1. Is there a computer in your family? 2. When did you touch a computer for the first time? 3. Do...


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1. Is there a computer in your family?

2. When did you touch a computer for the first time?

3. Do you like playing computer games?

4. Do you want to be a computer engineer?

Do you know this man?

Bill Gates

Do you know this boy?

Yan Nuo

curriculumn. 全部课程


bowlingn. 保龄球运

geekn.( 尤指好像只对电脑感兴趣的 ) 呆子

chat roomn.( 互联网上的 )






never look back


adv. 经常地,总是

adj. 给人印象深刻的

adj. 非盈利性的


adj. 有执业资格的


dream of



burn down




adv. 明智地,合理地

n. 着魔,迷恋


adj. (通过计算机软件 )模拟的,虚拟的


Type of writing

General idea

Fast reading

Descriptive writing

Yan Nuo, an unusual Chinese teenager, helps people with their computer problems. He is very organized and is already a software engineer and programmer.

Part 1

Main idea of Paras. 1&2

Main idea of Para. 3

Main idea of para. 4

Main idea of para. 5

Yan Nuo has some impressive international connections in computer.In 2003, he became Microsoft’s youngest MVP in Asia.

Yan’s digital life

Though Yan is busy, he can afford to relax.

Main idea of para. 6

Main idea of para. 7

Main idea of para. 8

Main idea of para. 9

In his teacher’s eyes, Yan is an efficient student.

At nine, Yan began to study computer.

At sixteen, Yan became a certificated software engineer and programmer.

Compared with many teenagers, Yan has a bright future.

True or false

Detailed reading1. Yan Nuo has earned a lot of money by providing technology support to Microsoft software users this year.2. Yan is very busy every day, so he has no time to relax.3. It is probable for Yan Nuo to go to college in America.4. Yan’s teacher is disappointed at his being into computers.5. The writer thinks highly of Yan’s enthusiasm for computers.

1 What makes Yan Nuo a computer expert?

He is a certificated software engineer and programmer.

2 In what ways has he helped Microsoft?

He is a volunteer for Microsoft who helps users with problems.

3 How does he manage his schoolwork?

He plans his schoolwork and computer work very carefully.

4 What makes him different from other teenagers?

He is very good at planning his time, and he has clear targets for what to do.

5 What does Yan Nuo’s teacher think about him?

The teacher is very positive about how he organises his life.

6 What is the writer’s opinion of Yan Nuo?

He is a successful young man, and more mature than his peers.

Fast reading Part 2

Type of writing

General idea

A report

Parents and teachers’ worries about the young people’s being into computers

1 Why are parents worried about their children spending too long on their computers?

They are worried that children will turn into unhealthy computer “geeks” and be obsessed with computers to the exclusion of everything else.

1 Which of the statements would your parents agree with?

2 Which ones do you agree with?

3 Would you like to be like Yan Nuo? Why? Why not?

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

After reading

constantly, impressive, vocational,

efficiently, reliable, remote, feasible,


1. The famous professor gave a(n) _________ speech yesterday.impressive

2. Tom works hard and he is a(n) ______ assistant.3. It’s not _______ to follow your proposals.4. _________ training is an important part of a worker’s education.5. He’s _________ disturbing me.6. It was _______ of you to lock the door.7. The bomb was exploded by _______ control.8. He’s _______ at his job.







1. This Senior 3 computer expert has some impressive international connections.2. Yan Nuo can be seen as a good example to other teenagers as he puts his enthusiasm for computers to good use.3. Some students stay away from school, or even run away from home to meet their “friend” in a virtual chat room.

Opinions (O) or facts (F)




4. Peer pressure is one of the reasons why many teenagers write viruses, according to American computer security researcher Sarah Gordon.

5. I would rather that my parents did not know my bad exam results, but the card will tell them everything about my studies.



Yan Nuo, an unusual Chinese teenager, helps people with their __________ problems. He is very organized and is already a software _______ and ___________. As an 18-year-old student, he began to fall in love with and study the computer at 9. When he was 16, he became a __________ software engineer and programmer.





In 2003, he became Microsoft’s young

est _____ in Asia. Though Yan is busy,

he can ________ relax himself. With h

is efficient digital life, this computer e

xpert has some __________ internatio

nal connections. Compared with many

teenagers, he is an unusual and succes

sful student.


afford to

