人教课标版 高二必修 5 Unit 1. Warming Up There are some great scientific achievements that...


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人教课标版 高二必修 5

Unit 1

Warming Up

There are some great scientific achieve

ments that have changed the world. Can y

ou name some of them? What kind of role

do they play in the field of science? Do the

se achievements have anything in commo

n? Match the inventions with their invento

rs below before you answer all these questi


Alexander Bell electricity

Thomas Edison the First telephone

Laite Brothers the electric Lamp

Madame Curie black holes in Universe

Franklin Theory of Gravity

Steven Hawking the First Plane

Elbert Einstein Radium

Isaac Newton the Theory of Relativity

Who is he?

He is … Archimedes ( 阿基米德 )

Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?

Charles Darwin.

Who is he?

He is …

Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?

Thomas Newcomen.

Who is he?

He is …

Who invented the first steam engine?

Gregor Mendel

Who is he?

He is …

Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children?

Marie Curie

Who is he?

He is …

Who discovered radium?

Thomas Edison

Who is he?

He is …

Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?

Leonardo da Vinci

Who is he?

He is …

Who was the painter

that studied dead

bodies to improve his

painting of people?

Humphry Davy

Who is he?

He is …

Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?


Who is he?

He is …

Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?

Stephen Hawking

Who is he?

He is …

Who put forward a theory about black holes?


Supply the following words with detail.

John Snow


John Snow (1813-1858)

John Snow was

born in York on

March 15th, 1813,

the oldest of nine




His father worked as a laborer. While p

oor, his parents were determined to give th

eir children whatever educational opportu

nities they could afford. He was educated a

t a private school in his native city until th

e age of fourteen, when he was apprentice

d( 当学徒 ) to William Hardcastle, a surge

on( 外科医生 ) living at Newcastle-on-T


After serving for a short time as a surgeo

n and unqualified assistant during the ch

olera epidemic of 1831-1982, he became i

n October 1836 a student at the Hunteria

n School of medicine in Great Windmill

Street, London. He began to attend the m

edical practice at

the Westminster Hospital

in the following October.

1836 37 38 39 40 184541 42 43 44

He graduated M.D. of the University of

London on 20 Dec. 1844, and in 1850 he

was admitted a licentiate of the Royal

College of Physicians.

He designed a chloroform inhaler( 氯仿吸入器 ), described in his book, On Chloroform and other Anesthetics, published in 1858.

Dr. Snow was also a prominent anesthesiologist( 麻醉师 )

What else was he famous for?

What is Cholera?

Cholera is the illness caused by a ba

cterium called Vibria cholerae. It infec

ts people’s intestines( 肠 ), causing dia

rrhea( 腹泻 ), vomiting( 呕吐 ) and leg

cramps( 小腿抽筋 ).

The most common cause of cholera is by

someone eating food or drinking water

that has been contaminated with the


After a disaster, this is a very real

danger, since regular, clean water and

food supplies are often unavailable. The

disease can be spread even further by

infected people using already dirty

water sources to clean themselves

or dispose of waste.

Cholera can be mild or even without

symptoms, a severe case can lead to

death without immediate treatment. The

diarrhea and vomiting brought on by the

infection quickly leaves the body without

enough fluid. The following

dehydration( 脱水 ) and shock can kill a

person within hours.

Look at the picture, the title and the

map, guess what the content of the text

is. Then skim it quickly to see if you are


When we want to solve some problem.

First we should find the problem, do so

me research on it, prove your finding, a

nd then make a conclusion. This is a sci

entific and objective way of researching.

1. What order would you put the seven in?


draw a conclusion

think of a method

collect results

make a question

find a problem

analyse the results

Find supporting evidence

Please put the

7 stages in right

order according

to the passage.

Infectious diseases can be spread to

other people. They have an unknown

cause and need public health care to

solve them.

2. What do you know about infectious


Repel ( 回避 ) may be exposed to an i

nfectious diseases, so may animals, su

ch as bird flu. AIDS, SARS are infect

ious diseases.

Infectious diseases are difficult to cur


Cholera is the illness caused by a ba

cterium called Varian cholera. If inf

ects people’s intestines( 肠胃 ), causi

ng diarrhea( 腹泻 ), vomiting( 呕吐 )

and leg cramps ( 小腿抽筋 ).

3. What do you know about cholera?

The most common cause of cholera is by

someone eating food or drinking water th

at has been contaminated( 污染 ) with th

e bacteria.

Cholera can be mild( 不严重的 ) or

even without symptoms( 症状 ), but a

severe case can lead to death without

immediately treatment.


Great Britain

Death of first cholera case in London during the 1848-49 epidemic


Previous cholera epidemic in Great Britain in 1831-32

The spread of cholera

John Snow Defeats “King John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”Cholera”

What is the problem?

Cholera was the deadly disease of its day. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.

What’s the cause of cholera?

Make a question: two theories

1. Cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victims.

2. People absorbed it with their meals.

Broad Street

Many deaths happened here.

No death happened here.

The water from the pump was to blame.

Public house

Small, white, flocculent


The water was from the river which had been polluted by the dirty water from London.

Find supporting evidence: What extra evidence did he find?

A woman and her daughter who lived far away but drank the water also died.

Draw a conclusion with certainty

The polluted water carried the virus.

I. Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.

Many people died of cholera.

John Snow tried to find out its _____ and ____

People drank water from the pump in ______ Street.

Most died.

cause cure



Families were given free beer in the pub at __________ Street.

People removed the ______ from the water pump.

People had no________

The disease ___________




slowed down

_______ water carried the disease.

Theory 2 that people ________ the disease with their meals proved right. And theory 1 was wrong.

________ the source of all the water supplies.



II. True (T) or false (F):

1. Cholera would never be controlled

even if its cause was found.

2. The disease attacked the body quickly

from the stomach and soon the

affected person died.

3. John Snow began to collect the

information before the disease





4. In two particular streets, 500 people

died in 10 days when another

outbreak hit London in 1854.

5. Deaths of the woman and her

daughter were linked to the Broad

Street outbreak.

6. Only ordinary people died when

cholera broke out.




III. Choose the best answers.1. What’s the purpose of the text?A. To show us how difficult it was to find a cure for cholera.B. To tell us how John Snow found the cause of cholera and the cure for it.C. To show us how difficult it was to carry out experiments at that time.D. To tell us the way cholera spread and how serious it was.

2. What inspired John Snow according

to the first paragraph?

A. Being Queen Victoria’s personal


B. Finding where cholera happened.

C. Helping ordinary people who suffered

from cholera.

3. What’s the use of John Snow’s map in

his research?

A. To help him find the number of dead


B. To help him not lose his way.

C. To help him find the reason of the

cholera outbreak.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. John Snow became famous after cholera hit England in the 19th century.B. John Snow began to collect information long before cholera hit England in the 19th century.C. The mother and her daughter mentioned in the text both lived in Broad Street.D. John Snow felt unsure about the cause of cholera after he finished the map.

5. Why was cholera called “King Cholera” in the text?A. Because cholera caused many deaths.B. Because it got its name from Queen Victoria.C. Because cholera was the most deadly disease of its day.D. Because it was defeated with the help of the king.

6. Another title of the text might be


A. John Snow and cholera

B. The discovery of cholera

C. John Snow: a great scientist

What should you do if you're travelling

to a country that has a cholera

outbreak? Drink only water that you have boiled

or treated with chlorine or iodine. Other

safe drinks include tea or coffee made

with boiled water and carbonated, bottled

beverages with no ice.

•Eat only food that's been thoroughly

cooked and is still hot, or fruit that

you've peeled yourself.

•Avoid undercooked or raw fish and


•Avoid raw salads and vegetables. •Avoid food and drinks from street


"Boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it."


Group Discussion

1. John Snow believed Idea 2 was right.

How did he finally prove it?

John Snow finally proved his idea

because he found an outbreak that was

clearly related to cholera, collected

information and was able to tie cases

outside the area to the polluted water.

2. Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem without the map? No. The map helped John Snow organize his ideas. He was able to identify those households that had had many deaths and check their water-drinking habits. He identified those houses that had had no deaths and surveyed their drinking habits. The evidence clearly pointed to the polluted water being the cause.

3. Cholera is a 19th century disease. What

disease do you think is similar to cholera


Two diseases, which are similar today,

are SARS and AIDS because they are

both serious, have an unknown cause and

need public health care to solve them.
