13-05-01: RU: Shoygu & Putin: Military Necessity for Sustainable Security Coup d'etat



13-05-01: RU: Shoygu & Putin: Military Necessity for Sustainable Security Coup d'etat

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PO Box 5042 * George East, 6539 * Cel: (071) 170 1954 * guerrylla-law.co.nr

Radical Honoursty Culture Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party CommonSism: Common Sense Guerrylla

Laws for a Sustainable Commons AEquilibriaex: balanced Eco/Anthropocentric law


Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoygu

General of the Russian Army

119160, Москва, ул. Знаменка, д.19

CC & c/o: Commanders of: Land Forces; Air

Force; Navy; Strategic Missile Forces; Air

and Space Defense; Airborne Troops; W.

Military Dist. S. Military Dist.; E. Military

Dist.; N. Fleet; Pacific Fleet; Baltic Fleet;

Black Sea Fleet (via: mil.ru : contacts)

President Putin

c/o: H E Mr M I Petrakov

Amb: Russian Federation Embassy

316 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, 0081

Tel: 012 362 1338 | Fax: 012 362 0116

Email: ruspospr@mweb.co.za

CC: RU Media, Org’s & Individuals

Notice to be sent to all Nations




―We can't muster the force of nations to really begin fundamental

changes in their energy systems, their construction, their

lifestyle patterns, without a profound understanding of the

urgency of the situation. We've got to act now.‖ – Wesley Clark,

Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, 1996-1999, Climate Change is a

Global Security Threat1

World Citizens are urgently advised to sign the White House Petition (wh.gov/zjyC) to

avoid MILINT Earth Day Coup d'état‘s of the World‘s Democracies on Earth Day 2015;

by demanding their governments implement Sustainable Security Relocalization,

Decentralization, De-Industrialization & Primitivization measures, by 22 April 2014; &

turning off all coal, nuclear & fossil fuel sources to the National Grid on 22 April 2015.

If World‘s citizens fail; TYGAE call on the Worlds‘ Military to conduct worldwide

simultaneous MILINT Earth Day Coup d'état‘s; to end the ‗One Person, One Vote‘

policy and implement a ‗Sustainable Security Licence to Vote‘ policy; where only

Ecoliterate ‗Sustainable Leaver‘ citizens get the licence to vote.

If World‘s Military Officials fail, we face the certain extermination of humanity, by

2100, if not much sooner, due to the runaway feedback confluence of overpopulation,

overconsumption, resource scarcity induced conflict and climate change tipping points.

Failure of citizens/Military to act by (2014/2015); while they still can; will aggravate

the runaway feedback confluence, rendering it impossible and futile to act later.

1GO: Climate Change is a Global Security threat http://youtu.be/tz9vRxCMZUw (at 02:30)

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 2

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 3

Sustainability is Security:

―Climate, Energy together are the type of a crisis that could be

described as creeping up on you. You don't see them, until all of

a sudden you fall off a cliff.‖ - General Paul Kern (Ret), Former

Commander, Second Brigade of the 24th Infantry Division; Powering

Americas Defense - Energy and the Risks to National Security2

―There is no security without sustainability‖: In the absence of an international

new moral order where World Political, or Military Leaders implement Guerrylla

laws to regulate and reduce human procreation and resource utilization behaviour;

towards a sustainable, pre-industrial lifestyle paradigm; the runaway feedback

confluence of overpopulation, overconsumption, ecological tipping points, resource

scarcity and climate change, will generate scarcity induced conflict and war

(perhaps nuclear) confronting regions at an accelerated pace, resulting in the

―collapse of the global economic system and every market-oriented national

economy‖, by 2050, and extermination of humanity, by 2100.

[I] Sustainable Security Relocalization, Decentralization,

De-Industrialization and Primitivization:

―You can pay now, or you can pay a whole lot later. And by pay a

whole lot later, it‘s not just about paying in dollars, its

really about paying in American lives.‖ - Admiral John Natham,

United States Navy (Ret); Climate Patriots: A Military

Perspective on Energy, Climate Change and National Security3

Relocalize, Decentralize, De-Industrialize & Primitivization:

This is an urgent warning to the World‘s citizen voters, who value their ‗one person,

one vote‘ democracies, to demand their politicians implement Sustainable

Security Decentralization, De-Industrialization and Primitivization

measures, by 22 April 2014 - 09:11 GMT.

Citizens have two years to make their Relocalization and Decentralization

Prepping plans to deal with the reality that TYGAE is calling for all nations to

simultaneously turn off their coal, nuclear and fossil fuel energy sources to their

National Grid; on 22 April 2015.

―In my piece, the last third of it is a joint planning session

for an Energy policy for the United States between the ghost of

John Muir and the ghost of George Patton. Muir is only worried

about carbon and thinks terrorism is something the FBI can deal

with if anybody needs to. Patton is only worried about terrorism

2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfD5D_qzqoM 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjS9pU0y_JU

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 4

and thinks global warming is something these birkenstock wearers

cooked up somewhere between smoking tokes around the campfire or

something. They don't agree at all on the problems they are

trying to solve, but they keep finding that there is a very

substantial degree of overlap in the things that they want to do.

Because in so far as you move toward distributed generation of

electricity, because you are worried about the security of the

web, terrorist attacks on the web and the like, in so far as you

are putting solar energy on your roof, you are also going green,

because you can't put a coal fired power plant on your roof,

thank goodness.‖ - James Woolsey, Former CIA Director & Former

Undersecretary US Navy

[1] Economic Relocalisation? Relocalize Economic Power.

―Here are a few of my predictions: Many trends of the last

century or more, made possible by cheap and abundant energy

sources, are going to be reversed. These trends include

population growth, centralization of political and economic

power, vastly increased quantity of global trade, and mass

tourism. [..] Relocalization may be a new term, but conceptually

it has long roots. Some related recent precursors include

[Thoreau], E.F. Schumacher, Ted Trainer, Garrett Hardin, and

Wendell Berry as well as what are called the ―anti-globalization‖

movement, the ―slow food‖ movement, the ―voluntary simplicity‖

movement, the ―back to the land‖ movement, ―new urbanism,‖ [the

―prepping‖ movement], and the ―environmental movement.‖ In

general, common themes include decentralization of political and

economic structures, less material consumption and pollution, a

focus on the quality of relationships, culture and the

environment as sources of fulfillment, and downscaling of

infrastructural development.‖ - Jason Bradford, Ph.D, Economic

Relocalization: A Strategic Response to Peak Oil and Climate

Change4; The Oil Drum

Economic Relocalisation: A Strategic Response to Peak Oil and Climate

Change; Jason Bradford, Ph.D, The Oil Drum:

A. Relocalization is based on a systems approach that doesn‘t solve one set of

problems only to make another problem worse.

B. Relocalization is based on an ethic of protecting the Earth System--or

Natural Capital-- knowing that despite our cleverness, human well-being

is fundamentally derived from the ecological and geological richness of


C. Relocalization starts from the premise that the world is a finite place and

that humanity is in a state of overshoot. Perpetual growth of the economy

4 http://www.theoildrum.com/node/2598

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 5

and the population is neither possible nor desirable. It is wise to start

planning now for a world with less available energy, not more.

D. Relocalization advocates rebuilding more balanced local economies that

emphasize securing basic needs. Local food, energy and water systems are

perhaps the most critical to build.xxv In the absence of reliable trade

partners, whether from peak oil, natural disaster or political instability, a

local economy that at least produces its essential goods will have a true

comparative advantage.

E. Relocalization takes a different perspective altogether. Instead of working

to keep a system going that has no future, it calls us to develop means of

livelihood that pollute as little as possible and that promote local and

regional stability. Since much of our pollution results from the distances

goods travel, we must shorten distances between production and

consumption as much as we can.

[2] Political Decentralization: Nullification, Secession, etc:

―The need for relocalization of the economy in the wake of peak

oil and climate change is forcing me to re-examine my views. I am

of the belief, however, that should relocalization become a

widespread adaptation strategy or simply be forced upon us, the

locale where one lives in the United States will become of

increasing importance. It is no surprise, then, that

relocalization of economic activity implies relocalization of

governmental power. In fact, a kind of precursor to secession,

nullification, has already appeared in the form of city councils

resolving not to cooperate with federal officials in enforcing

the so-called Patriot Act. It has also manifested itself in

cities and states proceeding with climate change initiatives when

the federal government's official policy was that climate change

was not a problem. [..] Instead, secession, recast as political

decentralization, is a close cousin of economic relocalization -

the increasingly urgent need many of us to feel to create our own

local currencies, grow more of our own food, harvest our own

energy, and the like. [..] What is less apparent to most is the

fact that the U.S. has become an Empire teetering on the edge,

while it continues to enrich the few at the expense of the many.

Nothing less than a complete structural re-tooling of our

financial, commercial and economic life will bring about the

significant kinds of transformations we'll need moving forward.

It is not an appealing thought, that economic relocalization

ultimately will not succeed without political decentralization-

but we believe it is an honest one.‖ - Political Secession and

Economic Relocalisation: Parallel Goals to deal with Climate

Change & Peak Oil5; Vermont Commons

5 http://www.vtcommons.org/blog/political-secession-and-economic-relocalization-are-parallel-goals

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 6

[2.1] The New Nullification6 (Resource Insights, 05/06):

A. Recently, 132 mayors across America announced they were going ahead

with policies to fight global warming7 despite the Bush administration's

rejection of such measures. In doing so, they were adding to a series of acts

by states and localities that when taken together add up to a new and

growing nullification movement. Nullification is a long debated theory

that says that states have the right to defy federal law or "nullify" it if

they feel a particular law is unconstitutional. While the mayors were not

exactly defying a federal law, they were openly snubbing an official federal

policy of inaction on greenhouse gas emissions. Their action and many

similar ones are beginning to call into question the ability of the federal

government to impose its will on the individual states and localities.

B. Take the lawsuit by eight states and New York City against utilities8

designed to force the utilities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The suit

was filed because the EPA refused to take action9 to regulate carbon

dioxide emissions, a move that prompted an earlier lawsuit against the

agency. Both suits are direct confrontations with a federal government

which currently wants to do nothing about greenhouse gas emissions.

C. In the area of genetically engineered crops, the Food and Drug

Administration has long held that such crops are virtually identical to

non-biotech crops and therefore require no testing or extraordinary

regulation. But, two counties in California have already banned their

planting10, and a third has a ban on the ballot this year. (Monsanto, the

world's largest producer of genetically engineered crops, is fighting back

by trying to pass state laws that pre-empt local control of biotech crops.11)

D. [..] But, perhaps the best-known acts of nullification are resolutions by

states, cities and counties across the nation that call for refusing

cooperation with federal authorities trying to enforce the so-called USA

Patriot Act. To date some 386 resolutions have been passed12. The list of

cities includes Albuquerque, Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Dallas, Des

Moines, Detroit, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New York City,

Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland (ME), Portland (OR), Providence,

Richmond (VA), St. Louis, St. Paul, San Francisco, Seattle, and

Washington, D. C. itself! States include Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho,

Maine, Montana, and Vermont.

6 http://resourceinsights.blogspot.com/2005/06/new-nullification.html 7 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1402961/posts 8 http://www.climateark.org/articles/reader.asp?linkid=33783 9 http://www.colorado.edu/Economics/morey/4545/global/7states.html 10 http://www.organicconsumers.org/biod/sonoma010605.cfm 11 http://www.organicconsumers.org/monsanto/laws052005.cfm 12 http://www.bordc.org/list.php

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 7

[2.2] Pennsylvania Court Deals Blow to Secrecy-Obsessed Fracking

Industry: Corporations Not The Same As Persons With Privacy Rights13

(Alternet; 11/04/2013);

A. ―The ruling represents the first crack in the judicial armor that has been

so meticulously welded together by major corporations,‖ said Thomas

Linzey, executive director of the Community Environmental Legal

Defense Fund, which has helped 150 communities in eight states adopt

Community Bill of Rights to limit corporate powers. ―It affirms what many

communities already know, that change only occurs when people begin to

openly question and challenge legal doctrines that have been treated as

sacred by most lawyers and judges.‖

B. But where the ruling is likely to make the biggest waves is in the so-called

corporate personhood debate. The Judge spent more than a third of her

32-page decision saying why corporations and business entities were not

the same as people under Pennsylvania‘s constitution, and why, for the

purposes of doing business in the state, that federal court rulings that blur

the rights of people and businesses do not apply.

C. ―This court ruling is a significant development for the growing movement

to restore democracy to the people,‖ said John Bonifaz, the co-founder and

executive director of Free Speech For People, a national campaign

launched on the day of the U.S. Supreme Court‘s decision in Citizens

United v. FEC. ―The ruling is the newest example of dissent within the

judiciary to the fabricated doctrine of corporate constitutional rights. It

will be held up for years to come as a powerful defense of the promise of

American self-government: of, by, and for the people.‖

[2.3] Appeals court upholds local fracking bans in NY14 (Tri-City Herald,


A. New York municipalities can use local zoning laws to ban the practice of

hydraulic fracturing to drill for natural gas, a mid-level state appeals

court said Thursday.

B. State mining and drilling law doesn't trump the authority of local

governments to control land use, the four-judge appellate division panel

ruled unanimously.

[2.4] Hardwick, VT: Relocalized Full Employment Agrarian Economy15:

A. The town of Hardwick, Vt., has been celebrated as the scene of a local food

revival. In recent years, lots of small farms have started up nearby. Tom

Stearns, president of a local organic seed company called High Mowing

Seeds, says there are more organic farms per capita within 10 miles of

13 http://www.alternet.org/fracking/pennsylvania-court-deals-blow-secrecy-obsessed-fracking-industry-

corporations-not-same 14 http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2013/05/02/2379781/appeals-court-upholds-local-fracking.html 15 http://www.hardwickagriculture.org/

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 8

Hardwick than anywhere else in the world. There's also a thriving local

grocery co-op; a busy farmer's market; even a classy restaurant — Claire's

— where almost anything you eat grew or grazed on land nearby.16 [..]

Hewitt saw what was happening in Hardwick, and it struck him as

unusual, even odd. "Here's this town: Unemployment rate 40 percent

higher than the Vermont state average; median income 25 percent lower;

and then there was this thing happening around so-called sustainable ag

and local food!" Hewitt says. So Hewitt wrote a book about Hardwick:

The Town That Food Saved.

[3] De-Industrialization: The End of National Power Grids:

All citizens must immediately begin preparing for the reality that on 22 April 2015,

TYGAE is calling for all nations to simultaneously turn off their coal, nuclear

powered, etc ‗industrial forms of electricity generation‘. All citizens have two years

to make their relocalisation Prepping plans for de-industrialized local food and

alternative energy production, including pre-industrial forms of transportation.

―Global climate change will pose serious threats to water

supplies and agricultural production, leading to mass migration

in some cases. At the same time we will see an increasing demand

for a dwindling supply of fossil fuels. These factors mean and

intense competition for key and vital resources, around the globe

and that leads to conflict.

―This report is different to many other reports, involving

military leaders. That is because in it, we make a direct appeal

to the American people. We talk in this report about the amazing

sacrifices the American people made during World War II, planting

victory gardens, cutting down on fuel use, saving scrap metal and

old rubber, sacrifices, or maybe just examples of common sense

and prudent lifestyle changes. Whatever you call them, the steps

taken by the American people then, shortened the war and saved


And I believe the same can be said today about these challenges

of energy security and climate security. There are individual

steps that every American can take. Using less energy. Being more

efficient with the energy that we do use. Supporting new policies

to help our country take a new energy path. These are the steps

that can help us avoid, or shorten wars in the future. Those wars

over competition for vital resources. These are steps that can

save lives. They may cost money yes, but if we don't spend the

money now, we will still pay, and we will pay much more later. In

fact, we'll pay in American lives lost.

American civilians played an important role in World War II

because they understood the stakes and because they were asked to

16 http://www.npr.org/2011/07/15/137499585/vermont-towns-food-focus-still-a-growing-concept

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 9

do so. General Wald made the stakes clear, and our report makes

the stakes clear. Our current energy posture poses a significant

and urgent threat to our national security, militarily,

economically and diplomatically.

Hopefully more Americans will understand these stakes, and that

these consequences will affect them. Hopefully more Americans

will hear the very direct request from our Commander in Chief and

from this small group of a dozen retired Admirals and Generals.

The American people, all of us, through our energy choices can

contribute directly to the security of our nation. It is a triple

win. It makes us energy independent. It reduces our effect on the

environment, and it makes our nation very much more secure.‖ –

Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn; Energy, Climate Change, and the

Military: Implications for National Security17; Woodrow Wilson


[4] Primitivism: Ultimate Goal: Voluntary Sustainability for Our

Children and Humanity’s Future Generations:

[4.1] Citizens are advised to (a) Learn primitive skills used prior to industrial

revolution from indigenous cultures still living low/no tech sustainable lifestyles, (b)

replace AnthroCorpocentric Compulsive Developmentism value system with

Gender Balanced Agrarian and Primitivist value system.

―Over the past three decades, snow cover has been reduced by 17-

18% per decade and sea ice is declining fast because of human-

induced global warming. Consequently, the albedo effect is

collapsing in the Arctic. Albedo is the reflection of Sun‘s

radiation off the white ice and white snow surfaces.

Unfortunately, when the albedo effect collapses, the dark sea and

dark land mass absorb most of the Sun‘s radiation. A collapsing

albedo effect is ominously apocalyptic for the Arctic, and for

the world. And, disturbingly, Arctic albedo is already in the

collapsing stage. This will inevitably lead to ever more methane

emissions and a vicious cycle of feedbacks leading to an

extinction event, probably unstoppable.‖ - Arctic Methane

Emergency Group; Methane Outbreak Alert18

Mosuo: Primitive Ecocentric Gender-Balanced Sustainable Agrarian

Culture with no murder, rape, jails, homeless or unemployment:

The socio-political problem solving system of the Gender Balanced agrarian Mosuo

culture in South West China is plausibly the most credible system of jurisprudence

on planet earth. The people of Mosuo have no rape (not even a word in their

language for rape, because it does not exist), no murder, no suicide, no prisons, no

17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1FMeVH2AgI 18 Dissident Voice, 27/04/2013 http://dissidentvoice.org/2013/04/methane-outbreak-alert/

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 10

mental illness, no mental institutions, no unemployment and no homelessness; as a

result of abiding by (a) the laws of nature and tribal control of population and

consumption, and (b) the laws of human nature, in terms of public problem solving,

and a socio-political focus on root cause problem solving.19

In Mosuo culture, women are the head of the house, property is passed through the

female line, and women tend to make the business decisions. Mosuo women carry

on the family name and run the households, which are usually made up of several

families, with one woman elected as the head. The head matriarchs of each village

govern the region by committee. Political power, however, remains in the hands of

males, creating a gender-balanced society. The traditional Mosuo religion worships

nature, is called Daba, with Lugu Lake regarded as the Mother Goddess and the

mountain overlooking it venerated as the Goddess of Love. Their focus is their close

relationship to the land that supports them and with their neighbours, who also

support them.

[5] Media Sustainable Security Fines: Responsibility for Citizens


[5.1] A majority of industrial civilization‘s problems - crime, violence,

homelessness, unemployment, poverty, inflation, food shortages, political

instability, vanishing species, garbage and pollution urban sprawl, traffic jams,

toxic waste, energy and non-renewable resources (NNR) depletion and scarcity are

symptoms of Ecological Overshoot, resulting from Overpopulation and


[5.2] Dr. Michael Maher‘s study: How and Why Journalists avoid the

Population-Environment Connection20: argues that the American public are

largely ignorant about the relationship between Overpopulation and the

Environment, as a result of media censorship of the role of population growth, in

their stories wherein they report on the societal consequences of overpopulation.

But in Tradeoffs: Imperatives of Choice in a High-Tech World,

Wenk (1986) offered a more media-centric view of how the public

learns: "Whatever literacy in science and technology the general

public has reached is not from formal education. Rather, it is

from the mass media. That responsibility of the press has been

almost completely ignored" (p. 162).

This study will examine press responsibility for the public's

indifference to population growth by exploring two questions:

To what extent do press reports about population-driven

environmental problems link those problems to population growth?

19 Tami Blumenfield (May 2009): The Na of Southwest China: Debunking the Myths; Washington Univ

http://web.pdx.edu/~tblu2/Na/myths.pdf 20


Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 11

What reasons do reporters give for ignoring population growth in

stories about environmental problems?

[5.3] Mainstream media publications should consequently be fined $50.00 per

word (of the article‘s length) for every single television, print or online article/report

as of 22 April 2013; which deals with any Ecological Tipping Point/Scarcity issue:

―crime, violence, homelessness, unemployment, poverty, inflation, food shortages,

political instability, vanishing species, garbage and pollution urban sprawl, traffic

jams, toxic waste, energy and non-renewable resources (NNR) depletion and

scarcity‖; where the journalist fails to include the role of over population and

overconsumption, as a direct cause of the Ecological Tipping Points/Scarcity issue

the article was reporting upon.

[5.4] If Journalists and Editors consistently inform the public when reporting

on any Ecological Tipping Point/Scarcity related social problem; that such problems

are a direct consequence of overpopulation and overconsumption; citizen members

and investors of corporations, CEO‘s, managers and Boards, shall find it far easier

to implement Sustainable Security corporate practices.

[5.5] Consequently: Journalists, Editors and Publications which consistently

fail to inform the public about the roles of overpopulation and overconsumption in

their articles about Ecological Tipping Point/Scarcity issues; should be publicly

recognized as Direct Threats to National and Sustainable Security.

[II] Military Coup d'état Implementation

of Sustainable Security Constitutions:

Walking the National Security Walk to Support the Troops:

―A yellow ribbon on a car or truck is a wonderful message of

symbolic support for our troops. I‘d like to see the American

people take it several steps further. If you say a yellow ribbon

is the ‗talk,‘ then being energy efficient is the ‗walk‘. A

yellow ribbon on a big, gas-guzzling SUV is a mixed message. We

need to make better energy choices in our homes, businesses and

transportation, as well as to support our leaders in making

policies that change the way we develop and use energy. If we

Americans truly embrace this idea, it is a triple win: it reduces

our dependence on foreign oil, it reduces our impact on the

climate and it makes our nation much more secure.‖ - Vice Admiral

Dennis V. McGinn, USN (Ret); Former Deputy Chief of Naval

Operations for Warfare Requirements and Programs21

If World citizens fail; -- since such failure demonstrates the malfunction and

ecological collapse consequences of the ‗one person, one vote‘ political system; and

21 http://www.cna.org/reports/energy

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 12

requires a new system where only Ecoliterate persons are qualified to vote --

TYGAE call on the Worlds‘ Military to conduct worldwide simultaneous MILINT

Earth Day Coup d'état‘s; to end the ‗One Person, One Vote‘ policy and implement a

‗Sustainable Security Licence to Vote‘ policy; where only Ecoliterate ‗Sustainable

Leaver‘ citizens get the licence to vote.

Sustainable Security Constitution:

―A runaway climate change is now clear and beginning to be

quantified for the first time… the greatest threat we face as a

planet… The rate of change we‘re generating in the current

situation is between 200-300 times faster than that experience of

any extinction event apart from the asteroidal impact. If you

look at the general background change, for instance, it takes

about 10,000 years to change the concentration of carbon dioxide

by 100 ppm — we‘re doing it in 30 years at this year‘s rate… so,

the rate of change in the climate is phenomenal compared to

previous extinction events. We‘re already in a mass extinction

event. We‘re losing species and losing populations, partly by

climate change and partly by habitat change, partly by

overexploitation of habitat like fisheries… We‘ve lost about 40%

of the phytoplankton in the oceans which is the basis of the food

chain.‖ -- David Wasdell, International Coordinator, Meridian

Programme; Arctic Methane – Why the Sea Ice Matters22

[6] Sustainable Security Licence to Vote: Only citizens who have been, and

continue to demonstrate not only their intellectual theoretical Sustainability

consciousness, but who also ‗walk their sustainability talk‘, in terms of maintaining

their procreation and consumption choices, below carrying capacity; i.e. Sustainable

Leavers; should be the only individuals considered worthy of the ‗Sustainable

Security Licence to Vote.‘

[7] All other citizens who were either (a) so eco-illiterate they were not even aware

of the reality of the climate change, energy and resource scarcity national security

risks facing the country, and/or (b) those who were aware of the reality of these

Environmental security risks, but lacked the consciousness and commitment to

implement the required ‗sustainable security‘ procreation and consumption

behaviour in their own lifestyles, or to use their stolen resources to enable a

sustainable security future; should forthwith lose their right to vote, until they

demonstrate their capacity to procreate and consume below carrying capacity. Until

then they shall be considered ‗Unsustainable Scarcity Combatants‘; and denied

voting rights.

[8] How Does a Citizen verify whether they are a Sustainable Leaver?:

[8.1] A Sustainable Leaver / Eco-Innocent is someone who either has:

22 Arctic Methane Emergency Group; Envisionation, Producer: Nick Breeze, Spring 2012


Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 13

A. 0 children, with a consumption footprint < 20 gha (Intn'l Biocapacity (1

gha) x 20);

B. 1 child, with consumption footprint < 1 gha.

[8.2] An Unsustainable Taker / Scarcity-Combatant is someone who has:

A. 0 children, with consumption footprint > 20 gha; or

B. 1 child, consumption footprint > 1 gha; or

C. 2 or more children.

[8.3] For example: The author‘s consumption Footprint23 using Sustainable

Economy's Myfootprint.org quiz, is 12.75 global hectares (gha). South Africa's

average consumption footprint is 38.59 gha. I have no children, consequently my

procreation factor is 0 x 20* = 0. Her Consumption (12.75) x Procreation (0) = Eco

Footprint of 12.75/0 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed like her, we would need

0.81 earths.24 Conversely, if everyone consumed and procreated like President

Jacob Zuma, we would need 2090 earths25.

[9] Sustainable (Leaver) v Unsustainable (Taker):

[9.1] An individuals Sustainable (Leaver) or Unsustainable (Taker) Footprint is

a result of: (A) Consumption Footprint multiplied by (B) Procreation Factor (Every

Child increases EcoFootprint by a factor of 20 - Oregon Univ. Study26)

[10] Consumption Footprint:

[10.1] ―The Ecological Footprint (EF) is a measure of the consumption of

renewable natural resources by a human population. A country‘s EF is the total

area of productive land or sea required to produce all the crops, meat, seafood, wood

and fibre it consumes, to sustain its energy consumption and to give space for its

infrastructure. The EF can be compared with the biologically productive capacity of

the land and sea available to that country‘s population.‖

[10.2] Guerrylla Laws define the Eco/Ego Footprint27 procreation and

consumption behaviour of an individual as a Sustainable Leaver (aka Eco-Innocent)

or Unsustainable Taker (aka Scarcity-Combatant), based upon a sustainable

23 http://myfootprint.org/en/your_results/?id=2559685 24 http://sqworms.weebly.com/lara-johnstone-eco-081.html 25 President Zuma‘s consumption footprint using Sustainable Economy's Myfootprint.org quiz, is 65.66 global

hectares (gha). President Zuma‘s Procreation Factor is 500 [President Zuma has 25 children. His procreation

footprint factor is 25 x 20* = 500. (Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20 )]. President Zuma‘s

Net Consumption & Procreation Footprint is 33280 gha [Consumption (65.66) x Procreation (500) = Net

Footprint of 33280 gha]. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like President Zuma, we would need

2,090 earths. http://sqworms.weebly.com/jacob-zuma-ego-2090.html 26 http://sqswans.weebly.com/child--ecofootprint-x-20.html 27 EcoFootprint: The difference between the biocapacity and Ecological Footprint of a region or country. A

biocapacity deficit occurs when the Footprint of a population exceeds the biocapacity of the area available to

that population. If there is a regional or national biocapacity deficit, it means that the region is importing

biocapacity through trade or liquidating regional ecological assets. Global biocapacity deficit cannot be

compensated through trade, and is overshoot.

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 14

consumption bio-capacity of 1 global hectare (gha)28 (60 % of 1.8 gha)29 in

accordance with the proactive conservation policies of Bhutan30; multiplied by an

individuals Breeding footprint factor of 20 per child. [(Each Child increases a

parents footprint by factor of 20)]

[10.3] Taking Your Personal Footprint Quiz:

A. Footprint Network31; or

B. Center for Sustainable Economy32

[11] Procreation Factor:

[11.1] Every Child increases EcoFootprint by a factor of 20 - Oregon Univ.


A. The carbon legacy and greenhouse gas impact of an extra child is almost

20 times more important than some of the other environmentally sensitive

practices people might employ their entire lives – things like driving a

high mileage car, recycling, or using energy-efficient appliances and light


[12] International Sustainable Security Peace Treaties:

[12.1] All ‗Peace treaties‘ which do not require both parties to maintain their

nation citizens‘ procreation and consumption practices below carrying capacity, as a

fundamental requirement for the credibility of the peace treaty should be

considered ‗War is Peace‘ Whore treaties, ruled null and void, and renegotiated.

[12.2] Any credible ‗Sustainable Security‘ Peace Treaty, must require all parties

to the Peace Treaty to maintain their nation‘s citizens and corporations procreation,

consumption and production practices below carrying capacity. Any nation which

allows their citizens or corporations to engage in a breeding, consumption or

28 Sustainable Footprint Biocapacity: A biocapacity of 1 gha assumes that 40% of land is set aside for other

species. 1 gha is 60 % of 1.8 gha, therefore .8 hectares is set aside for other species. 29 International Biocapacity: In 2006, the average biologically productive area (biocapacity) per person

worldwide was approximately 1.8 global hectares (gha) per capita. In 2008, there were ~ 12 billion hectares of

biologically productive land and water on Earth. Dividing by the number of people alive in that year (6.7

billion) gives 1.79 global hectares per person. This assumes that no land is set aside for other species that

consume the same biological material as humans. If for example, there were only 3.5 billion people alive that

year, that would have provided everyone with 3.5 gha. If there were only 1 billion people, their would be 12gha

biocapacity for each persons needs. 30 Bhutan Proactive Conservation: Bhutan is seen as a model for proactive conservation initiatives. The

Kingdom has received international acclaim for its commitment to the maintenance of its biodiversity. This is

reflected in the decision to maintain at least sixty percent of the land area under forest cover, to designate more

than 40% of its territory as national parks, reserves and other protected areas, and most recently to identify a

further nine percent of land area as biodiversity corridors linking the protected areas. Environmental

conservation has been placed at the core of the nation's development strategy, the middle path. It is not treated

as a sector but rather as a set of concerns that must be mainstreamed in Bhutan's overall approach to

development planning and to be buttressed by the force of law. - "Parks of Bhutan". Bhutan Trust Fund for

Environmental Conservation online. Bhutan Trust Fund. 31 http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/personal_footprint/ 32 http://www.myfootprint.org/ 33 Paul Murtaugh (7-31-09): Family Planning: A Major Environmental Emphasis, Oregon University


Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 15

production war, shall be considered to have declared war with all other Sustainable

Security nations.

[III] Failure of Citizens and Military to Act: Runaway

Feedback Confluence of Tipping Points to Extinction:

―If we don't take action now, every day, every year that goes by,

the options for dealing with the effects of climate change and

the effects of energy security become much much more expensive,

and in fact some of the options completely dissapear over the

next ten to twenty years; if we don't start taking some prudent

actions now.‖ – Vice Admiral Dennis McGinnis; Climate Patriots: A

Military Perspective on Energy, Climate Change and National


If Military Officials fail to enact Sustainable Security Constitutions, by worldwide

simultaneous temporary Coup d'état measures in 2015; it shall certainly result in

the extermination of humanity, by 2100, if not sooner, due to the runaway feedback

confluence of overpopulation, overconsumption, resource scarcity induced conflict

and climate change tipping points.

―Even if all man-made greenhouse gas emissions were stopped

tomorrow and carbon-dioxide levels stabilized at today's

concentration, by the end of this century the global average

temperature would increase by about 4.3 degrees Fahrenheit, or

about 2.4 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels, which

is significantly above the level which scientists and

policymakers agree is a threshold for dangerous climate change.

Of course, greenhouse gas emissions will not stop tomorrow, so

the actual temperature increase will likely be significantly

larger, resulting in potentially catastrophic impacts to society

unless other steps are taken to reduce the Earth's temperature.‖

Charles Greene, A Very Inconvenient Truth35

Failure of citizens, and/or Military to act now, while they still can; shall aggravate

the runaway feedback confluence, rendering it impossible and futile to act later.

The Arctic situation is snowballing: dangerous changes in the

Arctic derived from accumulated anthropogenic green house gases

lead to more activities conducive to further greenhouse gas

emissions. This situation has the momentum of a run-away train. I

felt there was little hope that any one nation would take the

first step to abandon the greed track. However, a reaction has

come, unexpectedly, from the smallest, but perhaps most affected,


34 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjS9pU0y_JU 35 Charles H. Greene, D. James Baker, and Daniel H. Miller (March 2010): A Very Inconvenient Truth;

Oceanography, Vol.23, No.1 http://www.tos.org/oceanography/archive/23-1_greene.pdf

Drafted 22 April 2013. Briefing Paper navyjag-humint.co.nr WH Petition: http://wh.gov/zjyC 16

In an election on March 12 2013, Greenlanders elected Aleqa

Hammond, from the social-democratic party, as their new leader.

Her program places human rights and environmental conservation,

the underpinning of their traditional livelihoods as hunters and

fishers, above the financial benefits of the resource rush. She

has committed to remove the law that opened the door to the

mining boom. The new government have opted to stop the charging

juggernaut that other nations seem unable — or unwilling — to


The Greenlandic inüit are few and humble, but have given a lesson

to the most powerful nations. Other nations with wealthier

citizens should take note and ask themselves if they too would

have the courage to walk away from the promises of wealth that

fuels the run-away train of climate change.

- Final Frontiers: The Artic36 (Conversation; 04/04/2013)

Briefing Paper: Ind. Civilization Suicide March: Navyjag-humint.co.nr

White House Petition: Avoid a Coup d'etat, implement Sustainable Security

Relocalization, De-Industrialization & Primitivization. http://wh.gov/zjyC

36 http://theconversation.com/final-frontiers-the-arctic-12911