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おまかせ ~Course Menu~

デイナーコース ¥7,000 Dinner Course SHUNJU / 7 dishes including Sashimi, Seasonal Fish and Grilled Chicken

| 前菜 | 季節の前菜盛り合わせ Assorted Appetizers

| 造り | お造り3種盛り合わせ

3 Kinds of Sashimi

| 魚介 | 鱸の酒蒸し 煎り酒セミドライトマト Steamed Sea Bass with Sake, Semi-Dried Tomatoes

| 椀 | 穴子と長芋の真丈 Steamed Conger and Yam Fish Ball

| 強肴 | 徳島県産 阿波尾鶏のグリル 山椒あん Grilled AWAO Chicken with Japanese Pepper Starchy Sauce

| 食事 | 鮎の鉄釜飯 / 香の物・味噌汁 Iron-Pot Rice with Sweetfish, Miso Soup and Pickles

| 食後 | 季節のデザート Seasonal Dessert

デイナーコース ¥9,000 Dinner Course FARM / 8 Dishes including Charcoal Grilled Beef, Sashimi and Seasonal Fish

| 前菜 | 季節の前菜盛り合わせ Assorted Appetizers

| 凌ぎ | ツギハギ寿司


| 造り | お造り3種盛り合わせ

3 Kinds of Sashimi

| 魚介 | 伊佐幾のソティ 香味野菜とプラネタオイルで Sautéed Grunt Fish with Potherb and Olive Oil

| 預鉢 | 茄子の冷製 生雲丹のせ 豆乳コンソメスープ Eggplant with Sea Urchin, Cold Soymilk Soup

| 主菜 | ツギハギセレクト牛サーロインの炭火焼き Charcoal Grilled Japanese Beef Sirloin

| 食事 | かますの鉄釜飯 / 香の物・味噌汁 Iron-Pot Rice with Barracuda, Miso Soup and Pickles

| 食後 | 季節のデザート盛り合わせ Assorted Seasonal Dessert

デイナーコース ¥13,000 Dinner Course LAND / Special 9 Dishes including Charcoal Grilled Japanese Beef, Foie Gras and Abalone

| 先付 | 季節の前菜盛り合わせ Assorted Appetizers

| 凌ぎ | 炙り寿司 二種

2 Kinds of Sushi

| 造り | お造り盛り合わせ

Assorted Sashimi

| 椀 | 茄子の冷製 生雲丹のせ 豆乳コンソメスープ Eggplant with Sea Urchin, Cold Soymilk Soup

| 逸品 | フォアグラのソティ キャラメル味噌ソース Sautéed Foie Gras with Caramel and Miso Sauce

| 魚介 | あわびのステーキ 肝ソース Grilled Abalone

| 主菜 | 黒毛和牛の炭火焼き 農園野菜と数種のコンディメント Charcoal Grilled Japanese Beef Sirloin

| 食事 | お好みの鉄釜飯 秋田県産「北浦郷炭壌米」/ 香の物・味噌汁 Iron-Pot Rice of Your Choice (Please Choose from Iron-Pot Rice Menu), Miso Soup and Pickles

| 食後 | パティシエ特製デザート Chef’s Special Dessert

10% Consumption TAX will be added to the total.


『松阪牛』メイン 特別コース ¥15,300

One of the top three Japanese Beef, ‘MATSUSAKA BEEF’ Course, including Sashimi, Tempura and Sushi

| 先付 | 季節の前菜 Seasonal Appetizers

| 造り | 漁港から 鮮魚のお造り盛り合わせ

Assorted Sashimi

| 野菜 | 季節野菜の天麩羅 Vegetable Tempura

| 主菜 | 松阪 A5 サーロインの炭火焼き (100g) Charcoal Grilled A5 MATSUSAKA Beef Sirloin

| 食事 | 松阪牛の炙り寿司 (3 貫) / 味噌汁 Broiled MATSUSAKA Beef Sushi

| 食後 | パティシエ特製デザート Chef’s Special Dessert

10% Consumption TAX will be added to the total.

▮ 畑から ▮ Salad and Vegetables

夏野菜の塩麴漬け 800

Pickled Summer Vegetables ~ Eggplant, Cucumber and Japanese Ginger ~

カラフルトマトサラダ 1,200

Tomato Salad with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar

水茄子と北海蛸 青紫蘇ジェノベーゼ和え 1,480

Octopus and Eggplant, dressed with Perilla Sauce

ホワイトアスパラガスのソティ 1,680

Sautéed White Asparagus with Cheese Sauce and Poached Egg

丸茄子の雲丹グラタン 2,000

Baked Eggplant with Avocado and Shrimp, Sea Urchin Sauce


Green Salad, Choice of Cold White Wine Vinegar Dressing 1,320

Or Hot Soy Sauce Dressing 720

▮ ツギハギの豆腐 ▮ Tofu

汲み上げ豆腐 920 Plain Tofu

アボカドと湯葉 1,430 Fresh Soymilk Skin and Avocado, Onion and Wasabi Dressing

じゃこ葱豆腐 1,230 Tofu with Roasted Young Sardines, Leaf Mustard and Sesame Oil

あつあげ豆腐 1,230 Deep Fried Tofu

10% Consumption TAX will be added to the total.

For customers ordering individual dishes, there is a cover charge of 800yen which includes a small appetizer of the day.

▮ 漁港から ▮ Seafood

鱸の酒蒸し 1,680 Steamed Sea Bass with Sake, Semi-Dried Tomatoes

伊佐幾のソティ 1,850 Sautéed Grunt Fish with Potherb and Olive Oil

穴子の一本揚げ 1,980 Deep Fried Conger with Chinese Spicy Seafood Sauce

マグロのレアグリル 3,260 Rare Grilled Tuna with Malted Soy Sauce

あわびのステーキ 3,570

Grilled Abalone

本日の刺身盛り合わせ 4,000

Assorted Sashimi for ¥4,400/ Today’s Sashimi from ¥1,500. Please ask your server

▮ 逸品 ▮ Shunju Style

ツギハギのアラカルト 旬の素材料理から定番まで。

春秋コロッケ 990 Mashed Potatoes, Green Soy Beans and Corn Croquette

いか墨のおこげ 1,200 Scorched Rice with Squid Ink, Seafood Starchy Sauce

ソフトシェルシュリンプのアヒージョ 1,980 Fried Soft Shell Shrimp with Garlic Chili Oil, comes with Baguette

春秋たまご焼き 1,220 Japanese Style Omelet

伊達鶏の唐揚げ 特製味噌ディップ添え 2,600 Fried Chicken with Homemade Miso Dip <

Tempura / Assorted Seafood and Vegetables 2,800 / Vegetables Only 2,000

10% Consumption TAX will be added to the total.

For customers ordering individual dishes, there is a cover charge of 800yen which includes a small appetizer of the day.

▮ 逸品 ▮ Meat

阿波尾鶏の黒七味焼き 1,900 Grilled Chicken with Spicy Chili Pepper

短角牛と黒豚のソーセージ 2,040 Grilled Sausages / Short-Horned Beef and Berkshire Pork

桜カルビのグリル 2,240 Grilled Horse Meat, dressed with Sea Salt and Sesame Oil

牛ハラミとクレソンのスパイシーサラダ 2,500

Grilled Beef Plate with Watercress, Spicy Korean Miso Sauce

フォアグラのソティ キャラメル味噌ソース 2,650 Sautéed Foie Gras with Caramel and Miso Sauce

仔羊のロースト 黒七味ソース 2,850 Grilled Lamb with Black Chili Pepper Sauce

▮ 炭火焼き/肉素材 ▮ Charcoal Grilled

▮黒毛和牛▮ Wagyu - Beef

“黒毛和牛” ランプ 炭火焼き 3,260 Charcoal Grilled Wagyu Japanese Beef Rump

“黒毛和牛” サーロイン炭火焼き 4,600 Charcoal Grilled Wagyu Japanese Beef Sirloin

▮銘柄豚▮ Pork

“愛媛甘とろ豚” 炭火焼き 1,830 Charcoal Grilled AMATORO Pork From Ehime, Japan

“イベリコ豚 ベジョータ” 炭火焼き 2,950 Charcoal Grilled Iberian Pork From Spain

▮鶏、鴨▮ Chicken , Duck

鴨と地鶏のつくね 炭火焼き 1,220 Charcoal Grilled Tsukune (Minced Chicken and Duck Meatball

“阿波尾鶏” 炭火焼き 1,830

Charcoal Grilled AWAO Chicken From Tokushima, Japan

“比内地鶏” 炭火焼き 2,350

Charcoal Grilled HINAI Chicken From Akita, Japan


10% Consumption TAX will be added.

For customers ordering individual dishes, there is a cover charge of 800yen which includes a small appetizer of the day.

▮ 銘産地から 肴・珍味 ▮ Japanese Delicacies

|ワインやシャンパンにあわせて・・・| Recommended with Wine

いぶりがっことチーズの味噌漬け 920

IBURI-GAKKO Smoked Radish Pickles and Cream Cheese, Marinated in Miso

チーズの味噌漬け 800

Cream Cheese, Marinated with Miso

パルマ産熟成生ハム 1,450


チーズの盛り合わせ 2,650 Assorted Cheese

|ビールや日本酒、焼酎にあわせて・・・| Recommended with Sake

豆腐の味噌漬け 920

Tofu, Marinated with Miso

土佐の丸干し 920

Broiled Dried Sardines

生からすみ 1,530

Fresh Mullet Roe

珍味盛り合わせ 1,840

Assorted Japanese Delicacies

▮ ツギハギの寿司 ▮ Sushi

おまかせ寿司 五種 2,100

Chef’s Choice of 5 Pieces Sushi

おまかせ寿司 七種 3,000

Chef’s Choice of 7 Pieces Sushi

おまかせ寿司 十種 4,100

Chef’s Choice of 10 Pieces Sushi


▮ ツギハギの鍋 ▮ Hot Pot

特選牛のしゃぶしゃぶ 3,600 Japanese Beef Shabu-Shabu For 2-3people, 1Pot ¥7,200

・お肉の追加 2,600 Additional Beef 1 Portion ¥2,600

すっぽん鍋 3,500 Suppon-Nabe (Soft Shell Turtle Hot Pot) For 2-3people, 1Pot ¥7,000

・残った美味しいスープで “すっぽん雑炊 ” 850

Rice porridge after Hot Pot 1 Portion ¥850


10% Consumption TAX will be added to the total.

For customers ordering individual dishes, there is a cover charge of 800yen which includes a small appetizer of the day.

▮ ツギハギの飯 ▮ Rice and Noodles

鉄釜飯 ◇2~3名様でどうぞ。 Iron Pot Rice, 1 Pot For 2-3 People


It takes about 30 minutes to cook

鮎の鉄釜飯 1,850


比内地鶏の鉄釜飯 1,850


かますの鉄釜飯 1,900


牛肉のタコライス風 鉄釜飯 2,400

Minced Beef, Vegetables and Cheese

雲丹の鉄釜飯 生海苔とともに 3,500 Sea Urchin and Fresh Seaweed


釜あげしらすとゆかり飯 920

Boiled Young Sardines and Dried Perilla on Steamed Rice

ツギハギの出汁茶漬け 炙り明太子 又は 南高梅 920

Steamed Rice in Dashi-Broth / Choice of Spicy Cod Roe or Plum

~秋田県より~ “北浦郷炭壌米” めんこいなの塩むすび 620

Rice Balls / 2 Pieces

~香川県より~ “讃岐うどん” 920

Udon Noodles (Thick White Noodles) / Choice of Hot or Cold

しじみの味噌汁 ~香川県直送、イヅツ味噌で~ 520

Miso Soup with Clams

漬物 ~自家製の糠漬け~ 500

Japanese Pickles

Steamed Rice / ¥320

*別途デザートメニューもございます。お食事後に是非召しあがり下さい。 We Also Have a Dessert Menu, Please Ask Your Server
