26 February 2016



All the local news for the week of 26 February 2016

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26 Februarie/February 2016


STANDERTON – It is hard to believe that people (in this modern age) are still naïve enough to be tricked into believing that money can be doubled or even tripled by means of ‘magic’.

Scores of curious onlookers gathered at the corner of Charl Cilliers and Mbonani Mayisela Street in the CBD on Wednesday, 17 February, where a so-called ‘magic man’ performed his rituals. People were amazed when he seemingly turned a cigarette butt into a full length cigarette. A ‘magical’ black bag then produced several cigarettes that were smoked on the spot. Small pieces of paper were also turned into airtime vouchers. The vouchers turned out to be valid when loaded onto cell phones.

The ‘magic man’ told his audience that he will be in Standerton for three weeks to change the lives of people for the better. He told the cheering crowd that his magic is capable of turning around the fortunes of everyone, whether it be a promotion, lost lovers, business success, restoration of troubled marriages and many more supposed problematic situations. The crowd went mad when he announced that as from Friday, 19 February, he will be performing magic with money. He said that any person can place R10 in the magic bag and after undergoing rituals in consultation with the person’s ancestors, the money will increase to R100. R100 in the magic bag will multiply to R1 000 and so on. Police have issued a stern warning to people to not gamble with their hard earned money.

Lieutenant Nhlabathi said that vulnerable citizens have fallen victim to con artists like this one. Police across the country receive reports of people losing big sums of money to con-men. He warned people to be aware of counterfeit bank notes that they will get from the magic bag after depositing genuine money. People should realise that money can only be increased by investing in financial institutions and good hard work. DM

Real makoya?

A ‘magic man’ performs his so-called miracles, as onlookers watch him with transfixed gullibility. He claims to be able to increase money by just placing it in his magic bag and then consulting with ancestors. Lieutenant Nhlabathi issued a stern warning to people to not trust so-called ‘magic men’.

26 Februarie/February 2016 2 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

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STANDERTON – The recent wave of crime in Standerton has prompted police to respond with might.

On Friday, 19 February, members of SAPS, Kasselman Security Services (KSS) and Lekwa Municipality traffic of-ficers jointly launched ‘Opera-tion Show Force’ in response to criminals’ soaring perfor-mances. Since the beginning of the year, reports of house breaking and theft and business robberies have increased sub-stantially. The CBD is ravaged by drug trafficking and illegal trade. The joint force paraded at the Monument Centre at 10:00 and after a short briefing they sprang to action and raid-ed the taxi rank. They searched all the informal traders and conducted body searches.

The operation was appre-ciated by ordinary men and women in the street - taxi op-erators also came out in sup-port of the initiative. Even though no arrests were made

in the short time the operation was under way, a handbag that was snatched from a woman in town was recovered when the suspected snatcher ran to the taxi rank pursued by a com-munity member who spotted the incident. When the suspect saw a group of police members on patrol he dropped the bag and fled on foot.

Lieutenant Nhlabathi said ‘Operation Show Force’ will be intensified. “We will use mini-mum force where necessary to deal with hardened criminals, and they will feel the heat,” he added. He appealed to the public to work closely with the police to free the town from the grip-hold crime has on Stan-derton. A partnership between the police and KSS with other law enforcement agencies such as the Department of Home Affairs and SARS will go a long way in cleaning up the town. Lt Nhlabathi warned that more operations will be conducted. DM

STANDERTON - Woensdag, 17 Februarie, was vir die eienaars van ‘n besigheid op die hoek van Walter Sisulu- en Krugerstraat ‘n nagmerrie-aand. Volgens beeldmateriaal het ‘n voertuig in Krugerstraat opbeweeg en dit wil voorkom asof die bestuurder be-heer oor die voertuig verloor het.

Die voertuig se voorwiel het

die sypaadjie getref waarna dit die lug ingeslinger is en die grensmuur in die lug getref het. Na wat verneem word het die am-bulansdienste die bestuurder na Standerton Hospitaal afgevoer.

Die SAPD en AfriForum Buurtwag was ook vinnig op die toneel en die polisie is besig om die saak te ondersoek. JD

Voertuig bars deur grensmuur

Groot skade is aan ‘n besigheid se grensmuur aangebring nadat ‘n kar daardeur gebars het. Na wat verneem word is daar nie ernstige beserings nie, maar die bestuurder van die voertuig is per ambulans na Standerton Hospitaal afgevoer.

‘Operation Show Force’ responds to crime

The ‘Operation Show Force’ parade at the Monument Centre from where they sprang into action.

Searches conducted in business containers at the taxi rank.

3 26 Februarie/February 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Police are concerned about the amount of house robberies that took place in less than 24 hours in Flora and Kosmos Park over the weekend of 19 and 20 February. Four houses were robbed and criminals made off with mostly electri-cal appliances. On Saturday morning, 20 February, at 01:00 a 53-year-old woman was robbed by two thugs while alone in her house in Rooibok Crescent in Kosmos Park barely 14 hours af-ter a house was robbed in Lantana Crescent in Flora Park. The house robbery in Lantana Crescent resulted in one suspect killed and three others arrested.

The woman in Rooibok Crescent was threatened with a knife and ordered not to scream. She was allegedly tied up with a t-shirt and toilet paper was stuffed into her mouth. She was then left in the bathroom, while the suspects ransacked the house. Af-

ter they left the house the victim managed to get to the garage and opened the car inside. She sounded the hooter until neighbours came to her rescue. The suspects stole an undisclosed amount of money, a cell phone, DVDs, a television, a laptop, and a toy gun.

Lieutenant Nhlabathi reported that two more houses were bro-ken into on Saturday night, bringing the number of house break-ings to a total of four in just two days. “We are deeply concerned about the amount of house robberies and burglaries in Flora and Kosmos Park. We urge the community to take charge of their own safety - neighbourhood watch is the way to go,” he said. According to police observation, these criminals are probably operating as a syndicate, because they use the same Modus Op-erandi and steal the same household appliances from every tar-geted home. DM

STANDERTON - Four residents from Ma-melodi broke into a house in Lantana Cres-cent on Friday, 19 February. An alert neigh-bour noticed the activities and alerted Kas-selman Security Services, who immediately responded to the scene.

The burglars fled with their Volkswagen minibus, stacked with the loot, but saw a police vehicle at the intersection where they wanted to turn. They then turned in the op-posite direction onto the Bethal road and were followed by KSS and members of SAPS. As they approached the stop-and-go a few kilo-metres outside of town, the driver wanted to undertake a truck, which was stationary at the

control point. He however collided with the truck and all four suspects fled into a soybean field, leaving the stolen property in the mini-bus.

Kasselman Security Services, SAPS and AfriForum neighbourhood watch gave chase and one of the burglars was fatally wounded. The help of an airplane and neighbouring farmers were called in and soon afterwards, the remaining three burglars were also ap-prehended.All the stolen articles were recov-ered and the suspects arrested. The police are investigating the case and as far as could be determined, the three suspects remain in cus-tody. JD

SAKHILE - Three cases were recently opened at Sakhile Police Station for assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm. A case of sexual as-sault on a minor is also under investigation. Sakh-ile Police are also investigating a case of house-breaking and theft, as well as a case of possession of drugs (nyaope and dagga).

The community is urged to be vigilant and to re-port all unlawful activities to the police. Sergeant George Dhlamini can be contacted on 083 6117 170. JD

Burglars meet their match

No rest for Sakhile Police

A burglary took place in Lantana Crescent on Friday, 19 February. The four suspects who hail from Mamelodi, fled in the direction of Bethal and three of them were arrested at the stop-and-go control point. The fourth suspect was fatally wounded.

Four houses robbed in two days

26 Februarie/February 2016 4 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Ek hou niks van spinnekoppe nie. Dit is vir my grillerig – en dit is daarom te verstane dat ek ’n meter in die lug opspring elke keer as ek en ’n groot harige spin­nekop uit ons tuin, in mekaar vas­loop. Wetenskaplikes het ’n tyd gelede ’n wawielweb van spin­nekoppe in die trope gekry met ’n omtrek van bykans 6 meter.

Dié groep spinnekoppe spin snags of vroegdag hul web en gaan sit dan óf in die middel van die web óf teen die kant in die skadu en wag vir trillings op die web as ’n insek daarin vasvlieg. Wanneer ’n spinnekop toeslaan, spin dit ’n doodskleed om die slagofferinsek voordat gif in­gespuit word.

Die gif veroorsaak dat die inge­wande van die insek in ’n vloei­stof verander. Sodra dit gebeur, suig die spinnekop die prooi se liggaamsappe uit totdat net ’n leë dop oorbly. Kan insekte uit die web ontsnap? Ja, as hulle vin­nig maak. Hoe vinniger ’n insek homself loswikkel, hoe groter is die kans dat hy suksesvol sal ontsnap. Interessant genoeg is besies die gelukkigste. Hulle doppe is só aan hulle lywe vas dat spinnekoppe geen plek kry om hulle gif in die besie in te spuit nie.

Satan is soos die spinnekop en ons is sy prooi. Net soos die spin­nekop sy gif in die insek pomp om dit te verlam, probeer die vy­and ons met gedagtes van vrees verlam. Hy vertel ons dat ons

nooit ons finansiële uitdagings te bowe sal kom nie, dat ons hu­welik nooit sal herstel nie, dat ’n rebelse kind van ons nooit gaan verander nie of dat jy nooit gen­esing vir jou siekte sal ontvang nie.

Wanneer jy nalaat om outo­riteit oor dié gedagtes te neem, is jy besig om soos die prooi op die web in ’n doodskleed van vrees toegewikkel te word. In Spreuke 29:25 lees ons immers: “Angs is soos ’n strik waarin jy vasgevang word. Jy kom nie los nie. Wie die Here vertrou, voel veilig” (Die Boodskap­vertaling). In Efesiërs 6:11 herinner die skrywer ons daaraan om daagliks seker te maak dat ons die wapen­rusting aantrek om staande te bly teen die vyand se aanvalle: “Trek die klere aan wat God vir julle gegee het om mee te veg sodat die duiwel julle nie sommer om die eerste hoek en draai met al sy slim planne oorrompel nie.”

Wanneer ons vroegdag ons wapenrusting aantrek word ons soos die besie – al beland ons ook in die web, sal die vyand geen plek kry om sy gif van vrees en verwoesting in ons in te pomp nie, omdat God ons beskerm. Kom ons kies dus vandag om ons vertroue in God te plaas; om ons gedagtes te vernuwe en om daagliks ons wapenrusting aan te trek. Die vyand kan kom met al sy gif en leuens – dit sal ons nie affekteer nie, want by God kan ons veilig skuil.

Dit is vir Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie se skoolgemeenskap aangenaam om die presteerders tydens Saterdag, 20 Februarie, se Hoëveld­uitnodigingsbyeenkoms (Interhoër) van harte geluk te wens met hulle goeie vertoning in die onderskeie kategorieë – Hoërskool Ermelo as algehele wenners van die atletiek en Hoërskool Standerton as algehele wenners van die gees­beker.

Ons is saam met u trots op u skool se prestasie. Dit is ‘n getuigskrif van harde werk, goeie strategie en

effektiewe motivering. Baie geluk aan elke individuele atleet wat so pragtig presteer het dat dit daar­toe gelei het dat ons as ouers, pu­bliek en onderwysers ‘n besondere skouspel kon beleef.

Ons bedank ook graag ons Lig­bron­ouergemeenskap en elke borg (TWK as hoofborg) wat so hard gewerk het om ‘n Interhoër van hoogstaande gehalte daar te stel wat deur almal geniet kon word. Ons vra ook om verskoning vir die en­kele foute wat voorgekom het, maar ons konsentreer graag op dit wat

reg verloop het. Toeskouers van ál die skole het regtig alle deelnemers toegejuig wat die byeenkoms ‘n aangename atmosfeer van omgee toegevoeg het en kon ons as beter vriende uiteen gaan ­ soos die naam van die byeenkoms tereg aandui.

Aan Hoërskool Ermelo wat die Interhoër van 2017 aanbied, baie sterkte, u is ‘n trotse skool met ‘n sterk atletiekkultuur. Die res van die Hoëveldskole sien uit om daarin op u gronde te kom deel. – Dup van Rensburg, hoof van Ligbron Aka­demie vir Tegnologie

Verwyder die spinnekoppe uit jou lewe

‘n Boodskap van die hoof

‘Knights’ skenk speelgoed

Die ‘Standerton Knights’ het Dinsdag, 23 Februarie, teddiebere en ander speelgoed aan die SAVF in Standerton geskenk. Hier­die speelgoed sal deur die SAVF in hul terapiekamer aangewend word. Hier neem Hanlie Brits (links) en Wini Ross (regs) die speelgoed in ontvangs vanaf Andre Trollip van ‘Standerton Knights’.

Jimmy Tshabalala en nog ‘n werker van Lekwa Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se water­ en sanitasie­afdeling het Vrydagaand, om­streeks 19:00 ‘n waterpyp in Ivanstraat herstel. Volgens inwoners lek dié pyp al ‘n geruime tyd en is hulle verheug dat daar nog werknemers by die stadsraad is wat bereid is om na ure op ‘n Vrydagaand te werk.

Waterpyp in donker herstel

5 26 Februarie/February 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Daniel Mokoena, het hierdie enorme tamaties in sy eie groentetuin, in Uit-breiding 6, Standerton, gekweek. Dit is die tweede keer dat sy tamatieplantjies sulke bielies dra. Sy suksesresep is dat hy net gewone beesmis by die grond voeg en dat die plantjies gereeld nat-gelei moet word. Hierdie tamaties kan heel moontlik aan die Solanum-genus of Ox Heart tamatiefamilie behoort.

STANDERTON - The top achiev-er from the Standerton Campus is also the best overall student in Gert Sibande TVET College and the best performer in Mpumalanga. Stan-derton Campus was also the best performing campus in Gert Sibande College with an average subject pass rate of 91%. The quality of the pass-es at Standerton Campus must be ap-plauded with 584 distinctions being obtained.

Sunday Selepe became an overall top achiever at Gert Sibande TVET College after he completed his Office Administration Level 4 qualification with six distinctions and a total aver-age of 89%. He received seven dis-tinctions in Level 2 and seven distinc-tions in Level 3.

Selepe is a passionate young man who maximises every opportunity that comes his way. Selepe is a part-ner in a financial investment com-pany that helps struggling companies with their finances. He started the company with his friends. His vision is to make the company one of the most successful financial companies in the country.

Selepe matriculated in 2011 at Ret-shedisitswe Secondary School with full university admission. He was ac-cepted at the University of the Free State in 2012 to study a degree in Education. “I wanted to study Safety Management, but there was no space

and I enrolled for teaching instead,” he explained. Selepe dropped out af-ter two months due to financial pro­blems. He did not receive a bursary while at university. “It was difficult for me. The future looked very bleak. It pained me that I could not further my studies,” Selepe said.

Selepe is a very ambitious young man and the thought of sitting at home doing nothing was never an option. He decided to enrol for Of-fice Administration at Gert Sibande TVET College in 2013. He said it was hard for him to shift from a uni-versity environment to a college en-vironment and to ignore the stigma that TVET colleges are not as good as universities.” I had a friend who studied at Gert Sibande TVET Col-lege who explained to me the differ-ence between the two institutions. He told me that TVET colleges are as good as Universities.

Universities focus more on theo-ry, whereas colleges focus more on practical application,” he explained. Selepe excelled academically at the college. In his first year (Level 2), Selepe was amongst the college’s top achievers at Standerton Campus and was awarded with a tablet. In his second year (Level 3), he was, once again, amongst the top achievers at the college.

Selepe believes that one “should not shy away from taking a chance, if

you have goals, no matter how big or small they are, and you are commit-ted to fulfilling your goals, success is achievable”. Selepe said that Gert Sibande College, Standerton Cam-pus, has changed and touched his life in many ways. “I thank the college for helping me discover my abilities and I hope it continues to produce high quality graduates. This will help change the negative perception people have about TVET colleges,” he said with a smile. Selepe’s dream is to further his studies and get a busi-ness qualification.

Neelan Govender, Standerton Campus Manager, said he is very proud of Selepe and his staff that en-abled Selepe to excel. “In his time at the campus, he set a good example because he was always respectful and he created a good reputation for him-self amongst his lecturers, campus management and amongst his peers. “We wish Selepe all the best with his future and we want him to know that the campus will always be open to support him in future,” said Goven-der.

Govender advised new students to always focus and have a basic set of values like honesty, respect, love, consideration for other people and college stakeholders and they must be committed and dedicated to their academic studies.

Portia Masemola, the Acting Dep-

A young entrepreneur becomes GS College top achiever

Here Sunday Selepe receives the top-achiever award from the Standerton Campus. He is also the best overall student in Gert Sibande TVET College and the best performer in Mpumalanga.

uty CEO of Academics was de-lighted with the performance of Selepe and the Standerton Cam-pus. “Mr Govender and his team have developed a commendable recipe for bringing out the best

in students. The 584 distinctions achieved by the campus bears testament to this” added Portia. Standerton Campus will soon re-ceive the ‘best performing cam-pus’ award. JD


26 Februarie/February 2016 6 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - AfriForum se Standerton-tak het Saterdag, 20 Feb-ruarie, ’n nood-selfdoenaksie in die rivierpark van stapel gestuur deur ’n kontrakteur aan te stel om ’n mangat te herstel wat ineengestort het. Dit volg nadat die plaaslike AfriForum-buurtwag tydens hul patrollie op 12 Februarie opgemerk het dat dié man-gat daarmee heen was.

“Ons het die nooddienste onmid-dellik ontbied. Die plaaslike brand-weerstasie het wel na die toneel uit-gekom, maar het ons meegedeel dat hierdie mangat eers later herstel sal kan word omdat Lekwa Plaaslike Munisipaliteit ’n ‘TLB’ (laaigraaf) benodig,” het Hillel Coetzer, Afri-Forum se Standerton-takvoorsitter, gesê. Die plaaslike owerheid het onderneem om die probleem spoedig

te herstel. Ondanks dié onderne-ming was daar vir meer as ’n week geen poging deur die munisipaliteit aangewend om die gevaarlike man-gat te herstel nie. Die kontrakteur en twee van AfriForum se vrywilligers, Jacques Smith en Manuel Coutinho, het toe sélf skouer aan die wiel gesit en die mangat Saterdagmiddag her-stel.

AfriForum se selfdoenaksies het nie hier gestop nie. Countinho en medevrywilliger, Jan Griesel, het verlede Donderdagaand ‘n boom wat vermoedelik as gevolg van die nat grond in Colignystraat omgeval het, in gietende reën verwyder. Volgens Coetzer was pogings om die geval aan die stadsraad te raporteer tever-geefs en het AfriForum besluit om ook hierdie taak op hulself te neem.

‘n Tweede boom, wat ook Donderdag net na 16:00 in Caledonstraat op die padoppervlak omgeval het en een baan vir verkeer onrybaar gemaak het, is Vrydagoggend vroeg deur ‘n privaatpersoon verwyder.

“Hierdie tipe nalatige optrede deur die plaaslike munisipaliteit is strafregtelik van aard.

AfriForum sal die munisipale be-amptes persoonlik aanspreeklik hou indien enige lid van die gemeenskap beserings weens hierdie tipe swak diens lewering opdoen,” het Hein Gonzales, provinsiale koördineerder vir Mpumalanga, gesê.

AfriForum nooi die publiek vrien-delik om by hul plaaslike tak betrokke te raak deur die woord “MANGAT” na 45350 (R1 per SMS) te stuur. DK & JD

STANDERTON - Angry members of the community in Phalama Section in Sakhile have expressed their concern about littering and illegal dumping next to Stadium 2.

One member of the public, who wants to remain anonymous, said: “It is outrageous that members of the community do not take responsibility for the environment, an illegal dump site on Hlongwane Drive next to the entrance of Stadium 2 is not only an embarrassment to residents but an eyesore to people visiting our town. It is irresponsible and illegal for citizens in the neighbourhood to dump refuse next to the road”.

A 23-year-old woman who stays in the vicinity of Stadium 2, added her voice to that of the concerned by saying that some community members have no regard for the environment.

“It is unfair to blame the municipality for our irresponsible actions - week in and week out the waste removal truck comes around to collect refuse from the sidewalks in front of our houses. Why then, do people still cross the street and dump their rubbish in the open areas?” she said. She urged young people to take on the initiative and become teachers of green living. DM

AfriForum neem aksie nadat mangat ineenstort

Plaaslike AfriForum-lede, Jacques Smith en Manuel Countinho, het hul naweek Saterdag, 20 Februarie, opsy geskuif om ‘n mangat wat in die rivierpark ineengestort het, saam met kontrakteur Benjamin Maja (in aksie) te herstel. Ingelas is die mangat ná AfriForum se ingryping.

Illegal dumping continues

Illegal dumping next to Stadium 2 in Phalama Section in Sakhile is a typical example of the non-caring society we seem to live in today.

7 26 Februarie/February 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Family members were up in arms when they found that a heap of soil was dumped onto one of their loved ones’ graves. They had to remove the soil themselves in order to restore the grave to its previous glory. Family members are heartbroken about the desecration of graves and the fact that nothing is being done about it. It was clear that a new grave was dug and that the excavated soil was dumped two spaces further. What made matters worse is that there are unused graves at the head-side of the line of graves. As the local municipality is responsible for the digging of graves, they are also responsible to conduct it in such a way that the dignity and sacredness of those already buried, is not affected. It is clear that there are people that have no regard for what others hold sacred and precious. Questions asked by Cosmos News, as usual, went unanswered by the local authorities.

PROVINCIAL - The Provincial Executive Committee’s (PEC’s) decision to freeze all vacant funded posts in the Department of Health has led to tragic outcomes as the infant and maternal mortality rate in Mpumalanga has sky- rocketed.

The Health Department’s second quarterly report revealed that the maternal mortality rate in Mpuma-langa has increased from 77.5/100 000 deaths in the second quarter of the 2014/15 financial year to a staggering 135.3/100 000 deaths in 2015/16.

So too has the infant mortality rate increased during the same pe-riod from 10.8/1000 to 13.6/1000. More mothers and babies are dying in the Mpumalanga Province, while the Health Department shows a lack of leadership and foresight.

The report attributes this tragic increase to inadequate access to health facilities and goes on to state that due to a shortage of staff, only 77% of live births could be attended to by skilled health personnel. The increase in the infant mortality rate has also been attributed to a short-age of skilled health professionals such as paediatricians.

Mpumalanga’s Health Depart-ment has for a long time been in a critical condition but the situation has become much worse since Gil-lion Mashego took over as MEC.

It is clear that he does not have the people of Mpumalanga’s health in-terests at heart because under his leadership, it is becoming increas-ingly difficult for our people to ac-cess healthcare.

It is unacceptable that MEC Mashego and the ANC-led govern-ment’s inability to manage taxpay-ers’ money has led to unnecessary deaths of babies and mothers in Mpumalanga. The Provincial Ex-ecutive Committee must urgently lift the freeze on the Health De-partment’s vacant funded positions before they end up with even more blood on their hands.

The DA reiterates its call that MEC Mashego must be axed as Mpumalanga cannot afford an MEC who gambles so freely with people’s lives.

The DA will continue to hold the ANC accountable and will request a detailed breakdown of the Health Department’s R1.9 billion irregular expenditure as well as its accruals at the next parliamentary question session.

MEC Mashego and his Acting H.O.D., Mr CB Mnisi, must also come clean on whether or not in-vestigations into the cause of the irregular expenditure of taxpayers’ money, has been implemented as per the Auditor General’s recom-mendations. JD

Nonchalant digging causes more pain

Afrikaanse studente moet klasgelde terughou tot Junie

Infant and maternal mortality rate soars

NASIONAAL - “As ons taal nie goed genoeg is nie, is ons geld óók nie goed genoeg nie!” Dít was die woorde van Ian Cameron, AfriForum Jeug se woordvoerder. Cameron het verduidelik dat studente ook volgens die verbruikerbeskermingswet beskerm moet word en gevolglik moet hulle wag om te sien of hulle die Afrikaanse onderrig ontvang wat hulle be-lowe word. Hy het verder genoem dat die aanslag op A frikaans sedert die begin van 2016 nie langer geduld moet word nie en dat AfriForum Jeug verlede week die #RedAfrikaans-veldtog bekendgestel het. Dié veldtog sluit ʼn vyfpuntplan in wat ondermeer behels dat Afri-kaanse studente hul klasgelde tot en met Junie 2016

moet terughou. “Die rektor van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch

(US) se infame leuens wat hy die land vol versprei oor die behoud van Afrikaans, moenie ongesiens ver-bygaan nie.

By die Universiteit van Pretoria (UP) heers presies dieselfde situasie, met Afrikaners wat uit vergaderings gejaag word waar hul eie moedertaal bespreek word,” het Cameron bygevoeg.

AfriForum Jeug versoek die publiek om hul steun vir die behoud van Afrikaans by universiteite regoor die land te wys deur “Afrikaans” na 32687 te SMS. SMS-koste beloop R1. JD

26 Februarie/ February 2016 8 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - A dog was found chained to a pole with concrete weights on both ends on Wednesday, 17 February, by Kasselman Security Services in Meyerville.

Upon further investigation, another dog was found in the owner’s yard chained to the washing line. The SPCA was contacted and Candice Venter, training inspector from the Secunda branch, paid a visit to the scene.

The owners gave their full cooperation and during the weekend of 19 February a weath-erproof brick shelter was erected for the

STANDERTON - SAPS want to warn the community about deceitful prophets operat-ing in and around town where several unsus-pecting persons lost their hard earned cash due to false prophecies that occurred in the area.

According to information, the suspects would follow their victims, monitoring their activities and ultimately approach them pre-tending to be prophets. These ‘prophets’ will then conjure up false prophecies, in the pro-cess sending the victims away and then taking their belongings.

In a recent incident, a 24-year-old woman was allegedly hypnotised and robbed by the suspects by convincing her that she needed prayer. She was then instructed to look for a stone in a certain parking area and she was instructed to leave all her groceries, hand-bag containing a cell phone, bank cards and cash behind. According to the heartless false prophets, the stone was going to be used for

the prophetic session.When the woman returned, because she

could not find the stone, she discovered that the suspects had vanished with her belong-ings. The matter was reported to police and no one has been arrested regarding the inci-dent.

The community is warned to be cautious, and to avoid being distracted from their initial activities. They are also urged to report such suspicious persons or activities to the police. JD

STANDERTON - An awareness campaign concerning the abuse of women and children which is headed by the Department of Com-munity Safety, Security and Liaison (DCSSL) made its way to schools recently.

The initiative kicked off on Thursday, 18 February, at Stanwest Combined School and went on to Azalea Combined School on Friday, 19 February. Ms B Khanye, manager at the regional office in Ermelo, led representatives from various stakeholders in Lekwa Municipality.

Ms T Jackson from the Department of Social Development told pu-pils to take note of the various forms of abuse. She stated that bulling at school is a form of abuse. Taking illegal substances and alcohol is a form of self-destruction. Indulging in sexual activities is a form of abuse because the end result is usually regret. She urged pupils to report any form of abuse at home, in the community or at the school to the teachers, priests, the police, social workers, or any trusted adult in the community.

Vincent Dikgale from a youth group called ‘Input by Activate Lead-ership’ (sic), told pupils to protect themselves against all the different ills ravaging our society. “Once you allow yourself to be used, you end up losing your value. Your true potential will be overshadowed by the valueless image you have inherited,” Dikgale said. Captain Hlat-swayo did not hesitate to inform pupils that those involved in criminal practices at schools will be locked up in jail. He warned them that SAPS will make unannounced visits to school. After the meeting, the school principal, Mr Mathebula thanked all the participants for com-ing out to support this cause and declared that school gates are open for SAPS to come at any time. Participating schools support the ini-tiative to make schools a crime-free zone to be used for their original intention, namely teaching and learning. DM

Dogs unchained and in good condition

Kasselman Security Services found this dog chained to a pole with concrete blocks on both ends. The SPCA visited the scene and with the cooperation of the owner, this dog, infamous as a fence jumper, is no longer chained. A weather-proof shelter was erected and the height of the fence was increased. Both dogs are in a good and healthy condition.

Community warned about false prophets

Department takes awareness campaign to schools

Ms B Khanye on the left, from the DCSSL, addressed pupils at Stan-west Combined School on the ills of society and that it should always be reported in order for schools to function as intended.

dogs. The fence height was also increased and the dogs are no longer chained. Ac-cording to Venter, both dogs are healthy and in good condition. JD

Photo for illustration only.

9 26 Februarie/February 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Op Dinsdag, 16 Februarie, het die huidige waarnemende rektor van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), professor Fika van Rensburg, ‘n oud-SHSer, saam met die hoof van Hoërskool Standerton, mnr Hennie en mev Ilna Pre-torius, die hoofseun en hoofmeisie van 2016, Christiaan Janse van Rensburg en Carlie Stroebel, asook oud-SHS-leerlinge, wat tans aan die NWU studeer, gekuier.

Prof Van Rensburg het in Standerton grootgeword en was in 1969 hoofseun van die skool. Standerton en die skool lê hom baie na aan die hart en hy wou weer bande versterk met sy alma mater.

Nagenoeg vyftig oud-SHSers het die geleentheid bygewoon

wat in die Joon van Rooy-gebou se raadsaal plaasgevind het. Elke gas het geleentheid gekry om sy of haar verbintenis met die skool en met die NWU te beskryf. Prof Van Rensburg het staaltjies oor die skool vertel en van die tradisies soos ‘kiewiet -wonder’ – ‘n rubriek in die Ougoud, Hoërskool Standerton se skoolkoerant, waarvan hy die eerste redakteur was – met die gaste gedeel.

“Wat ons sal bybly is hoe prof Van Rensburg se egte menswees uitstraal as hy met elke Standertonner ‘n gesprek voer en letterlik met elkeen ‘n verbintenis het, hetsy dit met ‘n oupa of oupagrootjie was. Dit is duidelik dat die familie- en vriendskapsbande stérk loop en dat hy dit koester – iets

wat vir ons elkeen tot voorbeeld kan dien,” aldus mnr Hennie Pretorius.

Elke oud-SHS-leerling wat teenwoordig was, is dit eens dat dit ‘n besondere voorreg was om as Standertonners saam te kuier en veral om in die geselskap te kon wees van die nuutverkose rektor – ‘n persoon vir wie hulle hoë agting het. ‘n Boodskap wat die hoofseun en -meisie uit die besoek kon haal, is dat tradisie gekoester moet word, maar meer nog, dat die skool spesiaal is – SHS lewer rektors op . ‘n Rektor wat trots sy Standerton-agtergrond uitleef. “Prof Van Rensburg het ons baie spesiaal laat voel,” was Christiaan en Carlie se mening. – Hennie Pretorius, hoof van Hoërskool Standerton

NWU-rektor kuier saam met sy alma mater

Talle oud-leerlinge van Hoërskool Standerton wat tans aan die Noordwes-Universiteit stu-deer, is deur die nuutverkose waarnemende rektor, professor Fika van Rensburg, ook ‘n oud-Standertonner, uitgenooi om Dinsdag, 16 Februarie, saam met hom te kuier. Agter, van links na regs, is Henk Schoonraad, Marize Janse van Rensburg, Christiaan Byleveldt, Muller Boshoff, Pierré Strydom, Nandi Swanepoel, Denél Marneweck, Bianca Schoonraad en Nelis Janse van Rensburg. In die middel is Marli Geyser, Marli Fick, Angélique Laüfs, Suzaan Kriek, Dedré Kriek, Natasha Laüfs, Christelle Kruger, Anri Klopper en Mariaan Nel. Voor is Danél du Plessis, Christiaan Janse van Rensburg, Carlie Stroebel, prof Fika van Rensburg, mnr Hennie Pretorius (hoof), mev Ilna Pretorius, Janelize Pieterse en Ian Joubert.

Professor Fika van Rensburg, waarnemende rektor van die Noordwes-Universiteit en oud-leerlinge van Hoërskool Standerton, het die SHS-tradisies saam met die skool se huidige hoofleiers in herinnering geroep. Van links na regs is Carlie Stroebel (2016-hoofmeisie), Christiaan Janse van Rensburg (2016-hoofseun), prof Van Rensburg (1969-hoofseun), mnr Hennie Pretorius (hoof) en mev Ilna Pretorius.

26 Februarie/ February 2016 10 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News


Neem asb kennis: Alle geklassifiseerde advertensies moet asb per faks, per e-pos of per hand gelewer word. Geen telefo-niese advertensies word geplaas nie. Die spertyd vir geklassifi-seerde advertensies is Maandae 14:00.GEEN ADVERTEN-SIE SAL GEPLAAS WORD SONDER BETALING NIE! _______________Please take note: All classified adverts must be submitted by fax, e-mail or by hand. No telephonic adverts will be published. The deadline for classified adverts are Mondays 14:00.NO ADVERTISE-MENT WILL BE PLACED WITH-OUT PAYMENT!


Rubber Coat ing Solutions: Lek of roes jou dak? “RUB-BERISE” dit! Water-en-roesdigtheid op verskeidenheid van oppervlaktes gewaar-borg. NUUT: Wa-terdig jou huis mure met “RUBBER” verf. Beskikbaar in groot verskeidenheid kleure. Skakel George Foley 082 646 3630.

Sharky’s Seafood. Big variety of seafood available. Special on smoked snoek (only while stocks last). c a l a m a r i r i n g s , c a l a m a r i s t e a k , haddock, wide selec-tion of hake, mus-sel meat, salmon, soles, smoked tuna, braai snoek and more. Visit us at 45 A Beyers Naudé, Standerton. (Cosmos News pre-mises).


Hidro Kleen. Skoon-maak van matte, los matte, blinders, sit-stelle en hardevloere. Diepreiniging van huise. Valet van voer-tuie. Skakel ons vir spesiale aanbiedinge. Tel: 017 712 2499. Sel: 082 406 3190 / 084 299 3654.

________________A B C D r i v i n g School . Specia l i -sing in code 8, 10, 14. Pre-employment assesment for em-ployment purposes. All areas. Phone 082 939 8136 / 082 260 3093.

________________AM Cooling her-stel en installeer van: Yskaste, vrieskaste, koelkamers, vries-kamers, lugreëlings, industriële wasma-sjiene, tuimeldroërs, en skottelgoedwas-masjiene. Verkoop ys - troues en partytjies. Skakel Martin 081 529 7150 Susan 082 052 3348.

________________ Klavierstem en re-parasies. Koop en verkoop van tweede-handse klaviere. Ska-kel Kobus by 082 893 4099/ 013 243 0702.



Bella Blinds. Ve-netian, aluminium & w o o d b l i n d s , 25 mm and 50 mm, all your inside win-dow requirements. Re pairs to all blinds. Phone Bel la , 072 390 7490 or 017 714 1262. Fax 086 615 9985.

_______________ Phi l r i B l inds & Aw n i n g s . We d o all kinds of blinds, inside and outside. We do Vene t i an , a luminium, wood blinds, vertical, bam-boo & awnings at affordable prices. We also repair blinds. P h o n e R i k a 0 7 2 372 4191. Fax 086 639 4844.


Klopper Meubelver-voer. Groot en klein meubelvragmotors beskikbaar vir enige meubelvervoer. Eie-naartoesig en drywer met vriendelike diens. Skakel Conrad Klop-per - 082 774 6952. hcklopper@gmail.com.


JF Auto Interior, Standerton.Uphol-stery, automotive, fu rn i tu re , canvas covers, roof linings and carpets. For more information phone Jacques 072 117 0389 or Francois 072 543 5938.


Royal Kids Parties, Standerton. Your one stop party shop. All party accessories, b a l l o o n s , d e c o r, castles, tents, gaze-bos, pinatas. Jum-ping castles R250. We deliver in Stan-derton. Phone San-ta 082 331 0036.


AB Wendys. Pallet-wood wendys, knotty pine & log cabin hou-ses for sale. Each room comes with door, win-dow, zinc roof and wooden floor. Waz oil treated. Prices for pallet wood wendys 2 m x 2 m - R3 500. 3 m x 3 m - R4 000. 3 m x 4 m - R4 700. 3 m x 6 m - R7 500. For more information phone Erick 073 650 0108.

________________Awesome Wendys. We do Wendy houses at a very low price. Log cabin, knotty pine and pallet wood. Pri-ces for pallet wood 2 m x 2 m - R 3 000, 3 m x 3 m - R 3 500, 3 m x 4 m - R 4 200. We move Wendy houses from point A to B . 5 yea r s guarantee. Phone Sam 073 091 6680.


8 Ton trok vir ver-voer van vee, voer, graan en goedere te huur. Skakel Johan 083 289 2369

________________1 Slaapkamer woon-stel te huur in Mey-erville, Standerton. R 3000 per maand, water en ligte inge-sluit. Geen deposito. Dadelik beskikbaar. Skakel Willy 083 556 9430.

________________Groot netj iese 4 slaapkamer huis te huur, 2 badkamer, woon/eetkamer met kaggels . Sent raa l geleë naby Pick n Pay, Beyers Naudéstraat, Standerton. R 7000 per maand, elektrisi-teit uitgesluit. Skakel 082 554 6301 of 082 798 3400.

________________1 Slaapkamer + 2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Morgenzon, veilige omgewing in dorp. R 1500 per maand + R 1500 de-posito, water en ligte uitgesluit. 1 Woon-stel is onmiddelik beskikbaar en ander woonstel is beskik-baar einde Februarie. Skakel 082 432 9334.


Judo klasse. Maan-dae en Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. NG We s S t a n d e r t o n kerksaal, h/v Charl Cilliers- & Kruger-straat. Skakel Harold vir meer inligting 082 040 8186.


La’vie Gastehuis is geleë in die dorp, loopafstand na Stan-derton Hospitaal en El Condor Spur. Ons bied spesiale tariewe vir langtermyn gaste. Keuse tussen selfsorg eenhede of ontbyt, aandete en kospakkies op versoek. Skakel gerus vandag nog. Mil-lanie 072 879 6309.


Ebafaneni garden-ing services. Phone Sibusiso at 073 752 3862 or 076 971 0194. First come first serve.


M r. S o u n d f o r all your car sound, D STV and home theatre installations, including TV and radio repairs. Shop 1, Toristo Centre, Beyers Naudé St , Standerton, 017 712 3642 or 082 799 4276

________________ Painting and water-proofing. House and roof painting. Gut-ters, Fishboards and palisade. We also re-pair roofs. Free quo-tations. Professionals with excelent service. Phone Bernard on 084 732 3319 or visit us at Boeremeule opposite Afgri.

________________J & J W a t e r Eksplorasie. Dien-ste landswyd beskik-baa r en t een d ie bes te pryse . 95% Suksesvolle boorgate aangewys. Laat ons die eerste maal op die regte plek op u eien dom water vind. Boorplek aanwysings word met Geometrics Proton Magnetometer gedoen. E-pos: dewet-jan@lantic.net. Skakel Jan by 076 690 1472/ 076 690 1473/ 013 253 0275.

________________Is u veilig? Ska-kel Mac 083 363 9044 vir diefwering, ve i l igheidshekke , Spaanse rootyster, 10 mm en 12 mm ge-draaide vierkantyster en algemene klein werkies.

________________Afdakke, betonmure, Beta Fence en pali-sades. Enige struk-tuur of groottes. Alle materiaal is A-graad SABS. Vir kwotasies skakel Roeline 082 800 1136/ Jaco 063 525 1611/ Herman 083 289 7031.

________________Davy’s plumbing and bathroom ren-ovation. Plumbing, new installation and maintenance. Garden sprinklers and water pumps. General build-ing renovation and tiling. Phone David 083 381 8458/ 017 712 2131.


Vertoonvrieskas te koop, in werkende toestand. 520L Pal-fridge - R 6 000. Ska-kel 076 411 2028.

________________Gebou wat omskep kan word in 7 slaap-kamers, 3 badkamers en kombuis. Sement blad vir parkering en 3 afdakke. Hoekerf met besigheidsregte - R 650 000. 23 Du Plooy Straat, Bethal. Skakel Michelle Kid-son 079 516 1215.


Building construc-tion and maintenance services: From foun-dation to roof, tiling, paving and painting. A chain of profes-sional persons. Phone Mlambo 074 839 7861 or Trust 073 620 2668.

________________M.S Tiling, paint-ing and pro jec t s (Pty) Ltd. Reg nr. 2 0 1 4 / 0 2 7 0 4 3 / 0 7 . Include: building, painting, ceiling, til-ing, paving, wooden floors, stone work and ceiling tiles. For good quality work phone Mandla 076 520 8087/ 061 911 3859.


Valentine’s Specials.Bio Sculpture Gel nails - R100, Bio Sculpture Feet - R100 (combo special - both for R200). Full set Lu-cious Lashes - R200. Special valid till end of February. Open from Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm. Acrylic nails by Young Nails are also done. Phone Desiree to book your appointment today 079 654 3980.


“Elsie’s Furniture and collectables” is dringend opsoek na meubels te koop, beddens, hangkaste, sitkamerstelle, gim-nasium toerusting, breekgoed, tuinpotte, speelgoed, puik kle-rasie en linne. “Like” ons op Facebook. Skakel 078 955 7179/ 076 471 4107.


Nurul Islam Mus-lim School (NIMS) is looking for a qualified educator for Interme-diate Phase - Grade 4 - 7. The position looking to be filled is for an English teach-er to start 1 March 2016. Please phone the Principal on 083 306 3389/ 017 712 1024 to submit your CV.


Die Plaasmeule. 50kg Heel mielies R 220. 50kg “Crushed” R240 en 20kg “Crushed” R90. 20kg Sorghum R95 en 50kg Sorghum R230. Sonneblom teen R170 per 20kg. Kantoor ure: Maan-dae - Saterdae vanaf 14h00 tot 18h30. Ska-kel 082 301 2518.


3 Slaapkamer huis te huur in Morgenzon. R 3000 per maand + R 3000 deposito. Wa-ter en ligte uitgesluit. Skakel 082 432 9334.

________________Bachelor woonstel te huur. Motor af-dak, water ingesluit, Voora fbe taa lba re kragmeter. R 1600 per maand + R 1000 deposito. Vooruitbe-taalbaar. Geen kinders en diere nie. Skakel 083 513 4291 tussen 9vm en 4nm.

________________3 Slaapkamer huis te huur in Kos mospark, S t a n d e r t o n . M o -torhuis en onderdak parkering. R 6000 per maand. Skakel 060 962 1288.

11 26 Februarie/February 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

ERMELO - Gert Sibande Regional Com-munity Policing Forum held a cluster Indaba on Saturday, 20 February, at Ermelo’s Batho-Pele Centre. The regional Indaba was hosted by the Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison, of which Ms Mazibu-ko is the manager. The Gert Sibande region consists of six SAPS-clusters, namely Stand-erton, Balfour, Secunda, Ermelo, Piet Retief, and Elukwatini. At this indaba, clusters were represented by CPF-cluster chairpersons, cluster secretaries and community police of-ficers.

The Indaba was held in order to deal with

and hear input on the draft document which seeks to regulate the CPF’s national frame-work. The 54-page document was presented briefly to the audience and 36 representatives eventually interrupted the commission’s ses-sion in order to deal with and scrutinise the document. The Indaba made a resolution that an amended draft be presented on 12 March at the regional cluster meeting. The document is intended to form the basis of CPF training modules that will empower members to effec-tively perform their duties in the community, in order to fight crime within the framework of the law. DM

PROVINCIAL - How can it be that Mpu-malanga government managed to spend 99% of its employee budget for salaries, but 17 000 funded vacant posts are still not filled?

According to the 2014/2015 Annual Re-ports of all Mpumalanga departments, over R21 billion was spent on Cost of Employees (COE) during the 2014/15 financial year, de-spite a 19% vacancy rate.

Premier David Mabuza should give a clear explanation on the expenditure of this amount during the next oral reply season in the Pro-vincial Legislature.

This is in stark contrast to what the Pre-mier recently said when he indicated that the provincial government has placed all depart-ments on an ongoing moratorium to decrease the provincial wage bill.

This exercise is now proving to be fruitless as the Cost of Employees budget has steadily increased by 14% since 2012.

The Premier stated that the moratorium on vacant funded posts will continue into the new financial year due to the provincial budg-

et being cut by approximately R1 billion. It is clear that job opportunities are not being created for the unemployed as the unemploy-ment rate in the province is at approximately 39.0% including those who have given up on looking for employment.

This is another indication of the Mpuma-langa Government’s inability to deal with unemployment. This province is in desperate need of change that can bring equal opportu-nities to the poorest of the poor. \

The residents of Mpumalanga have been bombarded with media reports about govern-ment projects using up millions, and often bil-lions, of taxpayers’ money and most of them are never completed.

Clean governance is a key requirement for among others successful service deliv-ery. Where the DA governs our institutions and robust processes ensure transparency, accountability and efficient delivery of gov-ernmental projects and services. Rooting out corruption in the public service is a key prior-ity for the DA. JD

Kaptein Ena Bester van Standerton Polisiestasie het Dinsdag, 16 Februarie, verneem dat sy ‘n kontantprys van die SAPD-bejaarde-sorgfonds gewen het. Afgetrede kommissaris, MW Ngobeni, het die prys aan haar oorhandig. Van links na regs is kaptein Rika Wepener, kommissaris Ngobeni, kaptein Ena Bester en Tom Mackenzie.

STANDERTON - Several identification documents and drivers license cards were hand-ed in at Cosmos News. Should one belong to you, you are welcome to collect it during normal working hours at our offices in Beyers Naudé Street. The most recent documents belong to Ruben Jacobus Prinsloo, Nomzamo Makgauta Monyatsi, Sello John Thabana, Jabulile Patience Masuku, Fredar Maphoko Maredi, Moses Lantu Qhinela, Bafana Silyas Mokoena and Khumbulani Mandlenkosi Emmanuel Mchunu. A driver’s license of PC Mkhwanazi was also handed in. JD

Workers from the Depart-ment of Health tested peo-ple from the community for diabetes, high blood pres-sure, HIV and Aids, and TB. People who were diagnosed with any ailments were then referred to health centres, such as clinics and public hospitals for free treatment. This travelling clinic started their services at Standerton Taxi Rank on Monday, 15 February. They were also present at the Gert Sibande College campus on 18 and 19 February.

Regional cluster holds CPF indaba

A CPF Indaba was held by the regional cluster at Ermelo’s Batho-Pele Centre. The entire Gert Sibande region, which consists of six clusters, were in attendance and many important issues like the alignment of the CPF with SAPS were discussed.

Department of Health goes mobile

En die wenner is...

Over 21 billion spent, 17 000 funded vacant posts still not filled

ID documents at Cosmos

26 Februarie/February 2016 12 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Agtien van Laerskool Trichardt se topatlete het die afgelope naweek aan die Gert Sibande-streeksbyeenkoms in Bethal deelgeneem waar tien gekwalifiseer het om Saterdag, 27 Februarie, aan die Mpumalanga-byeenkoms in Secunda deel te neem. Agter, van links na regs, is Armand Kwooitz, Suné Stander, Dané Steyn, Marjohané Kruger en Rachel van Tonder. Voor is Tshiamo Maphanga, Maretha Louwrens, Jahné Fourie en Zac Loock. Nokwanda Mashego was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.

Thobelane Secondary School in Sakhile has received rugby kits and equipment to boost their training and skills development. The 2016 qualifying matches will kick off soon and both boys and girls are training hard and geared to make the province proud. To boost their morale, the Regional Department of Education has donated full kits and other training equipment to both teams. FE Madela and LM Lukhele are rugby development coaches who were on hand to groom these young and aspiring future stars at local schools in Sakhile. From left to right are school principal Danie Ngwenya, L Lukhele (coach), N Coka, S Dladla, M Moloi and F Madela (coach).

STANDERTON – A very ambitious athletics team from Thobelane Secondary School in Sakhile is set to go all the way to provincial acclaim when they take part in the district competition, to be held in Secunda on Friday, 26 February.

This team was triumphant at the recently

held circuit competition and now they are training extra hard to make their dreams come true. The team manager, Ms F Mchunu, admitted that the competition will be tough, but the mood and the spirit in the camp is very high and athletes are geared up for the challenge ahead. DM

Athletics team set for provincial honours

Athletes from Thobelane Secondary School in Sakhile competed in the recently held circuit competition and look forward to giving it their all in the District Competition which will be held on Friday, 26 February in Secunda. From left to right are T Selepe, S Nyembe, FC Mchunu (team manager), N Mahlangu, SP Mlotshwa, and Ms N Myakayaka (paramedic).

Trichardt-atlete dring deur

Thobelane rugby teams receive boost

Inkleurboek helpNASIONAAL - AfriForum Jeug het ’n open-bare studentegesprek op die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) se Rooiplein gevoer. Dié gesprek volg op en handel oor die onlangse gebeure op die US-kampus rakende die US se taalbeleid, asook die universiteitsbestuur se onbillike en onregverdige optrede tydens die persgesigdebakel. Die gesprek is afge sluit met die oorhandiging van ’n versoekskrif én inkleurboek en vetkryte aan die universiteits-raad – in die besonder prof Wim de Villiers, die rektor en visekanselier van die US.

“AfriForum Jeug ag dit baie belangrik dat elke student – ook oudstudente – se stem op kampus gehoor word. Met dié gesprek het ons hulle dié geleentheid gebied,” het Bernard Pieters, AfriForum Jeug se Maties-Kampus-koördineerder, verduidelik.

Die versoekskrif, wat aan mnr Johan Aspeling, US-registrateur, gerig is, bevat on-dermeer ’n versoek dat ’n kommissie aange-stel word om te ondersoek of prof De Villiers wel van die taalbeleidveranderings bewus was toe hy sy toespraak tydens die konvoka-sieverkiesing in Januarie vanjaar gelewer het. Mnr Pieter Kloppers, die direkteur van die sentrum vir studentegemeenskappe wat ook direk met die “blackfacing”-aangeleentheid gemoeid was, het dié versoekskrif en inkleur-boek namens die US ontvang.

Ian Cameron, AfriForum Jeug se nasionale woordvoerder, het die inkleurboek en kryte soos volg verduidelik: “Ons sluit die inkleur-boek en kleurkryte in om die universiteit te help om tussen kleure te onderskei.” JD

13 26 Februarie/February 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

‘n Groot groep van Standerton Akademie se atlete het Saterdag, 20 Februarie, aan die Oos-Transvaalbyeenkoms in Groblersdal deelgeneem en hul tuisdorp se naam hooggehou. As gevolg van hul puik vertonings het 28 atlete – die meeste in die skool se geskiedenis – gekwalifiseer om in Maart aan die Suid-Afrikaanse-byeenkoms vir BCVO-skole in Groblersdal deel te neem. By die atlete is me Denise Nortjé, hul trotse afrigter.

STANDERTON - Laerskool Standerton se atletiekspan het Saterdag, 20 Februarie, hul staal tydens die Gert Sibande-streeksbyeenkoms by Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk in Bethal gewys, toe die skool tien gouemedaljes, nege silwermedaljes en vier bronsmedaljes verower het en drie spogrekords opgestel het.

Erin Brouwer het die o-12-gewigstootrekord na 10.68 m verbeter, terwyl Jana Swart die o-12-spiesgooirekord by 20.21 m laat trek het. Taylor Ritchie het op haar beurt ‘n nuwe o-10-gewigstootrekord van 8.04 m opgestel.

Die volgende leerlinge het almal gouemedaljes huis toe gebring: Matthew

Burger (hoogspring, o-13), Erin Brouwer (gewigstoot, o-12), Louw de Wet (75- en 150 m-hekkies, o-12), Jana Swart (spiesgooi, o-12), Zandré van Wyk (150 m-hekkies, o-12), Quein Joubert (1 200 m, o-10), Ané Prinsloo (80- en 100 m, o-10) en Taylor Ritchie (gewigstoot, o-10).

‘n Allemintige 18 van Laerskool Standerton se atlete kwalifiseer om aan die Mpumalanga-byeenkoms deel te neem wat eerskomende naweek by die Secunda-stadion aangebied sal word.

Dit is een van die mees gesogte byeenkomste van die seisoen waar die atlete wys waarvan hulle gemaak is. DK

Sewe van Laerskool Kalie de Haas se vlytige atlete is na afloop van Saterdag se streeksbyeenkoms by Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk in die Gert Sibandespan opgeneem wat Saterdag, 27 Februarie, aan die Mpumalanga-byeenkoms gaan deelneem. Agter, van links na regs, is Martin Meyer (80 m-hekkies), mnr Pieter Bakker (hoof) en Kyle van der Colff (1 500 m). In die middel is Reghardt Burger (hoogspring), Mariska van der Mescht (gewigstoot) en Jaco Booysen (hoogspring). Voor is Danelle van Wyk (hoogspring) en Bandile Thenjewayo (verspring en 70 m-hekkies). Hierdie atlete het almal in die top vier tydens die streeksbyeenkoms geëindig.

18 Stannies deur na provinsiale stryd

Hierdie groep atlete van Laerskool Standerton kwalifiseer om aan die Mpumalanga-byeen-koms in Secunda deel te neem. By hulle is mnr Joe Gouws, afrigter en atletiekorganiseerder.

Kalie-sewe deur na Mussa’sRekordgetal deur na SA’s

26 Februarie/February 2016 14 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

1. Johann van Rensburg and André Burger (45 gross)2. Dries van Vuuren and Louis Gravett (41 gross)3. Aldo Arnaldi and Nico Lombard (40 gross)4. Jacques Ferreira and Quinton Martin (39 gross)

League: Standerton Spring Chickens vs Bethal (5-3)

Results: 4-Ball Golf Competition (20 February)

Thirty-five excited golf players teed off for Standerton Country Club’s 4-Ball-Better-Ball competition this past weekend. Aldo Arnaldi (in action) and partner Nico Lombard ended third with gross 40.

ERMELO - Geesvangliedjies en wegspringskote het die afgelope naweek in Ermelo weergalm toe Hoërskool Hoogenhout, Hoërskool Ermelo, Hoërskool Secunda, Hoërskool Standerton, Hoërskool Volksrust, Hoërskool Piet Retief, Hoërskool Generaal Hertzog en Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie dinge Saterdag, 20 Februarie, tydens die jaarlikse Interhoërbyeenkoms uitgespook het.

Hoërskool Standerton het soos oudergewoonte glad nie teleurgestel nie en die algehele derdeplek met 468 punte, die gesogte geesbeker en die trofee vir die skool met die beste dirigentspan verower. Hoërskool Ermelo het die Interhoërbeker met 515 punte gewen, terwyl Hoërskool Secunda met 491 punte in die tweedeplek pronk.

Die Standerton-atlete het individueel geskitter en vyf trofeë huis toe gebring – Donovan Uys (beste senior seun, naellope

en hekkies), Siyabonga Khoza (beste senior seun, spronge), Marlize Pretorius (beste senior meisie, middel- en langafstande) en Siyabonga Tshabalala (beste senior seun, middel- en langafstande). Tshabalala het ook die baanrekord vir die o-19 400 m-item van 50.5 sekondes na 49.5 sekondes verbeter, terwyl Khoza die o-16-hoogspringrekord van 1.86 m na 1.87 m verbeter het.

Hoërskool Standerton se o-16-meisies het vir ‘n asemrowende aflosvertoning gesorg en die ander sewe skole se spanne met ‘n nuwe baanrekord van 51.6 sekondes uitoorlê. Hulle het hiervoor gouemedaljes ontvang.

Wat die skool se beste atlete betref, is Hugo Beeslaar en Karissa van Wyk as Standerton se junior victor en victrix ludorum aangewys. Donovan Uys en Petra Human spog op hul beurt met die titels van senior victor en victrix ludorum. DK

SHS ryg die Interhoërtrofeë in

Hoërskool Standerton se o-16-meisie-aflosspan het vir een van die byeenkoms se hoogtepunte gesorg toe hulle die baanrekord gebreek het. Dié vier meisies is met gouemedaljes huis toe. Van links na regs is Magdaleen Duminy, Ané du Preez, Melissa de Wet en Lerato Mokoena.

Siyabonga Khoza, ‘n o-16-atleet van Hoërskool Standerton, het die Interhoërtrofee vir die beste senior atleet in spronge ontvang en ook die hoogspringbaanrekord na 1.87 m verbeter.

Interhoër statistiekHoërskool Standerton 61 medaljesHoërskool Secunda 69 medaljesHoërskool Ermelo 76 medaljesHoërskool Hoogenhout 62 medaljesHoërskool Generaal Hertzog 38 medaljesHoërskool Volksrust 30 medaljesLigbron Akademie vir Tegnologie 51 medaljesHoërskool Piet Retief 29 medaljes

15 26 Februarie/February 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

ERMELO - Die fikse atlete van agt grootskole het dinge Saterdag, 20 Februarie, op die atletiekbaan tydens die jaarlikse Hoëveld-uitnodigingsbyeenkoms – alom as die Interhoërbyeenkoms bekend – uitgespook en vir ‘n skouspelagtige sportbyeenkoms gesorg wat sekerlik as een van dié jaar se hoogtepunte onthou sal word.

Die dag was gekenmerk deur deurgaande strawwe kompetisie van al agt deelnemende skole op die veld, baan en pawiljoen.

Die skole wat meegeding het, was Hoërskool Ermelo, Hoërskool Hoogenhout, Hoërskool Secunda, Hoërskool Standerton, Hoërskool Volksrust, Hoërskool Piet Retief, Hoërskool Generaal Hertzog en Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie, die gasheerskool wat die byeenkoms aangebied en georganiseer het.

Die atlete van Hoërskool Ermelo het behoorlik presteer, aangesien die skool ná ‘n wendroogte van 13 jaar met die wenbeker huis toe is en twee atlete opgelewer het wat as

die beste van die dag aangewys is. Luyanda Mabuza (o-14) het die trofee vir die beste middel- en langafstandatleet onder die juniorseuns verower, terwyl Zané Rothman (o-17) met die titel van senior victrix ludorum bekroon is.

Hoërskool Ermelo se meisie-atlete het die ander skole se spanne vir die trofee vir die algehele beste meisiespan uitgestof. Die skool se seunspan het op hul beurt die algehele tweedeplek verower en die knie met net twee punte teen Hoërskool Secunda se seuns gebuig.

Volgens die algehele puntestand het die Ermeloërs vir Hoërskool Secunda met 24 naelbytpunte uitgestof. Hoërskool Standerton pronk in die derdeplek, maar het die geesbeker rég onder die ander deelnemers se neuse opgeraap.

Hoërskool Ermelo bedank graag elke atleet, afrigter, sangatleet, dirigent, onderwyser en ouer wat elkeen hul deel tot die skool se pragoorwinning bygedra het. Gepraat van die wa deur die drif trek... DK

STANDERTON - Op Sater-dag, 20 Februarie, het die Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk in Standerton hul ope-hengelkompetisie by Groot-draaidam aangebied.

Ongeveer 150 hengelaars het met stok en katrol die sterk wind trotseer en heelwat visse

Eastvaal Standerton welcomes new staff. From left to right are Mr Christo Jacobs (Sales Manager), Ben Hayes (Salesman) and Norman Skhosana (Salesman). Please feel free to visit them at Eastvaal Standerton, 15 Krogh Street, or phone them on 017 712 1220.

Erries wen Interhoërbeker na 13 jaar

Die Hoëveld-uitnodigingsbyeenkoms van 2016 het die afgelope naweek vir gróót opslae gesorg toe die agt deelnemende skole dinge vir die gesogte Interhoërbeker uitgespook het. Vanjaar was Hoërskool Ermelo se beurt nadat dié skool die beker vir die laaste keer in 2003 verower het. Zané Rothman, ‘n o-17 Ermelo-atleet, is as senior victrix ludorum bekroon.

Skubbe spat by hengelkompetisie

Van links na regs is Neels Swart (swaarste modderbek van 1.153 kg), Flippie van Vuuren (swaarste baber van 10.451 kg), ds Jan du Raan (leraar), Thea van der Merwe (kleinste vis naaste aan 100 g) en Markus Gleeson (swaarste karp van 3.437 kg).

Welcome to new sales team

is gevang en ingeweeg. Thea van der Merwe stap met

haar vissie van 103 gram met die prys vir die kleinste vis naaste aan 100 g weg. Neels Swart vang die swaarste modderbek (1.153kg) en Markus Gleeson katrol die swaarste karp (3.437 kg) kant toe. Flippie van

Vuuren wys sy medehengelaars hoe om baber te vang en weeg ‘n bielie van 10.451 kg in.

Die leraar, ds Jan du Raan, het na afloop van die kompe-tisie almal bedank vir hulle ondersteuning en spogtrofeë aan die wenners oorhandig. JD

26 Februarie/February 2016 16 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

ERMELO - Plaaslike entoesiaste was op die punte van hul stoele toe Ermelo se Lizelle Lee die Engelse boulers verlede week tydens die Protea-vrouespan se beslissende wedstryd in die eendagreeks op die Wanderers in Johan-nesburg, laat sweet het. Sy het altesaam 155 lopies in drie kragmetings aangeteken.

Die eerste wedstryd het op ‘n konserwatiewe noot begin toe Lee 12 lopies met drie viere gemoker het voordat sy uitgehaal is. Sy het die tweede stryd op 12 Februarie met 69 lopies vanaf 56 balle afgesluit en haar span se oorwinning verseker toe haar vennootskap met Marzanne Kapp, 112 lopies in 14 beurte opgelewer het.

Sy is as speler van die wedstryd aangewys en het die reeks met hierdie oorwinning gelykgemaak.

Die derde en beslissende kragmeting het Woensdag,

17 Februarie, plaasgevind. Lizelle het haar kant ge-bring en 74 indrukwekkende lopies van 77 balle, wat meer as tien viere en ‘n ses ingesluit het, aangeteken. Die Proteas moes egter, ondanks Lee se uitnemende kolfwerk, die knie buig en het sodoende die reeks teen Engeland verloor.

Hierdie 23-jarige oudleerling van Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie het haar Protea-debuut in 2013 in Ban-gladesj gemaak waar sy haarself as aanvangskolwer met haar swaartref-kolfstyl gevestig het. Sy en Dané van Niekerk het ‘n rekordaanvangsvenootskap tydens die 2014 ICC Vroue Wêreld T20-reeks met 164 lopies gemaak. Lee is tans in haar derdejaar by die Noordwes-Universiteit waar sy onderwys studeer. (Bron: Cricket South Africa). DK

Ermeloër teken 155 lopies vir Proteas aan

Lizelle Lee het 155 lopies vir die Proteaspan tydens hul eendagreeks teen Engeland aangeteken. (Foto’s: Google Images)