舞台 大一 Freshmen 大二 Sophomore 大三 Junior 大四 Senior. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 2011/11/2...


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Department Meeting: Learning Outcomes and

Career Preparation


書卷獎頒獎 Freshman

大一第一名 闕劭涵 Helen Que

第二名 陳凱筌 Karen Chen

第三名 朱家瑩 Julia Chu

書卷獎頒獎 Sophomore

大二第一名 許程勛 Joey Hsu

第二名 林佳樺 Claire Lin

第三名 葉芷涵 Abby Yeh

書卷獎頒獎 Junior

大三第一名 宋筱雅 Sophia Sung第二名 陳紫樺 Bailey Chen第三名 黃智偉 Jeff Huang

General Report

Exchange Student OpportunitiesOfficial LeaveUpcoming Activity: Speech Contest Four-Year Plan and Credit Check Form Q & A

Four Year Plan

exchange students



高階英語表達能力  文學文化與歷史理解力  溝通與語言教導 

Advanced English Expression Abilities

  Literary, Cultural and Historical

Comprehension   Communication and Language

Instruction (with background knowledge of general linguistics and applied linguistics)



1. 問題分析與解決能力2. 分析能力3. 創新能力4. 研究能力5. 國際視野與跨文化溝通

能力6. 團隊合作能力

1. Problem Solving Skills2. Analytical and Organizational

Skills3. Innovative Thinking Skills 4. Research Skills5. Global Perspective and Cross-

Cultural Communication Skills6. Teamwork Skills

The Department PKS


高階英語表達能力  文學文化與歷史理解力  溝通與語言教導 

Advanced English Expression Abilities

  Literary, Cultural and Historical

Comprehension   Communication and Language

Instruction (with background knowledge of general linguistics and applied linguistics)



1. 問題分析與解決能力2. 分析能力3. 創新能力4. 研究能力5. 國際視野與跨文化溝通

能力6. 團隊合作能力

1. Problem Solving Skills2. Analytical and Organizational

Skills3. Innovative Thinking Skills 4. Research Skills5. Global Perspective and Cross-

Cultural Communication Skills6. Teamwork Skills

Global Perspectives and Cross-Cultural Communication

1. Definition?2. How do you

develop and improve it?

3. Examples?

Your responses?

In communication, to be able to explain and respect differences from multiple perspectives, especially international ones, while also maintaining confidence in one's own views

方嘉強 Shirley徐嘉彣 Cynthia Hsu

Innovative Thinking Skills

1. Definition?2. How do you

develop and improve it?

3. Examples?

Your responses? 徐世棠先生創造啟發獎勵

To be able to develop innovative thinking through multimedia competencies and observation of the environment

宋筱雅 Sophia Soong劉芝庭 Tifi

Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 ¤å¥ó

Effective Learning: Classroom Etiquette and Course


Why do students speak in class or during speeches?

How do you avoid being late?

What do you think about some frequent comments on course evaluations such as: “too many readings and assignments”; “group reports are boring”?

How do you learn actively in a large class (class with students above 50)?

Do you learn differently from different teachers/courses? (Please avoid personal criticism)

Do you learn by yourself certain aspects of what our courses do not cover?


Your responses?

闕劭涵 Helen Que許程勛 Joey Hsu

Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 ¤å¥ó

雇主期待 (臺美光)1)Appropriate

communication (avoid too casual terms, logical leaps)

2)Logical analysis 3)Teamwork, Problem-

Solving Skills 4)What is expected of an

English major? 1) Good English!!!2) Work and Project

Experience 實務經驗

周芳 Sarah Chou 黃智偉 Jeff Huang黃怡婷 Tiffany Huang黃詠欣 Winnie Huang劉子瑄老師 Caro Liu
