ì㖻ä乄 ᔊ ઔ î匈 ė徉乗 很ຩþ ⵗî 愡ì垌 ᠢ 㞺þ 㲁 ûäࡣGhulam ? Did you do...


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"Rejoice,therefore,that a handsome and pure boy will be

bestowed on thee,thou wilt receive a bright youth who will be of

thy seed and will be of thy progeny."(Tadhkirah-p,85-The

London Mosque 1976)







o o




dark ages

mischief or faction

Care taker

This is a letter from Mirza Imran Ahsan from Sydney Australia:

Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Junba, Asslam o alaikum I am surprised to read your views

in your book and the letters you wrote to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV publisehed

in your www.alghulam.com. Unfortunately I also consider your dreams and

messages as WASAAWIS as Hazoor did. You are terribly mistaken.You

should better read The Holy Quran carefully. Read Sura-e-Aal-e-Imran verse

39-40. There is no doubt that the word GHULAM is used for a son nothing

other than that. It is Sunat-Allah that He promises His prophets with SALEH

pious progeny (AULAAD). So did He promised Hazrat Masih Maud AS.

Ghulam is nothing but son of Hazrat Masih Maud AS. There is no IJTEHAADI

GHALATI, if there is then verse 40 of Aal-e-Imran is also Allah's Ijtehaadi

Ghalati, Naauzobillah. Hazrat Masih Maud AS based his views and

philosophies and understanding of his ILH AMAAT all on The Holy Quran, so

was this prophecy about Musleh Maud. I will be more inclined to believe the

dreams, KASHOOF and ILHAAMAT of Hazrat Khalifa II (Musleh Maud) who

claimed later in 1940s that he is Musleh Maud as promised to Hazrat Masih

Maud than yours.

His pious life is in front of me as historical evidence and I see repeated signs of

God's will and support for him. Otherwise believing in you means that I have

doubts about the verses of Quran. Naauzobillah, Allah did a mistake in

equating "Ghulam" to "son" in verse 40 of Sura-e-Aal-e-Imran. You better

reconsider all your philosophy and join Jamaat Ahmadiyya in its real spirit.

Although Ghulam can be anyone. But a promised Ghulam was Hazrat Mirza

Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad Al-Musleh Maud RA.

If you consider Khalifatul Masih as "Yaa Syed" then you should better remain in

the fold of ATAA'AT (obedience). If you have some doubts about Ghulam or

Musleh Maud, then keep them with yourself. Because I consider you seriously

confused in this matter.

I hope and pray that Allah may give you sense and understanding to stop any

more of such discussions. Also pray yourself and also request the Khalifatul

Masih for prayers.

You did not tell anything that what Services you did as being Musleh and

Ghulam ? Did you do any single service in the way Islam. If you did, let me

know about that. Better join as a humble servant and work for Ahmadiyyat, the

true Islam, and save the humanity from suffering and chaos rather than

creating FITNA within the fold of Ahmadiyyat.



brain washing

This is a letter from an anonym person:

SALAM, By the way how can we accept you? Should we do a BAAIT? ,,, and

leave the Khalifa-e-waqt. It is very contradicting claim with the normal

reasoning of Ahmadi beliefs. If you are an appointed divine from God than why

is someone else heading the Jamaat. The dreams you wrote and your Nazm

can possibly be right and from God but in my opinion you misunderstood the

message from God. You also wrongly understood some of the poems from

Khalifa IV RA.He denied such beliefs in response to your letters. He was not

expecting any promised Ghulam and Musleh Maud in present age. You wrote

that you took queue/hint from his different ASHAAR, If he denied such

representation of ideas in those ASHAAR than I believe you surely are wrong

in quoting Promised Messiah and also from Holy Quran. Every other Ahmadi

daims that he / she has seen several dreams, day time images and words of

God, thus you are not alone. It is a repeated phenomena in Ahmadi families to

see righteous dreams and I believe that God has done the same with you but

you misunderstood and continued to misunderstand. You are also against the

NIZAAM, System, but as I have the understanding, it is a plant sown by God

himslef. Khilafat is also sown by God which has become a strong tree now. If

you are God's appointed person than what is Khalifa's authority and what is

your authority, where is the dividing line? There will be conflict.Should Khalifa

consult you on all matters or what? If you are not NABI than there is no

Obligation to belive in you.Do you claim to be a NABI? If you are a NABI than

lets see what message you brought other than

1.You are Ghulam and Musleh Maud

2.NIZAAM is bad and stoppinq freedom of speech.

I am failed to get anyother point or divine message than these 2. What

message you brought? like other prophets did. Hazrat Masih Maud AS wrote

over 70 books and challenged the religious world by showing the beauty of

Islam, Are you going to follow him? Anyway all the best with your life. You have

started an interesting discussion where unfortunately you have to face ridicule.

But for such a tall claim you should have strong reasons. You should also

prove yourself. Even if you are right in pointing out some misjudgments to

Promised Messiahs prophecies by later KHALIFAS, the burden of proof is on

you. How can your truth be judged by mere fact that in your opinion Khalifa II

and others misunderstood about Musleh Maud's prophecy. This doesn't mean

in any case that you become automatically Musleh Maud. Prove your truth as





















Inductive method Universal definition

"Socrates believed that a man cannot act rightly, unless he first knows

what is right, unless, in fact, he knows the concept of right."( A critical

History of Greek Philosophy by W.T. Stace-P,147)

"SOCRATES.I can't help that. We will talk to him some other time. If

all we have said in this discussion, and the questions we have asked,

have been right, virtue will be acquired neither by nature nor by

teaching. Whoever has it gets it by divine dispensation without taking

thought, unless he be the kind of statesman who can create another

like himself. Should there be such a man, he would be among the

living practically what Homer said Tiresias was among the dead, when

he described him as the only one in the underworld who kept his wits -

'the others are mere flitting shades'. Where virtue is concerned such a

man would be just like that, a solid reality among the shadows.

MENO. That is finely put, Socrates.

SOCRATES. On our present reasoning then, whoever has virtue gets

it by divine dispensation. But we shall not understand the truth of the

matter until, before asking how men get virtue, we try to discover

what virtue is in and by itself."

(Protagoras and Meno translated by W.K.C. Guthrie P.156-157)



"But as, for Socrates, the sole condition of Virtue is knowledge, and as

knowledge is just what can be imparted by teaching, it followed that

virtue must be teachable. The only difficult is to find the teacher, to

find someone who knows the concept of virtue. What the concept of

virtue is that is, thought Socrates, the precious piece of knowledge,

which no philosopher has ever discovered and which, if it were only

discovered, could at once be imparted by teaching, where upon men

would at once become virtuous."

(A critical History of Greek Philosophy by W.T. Stace -P,149 )


Isaac Newton/1643-1727

L a w o f

Char les Grav i ta t i o na l Fo rce


Theory of Evolution

"His method of forming concepts was by induction. He would take

common examples of actions which are universally admitted to be

prudent, and would attempt to find the quality which they all have in

common, and by virtue of which they are all classed together, and so

form the concept of prudence.Then he would bring up fresh examples,

and see whether they agreed with the concept so formed. If not, the

concept might have to be corrected in the light of the new examples."

(A critical History of Greek Philosophy by W.T. Stace-P,146)





cause Object

objecting writting or cause of writting

objective reading

object action


predicates independent


Virtue is Knowledge


"So that, in spite of the fact that his whole principle lay in the method

of definitions, Socrates, in fact, left his followers without any

definition of the supreme concept of his philosophy, virtue. It was

upon this point, therefore that the followers of Socrates disagreed.

They all agreed that virtue is the sole end of life, but they developed

different ideas as to what sort of life is in fact virtuous."

(A critical History of Greek Philosophy" by W.T. Stace-P,158)

Supreme Ultimate Universal


Albert Einstein/1879-1955

The The Manifest The Last The First




Omnipresent universality


u n m i x e d



unaided reason

non-sensory sensory



The First

action motion

The Last


objective actions

phenominal times

The Latent The Manifest

phenominal spaces

unmoved mover

Re v i e w o f


Turning point

electoral college








(Care taker)

"Whichtig ist,dass man nicht aufhört zu fragen."

