1. Lecture2a-Part 1




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  • By Cheryl Ngiam/Mohd Adib Ramli Taylors School of Architecture, Building, Design

  • At the end of this lecture students should be able to : Know and understand the different

    documentation types in the various stages of a professional design services

    Understand in detail the principles, format, conventions used in a working drawing

  • Documentation Architectural services Architectural working drawings Objectives Drawing schedule Programming Equipment Format Drawing conventions

  • Definition: material that provides official information or evidence or that serves as a record

    Can be in written, printed, online, digital or analog media

    In architecture, mainly in the form of drawings, tender and contract documents

  • The work of an architect generally involves the following phases: Schematic design Design development Construction documents Bidding & Contract negotiation Construction administration

  • Develop feasible concept and to present it in a form that the client can accept and understand

    Projects function, goals, design expectations, budget, site requirements, exploration of alternative designs, etc.

    Usually in a form of concept sketches, either by hand or CAD

  • Typical documentation developed by the end of this phase:

    Site and floor plans Exterior elevations ( not all ) Building sections of critical areas Landscape plan Preliminary construction cost estimate Hand sketches or CAD 3D renderings Most of the works performed by architect

  • Design is refined into a clear, coordinated set of drawings

    Involves C&S and M&E engineers Decide on structure, materials, detailing,

    servicing, special requirements, etc. The drawings may or may not include

    dimensions and notes Subject to revisions and refinements The drawings become the basis for

    submission drawings submitted for local authoritys approval

  • At earlier stage the drawings usually done by architect but later the draftsmen will add all information required i.e. dimensions, scales, sheet titles, etc.

    The set of drawings typically includes: Fully developed site and floor plans Exterior elevations and building sections Reflected ceiling plans, roof plan, details, etc The documentation typically does not contain

    as many details, dimensions and notes compared to construction drawings

  • During this stage, there are two types of submission drawings:

    Planning submission to obtain Development Order

    Building submission to obtain Building Plan Approval

    Planning submission requires a town planner if the size of the land is more than 5 acres and the town planner need to submit Laporan Cadangan Pemajuan ( LCP )

  • Building Plans Approval need to be submitted to nine authorities namely:

    Jabatan Bangunan Jabatan Perancang Jabatan Kejuruteraan BOMBA Tenaga Nasional Berhad Telekom Berhad Jabatan Alam Sekitar ( Department of Environment ),

    if necessary Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembetungan/IWK Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, if necessary

  • Example of a submission drawing

  • Preparation of documents for tenders or bidding which consist of:

    Drawings: working drawings & details Documents instruction to tenderers, form

    of tender, preliminaries, preambles and specifications, bills of quantities (BQ), etc.

    Every aspect of how a project is to be put together must be included

    Contractor(s) will use these documents to determine construction cost

  • The documents has to be accurate

    If changes are required, addendums are simply added to the drawings and documents and submitted for approval

    Specifications should be of minimum standard

    Example of a construction document

  • The architect will serve as the manager of the bidding/tender

    Contractors will be invited to bid for a project i.e. through a tender notice

    The contractors will pick/buy a set of construction documents, study the project to determine the cost of construction and place a bid on the project

    Sometimes the project owner will look for the lowest bidder

    Lowest bidder does not ensure winning project

  • Example of a tender notice

    Example of the content of a Construction Document

  • Monitoring the progress of a building during its construction

    Questions and problems arise which require architects attention

    Architect and other consultants need to ensure that the project is being built according to plan

  • When a project is complete to the satisfaction of architect and other consultants, CCC (previously CF) will be issued.

  • Working drawings are prepared for: Approval of a building by authorities

    (submission drawings) Contractor to price the work (tender

    drawings) Contractor to build a building

    (construction drawings) Documenting a building after its

    completion (as-built drawings)

  • Title block main sewer line




    project title

    drawing title

    Scale, drawn by, ref. no. etc.

    Drainage surface, underground, sump, etc.


    grid lines & dimensions


    sewerage & sanitary

    door & window types

    floor levels and finishes room name

    section lines

  • You need to understand: Who the drawing is for What the drawing is for i.e.: for a new building,

    renovation, built-in cabinets, etc.

    the clients not too happy with the way I interpreted the drawings

    The needs of the person who will read the drawing to carry out the work excellently

  • Several things that need to be considered when starting a working drawing: Drawing schedule Programming Equipment Sheet set out Specifications The golden rules

  • List the different drawings you will need to do

  • Estimate how long each drawing will take considering what needs to be drawn

    Make a time chart as this will indicate if you can finish in the allowable time

    Allow time for checking and making necessary ammendments

    Allow time for printing and folding the drawings, etc.

  • Computer drawings Computer software & hardware Means of printing the drawing

  • Lettering best left until last Try to keep all the text to one side Advisable to use Layout Mode (Paper

    Space) to set the drawing in AutoCAD Benefits of using layout view: Multiple drawings with/without similar scale can

    be arranged easily on the same sheet Text height can be standardized even when the

    scale of drawings are different A better idea of how the printed documents look

    like Allow time to test prints

  • Things that could not be drawn, i.e. coats of paint, specific brand for sanitary fittings go into the specifications

    Example of specifications: 110mm thk. brickwall with 20mm plaster to be

    painted on bothsides 100mm x 50mm UPVC RWDP Alumn. Frame sliding door to manufs detail 1500mm high ceramic wall tiles all round

    internally for kitchen