非常時代 非常領導. 前言 Serenity Prayer God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I...


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非常時代 非常領導

前言前言 Serenity PrayerSerenity Prayer

God, grant me theGod, grant me the

SERENITYSERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, to accept the things I cannot change,

COURAGE COURAGE to change the things I can, and the to change the things I can, and the

WISDOMWISDOM to know the difference.to know the difference.




賜予智慧,分辨能與不能的界線?賜予智慧,分辨能與不能的界線? ----尼布爾尼布爾 ((R. NeibuhrR. Neibuhr))

壹、 Best Leadership Quotes... Top 10 List of Favorites (1)

• Favorite Leadership Quotes #1 – Management is doing things right; leadership is doing

the right things.~ Peter F. Drucker

• Favorite Leadership Quotes #2 – Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do

and let them surprise you with their results.~ George S. Patton

• Favorite Leadership Quotes #3 – Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do

something you want done because he wants to do it.~ Dwight Eisenhower

Best Leadership Quotes... Top 10 List of Favorites (2)

• Favorite Leadership Quotes #4 – A leader is a dealer in hope.

~ Napoleon Bonaparte

• Favorite Leadership Quotes #5 – I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?

~ Benjamin Disraeli

• Favorite Leadership Quotes #6 – The leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone.

You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it.~ Elaine Agather

Best Leadership Quotes... Top 10 List of Favorites (3)

• Favorite Leadership Quotes #7 – Delegating work works, provided the one delegating

works, too.~ Robert Half

• Favorite Leadership Quotes #8 – Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men --

the other 999 follow women.~ Groucho Marx

• Favorite Leadership Quotes #9 – The very essence of leadership is that you have to

have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet.~ Theodore M. Hesburgh

Best Leadership Quotes... Top 10 List of Favorites (4)

Favorite Leadership Quotes #10 – The best executive is the one who has sense

enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.~ Theodore Roosevelt

General definition : Leadership is a process through which a

person tries to get organizational members to do something that the person desires..


1. A leader is a dealer in hope.--Napoleon Bonaparte

2. In our factory we make cosmetics.

In the store we sell hope. --Charles Revson, founder of Revlon

3. Boss v.s. Leader A boss creates fear, a leader confidence. A boss fixes blame, a leader corrects mistakes. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions. A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting. A boss is interested in himself or herself, a leader is

interested in the group.

--Russel H. Ewing

參、 Leader v.s. Manager

Warren Bennis 以對比的方式釐清領導者與管理者的差異。以對比的方式釐清領導者與管理者的差異。這十一個項目內容,如下所述:這十一個項目內容,如下所述:

• 1.1. 領導者重革新,管理者重執行;領導者重革新,管理者重執行;• 2.2. 領導者是原件(領導者是原件( originaloriginal ),管理者是影本(),管理者是影本( copycopy ););• 3.3. 領導者重開創,管理者重守成;領導者重開創,管理者重守成;• 4.4. 領導者強調組織成員的重要性,管理者強調制度結構的領導者強調組織成員的重要性,管理者強調制度結構的

重要性;重要性;• 5.5. 領導者能激發成員信任,管理者仰賴法令控制;領導者能激發成員信任,管理者仰賴法令控制;• 6.6. 領導者著眼遠程,管理者關切近程;領導者著眼遠程,管理者關切近程;• 7.7. 領導者探究內容與原因,管理者探究方法與時限;領導者探究內容與原因,管理者探究方法與時限;• 8.8. 領導者放眼寬廣的地平線,管理者定睛重直的底線;領導者放眼寬廣的地平線,管理者定睛重直的底線;• 9.9. 領導者挑戰現狀,管理者安於現狀;領導者挑戰現狀,管理者安於現狀;• 10.10. 領導者充分自主不受約束,管理者嚴守紀律服從法令;領導者充分自主不受約束,管理者嚴守紀律服從法令;• 11.11. 領導者達成正確的目標(領導者達成正確的目標( do the right thingsdo the right things ),管理),管理

者以正確的方式達成目標(者以正確的方式達成目標( do the things rightdo the things right )。)。

肆、肆、 Transformational leadersTransformational leaders 的行為特的行為特徵徵

• 1. 展現強勢的未來願景• 2. 善用故事與符號,傳達願景與訊息• 3. 重視目標意識與集體任務• 4. 具備樂觀熱情的談吐,充分展現成目標的信心• 5. 以正確的決策贏得部屬的信任與尊敬• 6. 領導者讓部屬引以為榮• 7. 持續表達領導者最重視的價值觀與信念• 8. 考量重大決策的道德、倫理的後續影響• 9. 設法尋求不同的觀點以解決問題• 10. 鼓勵部屬挑戰舊有成規,以新穎方式思考問題• 11. 撥冗教育部屬,以身作則• 12. 顧及部屬的個別差異、工作能力與動機• 13. 回應部屬要求,適度表達謝意,不吝表揚讚賞



1.1. 過度自我膨脹,認為自己能夠完全主導外在環境。過度自我膨脹,認為自己能夠完全主導外在環境。2.2. 假公濟私,視機關組織的利益為個人利益的延伸。假公濟私,視機關組織的利益為個人利益的延伸。3.3. 官大學問大的心態,自以為知道所有問題的答案。官大學問大的心態,自以為知道所有問題的答案。4.4. 唯我獨尊,以剝奪或鬥爭手段排除異己消除異議。唯我獨尊,以剝奪或鬥爭手段排除異己消除異議。5.5. 角色混淆,化身機關組織的最佳代言人,角色混淆,化身機關組織的最佳代言人, 以組織資源塑 造個人形象。以組織資源塑 造個人形象。6.6. 輕忽細微疏漏的嚴重性,導致全面潰堤挫敗。輕忽細微疏漏的嚴重性,導致全面潰堤挫敗。7.7. 迷信過去的成功模式,罔顧環境變遷,迷信過去的成功模式,罔顧環境變遷, 堅持複製舊有的運作方式。堅持複製舊有的運作方式。

陸、能趨疲與集體盲思陸、能趨疲與集體盲思 ((Entropy and Groupthink)Entropy and Groupthink)

1. 1. 剛愎自用的假象剛愎自用的假象 (( An illusion of invulnerabilityAn illusion of invulnerability ))2. 2. 合理化的固執合理化的固執(( RationalizationRationalization ))3. 3. 泛道德的約束泛道德的約束(( An assumption of An assumption of

moralitymorality ) ) 4. 4. 負面的刻板印象負面的刻板印象(( Negative stereotypinNegative stereotypin

gg ))5. 5. 屈從的壓力屈從的壓力(( Pressure to conformPressure to conform ))6. 6. 自我監督自我監督(( Self-censorshipSelf-censorship ))7. 7. 團結一致的假象團結一致的假象(( An illusion of unanimitAn illusion of unanimit

yy ))8. 8. 心靈的守護神心靈的守護神(( Mind guardsMind guards ))

柒、正面領導與負面領導柒、正面領導與負面領導一、正面領導行為特徵 (一)、注意力的管理( MGT of attentio

n ) (二)、意念的管理( MGT of meaning ) (三)、信任度的管理( MGT of trust ) (四)、自我的管理( MGT of self )二、負面領導行為特徵 (一)、「過份簡化」的選擇 (二)、「決不認錯」的心境 (三)、「固步自封」的態度 (四)、「自以為是」的決策 (五)、「報喜不報憂」的偏好



玖、定向與定位玖、定向與定位( locus and focus )

悲觀者抱怨風向, 樂觀者期待轉向, 務實者調整方向。

--美國教育家‧威廉華德 The pessimist complains about the wind; the

optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

--William Ward