# ^W^P''RA'ILrfg' ¦ ' jjiiiiiy^'V;


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#" " W^"P''RA'I"Lrf g'" """¦ "' ""jjiiiiiy^'V;^StTt ^Sfl «j t*i. let ua have your amtita^Htt refiitihg oars. f»i a.«mo.tioai Slj f^^

wTthe A a4»»n»»tr»- a. temple of the Lord in. tjie ,oity .of^ David

W*WK J '<5*««W'*»**'* kind ; that 8h^J,oJ| toW tthd your

Jj ' toibtt^iru^ ^^J-^^^^^wftrf.'

So. W S e^^t^-t, k ^^^v^i^ft^,,; "*1itc° had been «**¦*«, most likely by -"«««*

£7^X1 "f^"**

ISAM E>-Vilill- . M£:l*nBrE«ir. 5aVe


tffeWW7° the agency of the PhlMirie ^nd whieVh^ ^lomon epUld begm the work - or on uc.

JSl™...*^ J. Je*sc6^^. Fria^ lyor^u, .,,. A^.B^i9?;fB^. ; to argue wnft h pr, to bestQW. any atten, | H fe fer dQJn^this:. ^^S?" ^ ^1

ngfk !¦ i i , in ii ' ' i j s» tion upon what that society publishes or says. , „. , ¦,. . ., . „1„nrr/>j trt;w«„ *A t„i««i,i. ^aysrO^dlnApavaioncOmposed oFc^rtiiltifl

A Reply to kO. ¦ J»- ¦ ' It is know* 4b* mr gogdVeW'Came from;*^ W?**^.ff^ W!® he

could not obtain tbe oonsent : >of the na*.

Some o^^^«feF.^ tolls us !


AU & MM &U with | S p^"1

?™Sgft tibn^cQuneUtothisnn^^ing^uthe was

in the M - S^fV^ M^ as wh sl ^. our part , do ^^^^^^

advised * makV ln> «apjtal also the , reli-the Muhumodint~QTe>nii -of New York calls it- : not think, that'nothjutt should be said about „ ' . .K .* " ¦ , . P , gious metropolis, according to .the Mosaic

"The preceding remarks in •¦«, WW ^.tm^ a ?isfo .off ; *.«H««. h"ls defended on three *„

rf ^


may well surprise our readers. . The editor wOfrrm im^pfe^ irtipp T^,' l I ^' T? I ? -1 sale tabernacle was most'llkely impaired tfof a Jewish, paper in Cincinnati calls upon 1 KB MW WW UIFaKKM 'lAWMj tal of aland which could bo defended with a , • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ v ;:' '¦¦¦ ¦; JJ v^ r1 °?the Je^^^^kt^evept Christian , T , Wt£rV^i-«i comparativWsiholl l*»W^flto. , For ^;f ™"*[^ - * * -ftro*.-Jews f«>m asking a quesflon , byjl^f nplPn.fltt'j n j

* „ poculiat ftdvatlt flf ^

erected a new paj ihon, undoubtedly ™ the 'violence, and clearly indicates that, wi that T^

Ml,teJ r,r The 'i.n*utk from ti» stated work, 5n_ t/ , Wni fttt „nint0rru nted comtrinnication patteMl °f the Mo8ai° -*l*ernMl'81 m tWtmteni citar: they, wreTBBptmJent by feftr . Of ,Tad HachasakhK , of Btcts Ma,Mon.d88. mg tohim an uninterru ptea comwnmcation

pDepa^atiohs Uwdunds drieatl . We earnestly requesfc.th o . , ^ with the tribes beyond Jordan , 3enjamin .and ' ¦ , ' ,,..//? ro

2i« to e^plb hiT ineaning^f L have m C^S|S . Jehudah, then tho nurtt powcrfdllribes of ^J -^ ' ^Ubfldc^nX'i^^'Ae miqra.-titieW fdlE ttfl v 0n tte Ma«Ve.. t¦ ' " i \^..t.i v t« th* 'iMnnnta W tW^ clfcJr (>fI>ftv*d' Afc the head of thirty thon-

hoS.q'4wst!r,the,c^^^^^ M ^ I a ^t hf t

^n w ?l ". ¦A«ree,,

?r11to the M«9a,c law' f

e 8And poppl^ 'wHo'had ambled to take parfcommends; 'But what respect does-hft show ^l^qpe should^oy, I $$ observe the law: Jebusites wereyhaljenged^ ^urr^der the J^*^n fe . .

dcco^n|, J ;

t6wafd the hous^.oWsrael^.helflie1 asserts end-acqaito wisdom, thnt l earn the bles- city and the castlq of Ziop ; but thoyreturned »" ««e solemn festivity, ana accompanied bythat.any of tf artj j rJn wltj Mwfe faith 8in#*rdmised in t^ li^^on

that I obtain the ironical ansWor, -that the blmi aWtho Ch°P"

^^ l"™™™' '

should ,be -su^cientHtq ^.p^ent him from tened in s the lay uiffl not befall m$, or not take it. Tho confidence of the Jebusitea v ^ , r - < ¦ ' i Vi. • • ' ' • "H *" <

inalUq$.:8iuk Aj;p)b^, 9^iMiron that I-be not cut off from ^the future life, was not entire}^ built upon the strength of T^f'

^a9l° °* ^™l<°{¥\t^^n^i Z'Zn


It is^bWming to wdraVpS Gfod sa So he the city and the castle, they reckoned upon Jeru^- '. **t Wp

rehefts.btts of

Sa- -ages, including thousands of men . p>ore JSlOKi ¦IA.JOJkU M ,$& . , ,' "u ^" l"«"' i *\ muel, as noticed boforei wei*e ibtirid* c'ofredtclearlied 'thWhim-9'eirfra«id:' n6t -le'Ss snicer^ wonhi^AJ'WiB

only v^XR^&p This p not. the speedy assistance of the Philistines, who, ft revolt i, 6tft, whieW^*h^n^the"Teo 1have 'adopted* the belief that Jesus' iB* the me mentali state olthe-/,prqiihet?,and sages, most likely were their protectors, and who :- . ¦¦¦ < , • . ¦ a* ; \ " rt v'iv'r' ,rt;,- ¦¦¦s>\'!? •?» >.«^ • t

Messiab^ilg^suB WmselfAnd, his Apos- Nehev^ce^the ignortfttj tfna ¦ ttnV'miri^ stall W possession of their thoroughfare, to ^, f^R^^.?^^*,«

^VS^^^^^^SSP ^^» io worsWR »od out

of fear, uT ¦ which Jerusalem was very important! -.Sth^. °f ^


^' Jfj

ft !

-°P-liimto a^w^l^Bucka.Reliet to. eajiciness IV-i/.., i^,. . ,, ,_ . . -..-rj ^, .¦-,.. .. ,. ¦»j - -i , I ' ' ,V j .t , ' ., Ua , violence, and hod caused such a general con«:^M^r^^-W^ ^^

ta^*WMt;e, actual ly append ij a^ons^fe force fij ^ ^ preBsipn^V ideeds of violence? and *ey worship God oU*'oflove. > - ¦ - and encampied oh % high plain pf^enhaim, wrti ' -,„w, . ..-¦, , J .. 1T

h "^W'^^.ljj KwiJJ, answer "f&Sb^i&a^ sep^d


Zion by'to V&ey-of ^T'j J?^,?' ^'-^i.the inquirers whenever .they have_iefuted ., . . ." ¦. . n ,,- , \ „r ,. s% , < vX i ^mj , ¦¦ \ .• \ Abirtadab, eichet intending to prevent its

his 4u'ments,,If hej {s so nWm the con* that a »»*fc *oky8 ^'W,: °¥ ^ . 1,, scpa^ing the . wJo it8 progre89jLdrhinandtrovefsy, as not tO' be ' aware thdt Bis artfi- anfll practicesihia cominftndmjents, and^walks plain of Rcphaun from the valley of Benhi- , , . wh ;/>r ^fl^ t/ „ > -. '* «- ... - .. W

ment« have be.en * u^^ :iiMdred times, &':^£$M:& isjdp^ ok accoupt.-o^om, upon which *< fort -stood, which was^ f 9 iS^If ?^! ',K T

¥pt yb^«^#^«^he ^W8 ^^^«^^terf garrisoned by David to pheck'the progress of J^

wh^for e.«iepace w^^lfed^rett-sdmatliing of the, matter. ¦ 'iJ i. ^ ^; ^ ^ ^ . ' ¦¦¦i rn^^ u. -,,,. . ^-^ ¦ ™ " ". r r .e .. . yzzah, Breach of.Uzzah. Davids»wj bimselfM,

"VWunati is 80:indifferently provided f^W ?*>* * desjre.toAe.rewarded,, but thQ enemy, and .prevept.hun from uniting ^. ^; >v •- , ^fc pr^ftt%r theMBMntwith- \inMei : publications; .New York he ^^, to , t^tdJ^Itt^'A''tf -'tiUA;' with the Jebusites in Jerusalem. oongea ro give up nis project tor the present,,,

abounds' in, ^rt; anftj hey hafd .enttloyed finteliy the goiod mnst murt'from it. This is David on being advised by thedivine voice, ?? J"555f ? " 'i^ tf


» 'f^Jsome afgntoe^ t^te, ^;a«r o^p .b^tat^^^mtad^iobv j ey^o^- revealed most likely by the national council,

^^rbance, Thenr* wafdepo^

than any he has brought, forward; but yet tsss»«. "b»«"^ «l£-; .w;!' rTr 7- ¦ t >¦ > u a i, c u- a n in the next house, which happened to beloncthey have long since bebomB Silent' We sage reasW ^is^^.the^tate of

mind marched, par.

of hi^rmy aorpss^bc-valley to- 0bod.BdMn a man Df Gath and David ?have reason t<) .h'eKeve. thaiK'niO^ ^hble^ which,Abraham pDBsessed.w;hom;Qodvcallftd' of Benhinom to

the fort on the

hill , from .. . . ' , .. , . . j w' *"t¦ 'J^ ¦ ••

"sdme state exists amorigJewflWe, and that l^friei«;-hta^M^rvif:fiod MV of. wliick lie successfully attacked. tho/Philis- 7- i

'iT " " i6Wf' r <1or;,the great /question^ e^min^d

^and rfisx

!Th^ .* tb0 staWof^mind-to aftttuire tines; who

were sp rontod^.that they. left on ^iS^'-"!'

¦Ji 'rt S'j lcussed by pome, with ,thq , senQUSjiesS and t -u « j • " ¦ v' Vr ,,:2^' ¦ ¦••$ • ¦¦ ¦ . ." v n ¦ , . ¦ ••- 'il ' ^i. u.' « u i . theJ pi6»ft; that the/ark of thfe Xord wWde /fairness which.it deserves, ' and wliich we yr ^^^i^^ A

the field their idols, prnbabl^attached to posJ£d the faoiio of. a PhdinSne-dnd^have often recommended to( "TA*-lm*titeJ ! saVrng/HAritfinU syit'Ibve ffl&faf&M,1 '- thqir standard, wb|ch; on command, of Da- T S, J,t!,? v ,-vTO?!,,;^ ,-t r i" s lei. -< - 'i

¦ ••*' « ri 'Vi " ¦» ' ¦ f ¦ ¦ nv V '¦ - l ; " i': ' tl /v ij. T ' ,, thus Davm naa a good pretext to move; tho. ,1. u j . , &c. If Mjin; loves Qod jtr»Iy, he wilLohserve vid , were burnt by the soldiers, agreeably . k.'i.Mo!nu. *.„¦ TwiTdAloirtT i ¦ ' *» -+"• ¦'¦• "Rush to arms!, rally) , .rally! ye faithful ^Commandments 6ut yf'lbv'e'.nnd not out to the Mosaic law. «h* pface of tho battle J „ ?'l 1„ T?' '

lnf ^' '5 F* :

guardians of the ^wJYork ci^;6f|?rene- t ft ft t ,;;" ' ^ : ' V ! , . 'i ', wp^^KlKd p^^e^

im? the fc8tftf

Jill«J^« ^ V^" '

gades! Do you not hea^.violenc'o, deeds.of 'g i ^naf .fe; the trne love of-God?, It is siegt j^Lj^ theb^ manner of Wklng" ^ S °f^ •• i ,. ^ . . j, . . -.T ¦ u il *v ^ . i' , . „ . » , . . . , > , . , ceremony, vftio camo m number about nine ¦*violence are threatened them, to silence the ¦! to love ^God- with - superiorj and , powerful fortified cities/ by destroying the fortifica- niindred The king "with- h" a'tt ridVtl^dear martyrs, the j ealous advocates of the ! affectiona,, -so that hisi soul is tied, to God by j tionsby battering rams -i because, his arniy ii"n t_ .-K' nr -,\ "' f' np +!f' /T.^*

sou^ade:; . ^iW^ai. ; | toftj ot'^

s t», a^ayS

thinks conned of a




who bested. ^^ ,T^S

^SS' SgB^hasibeen committed in,U8raeL .ISow,we, do o6 God;- like one who is loveJ-flttieken withK Jerusalem. David could not pursue his vie- m„ ; • ' Q „0j, ,(I,';u„i,kT j !Bii j ci. > .i. r ^ .i t ^ « r"i.t:- - i ! •,u -;, r»'n»'i*,»ii i i . , . .. i .- - • u ' . . • - i , . . . musicians,wenttothte bonne 'ot wbed-Euom.notnelreve tor^a moment, that J, Lv tninp , a wbman, whom he must alwara remember i toiy, but returned to the city, and topk it ™ ^ brouirht in s* 1or even thought, we counsel our br^ by asaault. . ^timo was to be k.t; th/ to JorusaIem BAfettJoSTb^hTZNew York.tp deeds of violence against the j qridnnks.- .iMore- intensely still the love of , Philistlnea could' return any . day, reorgah- Davj]]on: with music and s » ' ' f 'fi 'renegade Jew?,, or that .we advjseany i§£ii$ti ¦ GoAfthp^d ibfifipitho, heart of^Hose w'ho love ized and reinforced. David :therefore pro-

hyinnsj festivities and " •

8a° t tTsoil his hands by handling a class of .%* him, always j cin| in^hj s lpve, as it says mised the rank' of chief captain to him who fin al 8ttti8fa;tion ttf all imJ : q^s Zcrites whp by their very trade are impure \ there -/ ; wu*«y W, d|, thy.soul " would Ja then^

on tbj walls of tht.castle;. ca8ion were composed Psalms «xv and ixix , !and unholy. Violence, bir, deeds of vio- j aa BoloiJwn said symbolically i ^'-For I am\ Joab, the king's heroio^ousin, who hod lost and' aoooniiI,ar

,to the author of Chronicleslence are not Jewish at all ; these aredemon-¦ : lnve^strle^ti:M<< ,Sqi "the whole ofSolomon's his rank.in the army, most likely on account .u' „f l ,fpLmno 0„;i „ mh ,«. i.' fu /M ¦ ,.• i^ ii v c i- ¦ i A j '" "¦' ¦ -T, ¦ ¦¦¦' ¦' ¦, . . . • • . , . . ^«" " also part ot rsalm ov, ana most likely-some ¦strations ot Christian love by fanatical ana song must be understood. ' • of having assassinated Abner, was the first t. . „ „m„ .„, .«. , , , ,i ¦!.• ' i •¦ i. j t , • * / « ^ nMi '!*¦ ¦¦• ' , . ., ,»¦ ¦ . . . „ ¦

™ ' ~ „ ,, , other poems. All but Michal.were pleasedhypocritical priests, renegade Jews, ignorant ; , $ 4. The anp^ent sages said: If one should on the walls. He was soon followed by the with tn transaction of th da Hhzealots, avaricious haberdashers, or such | say, I will study the Itfw; that I necome invincible warriors of David, and Zion fell ^' ,^T tq ^^l^i t " b

e .Cen'other dregs of humanity who headed the rich , be caUe^ ^blfi^

or. thatf l-be re/'arded into" his power. .But the Philistines had J"™' rtJ^rbeeomin*'

ti& k'° ° f^iTff' ''mobs in olden times and . led them to deeds | in the world'to cpiqef 5»e ;mn8t ' know that it again made their appearance in the plain of 6, • [ ? •.,, V

0^" K" it ^l- °1' " \of violence against Jews, infidels , Turks and says in Scripture: "To love God thy Lord , 'V Rephaim. David/who never put much con- 7 * ™J" J ! J . °7 JJ uf "S' J,other excommunicated dogs. But wc know I whatever thou doost the motive.must be the fidencc in walls , gates and bars, resolved *?H™ ° 7h " ' ° ° l i i ¦ ' Tv\-J. G J. -does not believe that we counsel our I love of God, Again the anient sages said

to attack them in the open field ; he was ^ r WnhS^\h 7Z l%brethren to. deeds ot violence. This is the , It 'says in Scriptures, 'tfle delights in ' Hfi advised this time ,to give them a total dis- 8eParatKm ox MlGnal ,rom tQo. ™yat bed, {infernalmeanness of J. C. J., that he know- j commandments," and not in the reward of comfiture , in consequence Of widen he Daywl neglected no chance which serveding that violence is not Jewish still wishes to I his commandments. So also the greatest fetched a compass round tho enemy, and at- to reconclle the friends of Saul to him. He fmake his readers believe wfr care thus much of the sagea said to their wisest and best tacked their flanks and rear ; when defeated craved informaklon 'n regard to the descen-for a parcel of renegades,, or ;.we would thus j pup ils: "Ye shall not be likc. Bervants who, they retired to Geba, their old standing dants of his friend Jonathan; and helearnedfar forgettho laws of - this land and of larael, j serve their master for the rccomponsatiori place, from which they were driven , to- that one son ot Jonathan Mephiboshet r, or .as to counselor brethren todeeds of violence j but because God is the Lord you shall gether with all their garrisons, as far as to Meribboal, survived hm father. The lam*against a few obscure hypocrites, who sell i servo him " i. e. front tho pure motive of Gezer. We are not informed that David Princc wa8 hlddon "L *ho house pf Machir,their God" and their bouL "For a loaf of love. took Gezer ; this much is sure, that he was aon of AmicI , at4Lo-Debar, beyond Jordan.bread." j g 5. Whoever is pious in order to be re- not yot in the position to pursue hU victory ; David immediately sent for the prince, gave

We; Sir, need not resort to deeds of vio- j warded or to avoid evil practices the law (vir- it was yet necessary for him to take proper him a11 the P.r°P?rt^ ,18. 6r?U3dfathe.r, al-ienee, the arguments arc in our favor. Chris- : tue) not for its own sake. Whoever prac- care of the internal affairs. thou8h ho ft '80 h.ad a cltum *°- a l'

fc of lt *

tianity taught its peculiar doctrines with fire , tices the law not out of fear , "not for reward, This first campaign occupied .the first six and granted to hlu\ ™Q Pnvilogo

^ to eat at

and sword, violence and deception. Just but from the motive of love to the Lord of months of his reign, after which he trans *he king s tabic, which wm a patti^lnJ d"-think how poor your Christianity must be, if the universe, he practices virtue for virtue 's ferred the seat of government to Jerusalem. tinotlon ftt thtt

J tirae- Ziba» . a

^servant of

it must purchase advocates from the lowest sake. The sages said: "Anyhow man should David repaired the breaches of the walls of Saul1 was made steward of the prince »classes of Jewish society. How little of es- practice the. Law, (virtue,) even if he has Jerusalem and the eastlo of Zion , which he ProPerty-

^hia disinterestedness and friend-

sence and wisdom there must be in tha t Chris- other motives than those of love, for the called the city of David , enriching it with remembrance of h I9 iriend Jonathan ,tianity, if a paper like the Israelite Indeed can practice of virtue will eventually lead him additional fortifications and new buildings. e°rtainl>' &aVQ Pleasure to too friends d!exiatand be read by ministers. Just think of to pure mntives. Therefore instructing the He also intended to bui ld there a palace for Sau •that poverty of arguments which your Chris- young or 'the ignorant they must be: taught himself, for which Hiram, the king of Tyre, Our historian also

^ informs us. that Da- _

tianity offers to Feuerbachr Strauss, Rauh , to serve the , Lord from theijnotive. of fear , sent him both the materials and tho mocha- vid , as 'king of alL|srael, was a just andor eveu Theodore Parker, and you must ad- ; and on account of the reward; they will re- nics! The two maritime powers, Tyre and righteous man, careTuIly and conscientiouslymit at once we need not resort to deeds of ceive, unti} their mental capacities are fairly Philistia were natural rivals'; a good under- administrating the laws of his country ,violence, to annihilate your spider web of a developed and they'become wiser , then this standing with either mode one the enemy of He was assisted ia the discharge of hissystem , composedas iM.s of uninquired jnys- secret might;gradually be disclosed to them , the other. Saul was an enemy of the Phili- duties by the following officers. His cousin,ter ies, absurd dogmM^di^ontfadictp^^istQ-: and they might slowly be led ttf comprehend stines, consequently, he.was befriended by Joab, was chief 'captain Sf fihe host/ ' Jeho-rieSf Such as renegaa^ e^fl^u.ally teil^p^ their mistake

and know to worship God the Tyrian government, ^avid was be- sliaphat, son of Ahilud, was auditor, whose

their conversion. TJiieij^'jd^' must. ty)p i.ip,. , from the mqtiVe,of love. '/ friended by the PhiUstines ; wherefore, he office it was to hear and toSrecbrtfthe ¦causesthat any schoolboy d^cfflrs. an pi^t ydtiP;td | §6. It is evident that the lov$;to God is found in Hiram a natural opponent, who brought before the kingi requiring his de-shame and confusion withOnis simplWarigii- ; not firman our heart nnless man. always most likely supported tho house of Saul, cisiod, interference, aid, and so forth. Za-uients. Therefore you fln^rknow 't^tiwe thinks thereof and resigns on- its account The Philistines—Achasoh probably was no dok and Abiathar' wero high priest andmean argument and no violence; hefoj&^ou' all transientthings, as Scripture efcys^^Thou more — alarmed by David's sudden attack proxy; Sheraiah was chief secretary, Ado-are very mean if you assert %$& contr| ' , j shalt love . '¦QbH thy X*orcLwitii aJ4.thy;*iieart, on the Jebusite city; and, anticipating the ram was collector of the taxes. Hushai, tho

But, says J. C. J., the critical evidetf^iwc , with all thy soul," &c. We love God ac- loss of their highway to the interior of Archite, was tho king's companion; an of-produced , that tho conception, birth, fef&j ftrr cording ta the degree of knowledge we have Asia, committed the first breach of the peace fice found also at the Persian court: Ahi- ,rcction and ascension of Jesus from UttSJij ifil; of him ; agreeable to our knowledge is our which resulted in a total loss of their high- tophel, fee Gilphito, and"Jonathan, the king'sreason^ of the gospels deserve no credit-^-lfaS' love, groat or little. Therefore it is man's way through Palestine. This rendered Hi- uncle, were his privy counsellors. Bena-becn refuted a hundred times. Where , $£?{¦. duty to attempt. incessantly to sjudy such ram a friend of David ; . which he let the iahu , son of Jehoiada, the. chiefs of the twi*Lot us hear those refutations;show. us. those sciences and enter into the secret recesses of latter know by. his ambassadors and gifts, southern nations annexed to Jehudah, Che- (arguments. We do not believe yen; we must ! wisdom, by whicb

^ he learns first to know, David seding On^ a sudden a powerful- sup- rethi and Pelethv . ^>rv the Jairite, and

see the thing itself It may appear satisfac- j and then to love fia Creator, as far as hu~ potter of Saul turned to bo his friend , took tho sons of David, ct»mpqsed tlio- jersppal "tory to you without appearing so to others, man mtjq]Jeefc is capable to. undejj altand ov it. to be rid mean bijaen of a happy reign, ntteridantsof David. In all probability, theIf yon honestly intend to convert; the Jews, ! conccivn God,. ' The intention of David was to build also ' prophets iKathah.afidl Gad wero comjaiB-
