聊城第三中 学 韩艳华 space Soviet cosmonaut Gagarin ( 苏联宇航员加加林 ) The first...


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Soviet cosmonaut Gagarin(苏联宇航员加加林 )

The first man into space

American astronaut Armstrong(美国宇航员阿姆斯特朗 )

The first man to walk on the moon


China’s first taikonaut

Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth !

Module 5

New words• astronaut n. 宇航员

cosmonaut n. 宇航 员 (苏称) taikonaut n. 宇航员 (中称)

navigator n. 领航员 universe n. 宇宙 capsule n. 太空舱

orbit n. 轨道 v. 绕轨道飞行

congratulation n. 祝贺

historical adj. 历史性的 achievement n. 成就

Read the text fast and match the subheadings (副标题) with the three parts.

A. Conversations in Space part 1

B. The Shenzhou V part 2

landed safely

C. Congratulations from part 3

Around the World

Fast Reading

Learning to learn

When you read a newspaper article, the subheadings can often give you an idea of the general content( 内容) of the article



Careful Reading

Part 1 Task( 任务) 1Read part 1 to fill in the form.

Mission (任务) the ShenZhou V manned spaceship

Launch( 发射地)

Duration( 持续时间)

Orbits (轨道绕行)

Actions (活动)

Landing (着陆 地)Feelings (感受)

Jiu Quan, satellite launch center

Inner Mongolia

21.5 hours


Take photos

A great moment , the greatest day

Task 2 : Sentence Replacement(句子替换 )---to find a sentence in part 1 to replace (替换) the following one .

When Yang took off successfully , China became the third nation to send a man into space .

When Yang took off successfully , China became the third nation that sent a man into space .

China became the third nation to send a man into space.

Language Points( 拓展延伸 )

to send a man into space.修饰 nation.如果名词前有序数词 the first, the second ,…, the last, 等则后常跟 to do 作定语

他是最后一个离开教室的学生。He was the last student_____________________.to leave the classroom

Part 2

1. What else did Yang do when he was traveling in space ?

He spoke to two astonauts aboard the International Space station .

2. What were their attitudes( 态度) to Yang’s flight . They were glad and welcomed Yang to space .

Part 3 Translation

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan called the flight “a step forward for the whole world ”.

“联合国秘书长安南称这次飞行是 全”世界的一个进步

Yang Liwei _______ from Jiuquan and ____ safely in Inner Mongolia.He is the 431st person _______ in space.China become the_____nation to send a man into space. Premier Wen telephoned the Control Center to offer his _____________. When Yang was traveling in space, he took ___________of the earth.He also spoke to other astronauts aboard the International Space Station , which was______ the earth.Many countries sent messages of congratulations. They said Yang’s space flight was an important ___________, and a _____forward for the whole world.

Summary took off landed

to travel third






Discuss the two questions in groups.

1. How do you feel after you watch the video ?( 提示:是否自豪等,这条新闻对你今后学习生活的影响。。。)

2. Do you think China should continue with its space programme (太空项目) ? (军事,旅游, 医学, 农业等方面)


Industry (工业)

improve industrial manufacturing(工业制造) …


(农业) Produce high yield (产量) crops …


(军事) strenghen national defence construction (国防建设)…


produce new medicine…


travel in space …

… …

Try your best to write a passage aTry your best to write a passage about bout two questions in your two questions in your discussion .discussion .


