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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Омский государственный технический университет»


Методические указания

Омск Издательство ОмГТУ



Составители: М. В. Ласица, С. В. Богомолов В издании представлен страноведческий материал по англоговорящим

странам, в первую очередь Великобритании и США, который знакомит студен-тов с историей, культурой, обычаями, традициями, существующими в странах изучаемого языка.

Для студентов I–II курсов всех специальностей.

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Омского государственного технического университета

© ОмГТУ, 2014




Introduction The Best-Known Language on Earth English is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world (3rd after Chi-

nese and Hindi). It has spread far and wide due to 2 main factors: 1) Britai’҆s growing number of colonies, which by the 19th century accounted for one quarter of the world’҆s population and 2) American global influence. Nowadays English is accepted as a go-between language, or lingua franca, for international business and politics. Although English is only the 3rd most-spoken language in the world, according to many estimatesit comes close to being the best-known language on Earth.

English is spoken on all the inhabited continents. It is the official language (ei-ther de jure or de facto) in 54 sovereign states and 27 non-sovereign entities. Mostly English is spoken in the states of the British Commonwealth (the UK, Canada, Aus-tralia, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, India, etc.), in Ireland and the USA (both don’t belong to the Commonwealth) and in the US Insular Area (American Sa-moa, Guam, US Virgin Islands, etc.) In the USA there is no law about the official language, English is the official language there de facto.

to spread – распространиться due to – вследствие, благодаря account for – насчитывать go-between – посреднический lingua franca – язык-посредник, лингва франка estimate – оценка sovereign – суверенный, независимый non-sovereign entity – зависимая территориальная единица de facto – де-факто, фактически de jure – де-юре, юридически


I. The British Commonwealth of Nations

The British Commonwealth that dates back to

the mid 20th century with the decolonization of the British Empire is a voluntary association of 53 states and territories that have been or still are ruled by Britain. Independent states are “full members of the Commonwealth”. Among these states are Can-ada, Australia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Barbados, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Singapore, the UK, etc. Among dependent territories are Bermuda, the Falkland Islands, British Antarctic Territory, the British Virgin Islands and others.

Under the formula of the London Declaration (1949), Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of the Commonwealth. Besides, 16 members of the Commonwealth (the Commonwealth realms) rec-ognize the Queen as their monarch. Thus, Elizabeth II is:

Queen of Antigua and Barbuda Queen of Australia Queen of the Bahamas Queen of Barbados Queen of Belize Queen of Canada Queen of Grenada Queen of Jamaica Queen of New Zealand Queen of Papua New Guinea Queen of Saint Kitts and Nevis Queen of Saint Lucia Queen of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Queen of the Solomon Islands Queen of Tuvalu Queen of the United Kingdom However, when the monarch dies, the successor to the crown does not automati-

cally become Head of the Commonwealth.

Fast Facts Headquarters: Marlborough House London, UK Official language: English Membership: 53 states Head: Queen Elizabeth II Establishment: • Statute of Westminster,

11 December 1931 • London Declaration,

28 April 1949 Flag:


II. The Commonwealth Members

Canada Canada is a vast country, the second largest

one after Russia. Its area is about 10 mln sq km. As Canada extends for thousands of miles from the Arctic Ocean to the United States and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, all kinds of weather conditions and scenery are to be found there. The population of Canada is more than 30 mln people. The capital of Canada is Ottawa; the major cities are To-ronto, Montreal and Vancouver. The name Canada comes from the Indian word “Kanata”, meaning “a number of huts, a village”. Canada is known all over the world for having the maple leaf as its national emblem, so the country is often called the “Land of the Maple Leaf”. The story of Canada goes back to1600s. The French were the first to settle down in this country. In 1759 Canada became a part of the British Empire. In 1931 it became independent from Britain. Today Canada is an independ-ent federative state, consisting of 10 provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Que-bec, Saskatchewan) and 3 territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, Nu-navut Territory). It is a member of the British Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain, and is one of the 16 Commonwealth Realms. In Canada there are two official languages: English and French.

to extend – простираться scenery – зд. ландшафт to go back – брать начало, восходить Australia Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth

large country and the smallest continent. Australia lies between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The name of the country comes from Latin word “australis” which mean southern. The country’s official name is Commonwealth of Australia.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. Australia has six states – New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Each state has its government. Australia has two territories – the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. The capital of the country is Canberra. The major cities are Sidney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth.


Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of Aus-tralia and country’s head of state. But the queen has little power in the Australian government. She serves mainly as a symbol of long historical tie between Great Britain and Australia. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations which is an as-sociation formed by Britain and some of its former colonies.

1. English is … most spoken language in the world. a) the 1st, b) the 2nd, c) the 3rd. 2. What language is supposed to be the current lingua franca? a) English, b) French, c) Chinese. 3. English is the official language of the USA … a) de facto, b) de jure. 4. The British Commonwealth establishment dates back to the … a) 18th century, b) 19th century, c) 20th century. 5. What country doesn’t belong to the British Commonwealth of Nations? a) Singapore, b) Ireland, c) Australia.


6. Commonwealth realms are the states-members of the British Common-wealth that …

a) share Queen Elizabeth II as monarch, b) don’t recognize Queen Elizabeth II as monarch. 7. The Head of Canada is … a) president, b) prime minister, c) British queen. 8. The capital of Canada is … a) Toronto, b) Vancouver, c) Ottawa. 9. Official language(s) of Canada is(are) … a) English, b) French, c) English and French. 10. The capital of Australia is … a) Sidney, b) Canberra, c) Perth.



I. Some Interesting Facts About the UK 1. Read the information. Do you know that... • … almost 75% of the land in the UK is

taken for farming? • …the highest point is Ben Nevis at 1,343

m and the lowest point is -4m at The Fens? • …polo, soccer and rugby were introduced

to the world by the UK? • …the British invented the world’s earliest

railways? • … Big Ben refers to the bell and not the clock?


• …the tube route from Leicester Square to Covent Garden can be covered quicker on foot? However this seems to be the most popular route tourists take.

• …there is no portrait of William Shakespeare painted, when he was alive? 2. Work in pairs. Ask your partner what facts above are already known to

him (her) and what are not.

II. Britain in Sights and Pictures 1. Check up yourself. Match the sights of London with the appropriate pictures. ❒ Tower Bridge ❒ St Paul’s Cathedral ❒ The Houses of Parliament ❒ Buckingham Palace ❒ Westminster Abbey ❒ Big Ben

1 2

3 4


2. What pictures do you think refer to the UK countries? Give the suitable

number to the pictures (A-D). 1. England. 2. Ireland. 3. Wales. 4. Scotland.

III. General Information about the United Kingdom and Northern

Ireland. Flags of the UK Countries

1. Read the information about the UK. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known

as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The term Britain is often used as synonym for the United Kingdom. The term Great Britain, by contrast, refers geographically to the

5 6




island of Great Britain, or politically to England (the capital is London), Scotland (the capital is Edinburgh) and Wales (the capital is Cardiff) in combination.

The country includes the island of Great Britain (a term sometimes loosely ap-plied to the whole state), the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another state: the Republic of Ireland. (The capital is Belfast). The UK’s form of government is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system, and its capital city is London.

Flags of the UK

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire-land uses as its national flag the royal banner known as the Union Jack or Union. It consists of the red cross of Saint George (patron saint of England), edged in white, laid on the Cross of St Patrick (patron saint of Ireland), which are laid on

the cross of Saint Andrew (patron saint of Scotland). Wales, however, is not repre-sented in the Union Flag by Wales’s patron saint, Saint David, as at the time the flag was designed Wales was part of the Kingdom of England.

2. Discuss the information in the table with your desk partner.

The country The patron The Symbol and Description

England St.George

The association of the red cross as an emblem of England can be traced back to the Middle Ages, and it was used as a component in the design of the Union Flag in 1606;

however, the English flag has no official status within the United Kingdom. Since the 1990s it has been in in-creasingly wide use, particularly at national sporting events.

Scotland St. Andrew

The Flag of Scotland, On a Bluefield a White (Argent) sal-tire. Also known as Saint An-drew’s Cross or the Saltire, is the national flag of Scotland. As the

national flag, the Saltire, rather than the Royal Standard of Scotland, is the correct flag for all individuals and corporate bodies to fly in order to demonstrate both their loyalty and Scottish nationality. According to leg-end, the Christian apostle and martyr Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, was crucified on an X-shaped cross.


Wales St. David

The flag of Wales, meaning “The Red Dragon” consists of a red dragon passant on a green and white field. As with many heraldic charges, the exact representation of the dragon is not standardized and many renderings exist.

Ireland St. Patrick

St. Patrics Saltire is used by the government to represent Northern Ireland alongside the other countries of the United Kingdom. It is represented by two

red diagonal crosses on the white field.

IV. History. England. The Great Mystery of Stonehenge 1. Read the text about one of the world’s wonders. Who Built Stonehenge? Stonehenge is a prehistoric mon-

ument in Wiltshire, England, about 2 miles (3,2 km) west of Amesbury and 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury. The question of who built Stonehenge is largely unanswered, even today. The monument’s construction has been at-tributed to many ancient peoples throughout the years, but the most captivating and enduring attribution has been to the Druids. Julius Caesar and other Roman writers told of a Celtic priesthood who flourished around the time of their first conquest (55 BC). By this time, though, the stones had been standing for 2,000 years, and were, perhaps, already in a ruined con-dition. The best guess seems to be that the Stonehenge site was begun by the people of the late Neolithic period (around 3000 BC) and carried forward by people from a new economy which was arising at this time. These “new” people began to use metal implements and to live in a more communal fashion than their ancestors. Some think that they may have been immigrants from the continent, but that contention is not supported by archaeological evidence. It is likely that they were indigenous people doing the same old things in new ways.

Construction of the Henge In its day, the construction of Stonehenge was an impressive engineering feat,

requiring commitment, time and vast amounts of manual labor. In its first phase,


Stonehenge was a large earthwork; a bank and ditch arrangement called a henge, con-structed approximately 5,000 years ago. It is believed that the ditch was dug with tools made from the antlers of red deer and, possibly, wood. It was then loaded into baskets and carried away. Modern experiments have shown that these tools were more than equal to the great task of earth digging and moving.

The list of unknown words: to attribute – вносить вклад to flourish – процветать captivating – очаровательный, пленительный enduring – длительный, долгий, продолжительный Druids – друиды, жрецы и поэты у древних кельтских народов, организо-

ванные в виде замкнутой касты и тесно связанные с властью вождя in a ruined condition – в разрушенном состоянии implements – орудия труда indigenous – аборигенный, местный, туземный earthwork – земляные работы, земляное сооружение 2. Answer the following questions: 1. What is Stonehenge? 2. Who built the construction? 3. Was it a difficult task to make such a construction that time? 4. Do you think it is possible to solve the mystery of how Stonehenge

was built?

V. Festivals and Traditions. Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day 1. Guess the meaning of the following words and word-combinations: Irish-at-heart, feast day, commemorate, diaspora, folklore, creature. 2. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions below. Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe

St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival cel-ebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.

Saint Patrick’s Day was made an official Christian feast day in the early 17th century and is observed by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion (especially the Church of Ireland), the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutheran Church.


The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, as well as celebrating the heritage and culture of the Irish in general.

Saint Patrick’s Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ire-land, Northern Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador and Montser-rat. It is also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora around the world; especially in Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand.

On St Patrick’s Day it is customary to wear shamrocks and/or green clothing or accessories (the “wearing of the green”).

One of the symbols of this day is leprechaun – a type of fairy creature in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man in a red or green coat.

shamrock – растение трилистник (символ Ирландии) heritage – наследие

VI. Culture. Scotland. Kilt. Bagpipe

List of unknown words: ancestry – наследие, происхождение, истоки honour – честь, почет, гордость plaid – клетка, клетчатый рисунок damp – сырой, влажный garment – одежда, одеяние

Kilt For anyone of Scottish ancestry, the kilt is a symbol of honour for the clan

which they belong. Prior to 1792 those who wanted to wear the kilt in the Lowlands or Britain, had to join the British army. The reason being that because the English were afraid that if they let anyone wear the kilt it would spark the idea of revolution.

The various plaids that one can see from time to time are the colors of the particular clan that the wearer belongs to. The kilt is more than just a cov-ering. It allowed those who wore it to move much more freely, especially in the Highlands of Scotland

where the weather can become very damp. With its tight weave of strong wool, it created a barrier between the rain and skin. When the nights became cold, this gar-ment was easily removed and spread out to create a blanket to keep the person


warm. If the army needed to move with a quicker force, the garment could be easily removed, allowing the soldier more freedom of movement.

Today the kilt is the national dress of Scotland and worn by many. 1. Tell if the statements about kilt are true or false. 1. Kilt is the symbol of young age. 2. The various stars that one can see from time to time are the colours of the par-

ticular clan that the wearer belongs to. 3. It allowed those who wore it to move much more freely especially in the

Highlands of Scotland where the weather can become very damp. 4. Today the kilt is the national dress of England and worn by many. 2. Work in pairs. Match the following English words with Russian equiva-

lent. For help use the picture.

bagpipe пастух rustic басовая трубка волынки herdsman волынка reed pipe деревенский, сельский squeezing клапан drone pipe трубка волынки chanter сжимая mouthpipe загубник flap тростник

3. Read and translate the text paying attention to the words in bold. The origins of the bagpipe can be traced back to the most ancient civilizations.

The bagpipe probably originated as a rustic instrument in many cultures because a herdsman had the necessary materials at hand: a goat or sheep skin and a reed pipe. Through Celtic migration it was introduced to Persia and India, and subsequently to Greece and Rome. During the Middle Ages, however, the bagpipe was heard and ap-preciated by all levels of society.

Bagpipes have always been made in many shapes and sizes, and have been played throughout Europe from before the Norman Conquest until the present day.


The construction of the bagpipe allows a continuous supply of air to be main-tained. By squeezing the bag with his left hand while a breath is taken, the flow of air can be kept up in both the drone pipes and chanter. Other features of this instrument are the mouthpipe and the double reed of the chanter and drone. The mouthpipe con-tains a round piece of leather hinged onto the bag end which acts as a one way valve. As the player blows air in, the flap opens; when he stops blowing the air pressure within the bag forces the flap shut.

VII. Languages. Wales. The Welsh Language

1. Look at the example of Welsh language and compare it with English. Have both languages anything in common? Bore da – Good morning Da – Good Prynhawn da – Good afternoon Diolch – hanks Sutmae? – How are you? Dai awn – Very good Os gwelwch yn dda – Please Bendigedig – Great

2. Read the text about the Welsh language and be ready to answer the ques-tions.

We all speak English in Wales but the Welsh language is flourishing. It’s spoken fluently by around half a million people in Wales, that’s about 19% of the population.

It’s called Cymraeg, and is a language with entirely regular and phonetic spelling. Our place names may look complicated but once you know the rules, you can learn to read and pronounce Welsh fairly easily.

Our Celtic language is closely related to Cornish and Breton and is one of Eu-rope’s oldest living languages; the Welsh we speak today is directly descended from the language of the Sixth Century.

The Welsh people are keen to keep the language alive, so Welsh is a compulsory subject for all school pupils up to the age of 16 in Wales. Welsh medium schools are also increasingly popular. There is no daily newspaper in Welsh, but there is a week-ly national paper as well as Welsh language magazines and regional monthly papers.

1. How many people in Wales speak Welsh? 2. What are the special features of Welsh? 3. How do Welsh people try to keep the language alive?


VIII. British Prominent People

1. Read the information about some of the most famous Britons.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874–1965) – Prime Minister during World War II, historically ranked the greatest British prime minister. Widely regarded as one of the greatest war-time leaders of the 20th century, Churchill was also an of-ficer in the British Army, a historian, a writer, and an artist. He is the only British Prime Minister to have won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and was the first person to be made an honorary citizen of the United States.

John Lennon (1940–1980) – Composer, musician, philan-thropist, peace activist, artist, and writer. Co-writer with Paul McCartney in The Beatles and solo musician. Lennon revealed a rebellious nature in his music, writing, drawings, on film and in interviews. Controversial through his political and peace activ-ism, he moved to Manhattan in 1971, where his criticism of the Vietnam War resulted in a lengthy attempt by Richard Nixon’s administration to deport him, while some of his songs were adopted as anthems by the anti-war movement and the larger counterculture.

Charles Darwin (1809–1882) – naturalist, originator of the theory of evolution through natural selection and author of On the Origin of Species. Darwin became internationally famous, and his pre-eminence as a scientist was honoured by burial in Westminster Abbey. Darwin has been described as one of the most influential figures in human history.

William Shakespeare (1654–1616) was an English po-et, playwright and actor, widely re-garded as the greatest writer in the

English language and the world’s pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England’s national poet and the “Bard of Avon”. His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, the authorship of some of which is uncertain. His plays have been translated into every major living lan-guage and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.


Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) was an English physicist and mathematician who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time and played a key role in the sci-entific revolution. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (“Mathematical Principles of Natural Philoso-phy”), first published in 1687, laid the foundations for classical mechanics. Newton also made several contributions to optics and shares credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the invention of infinitesimal calculus.

Diana, Princess of Wales (1961–1997). She was well known for her fund-raising work for international charities and as an eminent celebrity of the late 20th century. She also re-ceived recognition for her charity work. From 1989, she was the president of Great Ormond Street Hospital for children, in addition to dozens of other charities. Media attention and pub-lic mourning were extensive following her death in a car crash in Paris on August, 31, 1997.

2. Great Britain is also famous for other eminent people. What do you know

about them? Match the person to the appropriate field of his/her activity Robert Burns philosophy Francis Bacon monarchy Joan Rowling poetry Henry VIII politics David Beckham modern literature Margaret Thatcher football William Hogarth cinema Joe Cocker piracy and sea-faring Sir Francis Drake painting King Arthur music Sir Anthony Hopkins mythology

1. What countries does the UK include? a) Ireland, Wales, England, b) Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, c) Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


2. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? a) Belfast, b) Cardiff, c) Edinburgh. 3. What is the symbol of Wales’s fag? a) lion, b) dragon, c) blue cross. 4. What does Stonehenge look like? a) huge bricks built in a circle, b) very tall ancient tower, c) huge stones built like a henge. 5. When is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated? a) April, 5th, b) May, 11th, c) March, 17th. 6. What is the origin of the Welsh language? a) Roman, b) Celtic, c) French. 7. Who among these famous people was involved in charity work? a) Charles Darwin, b) Princess Diana, c) William Shakespeare. 8. Who wore kilts in ancient times? a) herdsmen, b) soldiers, c) housewives. 9. What materials were used in making a bagpipe? a) ship skin and reed, b) paper and metal, c) wood and fiber.




Introduction What Do You Know About America? 1. Read what people from different countries say answering the question in

the title.

2. How would you answer this question? Use the expressions: I think the USA is mostly famous for … … To my mind the USA is commonly known for … … To me America is known for … … The most famous thing about the USA is … …

You, Omsk


I. Some Glimpses of American History

Discovery of America It is a commonly held belief that America was

discovered by Christopher Columbus. This fact however can neither be ruled out nor accepted blind-ly. In October, 1492, Columbus reached the shores of America when he was in search of India. Some historians believe that it was not America’s main-land that Columbus reached in 1492. The place was actually an island of the Bahamas. Exploration of

American continent is also closely connected with the name of another European sailor, Amerigo Vespucci, who reached America in 1497. However, one cannot say for sure that Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci were the first to discover this huge continent. They are supposed to have been preceded by the Vikings and Chinese sail-ors. As most expeditions prior to the times of Christopher Columbus were not docu-mented properly, the Spanish explorer is now commonly considered to be the discov-erer of America.

to rule out – исключить, отклонить, отмести как невозможное to accept blindly – безоговорочно принять, слепо поверить mainland – материк to precede – предшествовать prior to – до The Mayflower The Mayflower was the ship that transported Pilgrims

from England to Massachusetts, in 1620. There were 102 passengers and a crew of 25–30. This voyage has become an iconic story in the earliest annals of American history with its tragic story of death and of survival in the harshest New World winter environment. The culmination of the voyage in the signing of the Mayflower Compact (the first governing document of Plymouth Colony) is one of the greatest moments in the history of America.

annals – анналы, летописи harsh – суровый, жесткий


The Boston Tea Party The Boston Tea Party was one of a long series of conflicts between the Ameri-

can colonies and the British government. The decision by the British government in 1773 to grant the East India Company the right to import tea to the North American colonies tax-free was intended to undermine the economy of the colonies. It provoked the indignation of the colonists, especially the merchants who dealt in contraband tea. In December 1773 a group of members of the Sons of Liberty, dressed up as Indians, se-cretly boarded British ships standing in Bos-ton harbor and threw a large quantity of tea into the sea. The subsequent closing of Boston harbor, ban on meetings of the towns-people, and quartering of British soldiers in the city further sharpened the conflict be-tween the mother country and the colonies.

to grant the right – предоставить право tax-free – не облагаемый налогом to undermine – подрывать, дестабилизировать indignation – негодование, возмущение merchant – торговец to deal with – вести дела с harbor – гавань subsequent – последующий The Emergence of the United States of America

The United States emerged from 13 British colonies located along the Atlantic seaboard: Delaware, Penn-sylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Con-necticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Vir-ginia, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island. Disputes between Great Britain and these colonies led to the

American Revolution. On July 4, 1776, delegates from the 13 colonies unanimously issued the Declaration of Independence. The ensuing war ended in 1783 with the recognition of independence of the United States from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and was the first successful war of independence against a European colonial empire.

to emerge – возникнуть seaboard – побережье


unanimously – единодушно to issue – выпускать, издавать ensuing – последующий recognition – признание independence – независимость Check yourself. Fill out the chart.

US History Facts Chart The accepted date of discovery of America Explorers of America prior to Columbus The place that Columbus actually reached The ship that transported British Pilgrims to America in 1620 One of the conflicts between American colonies and British Government happened in Boston in 1773

The number of American colonies to have confederated them-selves as the United States of America

A significant event in American history happened on July 4, 1776

The years of the War of Independence

II. The United States of America: General Facts 1. America declared Independence in 1776 but wasn’t recognized until 1783. 2. The Constitution of the USA was adopted in 1787. Since then it has been

amended 27 times. 3. The 1st capital of the USA was Philadelphia, PA. 4. Washington, DC doesn’t belong to any state. The intention of the Founding

Fathers (отцы-основатели США) was that the US capital should be at a neutral site, not giving favor to any existing state.

5. Alaska is the largest state in the US by land area. 6. Rhode Island is the smallest state and has got the longest name – the State of

Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 7. Hawaii is the most recent of the 50 states in the US (joining in 1959) and is

the only one made up entirely of islands. 8. New England is a region in the North-Eastern corner of the United States con-

sisting of the 6 states of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Is-land, and Connecticut.


9. Besides 50 states the US territory includes the Insular Area (островная тер-ритория США) that comprises American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands.

10. In the USA there is no official language at federal level. 11. Spanish is the second commonly spoken language in the US (after English). 12. The US two-party system consists of the Democratic Party and the Republi-

can Party. 13. Election Day in the United States occurs in November on the Tuesday after

the first Monday. 14. As any other nation, the United States have national symbols, both official

and unofficial: Official Symbols of the USA The flag of the United States is commonly

known as the “Stars and Stripes” or “Old Glory”. It was adopted on June 14, 1777. The 50 stars on the blue field stand for 50 states and the 13 red and white stripes represent the 13 colonies the USA emerged from. There is a legend that the first American flag was made by Betsy Ross, a seamstress (швея) from Philadelphia, and it was she who changed the stars on the flag from 6-pointed to easi-er-to-produce 5-pointed stars. The current 50-star flag is the 27th “edition” of the flag and the one that has been in use the longest, since 1960.

The Great Seal of the United States is used to authenticate

certain documents issued by the United States federal govern-ment. The Great Seal was first used publicly in 1782.The ob-verse of the great seal is used as the national coat of arms of the United States. It is officially used on documents such as

United States passports, military insignia, embassy placards, and various flags. The Seal depicts a bald eagle holding 13 olive

branches in one talon and 13 arrows in the other. The olive branch stands for the power to make peace, while the arrows stand for the power to make war.

Other official national symbols are: National anthem: “The Star-Spangled Banner”. National mottos: “In God We Trust”, “E Pluribus Unum” (лат. «из многих –

единое»). National bird: Bald Eagle.


National floral emblem: Rose. National tree: oak. Unofficial Symbols of the USA

Uncle Sam (initials U.S.) is a common national per-sonification of the American government. The first use of Uncle Sam in literature was in the 1816 allegorical book “The Adventures of Uncle Sam in Search After His Lost Honor” by Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy, Esq. An Uncle Sam is mentioned as early as 1775, in the original “Yankee Doodle” lyrics of the Revolutionary War. It is not clear whether this reference is to Uncle Sam as a metaphor for the United States, or to an actual person named Sam.

Other unofficial national symbols are: Sights: the Statue of Liberty, the Liberty Bell, Washington Monument, Lincoln

Memorial, Mount Rushmore. Sports: baseball, football. Food: apple pie, hot-dog, bourbon whiskey. Check yourself. Answer the questions: 1. What city was the 1st capital of the USA? 2. What state is the US capital situated in? 3. What is the largest US state? The smallest one? 4. What language has the status of the official one at federal level? 5. What is the nickname of the American Flag? 6. What do the 13 stripes on the US flag stand for? 7. What is American national bird, national tree, and national flower?

III. US Sights and Cities Look at the pictures below. Say which US sights you know and what cities they

are located at. 1. _______ 4. ________ 7.________ 10._______ 13. _____ 2. _______ 5. ________ 8.________ 11. _______ 14. _____ 3. _______ 6. ________ 9.________ 12. _______


1 2









8 9







The Top 10 Places to Visit in the USA (tourist’s guide)

The United States has so many diverse cities and attractions that it is difficult to narrow down the list to only 10 US destinations. The following list of top 10 places to visit in the U.S.A. is an introduction to the best and most popular places to go in the United States.

1. New York City American icons, such as the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, and

Times Square, are just a few of the attractions to see in New York City, America’s most populous and most popular city. Also known as the “Big Apple”, New York City is a favorite destination for both domestic and international visitors.

2. Los Angeles The lure of Hollywood, international celebrities, and the mild breezes from the

Pacific Ocean make Los Angeles one an obvious addition to the list of top US tourist destinations. LA is famous for beaches, such as Malibu or Santa Monica, shopping on Rodeo Drive, touring Beverly Hills, and more.

3. Chicago Chicago has long been called the “Second City”, coming in second to New York

City in both size and population. A beacon in the Midwest, Chicago is actually third in population these days but it has a skyline, restaurants, shopping, museums, and ac-tivities to easily rival NYC and LA.

4. Washington, DC The United States’ capital city, Washington, DC, has miles of museums and

monuments – almost all of which are free – thereby making it one of the most visited cities in the United States, especially for families and school groups.

5. Las Vegas Most tourists go to Las Vegas to try their luck at its famous casinos. But Las

Vegas also has blockbuster shows, world class shopping, and top notch restaurants, all of which make this city a true desert oasis and a top U.S. travel destination.

6. San Francisco Symbolized by the red rafters of the Golden Gate Bridge, this legendary city on

the San Francisco Bay is known for its neighborhoods, such as Chinatown and the hippie-turned-haute enclave of Haight-Ashbury. While San Francisco is an ideal city for nature lovers as well as the jet set, it is also a great jumping-off point for trips to the vineyard estates in Napa Valley or to the colossal tech campuses of Silicon Valley.

7. Hawaii Say “Aloha” to Hawaii, a top U.S. destination that is also an island paradise.

From the natural beauty of its beaches and volcanoes to its rich South Pacific culture, Hawaii is the perfect U.S. destination if you’re looking to really get away from it all.


8. Grand Canyon An incredible geological wonder stretching over 200 miles, the Grand Canyon is

a deep ravine carved out by the Colorado River over thousands of years. Located in the state of Arizona, the Grand Canyon is a top destination to visit in the Southwest United States and one of the most popular of U.S. National Parks.

9. Florida Beautiful beaches, family-friendly attractions like Disneyworld, and the Latino

culture and style of Miami make Florida, also known as the “Sunshine State”, one of the most popular states in the U.S. for visitors. Learn more about the cities, theme parks, and everything else that Florida has to offer.

10. Niagara Falls Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that straddle the interna-

tional border between Canada and the United States. It is also the name of the city, where the waterfalls are located. From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls.

Follow Up (for these tasks you may need additional material): 1. Find out why New York City is nicknamed “Big Apple”. 2. The city of Niagara Falls is situated partly in the USA and partly in Canada.

Find out what side (American or Canadian) the waterfalls are located at. 3. Choose one of the US destinations (New York, LA, Hawaii, Florida, etc.) and

get ready with its presentation (e.g. “10 Must-Visit Places in NYC”). For the presen-tation both the English and Russian languages are welcome.

IV. Some Facts AboutUS Higher Education

Ivy League

Ivy League is the name generally applied to 8 US universi-ties (Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Pennsyl-vania, Princeton, and Yale) that over the years have had com-mon interests in scholarship as well as in athletics. So originally Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising 8 above-mentioned private institutions of higher education located in the

Northeastern United States. Stanley Woodward, New York Tribune sports writer,

coined the phrase Ivy League in the early 1930s. A common folk etymology attributes the name to the Roman numerals for 4 (IV), asserting that there was such a sports league orig-inally with 4 members. The supposed “IV League” was


formed over a century ago and consisted of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and a 4th school that varies depending who is telling the story.

The first step towards organizing full league competition came in 1952 with the announcement that, beginning with the fall of 1953, each college would play every other college in the group at least once every 5 years. But of course the phrase Ivy League has been historically perceived as connected not only with University sports, but also with academ-ic excellence and social elitism. The term Ivy League is commonly used to refer to those 8 schools as a group of highly prestigious educational institutions. The Ivy League universities are also called the “the Ancient Eight” or simply the Ivies.

Ivy League Facts Chart

Institution Location Athletic Nickname Motto

Brown University Est. 1764

Providence, Rhode Island Bears In Deo Speramum

(In God We Hope)

Columbia University Est. 1754

New York City, New York Lions

In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen (In Thy light shall

we see light) Cornell University Est. 1865

Ithaca, New York Big Red

I would found an institu-tion where any person can

find instruction in any study

Dartmouth College Est. 1769

Hanover, New Hampshire Big Green

Vox clamantis in deserto (The voice of the crying

in the wilderness)

Harvard University Est.1636

Cambridge, Massachusetts Crimon Veritas


Princeton University Est. 1746

Princeton, New Jersey Tigers

Dei sub numine viget (Under God’s power she

flourishes) University of Pennylvania Est. 1740

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Quakers

Leges sine moribus vanae (Laws without morals are

useless) Yale University Est. 1701

New Haven, Connecticut Bulldog Lux et veritas

(Light and truth)


V. Some Facts about American Way of Life 1. The United States is often referred to as the “Melting Pot”, a metaphor that

connotes the blending of many cultures, languages and religions to form a single na-tional identity.

2. Americans need a lot of “elbow room”; they like personal space around them.

3. Americans must be over the age of 21 and must have an ID to buy or drink alcohol.

4. The age for driver’s license varies from state to state. Normally, at 14 teen-agers get Learner’s Permit. At 16 teenagers get restricted license (no driving from midnight to 6.00 a.m., no more than one passenger allowed, etc.). Full license (no re-strictions) is normally given when the driver is 16 years and 6 months old.

5. Americans are extremely informal and call most people by their first name or nickname. They smile a lot and talk easily to strangers, sharing personal stories.

6. It is normal for an American teacher to sit on the desk and for an American student to call the teacher by his or her first name. It’s also quite normal for students to have a meal during the classes.

7. It is normal for American children to have very messy rooms. 8. A significant event in every American high school student’s life is Prom.

Prom (short for promenade) is a semi-formal (black tie) dance or gathering, typically held near the end of the senior year (i.e., the last year of high school).

9. Most buses in the USA require the exact amount of money to pay the fare. Passengers don’ get change.

10. Most American women do not feel comfortable having the man pay for eve-rything all of the time.

11. Americans love “showers”. A bridal shower is a gift-giving party held for a bride-to-be in anticipation of her wedding. A baby shower is a way to celebrate the pending or recent birth of a child by presenting gifts to the parents at a party. The term shower is often assumed to mean that the expectant mother or the bride-to-be is “showered” with gifts.

12. Every corner or every street in America has fast food. McDonalds, Burger king, Dunkin Donuts etc. are the favorite places to go. Hamburgers, hotdogs, fries and coke is the basic meal.

13. Americans use pounds and ounces as weight units, inches and feet as length units, gallons for liquids, and Fahrenheit system for temperature.


14. Americans are addicted to sports. Baseball, football, ice hockey, and basket-ball are the most famous sports here. Sundays from early September to Super bowl in February are considered holy Sundays for football fans.

15. Normally Americans celebrate their holidays on the following Monday (ex-cept for some holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas) so that to make a week-end longer.

1. Who was the first to reach the shores of America? a) Columbus, b) Vespucci, c) Vikings and Chinese sailors. 2. Mayflower is … a) the national floral symbol, b) the ship that took the British Pilgrims to America, c) American national festival. 3. One of the events in US history that led to War of Independence was … a) Boston Tea Party, b) signing of the Mayflower Compact, c) recognition of the US independence. 4. How many colonies did the USA emerge from? a) 8, b) 10, c) 13. 5. Which city was the first capital of the USA? a) Philadelphia, b) Boston, c) Chicago. 6. Which state is the smallest by land area? a) Maryland, b) New Hampshire, c) Rhode Island. 7. Which is the largest US state by land area? a) Alaska, b) California, c) New York.


8. Which state was the most recent to join the US? a) Florida, b) Hawaii, c) Delaware. 9. What is the official language of the USA at federal level? a) English, b) Spanish, c) none. 10. What language is the second commonly spoken one in the US? a) Spanish, b) Chinese, c) Russian. 11. Election Day in the US occurs … in November a) on the first Monday, b) on the first Tuesday, c) on Tuesday after the first Monday. 12. What is the US national bird? a) bald eagle, b) falcon, c) hawk. 13. The 13 stripes on the US flag represent … a) the US states, b) the colonies that in the 18th century merged into the USA, c) the first US presidents. 14. What US holiday is celebrated on July, 4th? a) Father’s Day, b) Memorial Day, c) Independence Day. 15. The Golden Gates bridge is situated in … a) Los Angeles, b) San Francisco, c) Las Vegas.


16. New York City is nicknamed … a) Big Apple, b) Big Egg, c) Big Pie. 17. Mount Rushmore, the monument with 4 American Presidents’ faces

carved in rock, is located in … a) the mountains of South Dakota, b) the Grand Canyon, c) the Rocky Mountains. 18. The Ivy League is an association of… a) American Football Clubs, b) 8 US Universities, c) American sports writers. 19. The oldest US University is … a) Yale, b) Harvard, c) Princeton. 20. US nickname Melting Pot means that America… a) is a multi-cultural and multi-national country, b) has got a very hot climate, c) metaphorically melts multi-cultural society into a single national identity.



1. Англоговорящие страны (история и современность). Канада : метод. указания / сост. Л.И. Воскресенская. – Омск : Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2002.

2. Англоговорящие страны (история и современность). Соединенное ко-ролевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии : метод. указания / сост.: Т.В. Акулинина, Л.И. Воскресенская, Л.К. Кондратюкова. – Омск : Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2002.

3. Англоговорящие страны (история и современность). Соединенные Штаты Америки : метод. указания / сост. Л.К. Кондратюкова. – Омск : Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2002.

4. Голицынский, Ю.Б. Великобритания / Ю.Б. Голицынский. – СПб. : Каро, 2011.

5. Голицынский, Ю.Б. Соединенные Штаты Америки / Ю.Б. Голицын-ский. – СПб. : Каро, 2010.

6. Макинерни, Д. США. История страны / Д. Макинерни. – М. : ЭКСМО, 2009.

7. Павловский, В.М. Great Britain: monarchy, history, culture = Великобри-тания: монархия, история, культура : книга по страноведению на английском языке / В.М. Павловский. – СПб. : Каро, 2006.

8. Сатинова, В.Ф. Читаем и говорим о Британии и британцах / В.Ф. Сати-нова. – Минск : Высшая школа, 1998.

9. Falk, R. Spotlight on the USA / R. Falk. – Oxford University Press, 1993. 10. In the English-speaking world. – Обнинск : Титул, 1998.



Unit I. The British Commonwealth .............................................................................. 3 Test yourself ................................................................................................................... 6 Unit II. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .......................... 7 Test yourself ................................................................................................................. 17 Unit III. The United States of America ........................................................................ 19 Test yourself ................................................................................................................ 31 Список рекомендуемой литературы ....................................................................... 34


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