku, and books on theatre. A former actor/director and university professor with a Ph.D. degree in theatre, he writes a weekly column for a newspaper in Baja, California where he lives with his partner and four cats.

• very beautiful,attractive, or impressive 美丽的,吸引人的;壮丽的。

• Eg: glorious colours a glorious sight

• extremely enjoyable; wonderful; 极其愉快的;极好的。

• Eg: Ispent four glorious weeks in London.


•—delay telling (sb) what they are eager to know.

•Eg: the competitors in the beauty contest were kept in suspense waiting for the result. 参加选美的竞争者焦虑的等待着比赛的结果。

Keep (sb) in suspense

• —in perfect accord; corresponding exactly :

• Eg:My feelings on the subject are in unison with yours.

• —acting in the same way at the same time 一致的;一起

• Eg:The governments acted in unison to combat terrorism.

In unison

• —verb• to cause confusion and shame :to

make uncomfortably self-conscious; disconcert; abash,especially in a social situation.

• Eg: His bad table manners embarrassed her.


• —verb• to draw away or divert, as the

mind or attention: • Eg:The music distracted him from

his work.


Game Time!Game Time!• Select two groups to stand in the front of the

classroom. Each group consists of four members. Students of each group stand in line in the same direction. At beginning, only people who stand at the end of the group can see the word written on the paper. Then he or she has to explain the word by action to the student in front of him or her without saying anything. In this way, the word is passed one by one. Then the last one must guest which word it is. The first group to guess the word correctly will receive gifts.

The main idea of each part• Scene One

• Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant Manager

• Scene Two• Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a work-

mate into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.

• Scene Three• Father embarrassed Heidi by boasting to an

official of her new school about how bright she was.

Character AnalysisFather:cares about his children interrupts his children’s affairs excessivelythese behaviours embarrassed the childrenlove towards themself-loving “Istateliness as a father.


do’s and don’ts, please’s, dear’s, and sweetheart’s

real head

her orders are respected

maintain the peace

The Thompson children

respect mother

used to father’s meddling with their affairs. When Sean and Heidi

they can afford to stand back and poke a few bemused comments


put on guard


hysterical. loses her temper.

Author’s point of view

• The main idea of whole text: Father meddled in children’s affaires with good intentions, but only to find his efforts unwelcome.

• Author’s point of view: When parents interfere with their children’s affairs, they believe that they are doing so in the interest of their children, but the children may not be grateful. Despite their complaints, the Thompson children actually love their father very much.

Is it the fault of parents or children?

Why the generation gap forms?

• Different Different values, values, culture and culture and stylestyle

• Clinging to Clinging to their own their own ideas ideas

• The lack of The lack of communicaticommunicationon

• IndependencIndependencee

A classical film of the 1960s7 nominations for the 1968 academy award "the best film".

Theme: youth rebelled the traditional life. Benjamin graduated stepped into the societylost, crazy and uncertaintygeneration gap a hookdramatic film more mature and responsibleSatirizes( 讽刺) the generation gap between the parents and the youth

Outside, raining…

What’s next?

Mother: Dear my son…I found you…I’m so

sorry for you ,it’s my fault…

Son: dear Ma, I shouldn’t shout at you

just now…forgive me…

Mother: I do care you! You are the world to

me !

• forbear and understand each other • respect each other • communication • parents should treat their children as

friends • the parents should keep study and

catch up with the development of the fashion

• children should think of the problems from their parents viewpoint

You raise me up, so i can stand on mountains;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;I am strong, when i am on your shoulders;You raise me up… to more than i can be.

THANK YOUMiss Meng& Students offering help


• College English integrated course 2 student’s book

• Oxford advancer’s English Chinese dictionary

• http://www.Google.com

• http://www.qq.com

• http://mp3.baidu.com