2012. október 19. ANGOL NYELVEN INFORMATIKA. október 19. 8 ... SQL commands describing update...


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Informatika angol nyelven emelt szint — gyakorlati vizsga 0802

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2012. október 19. 8:00

A gyakorlati vizsga időtartama: 240 perc

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er 1


gyakorlati vizsga 0802 2 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 3 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

Important information You have 240 minutes to solve the practical exercises. Devices allowed for the exam: computer assigned to the student, paper, pen, pencil, ruler, sealed notepaper. You can take notes on the internal sides of the exercise sheet and the notepaper, these should be submitted at the end of the exam but their content will not be evaluated. The exercises can be solved in any order. Please pay attention to frequent saving (every 10 minutes); it is suggested that you save your work every time you start a new exercise. You should save your exam work in the exam directory that corresponds to the identification number found on the exercise sheet. Check that the directory that corresponds to the number found on the exercise sheet is accessible; if it is not accessible, notify the supervising teacher at the beginning of the exam. Save your works in the exam directory and at the end of the exam check that every solution is in the given directory because only those solutions can be evaluated. Check that the files to be submitted are readable, because files that can not be opened will not be evaluated. If you solve the database management exercise with LibreOffice Base, you should submit the SQL commands describing update queries either as part of the LibreOffice Base database file or as a separate text file. If you submit them as text file, the name of the text file should refer to its contents clearly (e.g. SQL_commands.txt) and the required query name should be displayed next to the command. The submitted program can be evaluated only if the candidate created the source file(s) that correspond to the chosen programming environment in the exam directory and contain(s) the source codes that belong to the solution of the exercise parts. The source files can be found in the exam directory. In the case of programs that do not support setting dimensions in cm, use the conversion 1 cm = 40 px. It is suggested that you read through the exercises first, and then solve the individual exercise parts one by one. If your computer has technical problems, indicate it to the supervising teacher. The fact of indication and the observed problem will be recorded. The lost time will be added to the duration of the exam. If the problem is not of computer nature, the examiner should take the description of the case in the record into consideration. (The system administrator can not help the candidate with the solution of the exercises.) At the end of the exam you should indicate the number and name of files created and submitted by you and located in the exam directory and its subdirectories on the first page of the exam document. When finishing the exam, do not leave the room until you have done so and have shown it to the supervising teacher. Please indicate the operating system and the programming environment you work with. Operating system: Windows Linux MacOS X Programming environment:

FreePascal 2.4.2 Code::Blocks/GCC Python 3.2.1+IDLE (Python GUI) Lazarus 0.9 Dev-C++ 5 Visual C# 2010 Express JAVA SE Perl 5.10 Visual Basic 2010 Express Visual Studio 2008 Professional

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 4 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

1. Coffee

Coffee is probably the most popular drink of mankind. The popularity of cafés also increases constantly. In this exercise you have to create the drinks menu of a cafeteria that opens now. According to the specifications of the client one side of the drinks menu should contain the coffee offers and the other side should contain the brief description of the history of coffee.

To create the drinks menu, you have to use the following files: coffee1.jpg, coffee2.jpg, coffee3.jpg, coffee4.jpg, offers.txt, history.txt. (During the solution use the relationship spacing of 1 line = 12 points = 0.42 cm.)

1. The two sides of the drinks menu should contain a banner of images connected to coffee. Use images coffee1.jpg, coffee2.jpg, coffee3.jpg, coffee4.jpg to create this banner. The dimensions of the “banner”: its width is 200 points and its height is 1000 points. Insert an arbitrary part with dimensions 200×250 points of each of the four pictures into the banner. Save the created picture as banner.jpg.

Two pictures should be placed at the bottom of the drinks menu. Draw these pictures based on the example and the following instructions.

2. The picture on the left depicting a cup has width of 130 points and height of 150 points. The picture should be created using brown colour with RGB code (102, 51, 51). Pay attention to connecting the individual lines. Save the picture as cup.gif.

3. The size of the picture depicting a coffee bean is 150×150 points. The coffee bean and the circle around it are brown with RGB code (153, 102, 51). Save the picture as coffeebean.gif.



4. Create the drinks menu using a word processor according to the followings. Save your work in the default format of the word processor as coffee.

5. Create the two pages (sides) of the drinks menu using a break if necessary. Set the top and bottom margins to 2.5 cm and the left and right margins to 2 cm for both A4 pages.

6. On the first page create a table of width 17 cm that has one row and two columns. The width of the first column should be 5 cm. The table should not be bordered.

7. Insert the created file banner.jpg into the left column. (If you could not create the file, insert file substbanner.jpg.)

8. Import the text from file offers.txt, which is UTF-8 encoded, into the right column. In the text the font type of the title should be Courier New and the font size should be 28 points. For the other part of the text set a font type of Times New Roman or

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 5 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

Nimbus Roman and a font size of 12 or 9 points. The style of the coffee names and “Our coffee offers” should be small caps.

9. Use only spacing to set the distance between the coffee types. Align the prices vertically using tabs. The components of the drinks should be indented using indents according to the example. (If the components occupy several lines, pay attention to the component shifting into the next line starting exactly below the first line.)

10. Under the coffees, insert picture cup.gif and align it centered. (If you did not create the image, insert file substcoffee.gif.)

11. On the second page also create a table of width 17 cm that has one row and two columns. The width of the second column should be 5 cm. The table should not be bordered.

12. Import the text from file history.txt, which is UTF-8 encoded, into the first column of the table. Set justified alignment for the whole text. Format the title in the same way as the title on the previous page.

13. In the text, set italics for the first occurrence of the active ingredients of coffee. Set bold style for the first occurrence of expressions “Coffea Arabica” and “Coffea Robusta”.

14. Highlight the paragraphs containing the two main coffee types (“Arabica coffee”, “Robusta coffee”) by setting a spacing of 12 points before and after them. Set small caps style for the text in these paragraphs.

15. Insert file coffeebean.gif under the text of the history of coffee and align it centered. (If you did not create the picture, insert file substcoffee.gif.)

16. Insert file banner.jpg into the right cell. (If you could not create the file, insert file substbanner.jpg.)

30 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 6 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

2. Faster way

Trave Ling lives close to the terminal of a trolleybus, therefore he travels by trolleybus frequently. In many cases he has to travel only one or two stops and he is not sure whether it is worth waiting. In the evenings he might have to wait a lot until the bus starts. In the daytime the trolleybus travels very slowly due to heavy traffic. Therefore if the distance is not too great, he can reach his destination faster on foot. In the solution of the exercise, create a calculating table that displays the better means of transportation after giving the suitable parameters. During the solution take the followings into consideration.

• Whenever possible, use a formula or function in the solution. • You can perform auxiliary calculations for the solution. • The results should be correct even if the source data are modified – the parameters are

changed. • There are parts in the exercise that use the results from a previous question. If you could not

solve the previous part completely, use its solution as it is, or instead of a formula resulting in a number use a number of suitable magnitude and work on with this value. This way you can receive marks for these exercise parts as well.

1. Prepare the calculations using a spreadsheet processor in a file saved as fasterway according to the following example. The font size of the title should be 14 points, the size of the other inscriptions should be 10 points. The font type should be Arial or Nimbus Sans. The first two rows are twice as high as the ones under it. Set the number and character formats and the alignments according to the example.

2. Insert 0 into each cell of range A3:C3, because when time starts, the starting point is Trave

Ling’s actual position; the distance travelled by trolleybus and on foot are measured from this position.

3. Fill cells A4:A1203 with numbers 1 to 1200 increasing in each step by 1. This way we can give the distance travelled for each second up to 20 minutes.

4. In cells B4:B1203, determine the distance travelled by the trolleybus in the time given in column A by using and copying a single formula. When the trolleybus is stationary, at a given time instant it is in the same position as at the previous time instant. After departure

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 7 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

we assume uniform speed. In this case the distance travelled increases by the value of the speed in each step, because the time step is one second. The time of the departure of the trolleybus is given in cell G6.

5. Trave Ling usually walks fast but gets tired on a longer distance. Therefore his speed decreases as he gets further. Experience shows that the initial value given as the speed of walking decreases to 80% of the original value at 500 m. At 1000 m it is only 70% and at or after 1500 m it is only 60% of the original speed. Place the table required to calculate the instantaneous speed in range F12:G15.

6. In cells C4:C1203, determine the distance Trave Ling can walk in the time given in column A by using and copying a single formula.

7. Using a function, in cells G17:G18 give the time required to travel the distance given in cell G4 by trolleybus and on foot in seconds.

8. Give advice to Trave Ling: merge cells F2:G2 and display your advice there aligned centered both horizontally and vertically, using red, bold fonts of size 14 points. If the trolleybus covers the given distance faster or walking results in a time gain less than 10 seconds then the advice should be “Get on the bus”. (Maybe the journey lasts a bit longer but he does not get tired.) If the “outcome” of the trolley is worse than that, the advice should be “Walk”.

9. Create a Scatter XY diagram with title “Distance-time diagram” on a separate sheet to illustrate the distance covered by the trolleybus and the walker. The label of the horizontal axis should be “time (s)” and its scale should range from 0 to 1200 s; the label of the vertical axis should be “distance covered (m)”. The diagram should not display the individual data points.


15 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 8 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

3. Student work

Many students spend a part of summer holidays working, and more and more of them work during the academic year as well. The database contains the data of the one-day job opportunities offered to students by different companies in 2003.

The database contains fictional data.

1. Create a new database with name studentwork. Import the three attached data tables with UTF-8 encoding (student.txt, employer.txt, job.txt) into the database with a name identical with the file name (student, employer, job). The individual fields are separated by tabs. The first line of the file contains the field names. Upon creation set the suitable types and the key. Add a unique key named jobid to the job table.

Tables: student (studentid, sname, dateofbirth)

studentid The student’s identifier (autonumber), this is the key sname The student’s name (text) dateofbirth The student’s date of birth (date)

employer (wplaceid, wname, location)

wplaceid The identifier of the workplace (autonumber), this is the key wname The name of the workplace(text) location The location of the workplace (text)

job (jobid, wplaceid, studentid, job, jdate, wages, hours, secondaryschool)

jobid The identifier of the job (autonumber), this is the key wplaceid The identifier of the workplace (number) studentid The working student’s identifier; it is only filled if somebody

employed for the job and performed it (number) job The naming of the job (text) jdate The date of the job (date) wages The hourly wages of the job (number) hours The duration of the job in hours (number) secondaryschool Can the employee be a secondary school student (boolean)

During the solution of the following exercises save the queries with the name given in brackets. Pay attention to the solution displaying exactly the required fields.

2. Using a query, display the days when the four-hour stand-in worker job was offered together with the hourly wages. (2standin)

3. Create a query that displays the days when a job remained unoccupied. Pay attention to displaying each day only once. (3unoccupied)

4. Create a query that gives the number of job opportunities entered into the database. (4jobopportunities)

5. Create a report that displays the name of the job opportunity, its hourly wages and duration grouped according to date. The data should be displayed in decreasing order according to hourly wages. (5perday)

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 9 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

6. Create a query that displays which company sets the highest average hourly wages for the jobs that are offered to secondary school students as well. (6secondary)

7. Create a query that displays the money earned by the individual students. (7totalincome) 8. Create a query that displays the names of those born in 1988 or later who have already

been employed as deliverer or courier. (8deliverer) 9. Create a query that gives the names of those Kos Péter worked with and also the time of

working together; that is, the ones who worked for the same company at the same time. Do not display Kos Péter’s name in the list. Use a subquery or auxiliary query in the solution. (9kos)

30 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 10 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

4. Colour-image

When storing a digital image, the colour of each pixel is stored. The colour of the pixels is given by the RGB code. The RGB code gives the value of red (R), green (G) and blue (B) colour components. The value of these colour components is an integer between 0 and 255.

File image.txt contains the RGB codes of the pixels of an image with size 50×50 pixels in the following format. The file contains the image according to rows, and the RGB codes of the pixels separated by spaces, each pixel in a new line:

200 96 64 200 96 64 200 96 64 200 96 64 200 96 64

Create a program with name colourimage to solve the following exercises. During running, upon writing on the screen or reading data from the keyboard the program should refer to the number of the exercise and the displayed or required data.

1. Read the RGB codes of the pixels from the file into a suitable data structure.

2. Request an RGB code from the user. With the help of the program, check whether the entered colour can be found in the image. Display the result of the check on the screen.

3. Determine how many times the colour of the 8th pixel of the 35th row appears in the 35th row and the 8th column. Display the results on the screen in the following format:

For example: In the row: 5 In the column: 10

4. Determine which of colours red, blue and green appears in most cases in the image. Display the name of (one of) the most frequent colour(s) on the screen.

The codes of the colours are:

Red 255, 0, 0 Green 0, 255, 0 Blue 0, 0, 255

5. Create a 3 pixel wide, black border to the image. Create the border in a way that the size of the image does not change. The RGB code of black colour is (0, 0, 0).

6. Write the colour of the pixels of the image into a text file with name framed.txt in the same format as the format of the input file. Store the image according to rows, each pixel should be stored in a new line and the RGB codes of the pixels should be separated by spaces.

For example: ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 96 64 ...

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 11 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

7. Apart from the border, the 50×50-pixel image contains a yellow rectangle, RGB code (255, 255, 0). With the help of the program, determine the position of the top left and the bottom right yellow pixels (row, column) and then determine the number of pixels the yellow rectangle contains. Display the position of the pixels and the size of the yellow shape on the screen in the following format: Start: row, column End: row, column Number of pixels: pieces

For example: Start: 18, 12 End: 25, 19 Number of pixels: 64

45 marks

gyakorlati vizsga 0802 12 / 12 2012. október 19.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:


mark achieved

mark signature of

examiner Word processing, presentation, graphics, web page creation 1. Coffee


Worksheet processing 2. Faster way 15

Database management 3. Student work 30

Algorithmisation, data modelling 4. Colour-image 45

Mark of the practical exam part 120

Date: ................................................. __________________________________________________________________________

elért pontszám egész számra

kerekítve/ achieved mark

rounded to an integer

javító tanár aláírása/

signature of examiner

programba beírt egész pontszám/

mark entered into program as

an integerSzövegszerkesztés, prezentáció, grafika, weblapkészítés / Word processing, presentation, graphics, web page creation

Táblázatkezelés / Spreadsheet processing

Adatbázis-kezelés / Database management

Algoritmizálás, adatmodellezés / Algorithmisation, data modelling

jegyző/ registrar

Dátum/Date: .................................................