資管碩一 段怡安. 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Building Great Android Apps 2.3 Android Best Practices...


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Android Market and Business


資管碩一 段怡安


List• 2.1 Introduction• 2.2 Building Great Android Apps• 2.3 Android Best Practices

• 2.3.1 Compatibility• 2.3.2 Supporting Multiple Screens• 2.3.3 Android User Interface Guidelines

• 2.4 Registering at Android Market• 2.5 Setting Up a Google Checkout Merchant Account• 2.6 AndroidManifest.xml file• 2.7 Preparing Your Apps for Publication• 2.8 Uploading Your Apps to Android Market• 2.9 Other Android App Marketplaces


• 2.10 Pricing Your App: Free or Fee• 2.11 Monetizing Apps with In-App Advertising• 2.12 Monetizing Apps: Using In-App Billing to Sell Virtual Good in Your Apps• 2.13 Launching the Market App from Within Your App• 2.14 Managing Your Apps in Android Market• 2.15 Marketing Your App• 2.16 Other Popular App Platforms• 2.17 Android Developer Documentation• 2.18 Android Humor• 2.19 Wrap-Up


2.1 Introduction• discuss the User Interface Guidelines and

Best Practices for designing apps

• learn how to register for Android Market and set up a Google Checkout account for sell apps

• learn how to prepare your apps for publication and how to upload them to Android Market


• discuss considerations for make your apps free or selling for a fee

• provide resources for marketing your apps, mention other popular app platforms to which you want to port Android apps

• point to Android developer documentation for additional information online


2.2 Building Great Android Apps

• How do you create an Android app that people easy to find, download, use and recommend to others. Consider what makes an app more fun, useful, interesting, appealing and enduring.

• Figure 2.1 shows some characteristics of great apps.


Fig. 2.1 | Characteristics of great apps .(Part 1 of 4.)


Fig. 2.1 | Characteristics of great apps. (Part 2 of 4.)


Fig. 2.1 | Characteristics of great apps.(Part 3 of 4.).


Fig. 2.1 | Characteristics of great apps .(Part 4 of 4.)


2.3 Android Best Practices• The Android Developer’s Best Practices

section discusses compatibility, supporting multiple screens, user interface guidelines, and designing for performance, responsiveness and seamlessness.

• the general mobile apps design guidelines available from other online resources (Fig. 2.2)


• Add your text here

Fig. 2.2 | Online resources for mobile app design.


2.3.1 Compatibility• When developing an Android app, you

need to determine which devices and versions of the operating system it will target. The <uses-feature> describe the app’s feature needs, allowing Android Market to filter the app so that only users with compatible devices can view and download it.


• Add your text here

Fig. 2.3 | Feature descriptors for specifying hardware and software requirements in the manifest file .(Part 1 of 4.)


Fig. 2.3 | Feature descriptors for specifying hardware and software requirements in the manifest file .(Part 2 of 4.)


Fig. 2.3 | Feature descriptors for specifying hardware and software requirements in the manifest file .(Part 3 of 4.)


Fig. 2.3 | Feature descriptors for specifying hardware and software requirements in the manifest file .(Part 4 of 4.)


2.3.2 Supporting Multiple Screens

• Android SDK 1.6 and higher support multiple screen sizes (small, normal, large and extra large),


2.3.3 Android User Interface Guidelines

• Icon Design Guidelines

launcher, menu, status bar, tab, dialog and list view icons

→ size, color, positioning, effects

• Widget Design Guidelinessuch as the current weather, stock prices and news


Fig. 2.4 | Popular Android widgets. (Part 1 of 2.)

21Fig. 2.4 | Popular Android widgets. (Part 2 of 2.)


• Activity and Task Design Guidelinesactivities, the activity stack, Tasks

• Menu Design Guidelinesoptions, context, compose, delete threads, search and settings

•Designing for Accessibility



Fig. 2.5 | Points and suggestions when designing the user interface.

24Fig. 2.5 | Points and suggestions when designing the user interface.


2.4 Registering at Android Market

• To publish your apps on Android Market, you must register for an account


Fig. 2.7 | Violations of the Android Market Content Policy for Developers


2.5 Setting Up a Google Checkout Merchant Account

• To sell your apps on Android Market, you’ll need a Google Checkout merchant account


• available to Android Market developers located in 29 countries at the time of this writing

Fig. 2.8 | Supported locations for Google Checkout merchants.


2.6 AndroidManifest.xml File


2.7 Preparing Your Apps for Publication

• Testing your app on Android devices• Considering including an End User License

Agreement with your app • Adding an icon and label to the app’s manifest• Turning off logging and debugging• Versioning your app (e.g., 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.3, 3.0)• Getting a cryptographic key for digitally signing

your app• Compiling your app• Signing your app


Fig. 2.10 | Android functionality not available on the emulator


2.8 Uploading Your Apps to Android Market

• Uploading Assets– App .apk file– Screenshots– High resolution app icon

• Publishing Options– Content rating– Locations


• Listing Details– Language

– Title

– Description

– Recent changes

– Promo text

– App type

– Category

– Price


• Contact Information– Website

– E-mail

– Phone number

• Consent


2.9 Other Android App Marketplaces

• Add your text here


2.10 Pricing Your App: Free or Fee

Fig. 2.17 | Ways to monetize apps.


2.11 Monetizing Apps with In-App Advertising

• Some developers offer free apps monetized with in-app advertising

often banner ads similar to those you find on websites.


2.12 Monetizing Apps: Using In-App Billing to Sell Virtual Good in Your Apps


2.13 Launching the Market App from Within Your App

• can launch the Market app from within your app, and user can download other apps you’ve published or purchase a related app with functionality beyond that of the previously downloaded version

• can also launch the Market app to enable users to download the latest updates


2.14 Managing Your Apps in Android Market

• The Android Market Developer Console allows you to manage your account and your apps, check users’ star ratings for your apps , track the overall number of installs of each app and the number of active installs


2.15 Marketing Your App

Fig. 2.21 | Popular social media sites.


Fig. 2.26 | Other popular app platforms besides Android. (Part 1 of 2.)

2.16 Other Popular App Platforms


Fig. 2.26 | Other popular app platforms besides Android. (Part 2 of 2.)


2.18 Android Humor

• A funny image that emphasizes one of the key differences between Android and iPhone.

• A humorous video that tries to encourage you to buy an Android phone.


2.19 Wrap-Up

將應用程式上傳至 android market前,必須在模擬器還有 android設備上測試,最後編輯完AndroidManifest.xml文件,透過步驟上傳後就能夠出售應用程式,有提供定價技巧,不過前提是此應用程式必須有符合 android的準則。

The end