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Utilizing in teaching Japanese as a second language

Toshiyuki SADANOBU

While English is frequently spoken in clausal increments, common Japanese often uses a smaller

grammatical phrase called as a unit of speech. Based on grammatical and prosodic observation, this paper

describes fundamental knowledge for utilizing -based speaking modes in teaching Japanese as a second

language. The main contents are as follows: (i) The -based speaking mode is not a mere fragmentation of

a clause-based speaking mode. It has its own grammatical rules concerning copulas, attitudinal particles and

intonation, which indicates that teaching it is necessary and feasible. (ii) Although some -based speaking

modes seem to have a negative image, this fact does not justify not teaching this mode. The negative image of

-based speaking modes can be swept away by adjusting the temporal aspects of speech. (iii) There is no

convincing reason for postponing the introduction of -based speaking modes to the Japanese language

teaching schedule.
