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February 2012

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February 2012







06 Workout Review - MAX OT12 Week Workout Plan Promises Massive Gains In Just 40 Minutes Per Workout!

17 25 Pro Tips For Big BicepsTips For Big Booming Biceps!

29 How To Train For Your Body Type An In-Depth Look At The Best Way To Train All 3 Body Types. This Is “Must Have” Info That Will Help You No Matter Who You Are!

10 Training Q&ACrazy Testosterone Boosting Technique, Best Time To Stretch, How Long Is Too Long?, Compound Movements - Badass or Bunk?, The Critical Signs Of Overtraining, The 7 Deadly Deadlifts, Can Less Be More?, Top 10 Core

Exercises Exposed

23 Nutrition Q&AProtein: Before or After, How To Avoid Muscle Soreness, Your Best Source Of Protein, Stevia – Hot or Not?

32 Supplement Q&AGH Use In MMA, How To Get Epic - Vein-Busting Pumps,The Best All-Around Supplement Revealed!

41 Steroid Q&ABest Steroids For Older Men, Steroids And Liver Damage

03 Get 100% Out Of Every WorkoutWhy These 25 Key Ingredients Will Give You Mind Blowing Pumps.

11 Bodybuilders Dirty Little SecretsFlood Your Body With Testosterone!

20 Explode With SLABS of New MuscleUse Over 70% Of Your Available Muscle Fibers.

25 Get Brutally HUGEPack On Up To 20 Pounds of RAW Muscle!

39 Primobolan Now ObsoleteLegal Version of Primo Getting Guys HUGE!

42 Russian Secret To MASSIVE GainsHeard Of D-Bol? Well, It Doesn’t Even Come Close To This Russian Secret.

46 Look Better Than Anyone At Your GymNew Fat-Burning Agent Proves Results!


Your Questions... ANSWERED




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26 45






Get Super Freaky Beyond Belief.

Weird TrickBoost Testosterone


Steroids AndYou Liver

25 Pro Tips For Big Biceps

Best SourceOf Protein Revealed

Legal Version Now Available

If It Works For Horses,It Works For You.

Train For YourBody Type



• Sound incredible? Well, it’s not.

• Many athletes waste valuable time and money drinking what amounts to nothing more than sugar water.

• But now, for the first time ever, you can flood your body with a super-concentrated formula that delivers ALL FIVE anabolic complexes (23 individual ingredients) in one potent serving.

What If You Could Get 23 Potent anabolIC aGents In a sInGle Pre-Workout &

reCoverY drInk?

Serious bodybuilders take steroids for one reason: They help you get 100% out of your workouts -- and then recover faster,

stimulating MAXIMUM muscle growth.The problem is, there are at least FIVE

different anabolic effects you’re looking for when you use supplements: (1) A Creatine Complex for increased strength; (2) A Nitric Oxide Complex for increased circulation and oxygen; (3) A Cognitive Complex for focus, mental toughness, intensity and speed; (4) An Energy Complex for endurance and fatigue-resistance; and (5) A Recovery Complex for rapid muscle repair & growth plus reduced soreness.

There are dozens of products, legal and illegal, for EACH of these complexes. It’s possible to spend hundreds of dollars, for example, just on a top quality Nitric Oxide product for improved oxygen delivery.

And the truth is, you need ALL of these nutritional complexes working for you synergistically both BEFORE and AFTER every workout. But Until Recently, It Was Almost Impossible To Get Enough Of These Essential Nutrients In Your

System Before Every Workout.You might get a good creatine and nitric oxide product in your system before a workout… but miss out on the cognitive nutrients that deliver the intensity and focus you need to pound out those last few reps.

And even if you do manage to get the energy supplements you need for maximum endurance, you probably don’t get the recovery compounds

To Get 100% Out Of EVERY Workout, Read This Now...

February 2012 PUMPED 3

(such as L-Glutamine, calcium and potassium) until hours after you need them most. They sure as hell aren’t in your sugar water energy drink!

But guess what? Since everyone drinks SOMETHING before

every workout, we got the bright idea of putting EVERYTHING you need into one super-potent, super-effective, all-inclusive pre- and post-workout formula. Each complex has as many as 6 different ergogenic aids to help maximize training potential.

No one has done this before!There Is Literally Nothing Like This Product On

The Market Today… Not Even Close.We call it… Flash Bang™. In every single dose, you get ALL FIVE of the anabolic complexes mentioned earlier, no less than 23 compounds that are often sold separately for hundreds of dollars each.

What if you really could get ALL the essential nutrients your body needs before every workout! What if you could take advantage of every second of your training?

While all your friends are guzzling “vitamin-packed water,” you pound down a bottle of Flash Bang™ and flood your muscles with the very same anabolic compounds bodybuilders couldn’t even BUY in the past.

You strut over to the squat rack, pound out all your reps, and then KEEP GOING! You’re pumped to the max and squeeze out two more reps! Everyone around you is amazed… and ask how you do it!

Simple: Just by drinking a serving of Flash Bang™ before your workout, you flood every cell in your body with the essential and nonessential amino acids… vasodilating agents… neurotransmitters… stimulants… adaptagens… and energy boosters they need for maximum performance.

Get ready to take advantage of every second, of the greatest workout of your life!

And afterwards, your body gets the precise amount of recovery agents your muscles need to grow bigger, thicker, stronger, faster.

That is THE way to build muscle! THAT is how you lose fat, get stronger, get faster, become more powerful, and, in a word, transform yourself into a living god!

Seemingly overnight, you have new definition that wasn’t there before. Muscle groups that were underdeveloped seem suddenly more massive, tighter and bigger and a whole lot stronger.

Most Of All, You Feel A Sudden Surge Of Confidence… And You Notice New Respect.

In every serving of Flash Bang™, you get a balance of all five of the major anabolic complexes and in dosages once reserved for stand-alone products.

For the Nitric Oxide complex, you get L-Arginine AKG, Di Arginine Malate, Arginine Ethyl Ester, Arginine Orotate, Citruline Malate. These compounds deliver increased blood flow (hemodilation), massive pumps, endurance and increased blood oxygen.

For the Creative Complex, you get pure creatine – Creapure, Creatine, Creatine Ethyl Ester, Di-Creatine Malate. This means just one thing: Strength, Power, and increased Muscle Size and Volume.

Then there’s the Cognitive Function Complex: Taurine, Tyrosine, Glycine and I-Pyrogulatamic Acid. These potent natural ingredients are the way to Explosive Power, Laser-Sharp Focus, Intensity and Speed.

The Energy Complex is made up of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCI), Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamine) 1%, Caffeine, Suma Root, Suma Root Extract 25:1, Beta Alanine. These powerful vitamins and nutrients result in less fatigue, increased intensity and unstoppable motivation!

4 PUMPED February 2012

And last but not least, the Recovery Complex gives you the vital nutrients your muscles need to repair themselves and grow larger. This includes the amino acid L-Glutamine as well as potassium and calcium. Your own body produces L-Glutamine but not enough to repair your muscles when you stress them like you do in an intense workout. With Flash Bang™, you get more than enough so your muscles are able to heal and grow faster and bigger.

There’s Only One Catch: Flash Bang™ Is Not Available In Any Store.

You won’t find it next to the sugary “workout” drinks in your local grocery store.

A product this potent is only available directly from the foremost producers of quality anabolics in the U.S.

The fact is, we spare no expense when it comes to R&D, and we use the finest ingredients available. All of our products are backed by millions of dollars of research and over 50 years of collective industry experience.

Our products may not be the cheapest... but they are ALL a super-value.

If you tried to buy the ingredients in Flash Bang™ individually, you’d pay substantially more, even assuming you could get them all. This is a tremendous value!

Plus, Flash Bang™ Is Backed By TheUFS360™ 100% Risk-Free Guarantee!

Tens of thousands of bodybuilders were recently surveyed... and an astonishing 7 out of 8 chose the supplements sold at PrimalMuscle.com, over all other brands.

The reason: RESULTS. These products WORK. Period.

That’s why every purchase you make is 100% RISK FREE! We back everything we sell. If it doesn’t work, give us a call and we will get you something that does.

The best news of all is that Flash Bang™ is easy to order. So, get out your credit card and call right now to order. Be sure to ask about RUSH shipping so you can start Flash Banging your workouts as early as tomorrow!

• Nitric Oxide (NO) Complex: L-Arginine AKG, Di Arginine Malate, Arginine Ethyl Ester, Arginine Orotate, Citruline Malate

• Creatine Complex: Creapure, Creatine, Creatine Ethyl Ester, Di-Creatine Malate

• Cognitive Function Complex: Taurine, Tyrosine, Glycine, I-Pyrogulatamic Acid

• Energy Complex: Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCI), Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamine) 1%, Caffeine, Suma Root, Suma Root Extract 25:1, Beta Alanine

• Recovery Complex: L-Glutamine, Calcium (Di Calcium Phosphate) 29.46%, Potassium (Potassium Citrate) 38.28%, Potassium Assulfame

In Every Delicious Serving of Flash Bang™, You Get…

Discounts based on retail price. Offers are for a limited time and may be withdrawn at any time. User results may vary and the people featured have been remunerated. Use as directed along with a sensible nutrition and exercise program. Do not take more than the recommended dose on the label. As with

prescription drugs there may be undesired side effects. Before using any dietary supplement contact your doctor. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Active ingredients may or may not have

conclusive clinical medical studies. Do not consume if you have not followed all of these warnings. © 2011-2012 Ultimate Fitness Nutrition™. All Rights Reserved.

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Valued At$59.98!

February 2012 PUMPED 5

Just 40 Minutes Per Workout… and 12 Weeks To Massive Gains!Max OT Training is a method that is relatively new and promises great results not only to those who are gifted with genetics, but even those who are not. We took a look at Max OT training to find out if the claims were true: Great gains in just 12 weeks and you don’t have to be special.

Max OT stands for “Maximum overload training” – or building the most amount of muscle in least amount of time. Promises of results net skepticism since most of us have been around the iron game for a very long time. It’s also difficult to find something that is truly new.

Strict rules can also be suspect – as if breaking one rule means all bets are off in the area of results promised. But Max OT’s warning to bodybuilders to adhere to very reasonable and logical rules, without deviating, are actually critical:

1. Train one to two muscle groups per workout

2. Perform four to six reps per set3. Perform six to nine heavy sets per

muscle group4. Keep rest times to two to three

minutes between sets5. Don’t allow workouts to surpass 40

minutes (30 is ideal for maximum intensity)

6. Only train each muscle group every five to seven days

7. Take a one week break from training every eight to 10 weeks

On the surface, these principles don’t

seem that out of the ordinary, since the heavier lifting with compound movements to enable hard workouts for a body part once a week. In fact, they were fairly familiar given that we were doing “one body part per day/ five days per week” back in the late 80s.

We were, however, intrigued with the number of heavy sets per muscle group in relation to the fact that you are to train two muscle groups per workout – rather than just one – and the fact that it all took place within the span of 30 to 40 minutes.

That would surely be the challenge here.Max OT is all about overloading muscles

in the least amount of time, including training two muscle groups during a 30 to 40 minute period, we wanted to see how this workout would pan out.

Back in the 80s and 90s, there would be no rule about time between sets on these one-training-session-per-body-part workouts. Also, no limit of time spent in the gym (you worked until you finished) and no real gold standard for intensity other than the fact that if you trained each body part just once in a seven day period, it had to be intense and that meant compound movements with heavy weight.

The Max OT workout greatly increases efficiency by training two muscle groups per workout, which serves to crank up intensity in ways that our “one body part

6 PUMPED February 2012

Just 40 Minutes Per Workout… and 12 Weeks To Massive Gains!workout” of old never did. Keeping training times to between 30 and 40 minutes forces economy of movement, and demands a kind of “tight training ship” that we never

maintained. We might have trained each

body part once in seven days, like Max OT suggests, but workouts were long and fatiguing, and may have pushed us into overtraining,

and longer rest times that took away from intensity.

When you understand that you’ll be training two

body parts per workout, you focus mental energy better. Keeping rep ranges low is also

essential, since it means you can keep the heat turned up on heavy weights for

maximum overload in each and every workout.

This is also what allows a 40 minute workout with three minute rest times between sets. If you were doing any more reps, it wouldn’t fit into that time frame.

This rep range also allows an optimal percentage of weight to be used for the six to nine heavy sets required for the workout. The fact that you do this just once a week for most all muscle groups, means recovery times are optimal for growth.

This workout, in fact, is all about placing an emphasis on recovery. The idea is, if you train more than your muscles require, you won’t be able to come back and give maximum overload in the next workout. And that becomes pretty apparent, pretty quickly, when you fracture this rule, or are finding your boundaries between five and seven days for times between workouts.

February 2012 PUMPED 7

Common sense dictates that legs could be trained once every five days because it’s rare for most people to actually work their legs hard enough (we all think we do, but it’s difficult to do all the time) to justify taking six days in between. Ditto for back – another large muscle group that takes exhaustive work to train to justify those six days between.

You’ll find your way here. Perhaps every other week you’ll take five days between leg workouts and then seven

Finally, we liked the idea of taking a full week off of training every eight to 10 weeks of mostly compound movements lifted at near-maximum weight levels – at least six to nine sets of them per body part. After all, if muscular overload has actually been

observed throughout, you will have earned that week and deserve the time off. Plus, recovery time like that is when you may make your best gains, so don’t be afraid to take the time off.

One area that we may disagree with in this carefully designed workout is in not deviating from the exercises laid out. Oops, that wasn’t on the list. But, in fact, it’s part of the recommendation: Don’t change the exercises prescribed.

We would argue that not everyone will resonate with the exercises recommended, and therefore may substitute others. Maintaining that the ones recommended are somehow the “magic” lineup to singlehandedly pack on mass is a fallacy. We also would say that how you schedule and order body parts for day-to-day training can also be different.Here is what is prescribed:Weeks 1-4: Monday - Legs: Barbell squats: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Leg press: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Stiff-legged deadlifts: 3 sets x 4-6 reps One-legged calf raises: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Sitting calf raises: 2 sets x 4-6 Tuesday - Arms & Abs: Barbell curls: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Hammer curls: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Preacher curls: 1 sets x 4-6 reps Close-grip bench press: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Weighted tricep variation dips: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Skull crushers: 1 set x 4-6 reps Palms-down dumbbell wrist curl: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Palms-Up Dumbbell wrist curl: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Decline sit-ups with weight: 2 sets x 8-12 reps Leg raises with weight: 2 sets x 8-12 reps

8 PUMPED February 2012

Wednesday - Shoulders & Traps: Shoulder press 3 sets x 4-6 reps Upright rows 2 sets x 4-6 reps Bent over lateral raises 2 sets x 4-6 reps Dumbbell shrugs 2 sets x 4-6 reps Barbell Shrug Behind The Back 2 sets x 4-6 reps Friday - Chest: Incline Barbell Press 3 sets x 4-6 reps Decline Flyes 3 sets x 4-6 reps Dumbbell Press 3 sets x 4-6 reps Saturday - Back: Wide Grip Chin ups 3 sets x 4-6 reps Bent-Over Barbell Rows 3 sets x 4-6 reps Upright rows 3 sets x 4-6 reps Hyperextensions 3 sets x 4-6 reps Week 5-8: Monday - Legs: Hack Squats: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Lunges: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Hamstring curls: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Machine calf raises: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine: 2 sets x 4-6 repsTuesday - Arms & Abs: Dumbbell alternate curls: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Concentration Curls: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Incline curls: 1 set x 4-6 reps Tricep kickbacks: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Overhead tricep dumbbell extension: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Reverse tricep cable pushdowns: 1 set x 4-6 reps Palms-Down EZ bar wrist curl: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Palms-Up EZ bar wrist curl: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Weighted sit ups: 2 sets x 8-12 reps Hanging leg tucks: 2 sets x 8-

Wednesday - Shoulders & Traps: Arnold’s: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Dumbbell side laterals: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Bent-Over low-pulley side lateral: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Barbell shrugs: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Low pulley row to neck: 2 sets x 4-6 Friday - Chest: Bench press: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Decline cable cross: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Incline flyes: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Saturday - Back: Lat pulldown: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Deadlifts: 3 sets x 4-6 reps T-bar Rows: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Wide grip pulley rows: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Week 9-12: Monday - Legs: Front barbell squat: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Standing leg curl: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Quad machine extensions: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Calf raises: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Tuesday - Arms & Abs: Dumbbell cross body curls: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Wide-grip barbell curls: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Cable curls: 1 set x 4-6 reps Cable rope overhead tricep extension: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Decline skull crushers: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Bench dips: 1 sets: x 4-6 reps Wrist roller curl: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Behind back barbell wrist curls: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Decline reverse sit ups: 2 sets x 8-12 reps Machine crunches: 2 sets x 8-12 reps Wednesday - Shoulders & Traps: Clean and press: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Cable side laterals: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Bent-over rows: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Cable Shrugs: 2 sets x 4-6 repsFriday - Chest: Incline dumbbell press: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Pec Dec Flyes: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Decline dumbbell press: 3 sets x 4-6 repsSaturday - Back: Close-grip chins: 3 sets x 4-6 reps Bent-over wide grip barbell rows: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Dumbbell rows: 2 sets x 4-6 reps Good mornings: 2 sets x 4-6 reps

One caveat of this regimen: Because strength levels will increase rapidly over the course of eight weeks, you must continually assess gains in order to increase weights for the four to six rep ranges, otherwise, you turn down the intensity. Always push for five pounds more per workout or two to test your gains.

February 2012 PUMPED 9

TRAINING Q&ATraining Techniques For

Size, Strength And Cuts!




A: There are literally so many ways to boost testosterone to ignore one would be remiss – particularly if you are unwilling

to take anabolic steroids because of side effects and legal hassles. And believe it or not, taking a cold shower can do just that – at least that’s according to the Web site theartofmanliness.com. We think the cold water may just put “pep in your step” as the article says, but it can’t hurt since a cold shower can be invigorating. With the number of ways to boost testosterone naturally, eschewing anabolic steroids, why would you mess with the legalities and money? Simply put, they are now less advantageous than ever. Here are just some of the

ways you can naturally boost testosterone: Train with compound movements, train using high-intensity and volume-related principles, have morning sex, don’t avoid cholesterol-rich foods (don’t cut out all the egg yolks

– testosterone is manufactured partially from cholesterol), eat plenty of monounsaturated fats, and drink post-workout supplements. Make sure to add Aspartalone™ to your supplement arsenal. Many believe that using it daily raises testosterone levels naturally. And when it’s natural, you won’t experience the hormone crashes you might if you supplemented testosterone. There are plenty more ways to boost your own production of testosterone, but try these first.

Crazy Testosterone Boosting Technique

Q : Can I boost my testosterone levels by taking cold showers?

Best Time To Stretch

Q : Should I stretch before and after workouts?

A: Stretching cannot be underrated in the scheme of resistance training. It improves range of motion by

almost 20 percent immediately – even when flexibility has been minimal. It’s important not to go into any workout cold, but in pre-workout mode, you should be doing lightweight sets of your first movement, much more than actually sitting down to stretch. It’s important to warm up using the movement you plan to start with, so that your joints will ease into that workout and blood will be driven to the joints being worked and muscles will warm slightly and engorge from blood flow. This is only smart. But post workouts are different – those should

feature a full stretching routine. We think it should be a full body routine whether you just trained biceps and back, or calves and abs, or your whole body. The point is to stretch joints, muscle bellies, muscle fascia, tendons, and ligaments on a regular basis, and usually always following workouts. Recovery improves with stretching also, since extending and lengthening muscles – as opposed to contracting them – stimulates the release of lactic acid and toxins. That and 20 ounces of water just following a workout can minimize soreness tremendously, and help aid a faster recovery. Make time to do this at least three days a week, if not all the days that you work out. In the off season, it should

take the place of your cardio time. By the time pre-contest diets and training roll around, your muscles will be more supple and muscle quality will have improved because you’ve broadened the range of motion. You may even be surprised at the kind of growth you get from adding stretching into your regime.

10 PUMPED February 2012

The “Dirty Little Secret” Bodybuilders Are Using To Get

Savage Size, Power & Strength!Practically “Floods” Your Body With Testosterone To Pack On Pound-After-Pound Of Lean, Chiseled Muscle!Maximizes ATP To Blast Through The Toughest Workouts With Plenty Of Gas Left In The Tank!Rockets VO2 Max To Give You Superhuman Power And Speed!Crushes Lactic Acid So You Recover Lighting Fast To Build Even More Muscle!

Get It While You Still Can!Dear Friend,

In the next few minutes you’re going to discover one of the most powerful anabolic agents you

can get without a doctor’s prescription. It’s called Androxybol™ and when you finish reading this you’ll completely understand why this last statement is no exaggeration! In fact, it may be an understatement.

That’s right, an understatement because Androxybol™ was designed to replicate the actions of the world’s most potent anabolic agent, Anadrol-50. And, if you know anything about Anadrol-50, you know it’s the most powerful steroid ever invented, and here’s why. Anadrol-50 is extremely androgenic so the strength and size gains you’ll get from it are without compare.

But what’s even more exciting about Anadrol-50, and a feature most people don’t know, is its ability to affect VO2 Max – or the body’s ability to transport and use oxygen during times of high physical output. This is why its chemical name is actually “Oxymetholone”…. and why everyone who uses it gets such staggering and monumental pumps. More simply put, Anadrol-50 is the king of all steroids.But now let’s talk about the next

big “King”… Androxybol™ and why it may even rival the powerful effects of Anadrol-50!

Adaptogens – Russia’s Secret “Anabolic Weapon”

First, let’s discuss one of the most fascinating bodybuilding compounds in

February 2012 PUMPED 11

the world and that really “sets off” Androxybol™. This amazing anabolic has so many functions that just taking it on its own would be sufficient to take your workouts to the next level... and beyond.

Officially, it’s known as an adaptogenic agent which is a term that originated in Russia in 1947 and is defined as a substance that allows an organism to overcome adverse physical, chemical, or biological stressors. And, in your case, the physical and biological stressors are all the steel you “throw around” in the weight room.

Just look at what this compound is designed to do…

Dramatically Increase ATP Levels - ATP is what’s known as cellular energy – it is the energy needed for muscle contractions. Androxybol™ was engineered to raise your body’s own output of ATP by up to 30% which will allow you to train harder for longer periods of time due to increased stamina and endurance.

Increase VO2 Max - Oxygen consumption (or oxygen uptake) is known as VO2 max and is the maximum capacity of an individual’s body to transport and use oxygen during exercise. Androxybol™ was formulated to raise VO2 Max up to 159% allowing you to really “fire up” workouts and lift heavier loads, which means a lot more muscle and a lot less fat… a heck of a lot faster!

Reduce Lactic Acid - Lactic acid is what helps create Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) – this is the “sore” feeling you feel after training hard. Androxybol™ may reduce this lactic acid buildup and pain by 20% or more – meaning you can train harder and recover faster with less soreness.

That’s right friend, Androxybol™ was scientifically engineered to spike ATP levels, cause a surge in VO2 Max, and crush lactic acid! By now it should be pretty easy to see why Androxybol™ rivals (and some people think is superior to) Anadrol-50.

And if we stopped there, Androxybol™ would be one hell of an anabolic – but there’s more…Ramp Up Testosterone Output And

Explode With Raw Muscular Size And Power

Androxybol™, like Anadrol-50, was engineered to increase the levels of male hormones in the body. And more specifically, it’s designed to increase testosterone through 2 different testosterone agents called Androgen Releasing Factors (ARF’s).

Androgen Releasing Factors (ARF’s) are compounds that stimulate the body’s natural release of testosterone, And this approach to testosterone production is far, far superior in terms of building muscle than either pro-hormones or synthetic testosterone, because with ARF’s you would be generating an abundance of natural androgens, (testosterone) which means you’d never shut-down your own production.

And while “test” injections work very well to build muscle (ask any top bodybuilder)… all that muscle comes with a price – such as increases in estrogen levels, risk of getting busted, and health concerns associated with needle-use, like disease and abscesses.

So the good news is, Androxybol™ has not one, but TWO ultra-powerful Androgen Releasing Factors in its proprietary formula, so you are going to literally explode with raw brutal power and build muscle like a brahma bull – not to mention the “hidden” benefit of ARF’s – your performance in the “sack” will become the talk of the town!

Additionally users have reported Androxybol™ gives them an androgen “jolt” that rivals the jolt you get from synthetic testosterone. You’d think it doesn’t get any better than that – but it does…Free Up “Bound” Testosterone And

Grow Like A Weed!Androxybol™ also contains an Androgen Liberating Agent making it like no other compound on the market (and that includes steroids) and now you’ll find out why…

Here’s something a lot of bodybuilders don’t know, and that is, there is a little known hormone in the body called SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) and, as the name implies, it binds sex hormones like testosterone. In fact, nearly 70% of all testosterone is bound by SHBG.

That’s right friend, only about 30% of the testosterone you produce functions as usable testosterone to build muscle and make you strong. So, if you can block SHBG then you will free-up testosterone in your system so it can be used for its intended purpose.

So the reason this Androgen Liberating Agent was included in Androxybol™ was so it could “free-up” all the extra testosterone you’ll get from the other testosterone compounds (ARF’s)... resulting in “uncapped” muscle growth, outlandish power and a super-hard and super-tight physique.

Get Bigger & Stronger Faster With Androxybol™…The Anadrol-50 Killer!

OK, now lets recap! Androxybol™ is specifically engineered to increase ATP, spike VO2 Max, reduce lactic acid, increase production of testosterone, and free up bound testosterone – all put together in one ridiculously potent formula created to crush Anadrol-50 and get you a world-class physique, faster than ever!

And believe me friend! It works beyond your wildest imagination at building huge slabs of muscle... lightning fast. The strength gains you’ll get will border on the outlandish! No, I take that back, they WILL BE outlandish. And “nitrogen retention” will become your middle name as your muscle bellies will have that tight, full feeling 24 hours a day.

Seriously, the nitrogen retention “sensation” of Androxybol™ is also beyond imagination, and there will be no question that you’re on something when you “get on it!”

12 PUMPED February 2012

FREE Gifts With Order!

Discounts based on retail price. Offers are for a limited time and may be withdrawn at any time. User results may vary and the people featured have been remunerated. Use as directed along with a sensible nutrition and exercise program. Do not take more than the recommended dose on the label. As with

prescription drugs there may be undesired side effects. Before using any dietary supplement contact your doctor. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Active ingredients may or may not have

conclusive clinical medical studies. Do not consume if you have not followed all of these warnings. © 2011-2012 Ultimate Fitness Nutrition™. All Rights Reserved.

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“Just wanted to let you know that Androxybol™ worked well. I’ve attached 2 photos, the first at the end of my first month, and the 2nd from the end of my second month.”

“...Androxybol™ Worked Well.”

Tom M.- Arlington, TX -

After 30 Days After 60 Days

“I am 47 yrs. old, 205 lbs. and still playing semi-pro Football with young men that are my kids age. I plan on playing till I am 50. With help from your products (like Androxybol™) I’ll still be making an impact at 50. P.S. - Check out the 18 inch arms!”

“I Am 47 Yrs. Old... And Still Playing Semi-Pro Football...”

Gil M.- Rock Springs, WY -

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February 2012 PUMPED 13

How Long Is Too Long?

Q : A buddy of mine trains for two hours a workout, and some of

us have told him he trains far too long. We’re mostly out in about one hour to an

hour and a quarter, and get great gains. Is there such a thing as too long in the gym?

A: We think so. There are exceptions, and sometimes in certain types of training cycles, taking one’s time is important.

We would count among those times, grueling specialty workout cycles such as German volume training, workouts with multiple partners (a heavy leg day with four guys), or a workout that is new and requires time to learn safe and correct execution. But all of those things considered, the average time for a workout should be about an hour. A lot goes into that assessment, including that you should be using weights that you can handle in order to amply recover between sets so you can move through a workout without being sidelines in pain, agony and nausea. There will always be times when workouts can be more rapid or take longer. When you are training for a contest, you want to move quickly, favoring volume and intensity, so workouts can be 35 to 45 minutes. The thing to watch for isn’t the exact time it takes you, it’s what you get accomplished each time you step into the gym and how long it takes you to get it all in. Monitor yourself through a few weeks of workouts to find your true pace. Some people are just a bit slower than others. And in the early years, your workouts won’t take as long because they won’t be as complex. But a good rule of thumb: As long as you don’t linger in the gym to the point that you are overtraining or the intensity of workouts doesn’t disappear, watching the clock isn’t necessary. It’s just something to be aware of.

Compound Movements -

Badass or Bunk?

Q : Why should I incorporate compound exercises into my training routine – they

don’t seem to be the ones that can really develop quality?

A: Compound exercises should be the mainstay of workouts because they work multiple joints (and corresponding muscles

that converge around the joint) at one time. Involving multiple joints in workouts also means correlative movements can bear more weight through a single range of motion. But when you say “quality” do you mean you don’t think that compound movements are capable of cultivating details? While compound movements cultivate size, thickness, muscle density and complex fiber recruitment, this alone sets the stage for the finer details once diet and isolative training is endeavored, such as in a contest training cycle. Remember, developing muscle quality hinges on size – not only in the proportional size of muscles but in the depth and thickness of them. We’re not sure if you’re aware, but shallow muscle – muscle that is not dense – cannot really develop the detail and quality you may be hoping to see. In the end, you’re missing a component if you don’t do the compound work in those early years. So, for example, if your quads measure 19 inches, as opposed to 24 inches, they won’t be able to demonstrate any kind of appreciable definition, even with a successful diet. There isn’t enough there to show detail. And that’s why compound movements should be in your workouts each week – in some kind of regular routine – so that you continually develop that quality, dense muscle that you can actually shape and do something with once you begin refining with single-joint, isolative movements, such as leg extensions or hamstring curls. Leg extensions alone may build a little size, but they will really only be concentric in their focus of mid-quadriceps and quadriceps heads (teardrops) down by the knee. Ditto for bench press versus cable crossovers, and deadlifts versus one-armed rows.




14 PUMPED February 2012

The Critical Signs Of Overtraining

Q : I am really t ired can I tel l i f I am over training?

A: The signs of overtraining can sometimes be quite subtle, and at other times, can be like a wallop

to the back of the head. The most insidious of overtraining signs, of course, are those that are subtle – the ones we don’t notice and even may blame on other causes. Job stress may be a reasonable cause of feeling drained or lacking energy, so we ignore it and push through workouts, figuring that a good weekend catch-up with sleep will improve performance and energy the following week. When we are equally tired the following week, we may also begin to experience increased workout soreness – something that lasts a day longer than usual. Then, we may say, I’m really pushing myself harder than normal, this is just an indication of my hard work. But when we begin feeling washed out, get headaches, suffer insomnia, pain in muscles and joints, and have a sudden drop in performance, or a total loss of enthusiasm for lifting, it’s time to take stock. This is the time when injuries can occur and when we can set ourselves back in our progress.

It is possible to test for overtraining. One is by testing heart rates. When your pace begins to slow and your resting heart rate increases (provided you are not taking stimulants) you are positioning yourself for overtraining syndrome. Another way is to use the Heikki Rusko method (Google that and try it out). But the way to recover from overtraining is to back off of work - either partially or completely. Reduce or step away from exercise for a short period, then come back with a plan for reducing the volume, frequency or weight of workouts to avoid falling into the overtraining trap. We know it’s most common with newly anointed trainees, but many old-timers fall into the trap too - particularly when they have hit a wall with training and pump up the volume. The only problem is, sometimes that volume is deafening and defeats the purpose of amping up. Also keep in mind that if you are not taking anabolic steroids, you can truly run yourself into the ground with training. Not so if you are - in fact, steroids can be some of the most forgiving in that area. However, the many other problems outweigh this slight advantage.

A: Conventional deadlifts are what we most associate with the term,

but there are several types and learning them all will benefit your workouts. Here are the types: Traditional, Sumo deadlift, Romanian, Stiff-legged deadlift, Trap bar deadlift, Rack pull (or also called “partial” deadlift), and Side deadlift. You should use at least three of these types on a regular basis, and if you like them all, alternate their use as part of your compound exercise arsenal. The traditional deadlift, the stiff-legged deadlift and the Romanian are beneficial to anyone wanting to make

appreciable mass gains from top to bottom. The others are variations or some bent of primary type (traditional; Romanian) and are preference-based more than essential to mass building. You should, however, learn proper form for all of these and try them on for size. Preference, body structure, and natural ability determine which ones will resonate most with you. Because of its wide stance, we are not fans of the Sumo lift, only because it stresses the pelvis. We do, however, like the trap bar deadlift – if your gym has the special bar with handle grips – because it allows people

with shorter arms to master the technique despite physical limitations. Everyone should be doing one form of “full-body beneficial” deadlift, and a stiff-legged deadlift, since these are the best for adding hamstring girth and quality, as well as developing the glutes. Is it possible to build the body using just one or two of these types? Sure. But the more variations you can do, and the more compound movements you can add into workouts, the better your progress.

The 7 Deadly Deadlifts

Q : What are the dif ferent types of deadli f ts, and should I use them all?




February 2012 PUMPED 15

Top 10 Core Exercises Exposed

Q : What would you say the top 10 core training exercises are?

A: There are a lot of core exercises that people overlook, but in order to build a great core, you must do a combination of

static floor exercises, dynamic floor exercises and dynamic exercises using an apparatus. Remember, you are trying to work about 10 muscle groups within the torso, including rectus abdominus, erector spinae, multifidus, external and internal obliques, transverse abdominus, hip flexors (within which there are four sub-groups), gluteus minimus, medius and maximus and hip adductors. A good core includes static isolative work, and work that throws the body slightly off balance – or requires an effort at balance – to provide a proprioceptive workout. Prioprioception is part of what builds a strong core and makes the work challenging. Here are exercises we recommend for a strong core: 1. The plank, because it’s such a versatile static position and can be done using so many variations and on so many different apparatus.2. The push-up plank would be the

second – also a variation of the first. 3. Plank on a Swiss ball – feet on ball, forearms on floor, moving ball from side to side.4. Twisting crunches on a decline bench w/ a Swiss ball or a plate. 5. Roll-ins on a Swiss ball – hands on floor, feet on ball, pulling feet into chest with ball.6. Lying windmills – shoulders and back on floor, legs perpendicular to floor moving side-to-side, laterally with no break in upper body contact7. V-sit hold – make a “V” out of your body and hold it as long as possible.8. Twisting crunch – traditional crunch with alternating twists add greater core effort9. Lunge with twist – using a medicine ball, do a small range lunge and add twisting motion with ball, which causes your glutes to contract and engages the core more.10. Side plank – basically a plank on one elbow, keeping the body straight for a holding count of 20 to 30 each side.

Can Less Be More?

Q : Is i t necessary to take a break from training at anytime?

A: Absolutely. Recovery comes in many forms. It comes in the idle hours between one workout and the next,

when we replenish and fortify our bodies with sleep and food, and in the days we take in between workouts or as rest days. Time off is also found in the recovery-based things we do, such as massage, chiropractic, and stretching or yoga. Taking breaks from training is as essential as training itself and many experts in exercise science will tell you that recovery is possibly more important than the actual work you do in building muscle. But that’s just addressing immediate overtraining. In answer to your question, we say that it’s also valuable to take real time off from the gym at least once a year. It can be twice a year and we know plenty of

people who do it. Usually, it’s a full week or two off from training to give muscles a full rest and allow them to relax and fully repair since even those few days we take off a week don’t fully give them a chance to recuperate. Mentally, workout breaks are also important because we get a chance to stop thinking about all of the things we do, haven’t done, want to do, should be, hope to be, etc. Spending time in the gym without a break here and there can spell physical and mental burnout. Taking that single week or two can mean your body responds better and your mind is enthused by the idea of heading back. Anytime you get to the point where your body or mind doesn’t want to be in the gym, a break is in order.




16 PUMPED February 2012

25 PRO TIPS FOR BIG BICEPSNO matter how many times you

look in the mirror, your biceps aren’t getting any better without

a lot of work. It sucks, we know, but you have to look at why your current program isn’t netting you the results you need. That requires assessment. This list helps you assess where you are succeeding and, perhaps, where you’re falling short. Are you doing less than you should, more than you should or just going at it incorrectly? Figure out why your biceps suck, then go to work. 1. Focus on compound movements – Narrow grip weighted pull-ups and Olympic barbell biceps curls are where you should focus efforts if you want to pack on biceps mass. Other compound moves that hit the biceps: deadlifts, bent-over rows, cable rows. 2. Do less direct arm work – As above, many exercises for the back (also pulling movements) indirectly work the biceps. Focusing all workouts on isolative movements means you are overtraining arms. 3. Do more direct arm work – Just as you should do less direct arm work, you can and should do MORE direct arm work at certain times. Pre-contest or in non-mass cycles, isolative work is precisely what you need. If dieting, you aren’t doing the big lifts, such as deadlifts and can focus on super-isolative moves like concentration cable curls. 4. Lift with the biceps and lose the swing – One effective way to train oneself not to swing weight up and down is to back up to a wall for barbell curls. Other harness-apparatus helps with that. Sitting on a bench with a 90 degree seat-to-back ratio (very upright) and do alternate curls or hammer curls. 5. Decrease weight if necessary – Compound movements require weight behind them, but only if you can manage

good form. Try decreasing weights to get more quality reps.6. Increase weight if necessary – Just as you should decrease weights if you are not handling weights well and with good form, you should also push yourself to increase the weight by 5 or 10 pounds every other workout or so, just to see if you can manage form while maintaining the same number of reps. Sometimes pushing yourself is the key to building bigger arms.7. Change tempo – Tempo is the way to manage weight increases and progress. Tempo rules say you should always be slightly faster on the positive (up) motion and slower on the negative (down) motion to control weight and develop tendons and supportive tissue in the arms and around the joints. Try a 1-up or 2-up with a 3-down pace. Some go 2/4, but four

February 2012 PUMPED 17

can be excruciating on the negative, if weights are heavy. You don’t want to injure or strain tendons either.8. Maximize muscle fiber recruitment – Standing barbell biceps curls, and preacher curls are great fiber recruiters. The maximum number of muscle fibers are recruited when there is maximum contraction, and that means a full range of motion (ROM) – one that is even stretched beyond. Don’t let resistance “fall off” at the midpoint. Preachers stretch the range and isolate at the same time, providing a movement that is no-cheat, has a large range of motion, and is isolative. But even better than barbell or dumbbell preachers are preachers using low cables. 9. Keep it simple – The more complicated you make workouts (thinking to yourself that you’re outsmarting all of the denizens of iron that went before you) the worse it is for your biceps. Remember, they are a small muscle group and don’t take a lot of complex thought, just a lot of common sense. Simple is usually better.10. Do more pulling exercises – With big back workouts, you get a lot of biceps strain. Try alternating weeks of heavy back work with heavy biceps work and don’t overlap too much. Overtraining is the bane of biceps progress.11. Rep range – Play with rep ranges and don’t always default to 8 reps each workout. Try going super heavy for 5 reps, then go to failure at other times. Varying set types (which we’ll get to) also employ failure ranges, but without altering set types, you can and should always alter rep ranges to mix things up and keep the biceps guessing.12. Recovery – Take enough time between workouts to amply recover. Some would say that one workout each week is enough for the biceps. We say one workout is only okay every other week, or following a particularly grueling back or biceps workout. Either way, make sure you put at least 4 to 5 days between workouts.

13. Avoid fatigue by keeping workouts to a reasonable time – Overtraining can mean lifting weights too often and not allowing recovery. But fatigue can also be caused by working out too long in one session. Don’t be guilty of overkill. Keep the number of sets and pace in line with the relative size of the muscle group. You should never work the biceps as long as you work the back, chest or legs.14. Change up set types (drop set, superset, 21s) – It’s good to fool muscles into growth, by changing up the way in which you actually do a workout. If all you do is static lifts (4 sets of barbell curls; 4 sets of hammer curls; 3 sets of preacher curls) your muscles become accustomed to that routine. Next time do barbell curls as one big drop set to failure, or do all three sets in one with 21s.

18 PUMPED February 2012

15. Don’t miss workouts – Consistency is the key to all success in the gym, or in life in general. Don’t be inconsistent by skipping workouts. To see progress, you must engage in repetitive good habits.16. Isolation and concentration – Isolative and concentric movements aren’t typically associated with growth, but they are indirectly, since part of the size of a biceps is achieved by moving the weight through a full range of motion 95 percent of the time. When hitting a double biceps shot, the biceps bracchii must curl up on itself, and that means making that long muscle as thick as possible before it curls. Isolative work with cables and extended ROM exercises actually facilitate that.17. Change up apparatus and attachments (EZ curl, rope hammers) – Changing apparatus can mean using dumbbells instead of barbells and out-of-the-ordinary attachments on occasion, like ropes, EZ-curl bars and close-grip straight bars. Try to use different attachments to make the muscles work harder and differently than normal.18. Work lower and upper biceps (using cables and pads) – Move a preacher curl machine to a lower cable pulley to work low biceps, or lie down on a flat bench that sidles up to a cable station and with a narrow grip short bar, pull from a high cable pulley to work the upper range from the top of the biceps to shoulder height to work the high part of the muscle. 19. Variety builds the best biceps – Hit biceps from all angles – hammer curls, straight bar regular grip, narrow grip curls, high cable curls, concentration curls, preacher curls and curls with wrists and biceps turned out – mean hitting the two biceps heads from all angles to optimize mass. Use machines, and free weights for the most variety.20. Form first, check it! – Learn the form of all biceps exercises. Taking a refresher course, despite thinking you know all, means you ensure you are attacking workouts with all the right moves.21. Stop cheating – Keep the body still to ensure that you are only lifting with the biceps. Cheating is okay in some cases, but for the most part, it’s not going to net big gains. Stop swinging, leaning and moving around – it all takes the focus off the biceps. 22. Get your ego out of it – Yeah, dudes love to build big arms; it’s the pinnacle of success in the gym. But get your ego out of your biceps workouts and make necessary adjustments, whether it’s less or less frequent work, lighter weights. Your motto should be: Whatever it takes, leave your

ego at the door. You might be surprised what works. If your arms aren’t growing, what you’re doing isn’t working, so try it a different way without feeling deflated.23. Eat more food to gain more muscle – The cornerstone of all mass-building is a diet that backs up all the work you do. If you don’t eat, you won’t gain mass, no matter how perfectly and how scientific you approach workouts. Eat more protein and carbs, and more calories in general, to gain size.24. Deadlift more often – This is the ultimate mass monster exercise. It works the whole body and works the biceps in ways that you can’t with movements you put into a biceps workout – including the surrounding muscles and tendons. It also helps train the back and core so you are more stable and don’t have to cheat as you move up in curl weight. That means you cheat less. Deadlifts are an all-around winning proposition.25. Progression, progression, progression! – Remember that as long as you are progressing – adding a few reps each week or adding weight to workouts progressively – you will grow. Adding mass requires increased weight, consistency, and pushing oneself beyond with each and every workout. Progression = progress.

February 2012 PUMPED 19

How To Harness The “Mystical” Power Of Ultra-Deep Muscle Fiber Recruitment And EXPLODE With SLABS Of NEW Muscle GROWTH!

Did You Know You’re Currently Only Using About 65%-70% of Your Available Muscle Fibers To Grow Bigger, Faster And Stronger?

If you’ve never heard of ATP (Adenosine-5’-triphosphate) it’s high time you did because…

It’s the most important anabolic agent in history.Bold statement for sure, but it’s true, and when you finish reading this short article you’ll know why!

ATP is the actual chemical energy substance your body needs to even blink your eyes. And without it, you couldn’t even walk, breath or Bench Press for that matter.

In fact, ATP is such a potent compound for physical energy and building muscle that it’s actually used in Australia on 1,200 pound race horses as a substitute for anabolic steroids.

Yes, you heard it right, there is a synthetic ATP compound in Australia called Tridenosen that’s actually used to “power” 1,200 pound race horses who run 40 mph.So If It’s Powerful Enough For A 1,200 Pound Race Horse, It’s

Powerful Enough For You!And “power” it will give you, because remember, a racehorse has a circulatory system that’s 7 times larger than a human’s… so you know this stuff is beyond potent!

But here’s something else to remember. ATP is actually the “by-product” of used creatine, so if you’ve ever taken creatine (and who hasn’t?) no doubt you’ve experienced some of its effects.

However, taking creatine to get ATP is a rather roundabout way, because the creatine monohydrate (which is what everyone takes) has to be converted to creatine phosphate… which is then converted to ATP.

So as you can see in order to get any usable ATP from creatine, it has to go through a multi-step process inside the body. So wouldn’t you think a “better way” to get ATP is to just take straight ATP?

Well not so fast my friend, because although doctors have known about ATP for decades, and even how to inject it into the bloodstream (the Australian version for horses is injectable), it never caught on. They knew that an “oral form” would be easily broken down by gastric acids in the stomach and rendered inert.

20 PUMPED February 2012

How To Harness The “Mystical” Power Of Ultra-Deep Muscle Fiber Recruitment And EXPLODE With SLABS Of NEW Muscle GROWTH!

Did You Know You’re Currently Only Using About 65%-70% of Your Available Muscle Fibers To Grow Bigger, Faster And Stronger?

And this is the reason oral ATP has not been used all these years.

But here’s some good news! Scientists recently created a super bio-available form of ATP called TridenosenH™ (H for human!) that will rock your world! Thousands of athletes are now using it and reaping the amazing results.

What these brilliant scientists did was entirely coat the ATP with a “PH balanced” pharmaceutical coating that protects the fragile ATP molecules from being destroyed by stomach acids.

So with this special coating in place, more of the orally delivered ATP will now get into your bloodstream and take your workouts to the next level!

The Secret To Massive Muscle Growth!

Now let me introduce you to something called DFR (Deeper Fiber Recruitment), and here is

“I’m an MMA Fighter that will take a Fight at any Weight I can safely make. I usually fight at 205 lbs, but was given the opportunity to Punch a Cop in the Face without going to Jail. I had to cut to 175 lbs and needed to stay strong. I took Lipotase™, TridenosenH™ & Nitrox-ATP™. I made Weight and didn’t lose any Strength. Your Products Rock. Now I need to get back to a Rock Solid 205 lbs for my next Fight.”

“I made Weight and didn’t lose any Strength”

Rick “Notorious” Slaton.MMA Fighter

San Diego, CA -

“I decided to start to compete again and was looking for a solid product that could help me get the results I wanted I ran into your line by mistake but I read and looked at the compounds and found that they were well studied. I needed a good thermo so I started with Lipotase and the pre workout Nitrox-ATP and saw results to I moved on to TridenosenH since I’m 40 I need the help. I’m a Full time Plumbing Contractor so my weeks are 60+ hours a week you products have really helped with my prep. This is 12 weeks start weight 290 now 245 6’2 I’ll be doing the TOC Sept 10th all three classes Open Masters 40 and Novice”

“...products have really helped with my prep.”

Jay B.- Los Angeles, CA -

February 2012 PUMPED 21

FREE Gifts With Order!

Discounts based on retail price. Offers are for a limited time and may be withdrawn at any time. User results may vary and the people featured have been remunerated. Use as directed along with a sensible nutrition and exercise program. Do not take more than the recommended dose on the label. As with

prescription drugs there may be undesired side effects. Before using any dietary supplement contact your doctor. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Active ingredients may or may not have

conclusive clinical medical studies. Do not consume if you have not followed all of these warnings. © 2011-2012 Ultimate Fitness Nutrition™. All Rights Reserved.


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how it works. If you were to train without any extra ATP, you may need to stop at 8-9 reps. But, under the influence of additional ATP, you will have the ability to push to 12 reps.

So do the math and multiply those 3-4 extra reps per set by the number of sets you do and you’ll easily see the advantages.

But, the reason you’re able to do more reps is because you now have enough ATP to “dig deeper,” and activate those deep fibers that have never been recruited! In fact, many scientists believe another 35-40% of your muscle fibers are

unused during workouts due to a lack of muscular energy! So imagine how huge you could get with more muscular energy!

TridenosenH™ Is 100%Risk-Free And Just A Phone Call Away...

So Call Now!So quick, what on earth are you waiting for? TridenosenH™ is the most sure-fire way to deliver ATP into your system, and much more effective than creatine! So call now and place your order.

“TridenosenH™ gave me unbelievable stamina and pumps during my workouts. With it, I was able to reach goals in the weight room I only previously dreamed about.”

“...Game Me Unbelievable Stamina And Pump...”

Lee O.- Ellendale, ND -

“Just wanted to give a BIG thanks for selling the good s**t. I’m sending you boys a classic “Before & After”. Expect another order of TridenosenH to come real soon. I work at GOLD’S GYM and it’s competitive. Gotta keep up with the younger Membership Advisors to stay in the game.”

“...Game Me Unbelievable Stamina And Pump...”

James M.- Austin, TX -

“I’ve been taking TridenosenH™ and Androxybol™ for 5 days, I feel like I can lift a truck when I go to the gym, s**t!!!!!! I did 200 lbs on the machine T-bar for the back, I’ve never done over 180/185. So far, I’m liking it… doing chest today, can’t wait!!!!”

“i fEEL lIKE i cAN lIFT a tRUCK”

Steve M.- Houston, TX -

22 PUMPED February 2012

NUTRITION Q&ADiet Demystified -

Get The Body You Want FAST!




A: That’s a hotly debated topic, as some place more emphasis on pre-workout sustenance, or if they do focus on

post-workout meals, time and content varies wildly. We think it’s best to have something immediately after – such as simple carbs and a little protein. After, you should go home and eat a proper hot meal within 90 minutes to two hours. Protein is especially key in the meal you sit down to eat up to two hours after workouts. That’s because this is the meal that will be the foundation of your repair work overnight, and glycogen stores going into the next day. Feeding your body is a science and finding what works is individual. If you are a body type that gains both muscle and fat easily (endomorph), you can get away with fewer complex carbs in that post-workout meal and boost the protein to really capitalize on repairs and minimize fat storage. If you are a mesomorph (athletic with

a normal metabolism) combining protein and carbohydrates evenly is best. For an ectomorph (hard gainer of muscle and fat) you’ll want to focus on a higher complex carb meal, add some fat and keep protein high. After particularly difficult workouts where you have really pushed yourself, it’s sometimes a good idea to have that post-workout meal, then have a small meal just before bedtime in a few hours, assuming you train in the late afternoon. Some guys we know actually set their alarms during a mass-building cycle in order to rise and make a weight gainer shake, then go back to bed. For that matter, we know fitness competitors who do the same, though it’s only a light protein shake with zero carbs. The point is, when you are draining the body of resources, you have to feed it to get them back. Remember that hydration is also crucial for pushing nutrients into muscles after workouts, so that’s a big piece of the post-workout puzzle.

Protein: Before or After

Q : How long should I wait to eat after a workout for mass building?

How To Avoid Muscle Soreness

Q : What can I take or eat to avoid muscle soreness?

A: Muscle soreness is a big part of doing resistance exercise – particularly if you are trying to

pack on a decent amount of muscle mass with overload workouts. There are many things you can do to prevent muscle soreness and tend to it once it occurs: Warm ups, cool downs, massage, baths, relaxation and recuperation, and regular programs of stretching will help a lot. But there are diet and supplement manipulations that can also help you. Let’s start with water. Flushing out lactic acid and other toxins released by muscles as they break down (similar to ketones that circulate during a low-carb diet) is key in

mitigating soreness. Starting workouts with a full tank. Eat plenty of low- to moderate-glycemic carbohydrates in a meal leading up to workouts to ensure enough stores that the body doesn’t nip into existing muscle. But in terms of food itself, eating a diet that is suited to minimizing inflammation (a major cause of soreness) is ideal. Pineapple, which contains bromelain, reduces inflammation in joints. Ditto for Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) found in salmon, Vitamin E found in various nuts and berries, which contain polyphenols (antioxidants) that protect cells from damage. Vegetable oils, whole grains (stay low-glycemic with oats), and leafy green vegetables also contain Vitamin E. You should also take recover quickly into hand by using L-Glutamine (2 to 3 grams post-workout) to also help repair and minimize the amount of time you are sore. A great source of Glutamine and other recovery agents is the new pre-workout and recovery drink called Flash Bang™ - check it out for yourself!

February 2012 PUMPED 23

Your Best Source Of Protein

Q : I ’ve been training for years and have seen – and taken part

in – almost every diet and training trend, low-or-no carb and low-or-no fat, but protein type is just one thing I can’t f igure. Which

has the best ratio of protein and is better for bodybuilding – beef or chicken?

A: Since no man lives by one type of protein alone, the chances are great that variety is what sets the stage for ratios of protein.

By ratio, we mean the types of protein and their biological values (BV) in a given day’s diet. But not all proteins are created equal – not only because protein grams vary, and creatine and fat content varies, but its BV and amino acid profiles vary. And that brings us to the point: Even if there is one that is better or ranks higher than another, eating a variety of proteins is important. At one time, eggs were given the highest biological value of all proteins. It was once called the “perfect food.” But once BV testing standards were updated, and whey was isolated from milk, it came out with a higher overall biological value. Yet the numbers (see below) are deceiving, because in many cases, we would choose beef during certain growth cycles, not only for its extra calories (over poultry or white fish) but for its creatine content. Knowing other things about proteins, such as creatine content per ounce, and branched-chain amino acid profile, is crucial in selecting proteins to combine for your goals. BV values are worth knowing, but in our estimation really only in terms of protein supplementation, such as in protein and weight gainer drinks. That is where the BV numbers count. Whey is listed (below) as 100 percent BV rated, but in essence, depending upon the type of whey used in a drink, that number can vary by as much as 10 percent. We recommend that in your edible diet, where you are cooking and eating protein for meals you default to a variety.

Whey – 100

Whole egg – 99

Cow’s milk – 91

Egg white (only) – 88

Fish (various) – 83

Beef – 80

Casein – 80

Chicken – 79

Soy – 74

Wheat gluten – 64

Rice – 59

Wheat – 54

Beans – 49






24 PUMPED February 2012

Now Pack On Up To 20 Pounds Of Savage New Muscle And Freak Out

Your Friends And Family!Introducing, The Super Freaky Muscle Stack™!!


You’ll Get So Brutally Huge Even Your Grandma Won’t Recognize You!

Dear Fellow Iron Warrior,

Every athlete has a “performance goal”…

For a football player it might be running the “Forty” in 4.3. In basketball, a 40 inch vertical! Powerlifting, a 500 lb bench!And for the majority of hard-training gym-goers like us regular guys... it’s to weigh over 200 lbs and be shredded!Listen… The “average guy” weighs a “Buck 70” with 18% bodyfat!Heck, weighing close to 200 lbs and having a bodyfat percentage of less then 10%... puts you in every elite category of people!So if you’re not quite “there”, and need to pack on lots of extra muscle fast, then please keep reading and you’ll discover an amazing new stack called the “Super Freaky Muscle Stack™” that is absolutely guaranteed to pack on pound after pound of muscle.In fact, many bodybuilders who have used this stack have put on up to 20 pounds of muscle in just 8-12 weeks!The Scientific Facts Why 20 Pounds Of New Muscle Can Be

Yours!So how is it possible to pack on so much muscle so quickly... considering you may have been “stuck” at your current weight for several years?I’ll tell you!

February 2012 PUMPED 25

“In eight weeks my bench went up 75 lbs, squats 100 lbs and all my other lifts went up sharply + my waist went down 3 inches and I gained 15 pounds of solid muscle”

“28 Pounds of Muscle in 3 Months!”

Bill S.- Deerfield, MA -

“I’ve been taking Androxybol™ for 5 days, I feel like I can lift a truck when I go to the gym, s**t!!! I did 200 lbs on the machine T-bar for the back, I’ve never done over 180/185. So far, I’m liking it… doing chest today, can’t wait!!!!”

“I Feel Like I Can Lift A Truck When I Go To The Gym...”

Steve M.- Houston, TX -

It’s now possible because of three new anabolic strategies steroid bio-chemists are now using to induce protein anabolism...

Without using dangerous prescription steroids.The first is a brand new testosterone agent

called Androxybol™.Androxybol™ was formulated to “crank up”

your body’s natural testosterone production and get you FREAKY big by helping pack on pounds of granite-like muscle!

It contains a brand-new category of testosterone boosters called Androgen Releasing Factors (ARF’s).

ARF’s are compounds that stimulate the body’s natural release of testosterone.

This approach to testosterone production is far, far superior in terms of building muscle than either pro-hormones or synthetic testosterone, because with ARF’s you don’t shut-down your body’s own testosterone production (like with testosterone injections).

And while “test” injections work very well to build muscle (ask any top bodybuilder)… all that muscle comes with a price – such as increases in estrogen levels, risk of getting busted, and health concerns associated with needle-use, like disease and abscesses.

So the good news is, Androxybol™ has not one, but TWO ultra-powerful Androgen Releasing Factors in its proprietary formula, so you are

going to literally explode with raw brutal power and build muscle like a brahma bull!

With that much testosterone flooding your body, you can make ENORMOUS muscle gains... and burn off excess fat like crazy. You can get big AND cut at the same time.Now Let’s Add A Pure Anabolic To All That Testosterone... And

You Will Really Turn Into A Muscular Monster!

The next muscle building agent in this awesome new stack is a non-hormonal, pure anabolic agent called Mesobolin™.

If you haven’t heard of Mesobolin™ yet, then you don’t know what you’re missing!

This naturally occurring compound, was secretly used in Russia for years to crush the competition in Olympic weightlifting events.

Many users report enormous muscular gains, sometimes even beyond what they experienced with synthetic compounds like Deca!

Now that’s HUGE!So “Meso” is the real deal and then some.Thousands of athletes have gotten outrageous

results with just 1 bottle!You see, “real” juice, gets you big and strong

quickly, but then leaves you deflated like a balloon with the air let out just as fast when you come off, and we both know, that ain’t good.

Mesobolin™, on the other hand was formulated to pack on the same type of gains as traditional, designer steroids…

But the muscle you build is permanent.Plus, you can safely cycle Mesobolin™ for a lot

longer than regular gear.That means you’ll get More Muscle, More

Size, More Strength, More Permanently… After all, who wants to be big and strong for

just a couple months?You want your gains to stay with you for the

long haul, even when you come off!

Designed For 1,200 lb. Racehorses… Now Available

For Muscle Junkies!The final ingredient of the Super Freaky Muscle Stack™ is TridenosenH™, the oral form of the legendary Australian ATP injectable designed for 1,200 lb. racehorses!

This performance enhancing muscle builder is sweeping the bodybuilding world like wild-fire!

26 PUMPED February 2012

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Discounts based on retail price. Offers are for a limited time and may be withdrawn at any time. User results may vary and the people featured have been remunerated. Use as directed along with a sensible nutrition and exercise program. Do not take more than the recommended dose on the label. As with

prescription drugs there may be undesired side effects. Before using any dietary supplement contact your doctor. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Active ingredients may or may not have

conclusive clinical medical studies. Do not consume if you have not followed all of these warnings. © 2011-2012 Ultimate Fitness Nutrition™. All Rights Reserved.







Have Your Credit Card Ready And Call Now!

1-800-535-9858Or order online at:


“This is the only supplement that has allowed me to still get in a workout once in awhile. I am 47 and helping my 13 year old fight cancer for almost 12 years now. I was always into bodybuilding before this but had to stop. Thanks to TridenosenH Ihave the ambition to at least get in a workout and participate in martial arts with my son when able. Thanks guys!”

“28 Pounds of Muscle in 3 Months!”

Daniel H.- Ellwood City, PA -

TridenosenH™ is a new classification of anabolic agents designed to “grow” slabs of rock-hard muscle...

And produce those ultra-deep cuts that make women go weak in the knees.

The reason why is that TridenosenH™ was engineered to flood your body with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) – the “cellular jet fuel” that fires protein synthesis to begin with -- and promotes the lean, striated look bodybuilders work all their lives to achieve.

Plus, if you bathe your muscles in massive amounts of ATP, you can train much harder and longer... grind out up to 50% more reps per set... and “recruit” deep muscle fiber that has never been recruited before.

All of that translates to bigger, fuller pumps and outrageous new muscle growth!

The Faster You Order... The Faster You Can Freak Out Your

Friends And Family!So quick, go to the phone and place your order for the Super Freaky Muscle Stack™ right now so

you can start this insane stack and start freaking out all your friends and family with your new wealth of muscle!

So, have your credit card ready and call now and please tell the friendly Anabolic Advisor to rush your Super Freaky Muscle Stack™... so you can add up to 20 new pounds of shredded beef to your frame.

Go for it... many have reported achieving really great results with this stack and it can do the same for you! How’d you like to be in the small percentile of men who weigh over 200 pounds and have less than 10% bodyfat!

Step Up Your Game To Becoming An Anabolic

Monster!Get The Super Freaky Muscle Stack™ Today! Have your credit card ready, and call the toll-free number below!

February 2012 PUMPED 27

Stevia – Hot or Not?

Q : Why am I seeing Stevia sweetener more and more in


A: For years, the only alternative sweeteners to spare the calories and insulin spike of sugar were artificial

ones. First it was saccharine, then aspartame (Nutrasweet), then sucralose (Splenda). Though sugar substitutes have gotten more and more healthy with each incarnation, some would say that using anything artificial isn’t good for the body. The jury is still out on that sentiment, as typically those movements are backed by radicals who oppose anything that doesn’t come from the earth. But with the advent of stevia, you can make your own choice now with a

viable alternative to unnatural sweetners. Stevia, purportedly 300 times sweeter than sugar, comes from a leaf in the sunflower family. It is naturally sweet and is now regularly added to products so that people who otherwise avoided sugar-free product because of their unnatural origin or aftertaste, will now purchase the product. In our opinion, stevia is a great choice in products where it is already added and blended with other ingredients. However, pure stevia that comes in packets does not always suit all hot drinks and some say has a bitter aftertaste. Depending upon the extraction process, the brand and origin of the stevia, some have a licorice-like aftertaste. It’s really about brand and becoming accustomed to its taste. No one person will ever agree on anything to do with taste, since palates are different. That’s why some people are Diet Coke people and some people are Diet Pepsi people. You can buy Stevia in granulated packets, in liquid form, and in tablet form to dissolve into liquid or top cereal, fruits or other foods.





28 PUMPED February 2012



There are a multitude of workouts and workout philosophies out there – all aimed at virtually one thing: Mass gains. But with bodies being as individual as they are, how will you know what works for your body type without having to go through all of them to find out? Since trial-and-error could take awhile, and you want gains now, the best chance you have of finding the most effective mass-building workout is to follow our lead.First, let’s look at the three main body types: Endomorph, Mesomorph and Ectomorph.Endomorphic bodies tend to be easy gainers – which means they are easy gainers of both fat and muscle. These body types often have muscular limbs quite naturally, diamond-shaped calves, and a robust or slightly fat-tending torso (including back and stomach fat). This is

February 2012 PUMPED 29

a type that is not particularly forgiving of food, but incredibly forgiving of overtaining – which is almost necessary to lose body fat and get lean.Mesomorphic bodies are considered the prototypical athletic type – a body that responds well no matter what – both to food and workouts. There is no proclivity to storing excess calories as body fat, and a tendency to pack on muscle quite easily. It is also a body that forgives mistakes (of diet, training, and lifestyle) and is still able to perform well when fatigued. An ectomorphic body is forgiving of excess calories, but that’s because it is a hard-gaining body. No matter the calories, it seems, it’s all this type can do to put on a single pound of muscle and keep it. Being a hard gainer of body fat is great, of course, because it means that you can eat to abandon and not turn into a lard-ass. But there is a sharp double edge here, and that is that this type also has a devil of a time putting on any muscle. This is often the body type that requires so many anabolic steroids to reach any appreciable level of mass. Those are just three types. There are combinative body types as well – mostly “Meso-Endo” and “Meso-Ecto” that reflect a crossover and combination of both easy- and hard-gainers with a base of natural athleticism. A true endomorphic body would be one that is quite fat, where “meso-endo” type would be someone who get a bit chubby in the off season, but has the ability to build an incredible physique that is easily displayed with a 12 to 16 week diet. An ectomorphic body, true to type, would be the guy with sand kicked in his face that would take 10 years to go from 135 pounds

to a middleweight body. A true mesomorph would probably already be 185 pounds and lean when he started training and wouldn’t have to diet for any competition more than eight to 10 weeks. Hopefully, you get the picture here. So how does one train as each of these body types?

Because he is able to put on muscle – and retain it – better than almost any other type, the endomorph can get away with a bit of overtraining. When we say overtraining, we don’t mean to actually overtrain on a regular basis, but to boost intensity, and one of those ways is to put the feet to fire with higher set and repetition numbers. This is a body type that would benefit from Pyramid training. Pyramid training allows the lifter to start light to warm up and loosen joints, then ease into intensity profiles that would include starting with light weight and high, high reps, then progresses into heavier weights with lower reps, but a pace that includes very little rest in between sets.By incorporating a pyramid profile, intensity is boosted to a great level by weight, continued movement, and the ability to add more than one body part into the mix for multiple pyramid sets at one time. For example, a pyramid set could begin with shoulders, and move to arms, concurrently, training two or three body parts in one session, but at the same time – non-stop – without first completing one, before beginning another. Endomorphic bodies can handle this sort of training and should engage in high intensity levels in order to build muscle and remain lean throughout the year in this way, rather than by way of cardio exercise alone.Example of a Pyramid set:

Ascending: Set 1: 20 lbs x 12 reps Set 2: 25 lbs x 10 reps Set 3: 30 lbs x 8 reps

Descending:Set 1: 30 lbs x 8 reps Set 2: 25 lbs x 10 repsSet 3: 20 lbs x 12 reps

Triangle Pyramid:Set 1: 20 lbs x 12 repsSet 2: 25 lbs x 10 repsSet 3: 30 lbs x 8 reps Set 4: 25 lbs x 10 reps Set 5: 30 lbs x 12 reps

Pyramid Set

30 PUMPED February 2012

The mesomorph is the prodigal son of bodybuilding – the guy that can, and should, do it all: Compound workouts, followed by single-joint isolative movements, in a fairly routine workout pattern. This type benefits greatly from cycling workouts that at one moment are heavy and compound laden almost exclusively, to ones that are high-intensity. Training should be a combination of techniques that combine the best of all training methods, alternately. Think German Volume Training for six weeks, one body part per day, five days per week for eight weeks, supersets and giant sets for three weeks, compound-only movements for six weeks, and so on. Variety is what it takes for this type not only to best grow and progress, but to stay engaged.While ectomorphic types benefit from less-is-more, and mesomorphs are no exception to this rule, mesomorphs benefit from less-is-more for a different reason. Less is more because most training techniques and methods used effectively and with variety offer all it takes to pack on mass effortlessly. This is the type that has the genetic advantage and should use it by attacking workouts with brio, rather than resting on their laurels.

These are the bodies that benefit from “less is more” so weight workouts can’t run them into the ground and they can’t risk overtraining. A program such as Rippetoe training would, therefore, be the best choice.In Rippetoe training, the principles center around basic workouts comprised of compound movements that include heavy weights (85 percent max) and keep rep and set schemes low on both ends. This workout type is able to pack on mass fast – even on the most challenged of bodies. Ectomorphs are that challenged group, and benefit from intensity, as long as it is backed off and supported by good recovery times and infrequency of training.Three days a week is about all an ectomorph should train. The one body part per day, five days per week is something this type can try after time with Rippetoe training. The main thing is for ectomorphic physiques to avoid too much isolative, single-joint work that can run them into the ground and reverse all the good work they would do in a routine such as the one below. Sample Ripptoe pagination:

Workout A: 3x5 Squats

3x5 Bench Press 1x5 Deadlifts

2x8 Dips

Workout B:3x5 Leg press

3x5 Standing Military Press3x5 Bent-over Rows

2x8 Chin-ups

Workouts A&B:

Week 1: Monday – Workout A Wednesday – Workout BFriday – Workout A

Week 2:Monday – Workout BWednesday – Workout AFriday – Workout B

February 2012 PUMPED 31

SUPPLEMENT Q&APerformance Enhancement

Tips Revealed!






Q : I fol low mixed martial arts (MMA) fighting and hear that many of the MMA athletes are using growth hormone. Why would they be using it – what are the

benefits to them?

A: Simply put, hGH is exceptional at rapid cellular turnover, which

means that everything you do for strength and endurance, results in gains of some kind because the recovery, repair and progress you make on GH is superbly fast and efficient. GH is the almighty healer. And in bodybuilding, powerlifting and MMA, it’s rapid healing that allows more pursuit of strength and endurance. If you think you beat yourself up in the gym, imagine what these guys do in a typical MMA outing. They are animals and nearly tear each other up. If you or I stepped into the octagon we’d have to lay down for a week to recover – if we weren’t injured. But GH also helps mitigate injury, and repair if it does occur. But since we’ve chosen “no” as a country, as independent athletic federations (NFL, NBA, ABL, ISCF, MMASF) because of the implications GH has on performance enhancement and the ability to get stronger, faster, and more agile for an edge. So now, no athlete can use it for performance enhancement or for healing, and many are questioning this. Therapeutic doses of GH are extremely beneficial for healing – particularly in that

it stimulates the production of osteoblast (bone) and fibroblast (tissue that supports bone) and that’s extremely beneficial to an MMA fighter who tears up both on a regular basis. With the supplement industry entering a new age of enlightenment and effectiveness, many products out there

can now assist an athlete to produce enough surplus GH for healing. But for now, the quickest way to quickly regenerate cells for rapid recovery, and produce the bone and supportive tissue needed to make major repairs,

GH is it and MMA guys know it!

32 PUMPED February 2012

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February 2012 PUMPED 33


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www.PrimalMuscle.comDiscounts based on retail price. Offers are for a limited time and may be withdrawn at any time. User results may vary and the people featured have been remunerated. Use as directed along with a sensible nutrition and exercise program. Do not take more than the recommended dose on the label. As with

prescription drugs there may be undesired side effects. Before using any dietary supplement contact your doctor. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Active ingredients may or may not have

conclusive clinical medical studies. Do not consume if you have not followed all of these warnings. © 2011-2012 Ultimate Fitness Nutrition™. All Rights Reserved.





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February 2012 PUMPED 37

How To Get Epic, Vein-Busting Pumps

Q : Why do I get wicked pumps one day and not the next? I had an absolutely amazing arm workout last week, and my biceps were more pumped than I ever saw them,

but this week, I couldn’t get a pump to save my li fe. What am I doing wrong?

The Best All-Around Supplement Revealed!

Q : What is the best all-around supplement? Would it be whey protein or creatine or some other supplement?

A: Lots of factors play into whether you are getting good pumps

in your workouts. Maybe you were undernourished with not enough glycogen stored in your muscles

before your workout. Last week you may have eaten ample carbs going into your workout and the super-storage of glycogen worked in your favor. Have you heard of nitric oxide (NO)? That’s what really ignites pumps and gives you that skin-tearing feeling of fullness in muscle bellies during workouts. You can pack your diet full of

foods that boost your natural production of nitric oxide, such as beets, nuts, eggs, brown rice, spinach, fish and poultry, but your diet probably has those things in it already, which leads us to believe that you may need supplementation. You don’t say how old you are, but just like testosterone levels wane as you age, so does production of nitric oxide. We think the best thing you can do is take in a nitric oxide drink pre-workout

to help boost those pumps, since pumps also drive blood

into the muscle, carrying nutrients and working the cells in fibers to cause rapid turnover. PWO supplements such as Flash Bang™ are fortified with high levels of NO to give you those epic vein-

busting pumps! Extra supplementation of vitamins C and E help sustain the nitric oxide levels you produce or that you supplement, too, so it’s a good idea to add those into the mix at the highest level.

A: There are a multitude of worthy supplements out there in every

category, though many within each are ineffective because either the company doesn’t choose quality ingredients and calls it by the same name (and you won’t know until you try it), or you are not using the supplement correctly – either because you are counterbalancing it with something like alcohol, or poor eating habits. But pound for pound, dollar for dollar, the best supplement is whey protein isolate. Whey isolate is a purer product than whey concentrate. Shockingly, whey protein concentrate can contain anywhere from just 29 percent protein to 80

percent protein, whereas whey isolate consistently contains 90 percent protein. It means you are getting more protein than any other ingredient in every scoop. Why would we rank whey isolate over creatine or other really worthy supplements we tout – and love? Because in the scheme of training and recovery, nutrition itself – caloric nutrition, not supplementary nutrition – is number one in terms of merging training, nutrition and recovery for the best gains and health. Sure, we take creatine, NO and other supplements pre-workout to enable the big lifts, the energy and the pumps we are addicted to seeing and feeling. But in

the end, our training nets us nothing without nutrition, so supplements that top the list of most worthwhile or “best all-around” have to be caloric-based products. But whey protein isolate is also the best supplement because it provides what your muscles need more than any other single thing: Branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine). The body requires higher levels of BCAAs during and after workouts because they are used by skeletal muscle first during exertion. Whey isolate, for its guaranteed high level of protein and BCAA content, is best.





38 PUMPED February 2012

Attention! If You’ve Been Trying To Get Big And Shredded… But Nothing Is Working – Read This Now!


Get Yours Now… While You Still Can!Dear Friend,Let me tell you a quick story about the lengths people will go to, just to get their hands on Arnold’s favorite steroid... Primobolan.Several years back, a friend came to visit me in San Diego.After checking out all the beaches and the nightlife in San Diego, he insisted we go visit TJ (that’s Tijuana, Mexico for those of you who don’t know).He wanted me to show him all the sights there too...The infamous “donkey show” (which I have yet to find), the cheap but awesome tacos and bacon-wrapped hot-dogs on the street, the massage parlors, and of course, the pharmacias (where they sell prescription drugs like steroids)!TJ Donkey Show & Primobolan... Crazy!OK, OK, maybe we didn’t do all of that... but we did get some hotdogs, and walked by a massage parlor... after all, the pharmacias were definitely top priority.My buddy had a friggin’ hard-on for getting a hold of some “Primo.”He was hell-bent on running a cycle.And after visiting several pharmacias with no luck, we finally found some... but it looked a little sketchy to me.He just about had a heart attack when he found out how expensive it was. You see, they were trying to charge us the “gringo” price and my buddy was getting pissed. So we ended up leaving before he and the shop owner got into it.After all that crap, we ended up walking

around TJ for 4 hours looking for a good source of Primo!He finally found some more at some hole-in-the-wall place that had me a bit nervous.It was down this dark alley, and before we headed down the alley, a couple of TJ cops gave us the evil eye.I should have known then to get the hell out of there!Anyway, my buddy’s all stoked that he was able to score his Primobolan. He dropped several hundred dollars and stashed a bunch of it away in his underwear and tucked into his socks.I was really not feeling this whole thing, and when we left the place, of course, things got worse.We got stopped by the cops who asked us for our prescription!Not good.I think they were tipped off by the pharmacia owner because they were probably working together… after all, they knew we didn’t have a

prescription!They made him pull down his pants right there in the alley, strip down, and dump all his stash on the ground.“I Thought They Were

Gonna Rape Him!”Hell, I thought they were gonna rape him! Instead, they handcuffed us both and threatened to take us to jail!At this point, we were both desperate, so I offered them $500 to let us go.They took the bait (and his Primo!), uncuffed us, and sent us packing..We ended up getting back across the border, broke as hell and steroid-less.It ended up being a $750 trip to TJ. All we had to show for it was a belly full of tacos.

February 2012 PUMPED 39

Discounts based on retail price. Offers are for a limited time and may be withdrawn at any time. User results may vary and the people featured have been remunerated. Use as directed along with a sensible nutrition and exercise program. Do not take more than the recommended dose on the label. As with

prescription drugs there may be undesired side effects. Before using any dietary supplement contact your doctor. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Active ingredients may or may not have

conclusive clinical medical studies. Do not consume if you have not followed all of these warnings. © 2011-2012 Ultimate Fitness Nutrition™. All Rights Reserved.

Try Primo 33™ Risk-Free!“Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life... Right Now!”







Have Your Credit Card Ready And Call Now!

1-800-535-9858Or order online at:


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Valued At$59.98!

Primo 33™

• Designed to work just like Primobolan, but safely & legally!• Create outrageous pumps!• Build muscle without affecting testosterone levels!• Build muscle almost 24 hours a day!

Damn! Those were some expensive tacos!Anyway, the point to this whole story is, people will sell their “first born” to get a hold of some Primobolan... no joke!The reason why guys (and even some girls) love it so much is because it’s so anabolic, but not androgenic.That means you get all those clean, lean mass gains without any of the nasty side-effects that come along with the harsher steroids.Plus, you get strong as hell on Primo too!So you can see, it’s no wonder Arnold called it his favorite drug..OK, so we know Primobolan is an awesome drug, and we also know that you can damn near lose your life trying to get some... so why the heck am I telling you all this???Here’s why.

Legal Version Of Primobolan NOW AVAILABLE!

Because you can now get a totally legal (for now) version of Primabolan - right here in the U.S.It’s called “Primo 33™” and it’s a very limited run product.I personally was involved in getting the deal hooked up for this limited run, and I can tell you this stuff is awesome.Take a look at what it’s formulated to do:

Create a highly anabolic environment inside the muscle cell... this means you will be “building muscle” almost 24 hours per day while on it. Work just like the anabolic steroid Primobolan, but safely and legally.

Cause massive nitrogen retention by keeping protein stores “in the muscle” - this helps with faster recovery, and much faster increases in size and strength.

Create outrageous pumps - the kind you can feel all day after lifting!

Build muscle without affecting testosterone levels - based on SARM technology which creates a highly anabolic (muscle building) environment in the body without the negative side-effects like breast tissue, or shrunken testicles.

Maintain muscle mass during periods of catabolism. In other words in situations where you are calorie deprived, Primo 33™ helps keep muscle from breaking down and promotes new muscle growth.

One unpublished study found that people taking just one of the compounds in the Primo 33™ formula gained up to 7 lbs more lean mass than a “control group” of people not taking it in just 8 weeks time... and the craziest thing is - the group that gained 7 lbs more muscle only ate ½ as many calories!!!

As you can see - this stuff is really cool.The only thing is, like I said, it’s a very limited run, so you need to act fast if you want to try a cycle or two.

Don’t wait - Call NowThat’s right, you must not wait to buy this stuff, if you do, you may just miss out.If you want to get lean, massive and strong as an ox - Primo 33™ is for you! To Order, Call Right Now - 1-800-535-9858


P.S. Oh, I almost forgot... Only 6 bottles per customer on this rare anabolic.We want to make sure there is enough to go around.

40 PUMPED February 2012

Best Steroids For Older Men

Q : : I’m in my 50s and feel like juicing with steroids to get the testosterone back in my body.

Would taking anabolic steroids cause me to age more rapidly?

A : We understand the desire to reverse the effects of the loss of testosterone a man experiences as

he reaches his 40s, 50s and beyond. By the time you reach that age, you’ve been on a slow decline of testosterone for 20-plus years. Keep in mind that many doctors will prescribe therapeutic doses of steroids, alleviating the need to all-out “juice” as you put it. It’s a simple test to go and take and you should know where you sit with all of that before you make any decision. It’s not that we haven’t known men in their 50s – and even 60s – who take steroids. We do know some. But typically they aren’t starting at that age. We recommend you go get tested first, talk it over with your doctor, see how you progress with his prescription of testosterone – we imagine you’ll feel better almost instantly, since waning hormones boosted even a little will cause a sense of well-being and will boost energy, sex drive and a host of other things. But beyond your doctor and the consideration of taking testosterone that is either prescribed or procured through your local gym dealer (a risky proposition when you already have a life at your age and a lot

at stake), you should truly exhaust all natural supplements first. There are plenty of supplements out there that boost the natural production of testosterone and net some great results at any age (we highly recommend you check out Androxybol™). Try these types of supplements before you go on testosterone that has been prescribed or that you supplement yourself. Just be aware that there are many risks for someone your age – much more than for those in their 20s and 30s – namely, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and even breast cancer (believe it or not) as your hormones wane and your body ages. It’s just not worth the risk to go beyond therapeutic doses.

STEROID Q&ADown ‘n Dirty

Anabolic Advice!



February 2012 PUMPED 41

An Important Message To Anyone Who’s Ever Wanted To Try Steroids…

...And For Now, You Can Get It Without A Prescription!

Hardcore Russian Anabolic Builds MORE Thick Slabs Of Powerful Muscle Than D-Bol...

The World’s Most Popular Steroid!Dear Friend, If you want to build an attention-getting, thick, powerful and freaky physique in record breaking time, then this may be the most exciting message you’ll ever read!Here’s why…You can now purchase a super hardcore anabolic agent designed to literally force your muscles to grow bigger and stronger...even if...your diet or training isn’t totally “spot on”!This shocking anabolic formula has created an overwhelming buzz lately from previous users, who cannot stop raving about how powerful this product is. In fact, a notorious former steroid dealer said this pill has the potential to change the way we look at anabolics forever. And experts are calling this hardcore muscle-builder the wave of the future, for safe and sustainable muscle-growth. Introducing Mesobolin™… the amazing Russian anabolic now available in the USA… Just look at what this amazing steroid replacement can do for you…

Pack On 14 Lbs Of Muscle & Lose 20 Lbs Of Fat At The Same Time!

Research studies on one of the key ingredients show that people who take large amounts of protein during a short cycle of Mesobolin™ can get up to a 7% increase in lean muscle mass… while at the same time, slashing body-fat up to 10%.Just imagine for a minute what that means… If you weighed 200 lbs…. a 7% increase in lean muscle mass means you would pack on 14 lbs. of rock-solid muscle! That Would Be FRIGGIN’ AMAZING!!!Plus, you would also strip away 20 lbs. of body-fat, at the same time!I’m sure you’ll agree, putting on 14 lbs. of muscle while at the same time, losing 20 lbs. of fat, would make you look like an entirely new person… wouldn’t it? Of course it would! Heck… even if you only got HALF of those results… you’d still look totally awesome!And the best part is, not only will you look like a new person – you will be as “strong as a bull” within just a few short weeks!

Lift Up To 33% More Weight And Become

A BEAST In The Gym!Here’s something else that’s totally cool... Research also shows that Mesobolin™ may also increase “work capacity” up to 33% more in one short cycle!Let me explain… work capacity is how much “measured work” you can do at a time. For example, your max weight on the bench press, or how many total reps you can do for time of a particular exercise.So just think about that for a second… what could a 33% increase mean for you?Well, let’s say you could bench 200 lbs. for 10 reps, right now… But after a short cycle, you could lift 266 lbs. for 10 reps… wouldn’t that be a hell of an increase? You bet your ass it would!And this is just the beginning… It’s time to turn up the heat and…

“My name is Darren T. and I received Mesobolin™ as a gift for my birthday since I wanted it so bad. I was sketched about it at first, but this product actually works. I lost about 10 pounds of fat in 4 weeks and gained a solid granite 25 pounds in muscle. I look fabulous and never dreamed of a better body. This product works fast, strong, and worth it. LEAN MASS AND ALL NATURAL. Attached is a picture of my body now.”

“...Gained A Solid Granite 25 Pounds In Muscle.”

Darren T.- High Point, NC -

42 PUMPED February 2012

An Important Message To Anyone Who’s Ever Wanted To Try Steroids…

...And For Now, You Can Get It Without A Prescription!

Hardcore Russian Anabolic Builds MORE Thick Slabs Of Powerful Muscle Than D-Bol...

The World’s Most Popular Steroid!

EXPLODE With Raw, Brutal Power To CRUSH Heavy Lifts And DOMINATE

Any Sport!Mesobolin™ was also formulated to increase the synthesis of fast-twitch muscle fiber proteins. And all that fancy bio-chemist talk means it helps you “build up” and strengthen those fast-twitch muscle fibers. And that is how you develop explosive power.Remember, explosive power is what you want if you’re doing almost any sport, but especially things like heavy Squats, Benches and Deadlifts. That explosive power is what helps you lift heavier weights, sprint faster, punch harder, and jump higher… and believe me when I say that Mesobolin™ delivers the goods!And best of all, these gains are going to be permanent… so you can…

Build Solid, Dense Muscle That Doesn’t Melt Away When You Stop Taking This Secret Muscle Builder!

That’s right… Mesobolin™ builds REAL, permanent muscle, not the same disgusting (and

dangerous) water-weight bloat you see on most steroid junkies. That means you don’t have to worry about losing your hard-earned muscle growth after a cycle… in fact, you can keep packing on pound-after-pound of dense, powerful muscle with every bottle of Mesobolin™ you use.And there are just so many more cool features about Mesobolin™, that it would take a book to explain them all! But one of the most unique properties of how Mesobolin™ works, is the way it helps your body “process” the food you eat…

Mesobolin™ Uses The Food You Eat To Build More Muscle!

Let me explain… scientists believe Mesobolin™ acts as a “nutrient partitioning agent.” And that means it can help “re-direct” the food you eat AWAY from being stored as body-fat.Rather than store calories as fat, Mesobolin™ “uses” the food you eat to build more massive, shredded muscle from the food you eat… instead of those calories being stored as body-fat.And the best part is, you don’t have to be super strict with your diet 100% of the time … because Mesobolin™ has got your back!This “nutrient partitioning agent” process works just like anabolic steroids do!Seriously, Mesobolin™ is the real deal – just look at what else Mesobolin™ was formulated to do…

Build powerful, dense muscle without altering testosterone levels... for more permanent, safe and sustainable muscle-growth!

Pack on muscle-mass without the need to “Cycle Off” - So you can grow bigger and stronger, year-round!

“Just a quick note about Mesobolin™. I completely credit it for getting me gaining muscle again in the gym after 2 years off from cancer. 28 pounds of muscle in 3 months, man.”

“28 Pounds of Muscle in 3 Months!”

Gordon S.- High Point, NC -

“I’m Currently on Androxybol™, Mesobolin™ & Nitrox-ATP™. I’m calling it the ‘Squat Monster Combo.’ I’m simply amazed at the Size & Strength Gains with your Products. I have a Bodybuilding Show in October. More Pics to Come Soon. Thanks Primal Muscle™...”


Dan “Squat Monster” - C.

Decatur, Il -

February 2012 PUMPED 43

Discounts based on retail price. Offers are for a limited time and may be withdrawn at any time. User results may vary and the people featured have been remunerated. Use as directed along with a sensible nutrition and exercise program. Do not take more than the recommended dose on the label. As with

prescription drugs there may be undesired side effects. Before using any dietary supplement contact your doctor. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Active ingredients may or may not have

conclusive clinical medical studies. Do not consume if you have not followed all of these warnings. © 2011-2012 Ultimate Fitness Nutrition™. All Rights Reserved.

Try Mesobolin™ Risk-Free!“Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life... Right Now!”







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1-800-535-9858Or order online at:


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• Non-Hormonal Anabolic Packs On Freaky Mass Fast!• Develop Crushing Power & Strength!• No Need To “Off Cycle” - Build Mass Year Round!• Secret Weapon of Russian Powerlifters!

Valued At$59.98!

Create a massive surge of muscle-growth more efficiently than the world’s most popular steroid... Dianabol!

Improve red blood cell formation to pump more oxygen-rich blood into “working muscles” for more power, strength and stamina!

Profound ability to promote massive weight-gain – perfect for “hard gainers”!

Speed up recovery time from back-breaking workouts!

Increase protein synthesis for faster muscle growth from the protein you eat!

Improve liver function for sustainable, safe muscle growth!

Improve lipid metabolism, which means your body will use any present body-fat for more energy and endurance!

Increase appetite to help you ensure you get all the protein you need in a day!

Improve mood for an increased sense of well-being!

Improve mental acuity, meaning you will “think faster” and also improve the very important “mind-muscle” connection!

Relieve depression and keep you motivated day-in and day-out!

Make any other supplements you are taking work much, much better!

Promote anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects for overall better health!

Enhance resistance to infections to keep you healthy and training year round!

Isn’t that awesome? Hey, I know this sounds “too good to be true,” but it’s not – in fact, don’t take our word for it… listen to what people just like you have to say about Mesobolin™…As you can see, people have been getting OUTRAGEOUS results on Mesobolin™ since 2006, and you can too. In fact, we want to make it easy for you to give Mesobolin™ an honest evaluation…

Your Iron-Clad... 100% Satisfaction

Guarantee!Listen, I know it’s tough to decide what to take these days… let’s face it, there are so many choices out there.And of course you want to make sure that what you’re spending your hard-earned money on is going to get you the results you’re looking for… So we’re going to take any risk out of the equation. Give Mesobolin™ an honest-to-God shot for the next 12 weeks… be sure to train hard, sleep enough, and eat lots of protein. And if

Mesobolin™ along with our ultimate training system doesn’t do “squat” for you… give us a call and we’ll take care of you, plain and simple! So there you have it, you’re not risking anything by giving Mesobolin™ a try.Listen, it doesn’t do either of us any good if you don’t get the results you’re looking for… so please, give us the chance to show you what Mesobolin™ can do for you…

Guaranteed Results... What Are You Waiting For?

If you want to be one of the next people to pack on 10, 14, even 28 lbs of rock-solid muscle, call us today to place your order…

It’s Easy To Order!Just pick up the phone and call 1-800-535-9858 right now to speak to one of our friendly Fitness Advisors about what Mesobolin™ can do for you. They will get you set up with everything you need to ensure your success while on it. If you need some diet or training advice, they can help you with that too.Call now and start getting Bigger and Stronger as early as tomorrow – it’s that easy!

44 PUMPED February 2012

Steroids And Liver Damage

Q : : How long do I have to be on steroids before I begin to have serious liver problems?

A : Here’s a bit of perspective we know you’ll probably appreciate: Asking that question is like asking

“How much pop will I have to drink before I rot my teeth out?” or “How much cocaine will I have to snort to go into cardiac arrest?” It could happen early, take years, or never happen at all. The point is, it’s a crap shoot to take anabolic steroids, because you gamble with your health without knowing all your physical flaws. No one expects to get cancer, but somewhere down the line, some initiating effect (exposure to toxins, poor lifestyle practices) conjoins with some flaw in your system – some abnormal cell or gene – and that abnormal cellular growth kicks into high gear and sets off a series of chain reactions that culminate in cancer. We have known guys who were healthy

in the late 1990s and are now getting kidney transplants. The liver is a bit more regenerative than other tissue, but not to the point that you can’t damage it irrevocably or be diagnosed with liver cancer on down the line. Roulette is a great game – one that only requires you choose a number or a color. Russian Roulette, on the other hand, is a whole different ball game. Our point? Everyone plays a little roulette in life, just by living. But Russian roulette just isn’t a game at all. Why take the chance?

February 2012 PUMPED 45

“Hey, here is a pic from my calendar shoot on May 14,

2011 in Atlanta… My show is July 16 which I will look

harder, but the Lipotase™ really helped me sustain my

muscle…” ~ Jumaane Davis | Stockbridge, GA

If you want the most cut-up, and hardest physique at your gym please listen to every

word of this vitally important message, because you’re about to discover how to “get there”... easily!

That’s right friend, in a few short weeks you could be the most shredded, and most rock-hard guy at your gym once you get all the awesome details about a revolutionary compound called Lipotase™!

Lipotase™ is an all new hardening, anti-estrogenic agent that works dramatically different than any other product like it, due to its two revolutionary components. However, before you get all the super hot details on how they work, here’s something very important that you need to know, and that is… if you don’t have a six pack, and if you don’t have intense, deep muscle separation... then you have no business calling yourself a bodybuilder.

Harsh words? Maybe, but it’s the truth! But here’s some good news because Lipotase™ is such a phenomenal “six-pack maker,” and “muscle hardener” that the only thing that will keep your shirt on once you start using it… are below freezing temperatures! Here’s an example of the results you can expect. Let’s say that you now weigh 200 lbs and have 15% bodyfat, which for the average joe isn’t bad, but it’s about twice as much fat than is acceptable for a bodybuilder. And after being on Lipotase™ for six weeks, you now weigh 185 lbs, but your bodyfat is only 7%! Sure, you lost a little size, but you’ll look significantly bigger at this super shredded weight as opposed to the smooth 200 lbs!

Lipotase™ Is So PotentIt’s Believed To Burn Fat... Independent Of Exercise

Now let’s talk about why Lipotase™ is such an awesome fat burning and hardening agent. As you may not know, Lipotase™ contains a compound which is believed to increase fat-oxidizing enzymes in the body that could burn fat independent of exercise. And what many users are reporting is

How To Be The Most Shredded, Rock Hard Guy At Your Gym In Just Weeks!Now It Will Be Easy Thanks To The Amazing New Lipotase™!

46 PUMPED February 2012

Reduced Estrogen Intake And Resulting Elevation

Of Natural Testosterone.

Typical Estrogen To Testosterone Intake.

Estrogen: (55-60%)

Estrogen: (10-20%)

Test: (35-40%)

Test: (80-90%)

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

that they’re burning fat automatically, without even working out... and when they do work out, they’re burning fat twice as fast!

The second active compound in Lipotase™ was included because it’s believed to be a very powerful anti-estrogen. And, if you know anything about hormones, you know estrogen is a female hormone and it’s why women hold twice as much fat as the average man.

So, if you can block estrogen, you’ll take on a very hard anvil type appearance with no subcutaneous fat and very little water retention. But here’s the most exciting news of all about this anti-estrogen component, it is believed to work on a progressive basis. And what this simply means is… the longer you’re on it, the more it blocks estrogen, because it’s designed to “turn down” the estrogen receptor as opposed to just occupying the receptor site like other anti-estrogens.

So each and every day you’ll get a little bit harder and harder and leaner and leaner. Oh, and one other very important thing... once you start to block estrogen, you’ll also start to elevate testosterone. So, as long as you keep your protein intake high, you may even grow while you get so ripped and shredded.

So Call Right Away And Take The First Step Toward Getting Shredded Beyond

Belief!So quick, what on earth are you waiting for? Lipotase™ is beyond awesome and

works far, far better than the thermogenic agents that only work for a few days, and give you that burned out feeling.

And if you really want to freak people out, try stacking Lipotase™ with Androxybol™ and Mesobolin™. The reason this combination will practically work miracles is because these two compounds will set into motion the muscle building process while the Lipotase™ peels away fat and makes you super hard! So make it urgent and call now to place your order for Lipotase™!

How To Be The Most Shredded, Rock Hard Guy At Your Gym In Just Weeks!Now It Will Be Easy Thanks To The Amazing New Lipotase™!

Discounts based on retail price. Offers are for a limited time and may be withdrawn at any time. User results may vary and the people featured have been remunerated. Use as directed along with a sensible nutrition and exercise program. Do not take more than the recommended dose on the label. As with

prescription drugs there may be undesired side effects. Before using any dietary supplement contact your doctor. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA. Active ingredients may or may not have

conclusive clinical medical studies. Do not consume if you have not followed all of these warnings. © 2011-2012 Ultimate Fitness Nutrition™. All Rights Reserved.

Try Lipotase™ Risk-Free!“Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life... Right Now!”



Have Your Credit Card Ready And Call Now!

1-800-535-9858Or order online at:



Valued At$59.98!






February 2012 PUMPED 47





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