458/PEF-DIR/III/2014 - idx.co.id · pariwisata, yang membutuhkan transportasi publik yang memadai....


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Jakarta, 20 Maret 2014

Kepada Yth.1. PT Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

Graha White Horse Lt.2JI. Tanjung Selor NO.1?Jakarta, 10150

u.p. Ibu Angreta Chandra, Direktur

2. PT Bursa Efek IndonesiaGedung Bursa Efek IndonesiaJI. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53Jakarta Selatan, 12190

u.p. Bapak Ito Warsito, Direktur UtamaBapak Hoesen, Direktur Penilaian Perusahaan

Perihal: Publikasi Laporan Penilaian Target Harga Referensi Saham PT PanoramaTransportasi, Tbk.

Dengan hormat,

Sehubungan dengan penugasan yang kami peroleh untuk melakukan Penilaian Target HargaReferensi Saham, dengan ini kami sampaikan hasil penilaian kami atas saham PT PanoramaTransportasi, Tbk (WEHA) dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris.

Apabila masih ada hal-hal yang memerlukan penjelasan lebih lanjut, mohon agar menghubungi kami.Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

Ronald T. Andi Kasim, CFADirektur Utama

Tembusan : Ibu Umi Kulsum, Kepala Divisi Pencatatan Sektor Jasa, PT Bursa Efek Indonesia


PT. Pemeringkat Efek IndonesiaPanin Tower Senayan City, 17th FloorJI. Asia Afrika Lot. 19, Jakarta 10270, INDONESIAPhone: (62-21) 7278 2380 • Fax: (62-21) 7278 2370

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 1 dari 14

Kontak: Equity & Index Valuation Division Phone: (6221) 7278 2380 info-equityindexvaluation@PEFINDO.co.id

“Pernyataan disclaimer pada halaman

akhir merupakan bagian yang tidak

terpisahkan dari dokumen ini”


Panorama Transportasi, Tbk Laporan Utama

Equity Valuation

20 Maret 2014

Target Harga

Terendah Tertinggi 410 570


Kinerja Saham












WEHA IJ Equity JCI Index

Sumber: Bloomberg

Informasi Saham Rp Rp

Kode saham WEHA PBRX

Harga Saham per 19 Maret 2014 267 440

Harga Saham Tertinggi 52 Minggu Terakhir 272 520

Harga Saham Terendah 52 Minggu Terakhir 155 375

Kapitalisasi Pasar Tertinggi 52 Minggu (Miliar) 1.160 1.593

Kapitalisasi Pasar Terendah 52 Minggu (miliar) 663 1.149

Market Value Added & Market Risk






















2012 2013












MVA Market Risk

Sumber: Bloomberg

Pemegang Saham (%)

PT Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk 52.7

Tirtawisata Satrijanto 0.41

Publik (Kepemilikan dibawah 5%) 46.9

*Catatan: Per 30 September 2013

Membuka Nilai Yang Tersembunyi

PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk (WEHA) telah berdiri sejak 11 September 2001 sebagai penyedia jasa transportasi yang dapat mendukung bisnis dari perusahaan induk, PT Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk (PANR). Salah

satu penyedia jasa layanan perjalanan dan rekreasi terbesar di Indonesia. WEHA menyediakan layanan transportasi darat seperti: (i) sewa bus dengan merek White Horse Deluxe Coach, (ii) layanan taksi

eksekutif dengan merek White Horse Premium Cab, (iii) jasa transportasi antar-kota dengan merek Joglosemar dan Day Trans, (iv) layanan sewa mobil dan limusin dengan merek Europcar, dan (v) taksi regular dengan merek White Horse Taxi. Perseroan juga menawarkan perjalanan wisata, layanan tiket, dan jasa biro perjalanan.

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akhir merupakan bagian tak

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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 2 dari 14

Pertumbuhan Kelas Menengah yang Cepat Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang cepat menyebabkan pertumbuhan

kelas menengah bertambah dan mendorong banyak kesempatan bisnis, termasuk perusahaan seperti WEHA. Asian Development Bank mendefinisikan pendapatan kelas menengah sebagai orang-orang yang menghabiskan USD2-USD20 per hari. Selain itu, pemerintah berusaha

untuk membatasi pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan dengan menaikkan persyaratan uang muka dan pajak, yang kami percaya akan meningkatkan permintaan untuk transportasi umum seperti taksi. Selanjutnya, pemerintah berusaha untuk mengembangkan sektor pariwisata, yang membutuhkan transportasi publik yang memadai. Semua ini diharapkan dapat mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis transportasi

seperti WEHA. Segmen Taksi Memberikan Kontribusi Lebih Kedepan Manajemen WEHA mengungkapkan rencana Perseroan untuk menambah armada taksi, dimana pada tahun 2013 diperluas dari hanya taksi premium menjadi taksi premium dan reguler. Perusahaan telah

mengakuisisi 200 unit taksi pada Oktober 2013 dan berencana untuk

mengakuisisi lebih dari 100 unit pada tahun 2014. Kami melihat ini sebagai langkah positif karena pasokan taksi di Jakarta masih terbatas dibandingkan dengan kebutuhan. Dengan menangkap kebutuhan yang tinggi ini, kami yakin kinerja keuangan WEHA akan mendapat dukungan lebih solid. Marjin yang Lebih Baik di Masa Depan

Kami memproyeksikan laba pada tahun 2013 turun menjadi Rp1 miliar dari Rp5 miliar di tahun sebelumnya karena biaya pendanaan yang lebih tinggi untuk ekspansi WEHA. Kami percaya segmen taksi regular yang baru saja diluncurkan akan mulai membuahkan hasil pada tahun 2014 yang menyebabkan marjin lebih tinggi secara keseluruhan. Kami memperkirakan marjin laba kotor akan mencapai 32% pada tahun 2014,

di atas proyeksi marjin di tahun 2013 sebesar 24%. Selain itu, kami yakin biaya iklan dan promosi akan tumbuh lebih lambat di masa depan karena masyarakat sudah menyadari merek White Horse. Hal ini akan

menghasilkan marjin laba operasi yang lebih tinggi pada tahun 2014 sebesar 16% dibandingkan dengan 13% pada tahun 2012. Prospek Usaha

Kami percaya WEHA akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang kuat. Perseroan juga akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari sistim transportasi yang saat ini belum efisien, karena dimana menciptakan permintaan yang sangat tinggi untuk moda transportasi yang nyaman dan aman seperti taksi. Berdasarkan data dari Euro Monitor, Indonesia merupakan salah satu yang memiliki tingkat penetrasi taksi terendah antara negara-negara tetangga seperti

Singapura, Thailand dan Malaysia. Hanya 0,24 taksi per 1.000 orang di Indonesia dibandingkan dengan 3,12 di Malaysia. Dengan demikian, kami merespon positif ekspansi WEHA ke dalam segmen taksi reguler. Kami memperkirakan pendapatan WEHA tumbuh sebesar 24% pada tahun 2013 menjadi Rp249 miliar dengan CAGR 22% selama 2012-2015.

Tabel 1: Ringkasan Kinerja

2010 2011 2012 2013P 2014P

Penjualan [Rp Miliar] 136 172 201 249 329

Laba sebelum pajak [Rp Miliar]

0,7 10,1 9,8 1,4 24,1

Laba bersih [Rp Miliar] 0,3 4,3 5,7 1,0 17,4

EPS [Rp] 0,7 10,1 13,4 2,4 40,7

Pertumbuhan EPS [%] (94,3) 1.407 32,8 (81,7) 1.564,2

P/E [x] 390,3 25,9 19,5 106,8 6,4

PBV [x] 1,5 1,4 1,3 1,1 0,4

Sumber: Laporan Audit PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Berdasarkan harga saham WEHA per 19 Maret 2014 – Rp267/saham


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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 3 dari 14

Kondisi Yang Solid di Indonesia

Meskipun Indonesia tahun lalu mengalami pelebaran defisit neracara berjalan dan mata uang yang terdepresiasi, ekonomi masih tumbuh dengan sehat sebesar 5,78%. Selain itu, kami percaya ekonomi akan mulai pulih pada tahun 2014, terutama mengingat pemilu mendatang, yang biasanya berarti tingkat belanja Pemerintah yang lebih tinggi. Hal ini ditambah dengan fakta bahwa kelas menengah di Indonesia terus tumbuh pesat, dan diperkirakan dapat memberikan

dampak positif ke berbagai sektor bisnis, khususnya bisnis transportasi. Karena masyarakat Indonesia menikmati pendapatan yang lebih tinggi, mereka menuntut sebuah transportasi yang lebih nyaman dari angkutan umum, seperti taksi. Selain itu, Pemerintah mengerahkan upaya untuk meningkatkan industri pariwisata. Kunjungan wisatawan yang lebih tinggi berarti kebutuhan yang lebih tinggi untuk cara transportasi yang mudah dan aman. Sayangnya, sistem transportasi di Indonesia masih jauh dari memadai dan oleh karena itu

permintaan untuk taksi terutama di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta akan meningkat. Kami berpandangan bahwa rencana WEHA untuk lebih berkonsentrasi pada bisnis taksi sangat positif, dan kami percaya melalui ini Perseroan akan

menuai keuntungan di masa depan.

Penetrasi Rendah Berdasarkan data dari Euro Monitor, penduduk Jakarta telah lebih dari 10 juta penduduk pada tahun 2011 dan masih terus berkembang. Tingkat urbanisasi di Indonesia juga merupakan yang tertinggi di dibandingkan dengan negara-negara tetangga seperti Malaysia, Thailand dan Vietnam. Namun demikian, penetrasi taksi di Indonesia adalah yang terendah di wilayah tersebut. Dengan demikian, permintaan untuk taksi tetap sangat tinggi dan WEHA sudah mulai mengambil

keuntungan dari pasar ini yang berpotensi besar ini, Perseroan diharapkan untuk menikmati kinerja keuangan yang lebih baik ke depan.

Gambar 1: Wisatawan Asing

Sumber: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing


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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 4 dari 14

Gambar 2: Pasokan Taksi vs Permintaan di Jabodetabek

Sumber: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Profil Bisnis Pelayanan WEHA terdiri dari penyewaan bis, shuttle antar kota, taksi eksekutif dan reguler, jasa sewa mobil & limousine, wisata, dan jasa travel biro. Jaringan bisnis perusahaan yang tersebar di Palembang, Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, dan Denpasar. Mengingat prospek cerah bagi industri pariwisata, kami percaya bahwa WEHA dapat terus memperluas jaringan bisnisnya di masa depan

1. White Horse Deluxe Coach

Merek ini diluncurkan pada tahun 2001 dan telah tumbuh menjadi pemain terkemuka sebagai penyedia jasa sewa bis. Dengan pilihan dari bis besar,

bis sedang hingga minivan, armada-armada ini sangat cocok untuk ukuran dari semua kelompok. White Horse Deluxe Coach didukung dengan

teknologi terbaru, keahlian logistik dan kantor operasional yang ditempatkan secara strategis. Pusat layanan mereka di Jakarta, Bali, Bandung, Palembang, Semarang, Surabaya dan Yogyakarta.

Gambar 3: White Horse Deluxe Coach

Sumber: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Brand NameWhite Horse Deluxe Coach

ServicesBus Charter, Employee Shuttle, School Bus

ArmadaBig Bus (43- 59 seaters)Medium Bus (18 – 30 seaters)Mini Van (5 – 12 seaters)

Area of Operations Sumatera, Jawa, Bali

Total Bus : 360 unit(Per Sep’13)

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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 5 dari 14

2. White Horse Executive Taxi White Horse Executive Taxi merupakan layanan taksi eksekutif yang memiliki slogan “Premium but Affordable”, di mana taksi ini menyediakan

layanan kelas premium dengan harga yang bersaing. Semua taksi

Perseroan dipandu oleh pengemudi yang handal dan terpercaya yang mampu memberikan pelayanan terbaiknya. Pelanggan juga akan dimanjakan dengan interior yang mewah dan nyaman, serta luas. Armada ini juga dilengkapi dengan GPS untuk memastikan keakuratan arah dan efisiensi waktu perjalanan, serta didukung dengan sistem operasional taksi yang terpercaya.

Gambar 4: White Horse Executive Taxi

Sumber: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

3. White Horse Taxi

White Horse Taxi merupakan layanan taksi regular yang diluncurkan pada bulan Oktober 2013. Perseroan telah memiliki 200 unit armada dan akan

bertambah di tahun 2014. Taksi ini dilengkapi dengan alat Global

Positioning System (GPS), ruangan yang luas, perlengkapan hiburan, dan supir yang profesional.

Gambar 5: White Horse Taxi

Sumber: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Brand NameWhite Horse Executive Taxi

ServicesExecutive Taxi

ArmadaHyundai SonataHyundai i45

Total Taxi : 399 unit (Per Sept 13)

FacilitiesSatellite TVReceipt PrinterGPS Tracking SystemPre-paid Voucher

Area of OperationsJabodetabek

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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 6 dari 14

4. Angkutan Antar Kota Day Trans Executive Shuttle menyediakan layanan antar harian dengan pick up dan drop off service yang berlokasi strategis. Lokasi counter Day

Trans terletak di jantung kota Jakarta dan distrik pusat perbelanjaan yang

terkenal di Bandung. Untuk kenyamanan para pelanggan, Day Trans berangkat setiap jam meskipun dengan 1 orang keberangkatan. Day Trans Executive Shuttle juga tersedia di Jawa Tengah meliputi Yogyakarta - Semarang - Salatiga - Jepara/ Kudus dan kedepannya di Tegal, Pekalongan dan Purwokerto. Selain melayani antar pick up dan drop off service, Day Trans Executive Shuttle juga menawarkan pelayanan travel, dan pengantaran paket.

Gambar 6: Angkutan Antar-Kota

Brand NameDay TransJoglosemar

ServicesJogja – Solo – SemarangJakarta – Bandung

ArmadaBig Bus (40 seaters)Mini Van (8 - 14seaters)

Area of OperationsJakarta (15)Bandung (4)JogjaSoloSemarang

Sumber: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

5. Sewa Mobil (Europcar)

PT. Panorama Transportasi telah melihat peluang dalam jasa penyewaan

kendaraan, dan mengambil pengelolaan master waralaba Europcar

Indonesia. Europcar Indonesia menyediakan jasa penyewaan kendaraan dengan layanan sekelas limosin untuk memenuhi penggunaan sewa jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Perseroan menawarkan solusi transportasi yang fleksibel yang dapat disesuaikan dengan keinginan pelanggan, korporat maupun non-korporat.

Gambar 7: Penyewaan Mobil

Brand Name/ServicesEuropcar Indonesia

ServicesSelf-drive / with driver

ArmadaFamily CarSedan ClassMinivan

Area of OperationsJawa, Bali

Total : 159 Unit(Per Sept 13)

Sumber: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 7 dari 14

Bisnis Yang Terdiversifikasi Perseroan menyadari bahwa kelompok-kelompok yang berbeda dari pelanggan memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda dan menuntut tingkat pelayanan yang

berbeda, dan dengan demikian telah dirancang lini bisnis untuk memenuhi

berbagai segmen pasar. Lini bisnis Perseroan menawarkan jasa untuk berbagai kelompok pelanggan mulai dari yang institusional hingga wisatawan ritel. Dengan merek-merek terkenal dan berbagai macam penawaran, kami percaya Perusahaan akan mampu berkembang di pasar.

Gambar 8: Pasar Utama WEHA





Sumber: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Fasilitas Terintegrasi Kunjungan ke kantor WEHA menunjukkan bahwa armada kendaraan bertempat di sebuah pool yang terintegrasi, yang memungkinkan Perseroan untuk menanggapi masalah di lapangan segera.

Gambar 9: Fasilitas dan Pool WEHA

Sumber: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 8 dari 14

Pertumbuhan Pendapatan yang Solid di Masa Depan

Kami percaya Perseroan akan mulai mendapatkan imbal hasil pada tahun 2014

dari segmen baru perseroan yaitu taksi reguler. Layanan baru yang diluncurkan pada Oktober 2013, dan dengan demikian masih memiliki tingkat utilisasi yang sangat rendah. Kami memperkirakan Perusahaan hanya menggunakan 20% dari rasio running days, tetapi kami yakin angka ini bisa melebihi 50% pada tahun 2014. Kami memperkirakan bahwa WEHA akan membukukan pendapatan Rp249 miliar pada 2013, naik 24% YoY, dan Rp329 miliar pada 2014, naik 32% YoY.

Gambar 10: Pertumbuhan Pendapatan Solid














2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

CAGR: 25%

Sumber: Laporan Audit PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Mendorong Belanja Modal untuk Pertumbuhan di Masa Depan Perseroan merencanakan belanja modal sebesar Rp172 miliar pada tahun 2014. Ini akan digunakan untuk meningkatkan armada taksi reguler menjadi 300 unit dan memperoleh 10 bus baru. Belanja modal ini akan didanai melalui rights issue dan kas internal. Pada 9M2013, posisi kas WEHA yaitu Rp34 miliar, naik 26% YoY. Proyeksi kami menunjukkan bahwa dana baru dari right issue dan

keuntungan yang lebih tinggi dapat meningkatkan posisi kas mencapai Rp166

miliar pada tahun 2014.

Gambar 11: Saldo Kas WEHA

3.42 2.82

26.75 36.53












2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sumber: Laporan Audit PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi

Saham & Indexing


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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 9 dari 14

Depresiasi dan Bahan Bakar Merupakan Komponen Biaya Utama Penyusutan menyumbang 34% dari total beban pokok penjualan di 9M2013 diikuti oleh bahan bakar, yang menyumbang 25%. Kami percaya kinerja WEHA

tidak terlalu terpengaruh oleh kenaikan harga BBM pada tahun 2013, karena

Perseroan membebankan biaya ini ke konsumen dan model bisnis taksi membebankan biaya bahan bakar kepada supir. Kami percaya WEHA dapat mempertahankan marjin kotor di atas 30%.

Gambar 12: Komponen Biaya WEHA di 9M13






1% 0% 3% 3%

Depresiasi Bahan Bakar Biaya Kendaraan

Upah Perawatan Sewa Armada

Asuransi Biaya Pariwisata Lain-lain

Sumber: Laporan Audit PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi

Saham & Indexing

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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 10 dari 14

Tabel 2: Analisis SWOT

Kekuatan Kelemahan

Reputasi yang kuat sebagai penyedia layanan transportasi

Dikenal sebagai penyedia layanan transportasi premium

Pengalaman yang kaya dan panjang di industri

Terintegrasi dengan perusahaan induk. Jaringan hotel yang luas sebagai mitra

strategis Produk dan jasa yang terdiversifikasi.

Sangat bergantung pada induk perusahaan.

Peluang Ancaman

Permintaan yang tinggi untuk taksi reguler di kota-kota besar

Pertumbuhan yang kuat disektor pariwisata

Biaya untuk pindah ke produk atau jasa lain rendah

Kompetitor yang kuat di pasar Alat transportasi massal baru

sedang dibangun

Sumber: PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing


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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 11 dari 14



Kami mengaplikasikan metode discounted cash flow (DCF) sebagai metode penilaian utama dengan pertimbangan bahwa pertumbuhan pendapatan adalah merupakan faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi nilai (value driver) WEHA jika dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan aset.

Kami mengkombinasikan perhitungan DCF ini dengan metode Guideline

Company Method (GCM) di dalam valuasi ini.

Penilaian ini berdasarkan pada nilai 100% saham WEHA per 19 Maret 2014, menggunakan laporan keuangan WEHA per 30 September 2013 sebagai dasar dilakukannya analisa fundamental.

Estimasi Nilai

Kami menggunakan Cost of Capital sebesar 7,7% dan Cost of Equity sebesar 10,6% berdasarkan asumsi-asumsi sebagai berikut:

Tabel 3: Asumsi

Risk free rate [%]* 9,9

Equity Risk premium [%]* 1,3

Beta [x]** 0,5

Cost of Equity [%] 10,6

Marginal tax rate [%] 25,0

WACC [%] 7,7

Sumber: Bloomberg, Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing Catatan: * Per tanggal 19 Mareti 2014 *Beta Pefindo per tanggal 19 Maret 2014

Target saham untuk 12 bulan berdasarkan posisi penilaian pada tanggal 19 Maret 2014:

Menggunakan metode DCF dengan asumsi tingkat diskonto 7,7% yaitu Rp271 hingga Rp345 per saham.

Menggunakan metode GCM (PBV 4,0X dan P/E 26.9X) yaitu Rp733 to Rp1.093 per saham.

Untuk mendapatkan nilai yang mewakili kedua indikasi nilai tersebut dilakukan rekonsiliasi dengan dilakukan pembobotan terhadap kedua metode

tersebut sebesar 70% untuk DCF dan 30% untuk metode GCM . Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan di atas maka Target Harga Saham WEHA untuk 12 bulan adalah Rp410 – Rp570 per saham. Tabel 4: Ringkasan Penilaian dengan Metode DCF

Konservatif Moderat Agresif

PV of Free Cash Flows [Rp miliar] 69 73 76

PV Terminal Value [Rp miliar] 231 243 255

Cash and Cash Equivalent [Rp miliar] 35 35 35

Interest Bearing Debt [Rp miliar] (220) (220) (220)

Total Equity Value [Rp miliar] 116 131 147

Number of Share [juta saham] 428 428 428

Fair Value per Share [Rp] 271 308


Sumber: Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing


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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 12 dari 14

Tabel 5 : Perbandingan GCM


P/E, [x] 40,1 21,4 31,3 20,8 26,9

P/BV, [x] 1,5 1,4 5,2 7,8 4,0

Sumber: Bloomberg, Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Tabel 6 : Ringkasan Penilaian Metode GCM

Multiples (x)

Est. EPS (Rp)

Est. BV/Share (Rp)

Value (Rp)

P/E 26,9 41 - 1.093 P/BV 4,0 - 184 733

Sumber: Bloomberg, Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Tabel 7: Rekonsiliasi Nilai Wajar

Fair Value per Share [Rp]

DCF GCM Average

Upper limit 345 1.093 570

Bottom limit 271 733 410

Weight 70% 30%

Sumber: PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

20 Maret 2014 Halaman 13 dari 14

Tabel 8: Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif Konsolidasian

[dalam Rp Miliar] 2010 2011 2012 2013P 2014P

Penjualan 135.5 171.8 201.2 249.5 328.9

HPP (90.5) (107.1) (119.7) (158.4) (208.9)

Laba Kotor 45.1 64.6 81.5 91.1 120.0

Beban Operasi (32.1) (40.7) (47.7) (59.2) (67.4)

Laba Operasi 13.0 23.9 33.8 31.8 52.6

Pendapatan [Beban]


(12.4) (13.8) (24.0) (30.4) (28.5)

Laba Sebelum Pajak 0.7 10.1 9.8 1.4 24.1

Pajak (0.8) (5.6) (3.9) (0.4) (6.0)

Laba Bersih 0.3 4.3 5.7 1.0 17.4

Sumber: Laporan Audit PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Tabel 9: Laporan Posisi Keuangan Konsolidasian

[dalam Rp Miliar] 2010 2011 2012 2013P 2014P


Aset Lancar

Kas dan Setara Kas 3.4 2.8 26.8 36.5 166.3

Piutang Usaha 9.5 18.8 16.2 30.9 41.9

Persediaan 1.0 0.9 1.0 2.4 3.6

Biaya dibayar dimuka 2.7 3.3 3.2 6.2 8.1

Aset lain-lain 17.6 15.8 7.0 8.1 10.2

Total Aset Lancar 34.2 41.7 54.1 84.2 230.0

Aset Tetap 161.2 172.7 251.5 251.8 289.2

Aset lainnya 34.9 48.4 80.5 88.0 96.3

Total Aset 230.4 262.8 386.1 424.0 615.5


Hutang Usaha 17.6 15.9 10.1 10.7 13.6

Pinjaman Jk. Pendek 47.9 77.5 24.3 27.0 30.1

Pinjaman Jk. Pendek Lainnya

8.7 9.7 12.0 10.4 11.5

Kewajiban jangka

panjang 71.0 58.8 230.6 247.3 266.7

Kewajiban jangka

panjang lainnya 10.6 21.9 24.2 24.2 27.1

Hak Minoritas 155.9 183.8 301.2 319.6 348.9

Total Ekuitas 74.5 78.9 82.8 102.4 264.6

Sumber: Laporan Audit PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Gambar 13: P/E dan P/BV Historis


















2010 2011 2012


Sumber: Laporan Audit PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Gambar 14: ROA, ROE dan Total Asset Turnover Historis


















2010 2011 2012


Sumber: Laporan Audit PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

Tabel 10: Rasio Penting

2010 2011 2012 2013P 2014P

Pertumbuhan [%]

Penjualan (30.1) 26.7 17.1 24.0 31.9

Laba operasional 6.8 83.8 41.4 (5.9) 65.2

EBITDA 22.2 53.1 31.6 4.9 54.1

Laba bersih (94.3) 1,407 32.8 (81.7) 1,564.2

Profitabilitas [%]

Laba kotor 33.2 37.6 40.5 36.5 36.5

Laba operasional 9.6 13.9 16.8 12.8 16.0

EBITDA 26.6 32.2 36.2 30.6 35.7

Laba Bersih 0.2 2.5 2.8 0.4 5.3

ROA 0.1 1.6 1.5 0.2 2.8

ROE 0.4 5.5 6.9 1.0 6.6

Solvabilitas [x]

Debt to equity 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3

Debt to asset 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2

Solvabilitas [x]

Current Ratio 0.5 0.4 1.2 1.7 4.2

Quick Ratio 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.5 3.8

Sumber: Laporan Audit PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., Estimasi PEFINDO Divisi Valuasi Saham & Indexing

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20 Maret 2014 Halaman 14 dari 14


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Panorama Transportasi, Tbk Primary Report

Equity Valuation

March 20, 2014

Target Price

Low High

410 570


Historical Chart












WEHA IJ Equity JCI Index

Source : Bloomberg

Stock Information IDR

Ticker code WEHA

Market price as of March 19, 2014 267

Market price – 52 week high 272

Market price – 52 week low 155

Market cap – 52 week high (bn) 1,160

Market cap – 52 week low (bn) 663

Market Value Added & Market Risk






















2012 2013












MVA Market Risk

Source : Bloomberg

Shareholders (%)

PT Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk 52.7

Tirtawisata Satrijanto 0.41

Public (below 5% ownership) 46.9

*Note: as of September 30, 2013

Unlocking Hidden Value


PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk (WEHA) was established on September 11, 2001 to provide transportation services in support of its parent group, PT Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk (PANR), one of the country’s largest travel and leisure companies. WEHA provides the following ground

transportation services: (i) bus charter under the White Horse Deluxe Coach brand; (ii) executive taxi service under the White Horse Premium Cab brand; (iii) inter-city shuttle transportation service under the Joglosemar and Day Trans brands, (iv) car rental & limousine services under Europcar brand, and (v) regular taxi under the White Horse Taxi brand. It also offers sightseeing tours, ticketing service, and travel agency services.

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March 20, 2014 Page 2 of 14

Rapidly Growing Middle Class Indonesia’s rapid economic growth is leading to an expanding middle

class that is boosting business opportunities, including for companies like WEHA. The Asian Development Bank defines middle income as people who spend USD2-USD20 per day. In addition, the Government is trying to curb growth in the number of vehicles by raising the down payment requirement and taxes, which we believe will increase the demand for public transportation such as taxis. Further, the Government is trying to boost the tourism sector, which needs adequate public transportation. All

these are expected to support the growth of transportation business such as WEHA.

More Contribution From Taxi Segment Going Forward WEHA management has disclosed plans to increase its taxi fleet, which in 2013 expanded from just premium services to include regular taxis. The

Company had already acquired 200 taxi units as of October 2013 and

plans to acquire 100 more in 2014. We see this as a positive move as the supply of taxis in Jakarta is still limited as compared to the demand. By capturing this high demand, we believe WEHA’s financial performance will have a more solid support. Better Margin Going Forward We believe earnings in 2013 dropped to IDR1 billion from IDR5 billion the

previous year due to higher financing costs for WEHA’s expansion. We believe the recently launched regular taxi segment will start bearing fruit in 2014 and lead to higher margins across the board. We forecast gross margin will reach 32% in 2014, above the forecasted 24% margin for 2013. In addition, we believe advertising and promotion expenses will grow slower going forward as people are already aware of the White Horse brand. This will result in a higher operating margin in 2014 of 16%

compared to 13% in 2012.

Business Prospects We believe WEHA will benefit from Indonesia’s strong economic growth. It will also benefit from the currently inefficient public transportation system, which creates a very high demand for convenient and safe modes of transportation like taxis. Based on euro monitor data, Indonesia

has one of the lowest taxi penetration rates among neighboring countries such as Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. There are only 0.24 taxis per 1,000 people in Indonesia as opposed to 3.12 in Malaysia. Thus, we embrace positively WEHA’s expansion into the regular taxi segment. We foresee WEHA’s revenue growing by 24% in 2013 to IDR249 billion and at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22% from 2012 – 2015.

Table 1: Performance Summary

2010 2011 2012 2013P 2014P

Revenue (IDR bn) 136 172 201 249 329

Pre-tax Profit (IDR bn) 0.7 10.1 9.8 1.4 24.1

Net Profit (IDR bn) 0.3 4.3 5.7 1.0 17.4

EPS (IDR) 0.7 10.1 13.4 2.4 40.7

EPS Growth (%) (94.3) 1,407 32.8 (81.7) 1,564.2

P/E (x) 390.3 25.9 19.5 106.8 6.4

PBV (x) 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.4 Source: Audited Report PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates Notes: *) Based on Share Price as of March 19, 2014 – IDR267/share


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March 20, 2014 Page 3 of 14

Policy-Supported and Spiking Middle Earner Population Though Indonesia suffered in the past year from a widening current account deficit and depreciating currency, its economy still grew by a healthy 5.78%. In addition, we believe the economy will begin to rebound in 2014, especially given

the upcoming elections, which typically means higher spending. This, coupled with the fact that the country’s middle class continues to grow rapidly, is expected to positively impact the business sector, especially transportation businesses. As Indonesians enjoy higher incomes, they demand more convenient forms of public transportation, such as taxis. Further, the government is exerting efforts to boost the tourism industry. Higher tourist arrivals mean a higher need for convenient and safe means of transportation. Unfortunately, Indonesia’s

transportation system is far from adequate and as such demand for taxis especially in big cities like Jakarta will only increase. We are of the view that WEHA’s plan to concentrate more on the taxi business is very positive, and we

believe through this the company will reap more profits going forward.

Low Penetration

Based on data from Euro Monitor, Jakarta’s population exceeded 10 million in 2011 and is still growing. The urbanization rate in Indonesia is also the highest in the region compared to neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Nevertheless, the penetration of taxis in Indonesia is the lowest in the

region. Thus, the demand for taxis remain very high and as WEHA has already

started taking advantage of this big potential market, the Company is expected to enjoy better financial performance going forward.

Figure 1: Foreign Visitor

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division


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Figure 2: Taxi Supply vs Taxi Demand In Jabodetabek

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division

Business Profile

WEHA’s offerings consist of chartered buses, intercity shuttle, executive taxi, car rental & limousine services, sightseeing tours, and travel agency services. The company’s business network is spread over Palembang, Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, and Denpasar. Considering the bright outlook for the tourism industry, we believe that WEHA can continue expanding its

business network in the future.

1. White Horse Deluxe Coach This brand was launched in 2001 and has grown into a prominent player in the bus charter service sector. With coaches available from big bus, medium bus to minivan, its fleets are well suited for groups of all sizes. White Horse Deluxe Coach is supported with the latest planning technology, logistical expertise and strategically placed operational offices. Their service centers in Jakarta, Bali, Bandung, Palembang, Semarang,

Surabaya and Yogyakarta.

Figure 3: White Horse Deluxe Coach

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division

Brand NameWhite Horse Deluxe Coach

ServicesBus Charter, Employee Shuttle, School Bus

ArmadaBig Bus (43- 59 seaters)Medium Bus (18 – 30 seaters)Mini Van (5 – 12 seaters)

Area of Operations Sumatera, Jawa, Bali

Total Bus : 360 unit(Per Sep’13)

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March 20, 2014 Page 5 of 14

2. White Horse Executive Taxi White Horse Executive Taxi is an executive taxi service that promotes itself as “Premium but Affordable” – premium class services at competitive

rates. All of its taxis are spacious, comfortable and equipped with a GPS, and are driven by well-trained and vetted drivers. White Horse Executive Taxi has been acknowledged as Indonesia’s Leading Taxi/Limousine Company by ITTA (Indonesia Travel and Tourism Award).

Figure 4: White Horse Executive Taxi

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division

3. White Horse Taxi White Horse Taxi is a regular taxi service that was launched in October

2013. The Company already has 200 units and plans to add more in 2014. These taxis are equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS) devices, have spacious and comfortable seats, entertainment on board, and professional drivers.

Figure 5: White Horse Taxi

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division

Brand NameWhite Horse Executive Taxi

ServicesExecutive Taxi

ArmadaHyundai SonataHyundai i45

Total Taxi : 399 unit (Per Sept 13)

FacilitiesSatellite TVReceipt PrinterGPS Tracking SystemPre-paid Voucher

Area of OperationsJabodetabek

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March 20, 2014 Page 6 of 14

4. Intercity Shuttle Day Trans provide daily inter-city services with strategically located pick-up/drop-off points in the capital Jakarta and the famous shopping district

of Bandung. For customer convenience, Day Trans departs hourly with advanced booking available. The inter-city shuttle is also available in Central Java, covering the Yogyakarta–Semarang–Salatiga– Jepara/Kudus area and later in Tegal, Pekalongan and Purwokerto. Day Trans also offers travel services and a same day, point-to-point courier service.

Figure 6: Intercity Shuttle

Brand NameDay TransJoglosemar

ServicesJogja – Solo – SemarangJakarta – Bandung

ArmadaBig Bus (40 seaters)Mini Van (8 - 14seaters)

Area of OperationsJakarta (15)Bandung (4)JogjaSoloSemarang

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division

5. Car Rental (Europcar) WEHA, as part of the travel- and tourism-focused Panorama Group, saw the business opportunity in car rental services and secured the master franchise for Europcar in Indonesia. Europcar Indonesia offers various types of vehicles for short-term and long-term rental.

Figure 7: Car Rental

Brand Name/ServicesEuropcar Indonesia

ServicesSelf-drive / with driver

ArmadaFamily CarSedan ClassMinivan

Area of OperationsJawa, Bali

Total : 159 Unit(Per Sept 13)

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division

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March 20, 2014 Page 7 of 14

Diversified Services

The Company is aware that different groups of customers have different needs and demand different levels of service, and has thus designed business lines to cater to various market segments. The Company’s business lines offer services to a variety of customer groups ranging from institutional ones to retail travelers.

With well-known brands and a wide range of offerings, we believe the Company would be able to thrive in the market.

Figure 8: WEHA’s Main Market





Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division

Integrated Facilities A visit to WEHA’s offices showed that its fleet of vehicles was housed in an integrated warehouse and workshop, allowing the Company to respond to problems on the ground immediately.

Figure 9: WEHA’s Pool and Workshop Facilities

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division

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March 20, 2014 Page 8 of 14

Solid Revenue Growth Going Forward We believe the Company will start seeing returns in 2014 from its new regular taxi segment. The new service was only launched in October 2013, and as such still has very low utilization. We estimate the Company just utilized 20% of its

running days ratio, but we believe this figure can exceed 50% in 2014. We forecast that WEHA will book revenue of IDR249 billion in 2013, up 24% YoY, and IDR329 billion in 2014, up 32% YoY.

Figure 10: WEHA Solid Revenue Growth














2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

CAGR: 25%

Source: Audited Report PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates

Boosting Capex for Future Growth The Company plans a capex of IDR172 billion in 2014. This will be used to

increased its regular taxi fleet to 300 units and acquire 10 new buses. The capex

will be funded through a rights issue and internal cash. In 9M2013, WEHA’s cash position was at IDR34 billion, up 26% YoY. Our projections show that fresh money from its right issue and anticipated higher profits can boost its cash position to IDR166 billion in 2014.

Figure 11: WEHA’s Cash Balance

3.42 2.82

26.75 36.53












2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Source: Audited Report PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., PEFINDO Equity & Index

Valuation Division Estimates


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March 20, 2014 Page 9 of 14

Depreciation and Fuel as Major Cost Component

Depreciation accounted for 34% of total COGS in 9M2013 followed by fuel, which accounted for 25%. We believe WEHA’s performance was not significantly affected by the fuel price hike in 2013, as the Company passed this on to consumers and the taxi business model places the burden of the fuel cost on the

driver. We believe WEHA can maintain its gross margin above 30%.

Figure 12: WEHA’s COGS Component in 9M13






1%0% 3% 3%

Depreciation Fuel Vehicle Cost Wages Maintenance

Rent Fleet Insurances Tour Expenses Others

Source: Audited Report PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation

Division Estimates

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March 20, 2014 Page 10 of 14

Table 2: SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Strong reputation as transportation service provider

Well-known as premium quality transportation provider

Long and rich experience in the industry

Well-integrated with parent company

Wide hotel network as a strategic

partner Diversifivied products/services

Highly dependent on parent support

Opportunities Threats High demand for regular taxi in big

cities Strong growth in tourism sector

Low switching cost among

products/services in its industry Strong competitors on the

ground New means of mass

transportation being developed

Source: PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division


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March 20, 2014 Page 11 of 14



We applied the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method as the main valuation approach considering that income growth is a value driver in WEHA instead of asset growth. Furthermore, we also applied the Guideline Company Method (GCM) as a comparison method.

This valuation is based 100% on share price as of March 19, 2014, and Financial Reports as of September 30, 2013 as the basis for the fundamental analysis.

Value Estimation

We used Cost of Capital of 7.7% and Cost of Equity of 10.6% based on the following assumptions: Table 3: Assumption

Risk free rate [%]* 9.9

Risk premium [%]* 1.3

Beta [x]* 0.5

Cost of Equity [%] 10.6

Marginal tax rate [%] 25.0

WACC (%) 7.7

Source: Bloomberg, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates Notes: * As of March 10, 2014

**PEFINDO Beta Saham, as of March 19, 2014

Target price for 12 months based on valuation as per March 19, 2013 is as follows:

Using DCF method with a discount rate assumption of 7.7% is IDR271– IDR345 per share.

Using GCM method (PBV 4,0X and P/E 26,9X) is IDR733 – IDR1,093 per share.

In order to obtain a value which represents both value indications, we have

weighted both DCF and GCM methods by 70%:30%.

Based on the above calculation, the target price of WEHA for 12 months is IDR410 – IDR570 per share.

Table 4: Summary of DCF Method Valuation

Conservative Moderate Aggressive

PV of Free Cash Flows [IDR bn] 69 73 76

PV Terminal Value [IDR bn] 231 243 255

Non-Operating Asset [IDR bn] 35 35 35

Interest Bearing Debt [IDR bn] (220) (220) (220)

Total Equity Value [IDR bn] 116 131 147

Number of Share [mn shares] 428 428 428

Fair Value per Share [IDR] 271 308


Source: PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates


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March 20, 2014 Page 12 of 14

Table 5: GCM Comparison


P/E [x] 40.1 21.4 31.3 20.8 26.9

P/BV [x] 1.5 1.4 5.2 7.8 4.0

Source: Bloomberg, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division

Table 6: Summary of GCM Method Valuation Multiple [x] Est. EPS [IDR] Est. BV/share [IDR] Value [IDR]

P/E 26.9 41 - 1,093

P/BV 4.0 - 184 733

Source: Bloomberg, PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates

Table 7: Fair Value Reconciliation

Fair Value per Share [IDR]

DCF GCM Average

Upper limit 345 1,093 569

Bottom limit 271 733 410

Weight 70% 30%

Source: PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates

Note: average price is rounded according to the fractional price prevailing on the IDX

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March 20, 2014 Page 13 of 14

Table 8: Consolidated Statement Of Comprehensive Income (Rp bn)

2010 2011 2012 2013P 2014P

Sales 135.5 171.8 201.2 249.5 328.9

COGS (90.5) (107.1) (119.7) (158.4) (208.9)

Gross Profit 45.1 64.6 81.5 91.1 120.0



(32.1) (40.7) (47.7) (59.2) (67.4)



13.0 23.9 33.8 31.8 52.6

Other Income


(12.4) (13.8) (24.0) (30.4) (28.5)

Pre-tax Profit 0.7 10.1 9.8 1.4 24.1

Tax (0.8) (5.6) (3.9) (0.4) (6.0)

Net Profit 0.3 4.3 5.7 1.0 17.4

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates

Table 9: Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position (Rp bn)

2010 2011 2012 2013P 2014P


Current Assets

Cash & cash


3.4 2.8 26.8 36.5 166.3

Receivables 9.5 18.8 16.2 30.9 41.9

Inventory 1.0 0.9 1.0 2.4 3.6

Advance Payment 2.7 3.3 3.2 6.2 8.1

Other Assets 17.6 15.8 7.0 8.1 10.2

Total Current Assets

34.2 41.7 54.1 84.2 230.0

Fixed Assets 161.2 172.7 251.5 251.8 289.2

Other Assets 34.9 48.4 80.5 88.0 96.3

Total Assets 230.4 262.8 386.1 424.0 615.5


Trade payables 17.6 15.9 10.1 10.7 13.6

Short-term payables 47.9 77.5 24.3 27.0 30.1

Other Short-term

payables 8.7 9.7 12.0 10.4 11.5

Long-term payables 71.0 58.8 230.6 247.3 266.7

Other long-term

payables 10.6 21.9 24.2 24.2 27.1

Total Liabilities 155.9 183.8 301.2 319.6 348.9

Total Equity 74.5 78.9 82.8 102.4 264.6

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates

Figure 13: Historical P/E dan P/BV


















2010 2011 2012


Figure 14: Historical ROA, ROE and Total Assets Turnover

















2010 2011 2012

ROA (%) ROE (%) TAT (x)

Table 10: Key Ratio

Ratio 2010 2011 2012 2013P 2014P

Growth [%]

Sales (30.1) 26.7 17.1 24.0 31.9

Operating Profit 6.8 83.8 41.4 (5.9) 65.2

EBITDA 22.2 53.1 31.6 4.9 54.1

Net Profit (94.3) 1,407 32.8 (81.7) 1,564.2

Profitability [%]

Gross Margin 33.2 37.6 40.5 36.5 36.5

Operating Margin 9.6 13.9 16.8 12.8 16.0

EBITDA Margin 26.6 32.2 36.2 30.6 35.7

Net Margin 0.2 2.5 2.8 0.4 5.3

ROA 0.1 1.6 1.5 0.2 2.8

ROE 0.4 5.5 6.9 1.0 6.6

Solvability [X]

Debt to Equity 2.1 2.3 3.6 3.1 1.3

Debt to Asset 0.7 0.70 0.8 0.8 0.6

Liquidity [X]

Current Ratio 0.5 0.4 1.2 1.7 4.2

Quick Ratio 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.5 3.8

Source: PT Panorama Transportasi Tbk., PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division Estimates

“Disclaimer statement in the last page

is an integral part of this report”


Panorama Transportasi, Tbk

March 20, 2014 Page 14 of 14


This report was prepared based on trusted and reliable sources. Nevertheless, we do not

guarantee its completeness, accuracy and adequacy. Therefore, we are not responsible for any investment decisions made based on this report. All assumptions, opinions and predictions were

solely our internal judgments as of the reporting date, and those judgments are subject to

change without further notice.

We are not responsible for any mistakes or negligence that occurs by using this report. Recent

performance cannot always be used as a reference for future outcome. This report does not offer a recommendation to purchase or hold particular shares. This report might not be suitable

for some investors. All opinions in this report have been presented fairly as of the issuing date

with good intentions; however, they could change at any time without further notice. The price, value or income of each share of the Company stated in this report might be lower than

investor expectations, and investors may obtain returns lower than the invested amount.

Investment is defined as the probable income that will be received in the future; nonetheless

such returns may fluctuate. As for companies whose shares are denominated in a currency

other than Rupiah, foreign exchange fluctuation may reduce their share value, price or the

returns for investors. This report does not contain any information for tax consi derations in investment decision-making.

The share price target in this report is a fundamental value, not a fair market value or a transaction price reference required by regulations.

The share price target issued by the PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold particular shares. It should not be considered as

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This report is not intended for any particular investor and cannot be used as part of an

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investment strategy. We strongly recommend investors to consider the suitability of the situation and conditions before making a decision in relation with the figures in this report. If

necessary, consult with your financial advisor.

PEFINDO keeps the activities of the Equity Valuation Division separate from its Ratings Division

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has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of non-public information received in connection with each analytical process. The entire process, methodology and the

database used in the preparation of the Reference Share Price Target Report as a whole are

different from the processes, methodologies and databases used by PEFINDO in issuing ratings.

This report was prepared and composed by the PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division with

the objective of enhancing the transparency of share prices of listed companies in the Indonesia

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pressure or force either from IDX or the listed company reviewed. PEFINDO Equity & Index

Valuation Division earns a reward amounting to IDR20 million from IDX and the reviewed company for issuing this report twice a year. For further information, please visit our website at


This report was prepared and composed by the PEFINDO Equity & Index Valuation Division. In

Indonesia, this report is published in our website and in the IDX website.
