هنر پوسترهاي سينمايي - احسان خوشبخت - ايندكس كتاب



ايندكس كتاب «هنر پوسترهاي سينمايي» ، تأليف احسان خوش‌بخت - انتشارات كتابكده كسري. پاييز 1393

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    82 )Abraham Lincoln, D. W. Griffith, 1930( 143 )Hard Candy, David Slade, 2005(

    161 )Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein, Charles Barton, 1948(174 )Crossfire, Edward Dmytryk, 1947( 45 )A Chump at Oxford, Alfred J. Goulding, 1959( 42 )The Last Command, Josef von Sternberg, 1928( 184 )Last Mile, Howard W. Koch, 1959( 130 )The Last Temptation of Christ, Martin Scorsese, 1988( 63 )Larme des ombres, Jean-Pierre Melville, 1969( 71 )Arsenal, Alexander Dovzhenko, 1928(

    16 )Arizona, Augustus E. Thomas, 1913( 91 )Across the Pacific, John Huston, 1942( 67 ) bout de souffle, Jean-Luc Godard, 1960( 95 )Spitfire, Leslie Howard, 1942( 27 )I Found Stella Parish, Mervyn LeRoy, 1935(

    102 )Bunco Squad, Herbert I. Leeds, 1935( 178 )This Gun for Hire, Frank Tuttle, 1942( 70 )Luch smerti, Lev Kuleshov, 1925( 64 )LAveu, Costa-Gavras, 1970( 74 )The Enforcer, Bretaigne Windust, 1951(

    107-147 )Exodus, Otto Preminger, 1960( 28 )If I Had a Million, James Cruze, H. Bruce Humberstone, 1932(

    121 )Aguirre: The Wrath of God, Werner Herzog, 1972( 40 )El Topo, Alejandro Jodorowsky, 1970( 60 )Elena et les Hommes, Jean Renoir, 1956( 128 )Empire of the Sun, Steven Spielberg, 1987(

    20 )I Do, Hal Roach, 1921( 177 )They Drive By Night, Raoul Walsh, 1940(

    116 )A Space Odyssey:2001, Stanley Kubrick, 1968( 115 )Easy Rider, Dennis Hopper, 1969( 122 )Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola, 1979(

    106 )Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, Paul Mazursky, 1969( 13 )The Wind, Victor Sjstrm, 1927( 90 )Scotland Yard Investigator, George Blair, 1945( 95 )Back to Bataan, Edward Dmytryk, 1945( 95 )The Return of Frank James, Fritz Lang, 1940( 163 )The Return of Doctor X, Vincent Sherman, 1939(

    135 )The Game, David Fincher, 1997( 88 )Lady in the Death House, Steve Sekely, 1944( 152 )The Lady Vanishes, Alfred Hitchcock, 1938( 148 )Bunny Lake Is Missing, Otto Preminger, 1965( 41 )Bonnie and Clyde, Arthur Penn, 1965(

    29 )I Married a Monster from Outer Space, Gene Fowler Jr, 1958( 178 )Sorry Wrong Number, Anatole Litvak, 1948( 55 )Baby Face, Alfred E. Green, 1933(

    15 )Alkali Ike`s Misfortunes, Gilbert M. Broncho Billy`Anderson, 1915(

    50 )Raw Deal , Anthony Mann, 1948( 133 )The Blues Brothers, John Landis, 1980( 75 )Ride the High Country, Sam Peckinpah, 1962( 185 )Walk a Crooked Mile, Gordon Douglas, 1948(

    113 )Burn, Gillo Pontecorvo, 1969( ! 100 )Some Came Running, Vincente Minnelli, 1958( 34 )Spy Smasher, William Witney, 1942(

    19 )Belphgor, Henri Desfontaines, 1927(

    74-111 )Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, George Roy Hill, 1969( 47 )Killer`s Kiss, Stanley Kubrick, 1955( 117 )Bullitt, Peter Yates, 1968( 184 )Boomerang!, Elia Kazan, 1947( 76 )Beau Hunks, James W. Horne, 1931( 183 )Sweet Smell Of Success, Alexander Mackendrick, 1967(

    138 )I Shot Andy Warhol, Mary Harron, 1996( 65 )Tirez sur le pianiste, Franois Truffaut, 1960(

    110 )For a Few Dollars More, Sergio Leone, 1965( 171 )Rustler`s Paradise, Harry L. Fraser, 1935( 85 )Go West, Edward Buzzell, 1940( 155 )Strangers on a Train, Alfred Hitchcock, 1951( 89 )The Stranger, Orson Welles, 1946( 59 )Les Misrables, Jean-Paul Le Chanois, 1958(

    121 )The Godfather: Part II, Francis Ford Coppola, 1974( 37-121 )A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick, 1971( 155 )Torn Curtain, Alfred Hitchcock, 1966( 154-155-157 )The Birds, Alfred Hitchcock, 1963( 153 )The Paradine Case, Alfred Hitchcock, 1947( 65 )La Sirne du Mississipi, Franois Truffaut, 1969( 23 )The Kid, Charles Chaplin, 1921( 90 )The Spiral Staircase, Robert Siodmak, 1947( 166 )Gimme Shelter, Albert Maysles, David Maysles, 1970( 157 )Rear Window, Alfred Hitchcock, 1954(

    127 )Five Easy Pieces, Bob Rafelson, 1970( 131 )LArgent, Robert Bresson, 1983( 81 )Triumph des Willens, Leni Riefenstahl, 1935( 39 )Premonition, Mennan Yapo, 2007( 72 )Picnic at Hanging Rock, Peter Weir, 1975(

    81 )Wizard of Oz, Victor Fleming, 1939(

    126 )Johnny Got His Gun, Dalton Trumbo, 1971( 124 )Jeremiah Johnson, Sydney Pollack, 1972( 68 )Togui Island, ?, 1929( 180 )Murder My Sweet, Edward Dmytryk, 1944(

    - : 49 )The Phantom Menace, George Lucas ,Star Wars: Episode I, 1999(

    98 )The Asphalt Jungle, John Huston, 1950( 173 )Django, Sergio Corbucci, 1966( 155 )Frenzy, Alfred Hitchcock, 1972(

    173 )The Outlaw Josey Wales, Clint Eastwood, 1976( 169 )The Searchers, John Ford, 1956( 24 )The Gold Rush, Charles Chaplin, 1921( 56-60 )Pickpocket, Robert Bresson, 1959( 164 )Jimi Hendrix, Joe Boyd, John Head, 1973(

    81 )Charlie Chan at the Race Track, H. Bruce Humberstone, 1936( 125 )Charley Varrick, Don Siegel, 1973( 88 )Gaslight, George Cukor, 1944( 80 )Check and Double Check, Melville W. Brown, 1930( 141 )Che, Steven Soderbergh, 2008(

    163 )Quattro Mosche Di Velluto Grigio, Dario Argento, 1971( 67 )Va Savoir, Jacques Rivette, 2001(

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    79 )Things to Come, William Cameron Menzies , 1936(

    87 )The Ox-Bow Incident, William Wellman, 1943(

    160 )Don t` Look Now, Nicolas Roeg, 1973( 32 )The Blob, Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr, 1958( 176 )The Verdict, Don Siegel, 1946( 26 )La Bte humaine, Jean Renoir, 1938(

    20 )The House of Terror, Roland D. Reed, 1928( 69 )Predatel, Abram Room, 1926( 89 )The Traitor Within, Frank McDonald, 1942( 153 )Foreign Correspondent, Alfred Hitchcock, 1940(

    139 )The Thin Red Line, Terrence Malick, 1998( 64 )La Ligne de dmarcation, Claude Chabrol, 1966( 176-178 )The Big Sleep, Howard Hawks, 1946( 29 )The Grapes of Wrath, John Ford, 1940( 35 )Vampyr, Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1932( 168 )Blood on the Moon, Robert Wise, 1948(

    146 )West Side Story, Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins, 1961( 132 )Coal Miners Daughter, Michael Apted, 1980( 160 )Dracula, Tod Browning, 1931( 171 )The Hanging Tree, Delmer Daves, 1959( 143 )The Tree of Life, Terrence Malick, 2011( 148 )In Harm`s Way, Otto Preminger, 1965( 162 )Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, John S. Robertson, 1920( 177 )The Two Mrs. Carrolls, Peter Godfrey, 1947( 97 )The FBI Story, Mervyn LeRoy, 1959(

    129 )New York Stories, Woody Allen, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, 1989( 101 )Dragnet, Jack Webb, 1954( 63 )Le Cercle rouge, Jean-Pierre Melville, 1970( 32 )Dinosaurus!, Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr., 1958(

    102 )Track the Man Down, R.G. Springsteen, 1955( 114 )Point Blank, John Boorman, 1967( 95 )Hail the Conquering Hero, Preston Sturges, 1944( 57 )Le Destin fabuleux de Dsire Clary, Sacha Guitry, 1941(

    117 )Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Bomb, Stanley Kubrick, 1959(71 )Dr. Jack, Fred C. Newmeyer, 1922( 125 )Il Conformista , Bernardo Bertolucci, 1970( 63 )Le Deuxime Souffle, Jean-Pierre Melville, 1966(

    24-25 )The Great Dictator, Charles Chaplin, 1940( 129 )Pink Floyd The Wall, Alan Parker, 1982(

    17 )The Crimson Stain Mystery, T. Hayes Hunter, 1920( 126 )Taxi Driver, Martin Scorsese, 1976( 104 )Bandido, Richard Fleischer, 1956( 159 )The Body Snatcher, Robert Wise, 1945( 180 )The Lineup, Don Siegel, 1958( 69 )Bronenosets Potyomkin, Sergei M. Eisenstein, 1925( 80 )The Billion Dollar Scandal, Harry Joe Brown, 1933( 139 )Goodfellas, Martin Scorsese, 1990( 154-157 )Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock, 1960( 131 )The Grey Fox, Phillip Borsos, 1982( 25 )City Lights, Charles Chaplin, 1931( 57 )Le Rve, Jacques de Baroncelli, 1931( 75 )The Day of the Jackal, Fred Zinnemann, 1973( 85 )A Day at the Races, Sam Wood, 1973( 117-170 )Once Upon a Time in the West, Sergio Leone, 1968( 64 )Classe tous risques, Claude Sautet, 1966( 43 )Rio Bravo, Howard Hawks, 1959( 172 )Rio Lobo, Howard Hawks, 1970(

    67 )Zazie dans le Mtro, Louis Malle, 1960( 60 )La Prisonnire, Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1968( 80 )The Prisoner of Shark Island, John Ford, 1936( 100 )Viva Zapata, Elia Kazan, 1952( ! 179 )No Man of Her Own, Mitchell Leisen, 1950( 79 )Red-Headed Woman, Jack Conway, 1932( 83 )Marked Woman, Lloyd Bacon, 1937(

    21 )Frau im Mond, Fritz Lang, 1929( 143 )Le temps de la kermesse est termin, Frdric Chignac, 1936( 174 )Time to Kill, Herbert I. Leeds, 1942(

    96 )Gigi, Vincente Minnelli, 1936(

    30-31 )The Desperate Hours, William Wyler, 1955( 144 )Lord of War, Andrew Niccol, 2005( 116 )Salvatore Giuliano, Francesco Rosi, 1962( 62 )Le Samoura, Jean-Pierre Melville, 1967( 152 )Shadow of a Doubt, Alfred Hitchcock, 1943(

    133 )September, Woody Allen, 1987( 41 )Serpico, Sidney Lumet, 1973(

    102 )The Great St. Louis Bank Robbery, Charles Guggenheim, 1959(151-157 )Vertigo, Alfred Hitchcock, 1958 ( 48 )The Big Tip Off, Frank McDonald, 1955( 57 )Csar, Marcel Pagnol, 1936( 185 )Journey into Fear, Norman Foster, 1943(

    15 )Le Voyage dans la lune, Georges Mlis, 1902( 149 )Bonjour tristesse, Otto Preminger, 1958( 34 )King of the Rocket Men, Fred C. Brannon, 1949( 149 )Saint Joan, Otto Preminger, 1957( 187 )San Quentin, Gordon Douglas, 1946( 85 )Duck Soup, Leo McCarey, 1933( 25 )City Lights, Charles Chaplin, 1928( 82 )Deluge, Felix E. Feist, 1933( 80 )Silver Streak, Fred Guiol, 1935( 181 )High Sierra, Raoul Walsh, 1940(

    104 )Eyewitness, Muriel Box, 1956( 179 )The Maltese Falcon, John Huston, 1941( 22 )A Night Out, Charles Chaplin, 1915( 158 )Night of the Living Dead, George A. Romero, 1968( 183 )Night and the City, Jules Dassin, 1950( 173 )Ulzana`s Raid, Robert Aldrich, 1972( 156 )North by Northwest, Alfred Hitchcock, 1959( 103 )Riot in Cell Block11w, Don Siegel, 1954( 11 105 )Dragstrip Riot, David Bradley, 1958( 148 )Advise & Consent, Otto Preminger, 1962(

    135 )The Truman Show, Peter Weir, 1998( 172 )True Grit, Henry Hathaway, 1969( 183 )City of Shadows, William Witney, 1955( 16 )A Distant Trumpet, Raoul Walsh, 1964( 58 )Les Diaboliques, Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1955( 75 )Shane, George Stevens, 1953(

    91 )Sahara, Zoltn Korda, 1943(

    114 )Il Deserto Rosso, Michelangelo Antonioni, 1964( 123 )The Front Page, Billy Wilder, 1974( 82 )Scarface, Howard Hawks, 1932(

    186 )Deadline - U.S.A, Richard Brooks, 1952(

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    79 )Drums Along the Mohawk, John Ford, 1939(

    117 )The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond , Budd Boetticher, 1960(

    59 )Ali Baba et les Quarante Voleurs, Jacques Becker, 1954( 150 )Love in the Afternoon, Billy Wilder, 1957( 66 )La Marie tait en noir, Franois Truffaut, 1968(

    104 )Odds Against Tomorrow, Robert Wise, 1959(

    41 )Giant, George Stevens, 1956(

    139 )Forrest Gump, Robert Zemeckis, 1994( 65 )Fahrenheit451w, Franois Truffaut, 1966( 451 2 )Falstaff, Orson Welles, 1965( 111 )The Great Escape, John Sturges, 1963( 51 )Frankenstein, James Whale, 1931(

    135 )Schindler`s List, Steven Spielberg , 1993( 46 )The Cameraman, Edward Sedgwick, 1928(

    172 )t 3:10 to Yuma, Delmer Daves, 1957( 3:10

    114 )Midnight Cowboy, John Schlesinger, 1969( 120 )Get Carter, Mike Hodges, 1971( 133 )Do the Right Thing, Spike Lee, 1989( 91 )Casablanca , Michael Curtiz, 1942( 119 )The Candidate, Michael Ritchie, 1972( 136 )Kansas City, Robert Altman, 1996( 162 )Carrie, Brian De Palma, 1976( 77 )Steamboat Round the Bend, John Ford, 1935( 63 )Le Doulos, Jean-Pierre Melville, 1962( 99 )The Third Key, Charles Frend, 1956( 142 )Food, Inc, Robert Kenner, 2008(

    169 )Ambush, Sam Wood, 1950( 166 )The Concert for Bangladesh, Saul Swimmer, 1972( 186 )Canon City, Crane Wilbur, 1948( 59 )Les Enfants Terribles , Jean-Pierre Melville, 1942(

    171 )The Telegraph Trail, Tenny Wright, 1948( 32 )The Black Cat, Albert S. Rogell, 1941( 84 )The Dawn Patrol, Howard Hawks, 1930( 145 )Lost in Translation, Sofia Coppola, 2003( 91 )The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, John Huston, 1948( 187 )The Dark Corner, Henry Hathaway, 1946( 22-24 )Caught in a Cabaret, Charles Chaplin, 1914(

    60 )Lancelot du Lac, Robert Bresson, 1974( 109 )The Naked Edge, Michael Anderson, 1961( 145 )Edge of Darkness, Martin Campbell, 2010( 166 )Let It Be, Michael Lindsay-Hogg, 1970(

    112 )Lawrence of Arabia, David Lean, 1962( 108 )Cool Hand Luke, Stuart Rosenberg, 1969( 59 )Lon Morin, prtre, Jean-Pierre Melville, 1961(

    81 )The Adventures of Robin Hood, Michael Curtiz & William Keighley, 1938( 51 )La Marseillaise, Jean Renoir, 1938( 126 )Paper Moon, Peter Bogdanovich, 1973( 18 )Metropolis, Fritz Lang, 1927( 184 )Kansas City Confidential, Phil Karlson, 1952( 136 )Dances with Wolves, Kevin Costner, 1990(

    127 )Chinatown, Roman Polanski, 1974(

    60 )Lemmy pour les dames, Bernard Borderie, 1961( 182 )The Pretender, W. Lee Wilder, 1947( 160 ) Phase IV, Saul Bass, 1974( 176 ) The Third Man, Carol Reed, 1949( 104 )The Wrong Man, Alfred Hitchcock, 1956( 162 )The Man from Planet X, Edgar G. Ulmer, 1951( 90 )Mysterious Intruder, William Castle, 1946( 176 )The Hitch-Hiker, Ida Lupino, 1953( 45 )Passage to Marseille, Michael Curtiz, 1944( 17-18-19 )Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, Robert Wiene, 1920( 88 )Objective, Burma!, Raoul Walsh, 1945( !

    124 )The Conversation, Francis Ford Coppola, 1974( 28 )Macbeth, Orson Welles, 1948(

    127 )Fat City, John Huston, 1972( 54 )The Mummy, Karl Freund, 1932( 131 )Raiders of the Lost Ark, Steven Spielberg, 1981( 9 )Mildred Pierce, Michael Curtiz, 1945( 85 )Monkey Business, Norman Z. McLeod, 1931(

    126 )Minnie and Moskowitz, John Cassavetes, 1971(

    138 )Terminator 2: Judgment Day,James Cameron, 1991( :2 116 )Au Hasard Balthazar, Robert Bresson, 1966( 139 )Naked Lunch, David Cronenberg, 1991( 160 )La Maschera del Demonio, Mario Bava, 1960( 94 )The Curse of the Cat People, Gunther von Fritsch, Robert Wise, 1944( 146 )Nine Hours to Rama, Mark Robson, 1963( 165 )Neil Young: Heart of Gold, Jonathan Demme, 2006( : 75 )High Noon, Fred Zinnemann, 1952(

    166 )Wild Man Blues, Barbara Kopple, 1997( 188 )Panic in the Streets, Elia Kazan, 1950( 181 )Sudden Fear, David Miller, 1952( 175 )Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, Fritz Lang, 1953( 180 )While The City Sleeps, Fritz Lang, 1956( 164 )When You`re Strange, Tom DiCillo, 2009( 46 )Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, Harry Edwards, 1926( 100 )I Vitelloni, Federico Fellini, 1953( 67 )Vincent, Franois, Paul et les autres, Claude Sautet, 1974( 167 )Woodstock, Michael Wadleigh, 1970(

    108 )Hud , Mar t i n R i t t , 1963 ( 107 )Harper, Jack Smight, 1966( 181 )The Clay Pigeon, Richard Fleischer, 1949( 182 )Never Trust a Gambler, Ralph Murphy, 1951( 41 )Dirty Harry, Don Siegel, 1967( 7-171 )The Magnificent Seven, John Sturges, 1960( 100 )Shichinin no Samurai, Akira Kurosawa, 1954( 118 )Bad Company, Robert Benton, 1972( 33 )Citizen Kane, Orson Welles, 1941(

    121 )All That Jazz, Bob Fosse, 1979( 98 )All About Eve, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1950( 143 )The Art of the Steal, Don Argott, 2009( 51 )The Aviator, Martin Scorsese, 2004( 93 )Stormy Weather, Andrew L. Stone, 1943( 93 )The Boogie Man Will Get You, Lew Landers, 1942( 93 )The Beast with Five Fingers, Robert Florey, 1946(

    69-71 )The Eleventh Year, Dziga Vertov, 1928( 149 )One, Two, Three, Billy Wilder, 1961( 145 )A Good Woman, Mike Barker, 2004( 74 )Femme Douce, Une, Robert Bresson, 1969( 131 )The Big Red One, Samuel Fuller, 1980( 169 )The Lone Ranger, Stuart Heisler, 1956(
