中国妇女发展基金会 China Women's Development Foundation



中国妇女发展基金会 China Women's Development Foundation. Like gathering sand to form a pagoda, synergize every effort for the development of Chinese women. Chen Muhua August 22,1988. “ 母亲健康快车”项目介绍 Brief Introduction: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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中国妇女发展基金会China Women's Development Foundation

Like gathering sand to form a pagoda, synergize every effort for the development of Chinese women.Chen Muhua

August 22,1988

“ 母亲健康快车”项目介绍Brief Introduction: 为积极贯彻党的十六大精神,配合西部大开发战略和《中国妇女发展纲要( 2001 - 2010 )》的实施,进一步改善贫困地区缺医少药现状、维护妇女健康权益,在陈慕华会长的提议下,由全国妇联、国务院妇儿工委办公室发起、中国妇女发展基金会承办的大型公益项目 ---“ 母亲健康快车”于 2003 年 7 月 12 日在北京天安门广场正式启动。 几年来,该项目严格按照“送健康理念、送健康知识、送健康服务”的宗旨,在降低妇科病发病率、特别在配合政府开展降低孕产妇死亡率、婴幼儿死亡率和消除新生儿破伤风项目中正发挥着独特作用,得到各级政府的肯定和老百姓的拥护。In order to carry out the guiding principles of the Sixteenth National Congress, work in conjugation with the implementation of the Western Development Strategy and“ China Women Development Program 2001-2010 ” , further improve the women medial care condition, saferguard the women health right , the Project of Mother Healthy Express suggested by Chenmuhua, the president of CWDF ,organized by ACWF ( All China Women’s Federation ) and NWCCWSC(The General Office of National Working Committee on Women and Children under the State Council ), implemented by CWDF was formally started at Tiananmen Square in 2003, July12 .In the past few years, as per the aims of “send health thought, send health knowledge, send health service ”, the Project of Healthy Mother Express played a unique role in reduction of the rate of gynecologic diseases and maternal mortality. It was praised by the all levels of government and warmly welcomed by the people.

全国妇联名誉主席、中国妇女发展基金会会长、“母亲健康快车”项目倡导人 -- 陈慕华Chen Muhua, The Honorable President of ACWF, President of CWDF, initiator of the Project of Healthy Mother Express

全国人大常委会副委员长、全国妇联主席顾秀莲向陕西省政府副秘书长薛汉军递送“母亲健康快车”金钥匙Gu Xiulian, the Vice-Chairperson of the NPC Standing Committee, President of ACWF handed the Golden Key of Healthy Mother Express to Mr. Xue Hanjun, the Vice General Secretary of Shanxi Provincal government.

全国妇联副主席、书记处第一书记、国务院妇女儿童工作委员会副主任黄晴宜和项目受益者袁兰在一起Huang Qingyi ,the Vice Chairperson of ACWF ,the first secretary of the secretariat of ACWF, the Vice Director of NWCCWSC met with Yuanlan ,the beneficiary of the Project of Healthy Mother Express.

全国妇联副主席、书记处书记、中国妇基会副会长莫文秀在宁夏发车仪式上作重要讲话 Ms. Mo Wenxiu, the Vice Chairperson of ACWF, the Secretary of Secretarial of ACWF , Vice President of CWDF delivered a speech in the Mother Healthy Express Departure Ceremony

“ 母亲健康快车”成功发车The Successful Departure of Mother Health Expresses

“ 母亲健康快车”成功发车The Successful Departure of Mother Health Expresses

“ 母亲健康快车”成功发车The Successful Departure of Mother Health Expresses

“ 母亲健康快车”项目实施Implementation of the project of Mother Healthy Expresses

咨询、义诊现场(陕西)Conducting health care consultation and voluntary clinics in Shanxin Province

“ 母亲健康快车”进苗寨侗乡(贵州)Healthy Mother Expresses arrived at the County of Miaozhaitong in Guizhou Province

贵州乌当区建立的孕产妇安全分娩绿色通道 Saft –giving- birth- green- path was set up in Wudang District in Guizlhou Provinc


陕西省汉阴县“母亲健康快车”到距县城 106公里的双坪乡急救胎盘滞留的贫困产妇唐明菊 Gave first aid to Tang Mingju ,the poor lying-in women who suffered mazischesis and lives in Shuangping village, where is 106 km away from the downtown of Hanyin


“ 母亲健康快车”深入农牧区宣传卫生保健知识 Healthy Mother Express went to village to publicize the hygiene and health knowled


新疆疏附县“母亲健康快车”紧急救送危重病人Healthy Mother Express is used as an ambulance to give first aid to the critical patient

“ 母亲健康快车”项目实施Implementation of the project of Mother Healthy Expresses

“ 母亲健康快车”项目实施Implementation of the project of Mother Healthy Expresses

老百姓的贴心公益项目 Local people are pleased with the Project of Healthy Mother Express very much

得知“母亲健康快车”来了,家人带老人去看病 Learning the arrival of the Mother Health Express, brought senior people to see the docter

青海省贵德县常牧乡德拉村药剂师为牧民发药The pharmacist from Dela village of Guide County in Qinghai province was distributing the medicine to the herdsmen for free

各地建立完善的管理机制 Perfect management system was set up i

n every implementation area

“妈妈车”来了“Mother Van”comes

中国妇基金会秘书长王萍慰问西藏老百姓Ms. Wang Ping, the General Secretary of CWDF was greeting and donating money to the local Tibetan people .

“ 母亲健康快车”项目实施Implementation of the project of Mother Healthy Expresses

母亲健康快车The Project of Healthy Mother Express

“ 母亲健康快车”救助案例子之:我叫“车生”One of the beneficiary cases:My name is Chesheng2004年 10月 21日 8 时 20分,渭南市第一医院“母亲健康快车”急诊接一临产孕妇,行至途中宫口已开,接诊医生妇产科主任勒爱华和助产师李维芳当机立断,将“快车”停在路边,用帘子遮挡车窗,她们跪在车上,紧急接生, 8 时 45分随着婴儿“哇”的一声啼哭,孕妇顺利生产,母亲欣喜的看着婴儿,连声说:“谢谢,谢谢,孩子是在”母亲健康快车“上顺利出生的,我们就叫他‘车生’吧。” (李车生,陕西省渭南市临渭区田市镇黑羊村人) At 8:20 on the Oct21 of 2004, on the way of being carried by Healthy Mother Express of Weinan No.1 Hospital back to hospital , one lying-in woman’s mouth of the uterus opened before the schedule expected. The doctor Qin Aihua and Li Weifang decisively asked the driver to park at the side of the road and covered the windows by curtains of the ambulance.They started to deliver her baby on the van with their knees down the floor of the van. At 8:45, with the cry of the baby ,the woman successfully gave the birth to a boy. The mother looked her baby delightedly saying :“Thank you , my baby was born on the express, I like to name him Birth Express.” (Li Shengche, from Heiyang village of Linwei District of Weinan city of Shanxi province)

“ 母亲健康快车”到乡村党的恩情比海深,妇女健康有保障,文明之花遍地生;贵客辛劳千里来;送医送药送真情。无限感激化美酒,敬予嘉宾洗风尘。

母亲健康快车The Project of Healthy Mother Express

“ 母亲健康快车”项目实施流程图The Flow Chart of Implementation of the Project of Healthy Mother Express

“ 母亲健康快车”项目管理结构图The Graph of Mother Healthy Expresses Project Management

免税文件The Approval of Providing Tax Relief to the Donator to CWDF By the China Mnistry of Finance and China excise office NO.CAISHUI [2006]66 2006,Jun12 Since 2006 Jan1, Any enterprise and individual that donate to CWDF will enjoy the special tax relief policy that deduct the amount of donation from the tax due .

“ 母亲健康快车”爱心捐助(部分名单)List of Donators(Partly)♥厦门厦顺铝箔有限公司 ♥深圳市宝安区 ♥加拿大使馆 2005 慈善舞会 ♥香港各界妇女联合协进会 ♥香港女工商及专业人员联会 ♥澳门明德慈善会 ♥时尚中国时装杂志社 ♥天津经济技术开发区 ♥大连经济技术开发区 ♥乌鲁木齐经济技术开发区 ♥济南高新区 ♥天津中新科炬生物制药有限公司 ♥康师傅控股有限公司 ♥天津泰达投资控股有限公司 ♥摩托罗拉(中国)电子有限公司 ♥北方国际信托投资有限公司 ♥天津经济技术开发区工商业联合会 ♥天津泰达集团 ♥天津泰达建设集团 ♥天津泰达热电公司 ♥天津泰达电力公司 ♥天津泰达自来水公司 ♥天津滨海快速交通发展有限公司

♥天津泰达市政公司 ♥天津泰达公交公司 ♥天津泰达酒店有限公司 ♥天津经济技术开发区污水处理厂 ♥天津泰达燃气公司 ♥天津海滨大道建设发展有限公司 ♥天津经济技术开发区污水处理厂 ♥天津泰达燃气公司 ♥天津海滨大道建设发展有限公司 ♥西安博华潇然奥硝唑片 ♥西安荣华企业集团 ♥陕西省工程监理公司 ♥千龙新闻网 ♥北京电信总公司 ♥贵州省移动通信公司 ♥中国国际航空公司 ♥西南航空集团公司 ♥云南航空公司 ♥东方航空集团公司 ♥西北航空公司 ♥北方航空公司 ♥新疆航空公司

“ 母亲健康快车”爱心捐助(部分名单)List of Donators(Partly)新华航空公司 山东航空集团公司 厦门航空公司 深圳航空公司 上海机场集团公司 四川航空公司 香格里拉酒店集团 广西花红药业有限公司 海航集团有限公司 中国南方航空集团公司 沈阳华晨金杯汽车有限公司 厦门金龙旅行有限公司 北汽福田股份有限公司

中国联通 中国移动 中国电信罗蔡妙玲女士(香港) 黄松天先生(香港) 欧阳欢女士(香港) 林康继弘(香港) 王熊秀云(香港) 颜宝铃(香港)

☆5 元能使一名贫困母亲得到最初级的健康教育☆500 元可以帮助一名贫困产妇到医院生产☆2000 元可以帮助一名患妇科病妇女解除疾病困扰☆2 万元 - 可以帮助一名患先天性心脏病贫困儿童彻底痊愈☆10 万元可购买一辆“母亲健康快车”(不含专用医疗设备),每年能使 6000 名贫困母亲免费得到健康服务。5 yuan can help an impoverished mother to get the primary training for health care500 yuan can help an impoverished lying-in woman to be cared in the hospital.2000 yuan can help a woman with gynecologic disease to be treated20000 yuan can help an children with heart disease from birth get cured completely100000yuan can purchase a Healthy Mother Express and 6000 poor mothers can get free healthy service medical equipment not included)

北京市建国门内大街1 5号 邮编: 100730 电话: 010-65237721 65237917 65103481 传真: 010-65236597 邮箱 户名:中国妇女发展基金会 开户银行:中国工商银行北京分行东四南分理处 帐号: 0200001009014423956 网址 技术支持 :中融网 ( No.15 Beijing Jianguomen nei Avenue 100730 Tel: 8610-65237721 65237917 65103481 Fax: 8610-65236597 Email: Account Name: China Women’s Development Foundation Bank of Deposit : Industrial & commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch, Dongsinan Sub-branch Account Number: 0200001009014423956 Web site Technique support: