小儿童的书:感恩 - A Little Children's Book about Gratitude



儿童双语故事 - www.freekidstories.org preschoolers, children, bilingual books, moral values, 学龄前儿童,儿童双语读物,道德观念,

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Gratitude causes us to focus on all the wonderful things that we have instead of what we think we’re missing or haven’t yet received.


Being grateful for the good makes more good things happen.


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. 感恩使人生富足。

Gratitude turns what we have into enough and more.


It can turn a meal into a feast, 感恩做使一顿饭变为欢宴,

a house into a home, 房子变为家,

a stranger into a friend. 陌生人变为朋友。

In everything give thanks.


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page 1 – Anlong via Flickr

page 2 - Bethany via Flickr

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page 6 - Carl Lockey via Flickr

page 7 - Freeimages.com

page 8 – Anlong via Flickr

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page 10 - public domain

Text courtesy of Activated! magazine.

Used by permission.
