A VADE MECUM · 2015. 4. 3. · A SOT Suli~~1tt. HEN Heels are heavy, and when IIencZ is light, And...


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  • A SOT Couchant.

    HIS Figul-e, not improperly d@nys, What may our just Abhorrence hlrcwise rnise.

    Ebriety is here a t full Length seen, And different is the Posture and the Mm. This Fellow puts us on mother View, Reachmg for Drink, lie reaches but to spew. Y’he Full-pot stubborn, uncomplymg stands And whde the Glass tlps oler, flies his I-Iands. Fain mould the Wretch wth Wlg to Chab afiix’d, And Fube on Ground w t h Dust and Spittle mix’d, Prostrate upon l m Face on Table he, Downwad he casts a glmmeriag sicltning Eyc, That redmng s h n s the Light and flies the Sky. But oz1 1 nor Indolence, for which ho calls, Nor Sleep upon his restless Dye-lids fUs. Gudt nnd more Driulr st111 h o l d the Sot awake, He gapes, and thlrsts for Thmtmess’s sake. Drowsie, he thinks the Room aroul~d to swim, When ’trs himself tlmt’s XI his wonted Trim, 7 And Motion circulates doue in him.


  • A SOT Dormant.

    Ancl Treasure from his Habitatloll flovn, B’er since hx Family remain’d unfed, Anil his own Lust of Drink deny’d them Bread : But yet alas ! when the awnk’ning Xorn Shall all his former Images retunt, Whel1 Truth shall stare the Drunkard 111 the Face, And represent his sad and dismnl Case, Then, then he’ll see, nltho’ p e r l q s too late, The Rume tlnt attends his lmples State, And find, to his irremedialde Pain, H’ has Drmh to Slcep, nucl Slcyt to R r i d agnln.


  • A SOT Suli~~1tt. H E N Heels are heavy, and when IIencZ is light,

    And Um-lorstmnding bids the Wretch Goocl- p&t,

    To make a Lerrp, cannot be very right. But; yet there's some Excuse for this same Sot, TVho turns 111s Back upon the Pipe and Pot ; Both empty, then sufficient Grounds enough, FOT his Endeavours to be marching off, By groping out his Way to find the Door And shun the Dreadfùl Chalk, that marks tho r l rcd 'n l

    [SCOlY!. Would he take time to think, h'd soon remark

    The Leop he strwes to take, is in the Dark, And that this heedless Drunlrnrd, to his Cost, When all his Faculties o f Soul are lost, W111 find, amidst his most insatiate Drau * h , I l l Acts Forerunners of ill Boding Thoag B Its; W h c h must, in splght of all his tippling Haste To gratifie an undlgestmg Taste, Fulfil the Proverb, and its Truth aecnre, Thnt sq-s, Sweet Meat8 wzll l~nvc CL X a m c tIt,at'S Xont'r, 7 Since lie that drinks for Wealth must certanlly be

    [pool*. !i

    " l

  • Irst let’s with J~astice in the Aint begin, A SIGN that seems an Enn1it.y wlth Sin ;

    et, as without ’tis blind, it winks n t Crimes mlthin. t Here sulking Debtors, who the Laws evade Are Judges ín the Laws Defiance made, And make a, Jest of what has been their Dread. I-Iere suppliant Balli& with uplifted Hands, At their unmerciful Tribunal stands; Certain that n o Excuses they’ll ndmlt li‘ in his Poclcet there be found a Writ ; Thnt plunges h m in Ditch o’er Head nncl Ems, Whose’er Authority or Stamp it bears ; But still, however ~-1entllenisll is the Club, Tho Lmdlord’s said to sell p o d Christian B1d; Rad, ns the Lnwrell’d Satynst relates, The Bunkrupts have their Jests, he k i r Estatas.

  • Rom hence, (since Justice is to Justice clone, Here out of Date with every Mother’s Son,)

    If you’d encourage auch familiar Scabs, As sell rum B o u e to those that wear queer Nabs, That stri1)’d of all, by Spckets ancl by ‘hp, L e awillmg from the reach of dreadful S n a p :

    Stands ready to accost you f o r a Dram ; Or else, if Money cannot m e so high, And nought but Copper Johw in Poclret lp, T o squeeze you of a Tnldwd, for he’s clry. Manners and he have long nt Variance been, No Footsteps of his €1--sty are seen ; F o r tho’ he draws, and servos his Drink in Phte, And malres his Quarts and Pints t o circulate. Tho’ the rich Oar ru11s sluning throY his I‘Iousc,

    #-- go Gil---n nt the Hwron, and tho Lnmb,

  • URI3 a s n Gwa, Vi l i J--l is a n Hosi, Thnt of hi8 Customers m111 make the most;

    Will, (for his Female Chaps Hoop- Pctticocded) Be, (tho’ ’twere not on Record) bravely noted. T h s Man of Men is Mettle to the Back, ICnows how to carry Gold n-Pick-a-Pack, Allcl has of sudden ’Schemes n, Wondrous ICnncl~ Witness the Duke cl’Azsmotrt, who bought the Rabbit, Ancl fro111 whom he escap’cl in Gnrd’aers Habit. Witness hls dcxtrous Skill in Running Goods, I-Iis Brandies, Pictures ancl his Lute-string Hoods : All these, ancl move he is most throughly vers’d in, But ne’er detected, not one Doit nmers’d in. Mnch Good, say I (tho’ with that Trade clanclestiinc, Experience t,ells us that there is no Jesting) May tlzese his clanculor Projections do him, Wille none can say that 6~ack’s !bis ~yebron, to him. Since all Men, ’till they’re caught, are just accounted, And who ne’er saw him holv’d, ne’er saw him n~ozlntctl. Since not one Drop of Liqno1* he retails, Of leasing, 111 bis courteous Dwelling, fails, Rn$ all 111s Beers are prais’cl, and al1 his Ales. But above all, were it suppos’cl the Man Could not obtain Rcspect, the Women c m , Sillco ev’ry Strzm t ha t his Abode has try’d, Ancl shewn t,lle C u o p ~ ’ s h m s extendecl widc Iras, tllougb upon her Bach, Applauses on l1er ÀWC. 3

  • 7 IS also fit our Tsaveller should call At the Bul l -Bead, in Street call’d L;endenAall;

    Whose Laacllorcl, wuYi CG Boatswain’s Toice that’s [hoarse,

    (Say vhat he will, he has had that Post of course) Bawls for his Vassals this and that to Draw, And keeps them, hurried off their Legs in Awe. As Mun by Name, so he’ll by Nature be, And bounce and uff by Zcuad, as well as #ecc, Here every hquor is serv’d up u1 State, And every poor Mechanick drmks in Plate ; Looks formidably great, no Mona1dl higher, Than him when blust’rmg o’er Tom Man’s ENTIRE, For so the Relech 1s call’d that sets his Face on 1.m ; But above all the Customers, there’s nolle Like Bn2l c m Rattle, or bke H~l1 call Pzla. A Darber, and tenaclous Prate a-pacer, With Wit not half so sharp as is his 12nzo1-; Niclmam’d Born-d~~mk,, he’s still devolcl of SwsoR, Yet stdl t o Lcttin mahag strange Pretcnccs, As with hís Host he ever nlakes a stir, And cry’s to h m hio mvat Thomas Vir. That, is, as sure as there IS Cup or Ca11, This . H O U S C is kept by bolztsTvnin Tlt,omcts J ~ w I , .

  • --

    Other Houses of Note. Queen’s Ilcad, Lime-street; Fleece, Le3denl-iall-Mn~l~et--13r. Butler’s Ale.-A Tenement to Let. Grec11 Drngon, clitto, surrounded wltb Butter and Bgp.

  • White- Chapel.

    HE N a g p p now, that Pa1*ty-colour’cl Glpsie, Calls on its Guests t o enter and be T p i e ,

    Not only to regale their Taste But Sight, And gives to every Sense an Appetite; There doubt not meeting what you’ll surely find, An Entertalament suited to you^ Mind, Whether the Landlord’s Countenance bespcaks Your Praise, o r what lze sells your Appltobntion takes. Not so the Bird mhilome near ïVenyate sung, In such a decent Vehicle was hung, 1 Or pendent in the Air was toss’cl about ancl swung, 5 Not so the Gossip of a Pratler stood, This painted q o n Copper, that on Woocl. Outward of this fam’d House a Prospect’s seen, That wcolnnlends the Liquor sold within, And leads you t o theil. Taste t h o ’ Es toes C V C ~ grccn. Malice itself, howe’er it bnclrwnrd seem, In speaking well of what delnnnds Esteem, Must hold no Tenement like this is found, Or for good Usage o r good Drinlr renown’d; Though i t in search of both sllould Vagran t rove, And through the City and the Suburbs move ; Because both equally good-liking claiin, And neither of the two are hable to blame.

    Other Houses of Note, The George, a n d t h o 131ur- boar, Rosemary-lane, the Bear 1 m r tho Mmones, t h Red Gate, the Selve, Hanover-Head, Tllrcc Thg‘8 , Queen Mary’s-hend, ancl the St-arel, all. 111 the Minonea. At the last, Fly your IGte.

  • ( 1 5 1

    Collison’s Punch-House, St Katherine’s.

    UT l o ! osclusive of tho Sous of MALT, Thoro stnncla another IIouso without a Fnull: Whoso hertlmg JUICES, and whoso gratefnl Bomr,~,

    Glistcn w ~ t h ~ x z your eyas and sparkla in your Eíonls Hero COLLI~ON defeats his Siop-dama’s Wrongs, And c l o n l ~ ~ o u i PUNGII Go Customers in Throngs, With L O O ~ K ~ wdl- leasmg and Behawour fair, Not stlffnecl with t’ 11s Qualring Fat-~l’s Air, whose prim Comp’hnnca wit11 a Elelfish Br-do, All Rights of TIospitality dcny’d, Xv’n t o n Bon of an Unspotted PRms Blam’d only for his nob deserving Blame, May’st Thou, much injur’d Youth ! that Rage defio That looks on thy Success with envious Eye, And ca~mot bear detestcd Truth so nigh 3 Mny’st TIIOLI, so prays the Musa tht; stdl must talco Part with t h Vcrtuous, for Vcrtue’s snkc, Go on, t o lnnlro hcr Gtuxltmess appear, And prova ~ v l ~ a t a110 l m bccn, by what you are : As on your just Attompts to Thrive, y o u find Fortuno t o n11 your honest Laboura Irmd. And tho’ turn’(\ out o f Doors long sineo, t o d,arve, B q o y thnt IInpplncss which you de~crvo, l u n quick D r ~ ~ g l 1 t of Cordds, ncnt ancl clem, While evory Drmn sh- clrnws with S:~int-lilco Illien, XAOOLS onLmnrdly n8 foul, RB is 11-r Soul within,

  • Rosemary Lane.

  • UST at the Entrance of the Palace Gate, J Where once ICing John held Royalty in State, When fi-eed fi-om Tumults and Rebelllous Jars, His Barons ave him Rest from Civil Wars : On the Left 5 and erected stands n Sign, That notifies strong Botrse is sold within; L And though the Passage to this Houae is Quee1*, The Cellars they abound with humming Beer: Huge CYCSJLS of‘ h . r z h , to Sev’a years Ripeness mellow’d, Scarce by another Victualler to be Fellow’d. Here, ’stetzd of Nobles, once that fill’d eacll Rooln, Swarm the distressed Gentry of the Loom, That ev’n when Starving (so the Drink invites) Neglect the Cries of hungry Appetites, To satisfy their Prevalence of Dvowth, Wit11 Liquor thnt to tbem’s Jfeent, Drink ancl Cloth. Not but Cilnrbs Bromnvigg, our well-custom’d I-Iost, Can shew Remaius of Sov’reignty not lost; And in a Moment, if BO pleas’d, produce, A Sceptre fol* the abovemd Monnrch’s Use, Whereon, in lieu of Gold, upon its Top, A rusty Nail, fi-om Club of Oak, starts up, And lnultes it probtd.de, that fix’d thereon, A Metal, much more piz’d than Iron, dlone ; Besides, to put the Thing beyond Coutest, Some Grandeurs still remainin ’tis confest, Since no I-Iouse can a clewel- P roof aff ‘od, Than tthis, where ev’n the Drnllrer is a 1.mtl.

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  • H E n c e to Cloak-lane, near Donqate-hill, we steer

    Since, in Sea-Terms, ’tis proper to accost, The Tenement of this Seafaring Host. A Man whose House ~ 1 1 1 tell us at first giglit, That Navigation has been his Delight, And is so still, though worn out mit11 Fati x e s Of sailing tho’ the Deep some Thousand feagues. H e only takes the Pleasure nom t o view, What his own Hands and his Asslstant’s drew ; As on his Wall, most spacious in extent, Are present to his @/es the ‘FT7iLz.es t h o ? which he went. The various Popts of A d w d s flowing Main, The Coastings z q ~ t o I’nrtury from Spain. Well does tlus artful. Hand deserve Applause, For Map drawn nghtly, as the Drink he draws ; But all descriptlon’a lost and at a stand, At Sight of Rarity from *C?&aa?s Laud, Where, form’d of Ivory, the merry Griga Lve comically ’twixt each others Legs. H;Y Cllimney-Piece lilre~v~se deReYves regard, For four 1Cillg.s treated once in Vintrg Word; All a t one time t,he Guests of one Lord Mayor, I Which Xtoru has nmle in his Surwy appew, When Vintner Pickard grac’d the City Chch. I

    And at Three 2 1 1 , ~ ~ ~ cast Anchor for good Beer;

    * This curiosity is t o bo seen by nny Pe~*son gratis It; has given great Setisfaction t o n11 lovers of Art ant1 Tngenulty ; and M B doubt not but it w11l glva fut1 content t o all Posture-Mongem. Spectacles are provided for old dim-ngbted Fornmtors, that they lnny behold, with grmnlng Conutenance, in their anwent Days, what they lov’d in then Youth T m e was I

    i ,


  • Gr-rs- A-y.

    K ---B T--’s Castle now must st‘md the Storm, A Tenement whcm Clby (Tatchpoles swarm Where, if those Vermin of the Shouldering Trade,

    Chance without Prisoners to show their Elend, Damn ye, says she, where have ye Loiterers been ? Ye sons of Whores, no Prizes to be seen? None’s, their Re ly ; no Writs have we, t o draw Grist to your d i 1 ; for we must act by ~ a w By Law ! what’s that ? I s next upon her Tongue ; Bring me them ln, whether it 1s Right or Wrong Law ! say ye ’r’ that’s a Word qu’te o u t of Doorß, Here B1tc-s, Negroes, Cahff’s, Slaves and Wh-re’s Where are you PAT ? you Jade, no further Scores ? HLIZZ~, you lazy Brimstone, force a Trade, HouBes, likc mue, are fill’d for getting Ryead. PAT takes her Cue ; Come Gentry, what’s your Pleasure Brandy, Wine, Ale , Beer, Punch, in any Measure. Speak quickly, while I’m. here, my Miiatross c d s , No Niggard IS allow’d within these W~tlls Wh& KA^ below Stairs seconds her above, Come Gentlemen, al-ound the Puppet move : Another 8neaker I or turn mto Gaol, And t o the Keeper J~IW-YB tell your Tale: To me such Niggards are not worth a Louse, Driulr lustily, or to a stronger House Thus the oor Debtor, round beset with Harma, Spends e-r 3) n h1s Grocery, n t tho Grocer’s Arma, And thence conducted thro’ the Prison Gate, Lamenta what might haye kept Ium there, too late.

    Other Kouses of Note. The George in Stocks Market, the White Home in Castle-Alley-Excellent Twopenny ! but War Stuck-jobbers I

  • ~~ ~~

    Other Houses of Note. B~rcl ln Hand, Chenpslde, Three Crowns, and the King’s Head in the Old Jewry ; the Bell in Cateaton-Street, a11 Ancient Fnddling- School ; But he that is for well-made Punch, let h m repair to the Sun in the Alley, ln King. Street, ancl he mill not fall short of hw Bxpectatiou. The Dyn1 in Queen-street, the Receptacle of‘ Poyters.

  • G S

  • Foster- lane.

    O W for a House with Sots repIete, and full N Of C?wps that deal wlth Gold for Dridh- [not Wool;

    For Gold's the Man that keeps it by-the-by, Once a most merry Snob in Garret high. There, Swarms of Topers of all sorts fre uent, From Daily Labourers, to Men styled Bent. Of all Oplnions and of all Conditions, Lawyers, pooh, fitatesmen, Tuylors, Politicians, Grave Pldomnths, Shoemahers, and Physicians. These all, though not of Principles alike, Upon the self-aame Key, in one thhg strike, As Tories, Whip , HirJldXurch and Lon, confess, No Beer in Town deserves an ill Word less; Or, to the Landlord's Credit, be it said, Better delight the Tu,stc, and wears a better ZTcud, While Org--n, Champion to Tautivy Club, Holdg it to be most uncontested Bub; And Msthematick W-son lays it down For Truth, as plain, as Three are more than Ofle, This Tzpple is the Best beneath the Sun. I Netc-f i or young Sir Isaac, says 'tis SQ, And calls the Drink &celZentissimo; Another, equally of arts most bright, Christens It by the $ame of Bmpisz te ; But Teague, the Fellow that this Liquor draws, Speaks much more rightly in its just Applause, When he (Cadwnkllder), to do it Grace, Cry it i s ORTHODOX, with serious Face.

  • c

    S A Y what you will, when all is done or said,

    Thence, with unsullied Streams the Liquor springs, Smoother than is his Voice when Stcc--s sings, And tunes his Pipes to Staves ofPsa2m thought-meet, For ood St. Mathew’s Church in FrridGy-Street. I n 8 ales (such is th’ observant Trav’ler’s Tale), P a r s o ~ t ~ ~ themselves turn Victuallers, and sell Ale, For want of good fat Stipends, there but thin, Which make them retail potent Drmk and Gin. I speak not this to make the Clergy cheap, But to lament the Fate of Tcttter’d Cmpe, That to this sad Necessity is driven, Although he’s styl’d EL Messenger of Heaucn ; Either upon Ten Pou1td.9 a Year t,o starve, Or in thls EarthZy way, submit to serve ; If so-and without Oensure too-’tis plain, A Pard1 Clerk may do the same for Gain. May unrestrain’d by Curb from Canon-Law, OcCober, and Fine Drink of all sorts draw ; And may the Man that keeps this House of Trade, Increase th’ Advantages that hence a1-e made, And m the Sale of every Thing that’s good, Go on to thrive, as a11 fair Dealers shou’d, While I to do him Justice with my Pen, Invite his Customers to say AMEN.

    The best of Dri.niimjs at the Fountnin Head ;

  • UT F---’s House, wherein we’re m1-e to meet With every Llquor that’s clrnwn fine and neat,

    Deserves to be set d o m in Letters Recl, The Landlord, and his Xpouse, well-l;s~rqe~*’J, ant1

    Here no Domestick Jars disturb their Pence, H e studlous of her Quiet, she of hls; As they m ~ t h EIenrts united happy made, Possess the Joys of TVedloclr, and of T d e From the quick Vent of Drinks expos’d to Sale, Their Beer, their Stout, t heu G111, their Ox$u~cZ Ale; Than vhich, ’tw111 be a T’aslc that’s hwcl t o find, What can regale us more 111 every Imd. Here Booksellers m t h Printers strike n Bargain, And Authors stand amaz’d a,t S--iter's Jargon, Who, wlth quaint Phrase at Sev’nty years and p s t , Ne’er lets Ills Tougue or Feet have any Rest; But talks ancl fiislcs, and jumps about amam, Spouting forth Worcls, 110 Linguist can explain : By this means liable to Statute-Lm, That still hath kept Mse Coiners under Awe; Smce ’tis as warrantless in this old T ~ I I T J ) To Mint new Words, not current as new Money ; And by persisting in this vile Offence, Dally commit High-Treason against Sense : For which if R --la-tun might be lis Judge, He s11oulc1, on Rurdle drawn, to Tyburn trudge ; For he, in RacZeZfl’s Medley of Recelpts, Has uot olle Teru that rnol’e his Hearing grates.



  • ( 27 )

  • JaanB-L’s invites the thirsty Town. Here, after Night’s Debauch, th0 Dapper Hod

    Early, like Qwss for Pomt Z’ABGENT, takes Post, Stands strutting at his Door, and makes a splutter With cuz, and uve, like crow withln a Gutter ; A Name that every Man he meets, goes by, And pays Oat Are for, when our JACK’S a dry ; B takmg three Days Journoy all m One, Tiat makes his Blood preclpltately run. From an adJacent Printer’s, SIIARP’S the Wolnd, H e t o the Dlgmty of auz preferr’d, Now Lords I t o’er the Does of NEWGATE Mart, Where, like Duke TIUNCULO, he acts his Part, h d has his subjects Welfare equally at Benrt. Once, on a, Time, this Pigmy of a Man, Advanc’d fiom flashmg in a Musket’s Pan, Up t o a Sergeant’s Port, look’d fierce and big, And held hm Head much hlgher than n Whig ; But nom those happy Times are fled and gone, And dl our Hero’s Arms are seie’d upon. Pam would he of his Wife too n d his Hands, And get quite shut of Matrimonml Bands, But that’s a, TASE State Cnechpoles disavows, No Government, but ArmS, l1ke those allows ; Since the poor Wretch, that’s punish’d with a Shrew (Whate’er Designs are s a d to be in Vmw) Can do no Hnrm, but as he BATCES may BREW,

    ITII these, and other Houses of Renown,

  • W --S, by a Glut of Bus’ness, malces it 1 ~ 1 1 0 ~ ~ 1 , He’ll yield not to one Bouzing K e n in T o m ;

    But can as many Noses in his tell, As any Yz~blich Hc that bears the Bell. Hither for Stout, and Stde Beer, dady stroll, Matrons from the Vil%uoua BlacK Mary’.s JXole ; From every sly Convenience of Resort, Where Damsels of the Game are pleas’cl to Sport; ; And easie of Access, no Scruple malte, To shew the Pains they in their Calling take; As when this City Chb’s AKqirs aro done, They battle at One of, n~t~ t ; l t c~* Ola; But let’s such Denlings pass neglected by, And leavo them to some other’s searching Eye, To taste that Drink which bcars a Noble Pace, Whether in Tankard, or in Pot, OF Glass : And sticltin to their sides with lasting Froth, Pall o n the l’nate, most pnlntably smooth. Nor is he less renown’d for Punch well made, Ancl all the other Branches of his Trade ; For Syder, Brandy and for oily 1tun1, That, unadulterated, hitller come From Sow%am, PTance, or flto1-n BmrBc~cloc’s Consts O’er the Left-hand, to drink good honest l‘oasts.


  • W hitecross Street,

    UT who can J m o ’ s gawdy Bird espy,

    Ancl pnss that Hbnse of Mmmmmg Stingo by ? Xspecially when OUT enq~wing To ,er, Is told, ’tis kept by P-st’s and t ‘cd-t’s Cooper B-ss, or Dr. B -8s) if you please, For he has pass’d thI*o’ al1 Sorts of Dkgrees : Rais’d by good Bua’ness to a good Estate, 3’rom commo~l Pewter Pots, t o Store ofI-’lnte,

    Wit11 erery Feather in its Tail an Eye, I

  • I ding- ton.

    F o’er the Fields, in uest of Drink and Air, I The Malt inquiring k o r t a l wou’d repair, Let him at S-n Ap-’s sit down, And his hot burning Thirst with Liquids drown. #--n ! a bulky, brainless, empty Fool, Wltllout a Head, but with his Pockets fulI, 1 Bor which he hm a most unerring Hule : ! Morning, or Noon, OF Bight, he never starts, But shews hia Skill in Money-gettmg Arts : Whether he, for Two Shillings in the Pound, To Butchers drinks, for Cattle run aground; Or to some other Guests the Tankard sends around : 3 Sure is he stdl to guzzle the first Draught, By which the Drink is t o the Bottom brought ; And circulates with most unconmon speed, To make a Seconcl, and a Il’lurcl succeed : Another, and another, yet be ta’en, Down through the Hisslag Road of Gutter-Znne ; T111 Tgmpn~s’d with BeZch, he tells his Wife, On the least Brawling or Domestick Strife, H e gets her a full Crown each day of ’S life ; E And so he does, if comnlon Fame not lie, I t has Tunnage big enough, to drink his Cellar dry.

    Other Houses of Note. Star and Garter t ~ b Islington-Dnmn the Gout - Dyn1 In Gosacll-street, Iugh-metal’d Drink, u ~ l good Wine. Anchor m Old street, good Beer and good Wino, - decently performs what he undertakes. Choice Driulr n~ snm. MO-IE’E in Hatfield-street, where any e t ~ z l ß r thnb can givo a tolerable Aecouut of hmself, 1n%y be supply’d wlth tho Cnptnln -&e Touch! Three Pigeons (just by) Old Rosecomb, Laud- lord: ?Jndemalde Beer! The Props Grlg--n and $110 $wo Agas-th’s, eminent í’or thew sklll in Cock-ifghtmg.

  • Y

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    Gsay- Fryars.

    That boasts his Feats of Arms at Chivey Where from Earl D o z ~ ~ Z a s s on his Dapple Grey, That Valiant I-Tero bravely won the Day P e t mnugre all his Ancestors lienown, Mau r e the Ballads that their Actions Crown ; This !~umble unaspiring Man surveys, Wit11 small or no RBg’ard, that Patriot’s Praise, h d with Blue-Flag twice circling round l& Waste Looks t o his Cellars, and his Chapmens T’clste : As he gets full Three lmldred PoundB a Year, By cltying, Boy u Pint of Stair-Poot l ~ v e ! May he grow Wealthy, as his Dl*ilk is good, His Ale well tasted, aucl his Beer well-brew’d, Since not one Customer nt Ni ht OF Morrow, There Bap, 210 lives lìhe Toa cf beneath CL EIur~~olv.

  • THE Sign that next our wandring l3 es accosts, See Mug*without percll’d cllatterin on a Stump, Within sit Sons of BeZiaZ and the 5 ump, Who, void of Shame, o’re Two-penny commence Cut-th-ts, and slaughter Loyalty and Sense, As Turnkeys, Thieftakers, and Thieves debate, Wrth Vehemence, about Affairs of State ; And scarce one Customer in lower Room But signs the M-chy’s and Ch-he’s Doom. While those above, now Bully Wat-m’s dead, Snad with a City C-n at their Head, And o’re good Booz (for give the Devil his due, SA--ch the beet of Liquors ever drew) MaucZEin the worst of Pnncrples applaud, And c-se Kmg Charles the First and Bishop Laucl.

    Is whose, but Common- WeaZih’s nay ens Favourite [Hosts :

    Othor Houscs of Noto. Coopers-Arms, in OldBaily =Here Pidlers m g have a Double

    Joyce ni the Cock without Ludgnto sells rare Boor. The Fortune of Ww in Pye Corner Golden-heart, Smlthfiold, whose Mild nnd Side oxcell8 his

    Bull-Head, Ivy-he, good Drink nad good Peck. Kmg’s-Eead, and the Crown both in Nowgate-street.

    Dabber for playmg Old Oxford.


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    ’, I

    UT if the Man’s iYigl~-Chrch, that looks about For t h e best Mild, or Stale-Beer, Ato or Stout :

    I f he in search of well-made Punch is bent, And fain mould Tipple to h ~ s Heart’s Content : Down through the Gate let such a Guder go, And climb that Hill, w l ~ ~ c h poults at Hill of SIWW, There on the Right, almost against the Dome, Where crovds to see and hear Saclbevecel-ell come, With Trees ill Front, that cast a verdant Shade, John Pztne9’s Name’s in spaclous Letters read ; And A r m with SEMPER EADEM are seen, I n Memory of our late departed Queen. There Dorchesteg; at Eight Pence for 5t Quart, Quickens and makes unnctwe Souls alert. ‘I’here ev’n H-B-ly profits by its Jmce, Aud Corps-Bearers vent Seutences of Use: TVhde they at Whist, Put, Cnbbage, or AU-Fours, Vh i t en the Table with extended Scores : There in a Word, for honest Pitncy’s Salce, Is Drink wdl almost mnke n CAT t o speak. TVIth Brandy, that mopt evquisltely fine, Shews that at hTantx it issued fiom the V m e ; And unhstill’d fiom Treacle or fiom Malt, Dares the most finlsh’d Taste to find a Eault : As mith his Customers, the Landlord quaffs, Sinm, fiddles, rants, and plq-8 n t Cmds and laughsj A ~ X sllews his Chorce of ~1.111s and Quarter-Staffs.

  • ( 30 1

    Little Ormond-yard.

    N O W for an Host whose Liquors must invite, Who’s Drink’s excellmg, and whose wmes 1

    [are right, Deep, racy, strong, and palateahly bright; 5 But above all that recommends this Home, Is the well natur’d Master of the Dome, Since every Soul must hold that Edward Dennis, The best of Neighbours and the best of Men is, While his mdustrious, and careful Spouse, Makes H hat’s a Publiclr, seem a Private House ; As all Things neat and exquisitely clean, Speak a compleat Oecono~n~st within. And theu son Eclniard shews 7~110111 he befhends, From what a good liv’d couple he descends ; Since he takes Pride in doing courteous Acts, And ~ W L J ~ S t u ~ n s his Promises to Facts : May this their Inclustry’s and Vertue’s Heir, All Blessings with his 11appy Parents share. &¡kv the fair Object of his h o ~ ~ e s t Love, If 6e the Joys of Matrimony prove, B e such as 111s good Mother ever was, True to her Marriage-Vow and Hymen’s Lnws : Dutiously just, beneficiently kmd, The same 111 Body, and tbe same in Mincl; Thnt from their chast Endearments may arise, Pledges to glad the~r Hearts and grace their Eyes ; Suc11 as did from Llfe’s Chrystnl Fountain Stream, W h e n first his Parents Eyes were fix’d on him.

  • Clerkenwell-Green,

  • 1,


  • Turnrnill Street.

    OW to the Street; where Rabble Rout reside,

    Thro’ the Throngs of Scolds that every &ook fi.equont, And give their restless Tongues eternal Teat. Here sits yon many a Natron at her Door Calling her ‘CTzrtuous Neighbour Bitch ancl TVhorc : As she the Cynder-sifting Madame T V ~ O Z I ~ S , Since none would touch e r with a pair of tong^ ; Just on the nght, as yon ascend the Hill, Which formerly dlrected to the M111, That give me leave my meanmg to ex lain) Was L odfather to this same Street or Eane, And turn’d about when Winds were pleas’d to b l o ~ , There stands a Sign fit to be call’d a Shew, I Hldeous to Sight, with Visage full of F o c ! I Yet fit to malre whole Multitudes to Stare, At his uncomnlon Shape, his Postwe and Ilia Air. See him with rueful, yet with c o m d Face, Smoke, and call Customers to take their Placo ; Whe1-eof they’ll surely more and more tnnlre use, IVhen they llave tasted its Ambrosial Dews, And syp’d of Na~t in’s most prevailing Jmce, Jfartzn ! that never will be lmown to fail, Of the Lest Liquor e’er expos’cl to Sale, While Seignior John his Pipe in Gircllc Tucks, And tells you tha t his Mother Ji;1zoo,fed .Du,ahs.

  • /’


  • ( 42 )

  • 1


    c? * W

  • U N d e r the Gate-Way near the Dito?, ~nll’cl yO?VtL, li7rccnk €lale now calls us to tho ROSC ~ ~ L c Z CTOW?~,

    A Place for Two-Penny most highly noted, And for all sorts of the best Liquors quotecl. Else virtuous Xam, that is of Soaks na Novice, Would never make this Bouzing-ken his O i h o , With Pipe stuck into Mouth fkom Morn to Night, Would not his Face with his Tobacco light ; Nor would judicious Torn S?¿----Pae, Quit for tlw Huuse, his own beloved. Xipa, t And hither trudge, wltlr Chapmen,, from the ViwE. * Did this stand otherwise within thls Dome, The Parish Dons would scarce within corne : Tnvem Ex enses, in fill Drau hts to savo, And talk o P er Tankards, most f emurely gravo; When they do not, at Cost of Publiclr ~ 1 1 1 , And set no Wine down in Church-Warden’s Bill. In fine, were not Frcu& Hab, t m e blue and tight, Were not his Princi les and li 11110 right ; Did not this honest 3 ; r d oat the ethocls use, Which he with Reputation now pfn-sues, ‘TIS certain that a neighb’ring Common-Council, Would a t no time for his, step o’er his o w ~ t O¿ZL

    Our Man Dick hns found out; n 1itt;lo IIouso t h n t n n b r d ~ vary gre%t Beer ; but ho swears by hia Malrar t l ln t ha WOU'^ toll mly. body where ’tis,-lest it; should bo flwill’d up, boforo Lo has hnd n Meal of lt.--Wdll endeavour to Dog him.

  • ‘ i


    HIS House has got one Tenant an Estate, T Crowded with early Guests, and Tiplers late, And rnkiy, in all Appearance, do the same l3 y Isaac Day, and his most careful Dame ; W110 rent it now, and with most courteous Mein, Give ev’ry Soul Content that enters in, Since not one Liquid therem sold, is bad, O r any thing displensmg t o be had; Or to the Taste, or to the Curious Eye, Whntsoe’er Faults it may attempt t o Spy, This Pair all Goodness, or all Blindness I. Whether for Brandies neat, that bear full Proof, We call, beneath this hospitable Roof; Or seek the Cravings of dur Thmt t7sssuage, In Two-Penny, or in a Uommon Gage. Bot11 in their different kinds are full as good, As Vrctualler ever sold: or Brewer brew’d, Well boil’d, and thoroughly strfiled with the Malt ; Not liable t o any Bort of Fault; Unless, when got into the Noddles fieat, I ts strength prevails, and makea us loose our Feet ; Then, and not t111 that pardonable Tme, Can any thing sold here, admit a Crime.

    Other I-Iouses of Note. Globo opposite St;, Andrew’s Church, good Bnterta~nment. Globe, Bartlett’s Bulldings, rare Liquors, and a h n d Landlord, who has B true Fnendskp t o Plnyera. I wlsh that Playors were BB true to hrm -Anchor in Castle Yard, good Dru&, and the House throng’d with experionc’d Topers.

  • Muse would inexcus&l_v do Wrong, T%Fould Newmads Tipple House remain u11SU1lg Where there is not a Pot or TanIcard brougW That argues not a quick and spr~ghtly Draug11t2 And shuts out every Cause of finclmg Fault. Here 111 the Evening, after Six, are seen, Loit’rers, ’till then, from Five, in LincuZ;rt’s-fian ;

    that tvalkm upon Stone Parade, Cons t to get this &ouse a srnimuhg Trade ; And when got Sappy m conjuncture nice, To swallow each a gallon for a &ce. Since it has been, florn just Observance found, A three Pint Tankard goss but half way round, And every Health mith tvvo of them is cl*own’d. Though, number Six perhaps includes the Clnb, So rav’nous are some Throats on Thirst for Bub ; But above every Barly-swilling Guest, R-- ne’er let’s the ahlning Vessel rest, But Mouthful after Monthful, downward pours, “l’il1 what I t holds, he to the Bottom lowers, Then passes it exhnusted, to the Left, Of’ Breath, though not returning Thirst, bereft. Uumatch’cl by any H e thnt weus n Name, But T-- q7 B--, of deep-guzling Fame, Tom! the mad P- that ne’er was lrnown to flinch, Or bate the most col1su11nnate Sot, one Inch.

    Other Houses of Note. Queen’s Eead, M~dd le Row, Rnro Cherry Beer and R Bevendgo Club Dolplnn, Lamb’s Oonclt~~t Passage, good Lquors, and a good-nntur’d Landlord Llmt w ~ l l bo bouud for any Body White Horse, Green-street, 2Et, BUIO. 30.

  • r- -3


  • T H o u g h there are some who, with invidious Look

    Than what he stands depicted for on sign, He proves he well “has croalr’d for Prey within j From Massy Tanlrards f019113’d of Silver Plate, That walk throughout this noted l-Iouae in Stalo, Ever amce li’a~lesfield, in Anwa’s Beign, To Compliment each fortunate C3nlnpt~gn, Nade one be hammer’d out for ov’ry Town I V ~ S tn’w S’ Not that Ale-clrapings now that Landlords CWO, He’s private now, und waits on City Mayor ; Estnted with EL Place, and Wealth 111 store, Ready at hand, for p u ~ ~ l ~ n s m g of‘ more. But t o do Justice t o its preseut Host, (Whom by the Way, I caution not to boast Of Number NINE -again, to Comp’ny, lost a His Wife detect him í’or n Zyi7y Denst,) The ame’s the Dridt, as thnt wherewith wore bu~xghl Those Utensils of Plaie, enchas’d alil wrought. Let 111s Neighbou1- Bungy too be told, Who thinlrs he cannot for his Worth bo sold, Take heed, how loud soe’er that Wreich m y bollow And soar out, Obwer is a c b a v e ~ licllaru; That he no more, with TI-OWQZ in ’his I-Inlzcl, Fol* Peny-Fee, from Lamyeru, I [ h m ~ comnmd, Lest, as one Horse .cvhipfd soundly in tho ? k q ) l e , 3He next be found I-Iorse-pondeil for Exnxuplc.

    Have styl’d this Bid more like a RUSS~CW Duch


  • NOW to the Sign of Fis?¿ let’s jog, A Man whom none can lay a duit on, The PinIr of Courtesie n t Alton, A Place whereof he was the Rampart, Under well-natur’d Captai11 La- That often has pour’d down his C ops Wine, and Drink made of ilk& ancl Irrys. Heaven’s speed, say I, this honest Host, G~an t t ha t his Lnbows m:~yn’t be lost But gain hin1 Food both Boil’d nncl %oast, ; !hat he the Boat of Life ma YCblim, And in the Sea of Bus’ness B win] ; So ns to bring about his Wishes, While his Guests drink like any l?ishes ; Like to the Salmon on 111s S i p , Which tells without, wl~nt’s Sold within : May he, so pz’?ys tho Man whose Mctro, I s wish’d for 111s seke lo be better, Get ten tirnes more b social uzeling, Than e’er he did by Ixu -ing%usliu ; OF Bra~~ndies, that 110 Customs paid, To carry on the Smuggling Trade, Alld. Dues on Contrabands ovndc Since he can never act a Shurn, That to Swines Thil p*efrm a ITAM, F o r that’s our jovial Landlord’s Nntne.

    There to find out a Xam shire Xiy,

  • i, i

    I ’


    b i



  • l

    Durham- Yard.

    FAME 1 likewise, tho’ it infarnousIy speaks Of the lewd BIaster of the Rouse’s Tricks,

    Tells of good Liquor sold n t Tommy P-lm. Member, as be’ll himself with Pride assure ye, F o r the Old Bz~ncireds of th? Lane cnlled bm9y. Ranger in Chief of al1 the Buxom DocsJ The Coufines of thnt spacious Parle inclose ; Wherein these’s not one Hurlot OP a Stvnsm, Unknown t o him by Nnme, or Place of Home : Since ’tis his Business, now his atlnorous Fires, Hnve lost their Strength, and his own Heat expircs, 1 To hunt the Bitches clown with Country Xqzri~es: For that’s the Name by which those Gentry go Without Distinction, whether High os Low, As he turns Pander for his Bustlclr: Chaps, And furnishes them for Gold, with swingmg Clups, Wlth all the Tram of Vcnus’s Mishaps ; While the cleluded Youth come Kir and near, T u drinlr his Belch, and his Deb - ches hem, h a c 1 s z d their Ruin in nt Mouth and enr.

  • sa k 9 3 m I E o O

  • F R o n t i n g that House wherein fam’d @i&- S tlwclls, Gi6b --S ! that in the Healing Art excela !

    A Serpent raises his erected Crest, And seems as if he n t Beholders hiss’d. This Beast, or Reptile, cd1 him what you planso, It matters not what Ap ellntion’s his, Hangs out nbove, that 1 P assengers may lrnow Re’s there Observant of whnt’s done below; To see that every Man for Pint or Pot, ~ n y down the h e a d y soon as it is brought ; For here no f o r n d compliment is us’d, O u t with your Copp , OF your D:wdc’s refw’d ; FOY Coin in Hand, the Drink from TInncl is givw, The Bz~yer and the Sclbr both are oven, This Practice Barmt to’s Rclvmtnge fouud, And by it left his Son Five thousnncl Pomlcl, ~ V h o iilrewise Irnew it of irnportnnt USC, T o qgdato the Dissolute and the Loose, ‘I In Bar to such, ns try’d to bilk the House. I POP would tllnt Custom ifrebiv’cl ng’on, Pail of the like Success ’twas crown’¿¡ with b n ; Since whex~e’s the same quick Draught of 1~1.mmi11g

    Tllcre can’t be tlle minutest, Cnuse to fetu Decrease of Trade, and Proof has mado it &lixl, ~ o o d Llquom a~\vaJra must bring in good dniu,

    p J W ,

  • ( B B )

    Hell at Westminster, a famous Eating House.

    Ence r e to HELL ln Westmxnster advance, Where LAWYERS, not the DEVIL, lead the dance, W h e r e L1tlgant, outraglous for then- Pees,

    Unrnerciful1.y Clients Pockets squeeze * And for tllelr Owu, not theIr Advantage bawl, W~tll Throats extcncled, round the spaolons Hall . Thls Hosp~~ablo l ioof , for such the Gnest, W111 find It, when with IIuugor ho’s oppress’d, 0 1 - Thlrst uusatod, tho’ miscdled in Name, Knows not Ilouse of a Bupenor Fume. But if t o plense nice Appet~tes we’re given, Claims the Precedence of its Nelghb’nng l-Ienv’~~ ; Far, vesy far, t h o m mock Dehghts suvpssrng In Meats, III Dmks, m c l in true Skill of Dressing, Tn all Conveniences for Sight xud Past, Aud easm Reckoamgs brought ln nt last SJIIICO, If we to Wrm TIIOMAS g m hw duß, I-Io’s the beat Coolc, and best of’ Victnallers too, Here CIIEQUBR BARONB on Low MONDAY fed, Dine Yenrly m Judge EACUS his Stead, Treated by SHEBIFF wlth Fowls aud many B choice CALVES Head ETcre, t o do Jua t~co t o t lm grateftd Cell, W e see ftdfill’d what Sacred Wrltmgs tell,

    9 In many B RIUII-MAN Customcr t o 11x1~. Whilc HEAV’N does not Empbatlcally prove, Nono but the POOLL Kitlin I ~ S Rogiom n ~ o ~ c .

  • Chancery- lane.

    Here, here, Whou auxioua Claros opprcãs my Bronflt, ” And Storms, from FO~~IWO’B 3’rowm, douy ]no Itost, When tlloro’s no Pros ect of RQCOVO~*Y soon, And all things scowl it ithout, look dndc within , I with full Glass to Sorrows put nn Encl, And drown them in a Bottlo and a Friend. O may thiR h n d , well-natur’d V~ntllor wcar, The just Rewards of’ all his Toil and Caro, ? And never have a single Rooln t o sparo. I May he go on, fresh CTustolrlers t o gam, And stdl h ~ s Old III wonted Croa CIS rotnin ; Since not ono Tavern ln tho Town can bonst, A fuller Concourse. or moro alonnuo IXost :


  • k

    G U I D E I



    A DESCRIPTION of the jßf(anner$ and Cudtoms of th0 most Eminent Publick Houses, in and about the

    Cities of Loltdon and Westminster,


    A HINT on the PROPS (or Principal Cncrtomers) of tach HOUSE.

    ln n MNTEOD so plmn that nny Thlraty PEnsoa (of the meaneat Cnpaclty) may easily find the nearest Way

    from one HOUSE. to another.

    Done by severd I-IANDB

    $Ih$trateB proper cCCrtts.


    Sold by T. Bickerton in Pater-noster-now,

  • A



    m t

  • Street.

    A House that r ises by that Momrch’s razz, Kept by a Man, who though his Name is jdcad, A Name distinguish’d by a factious Breed, Detests the bloody Crew that caus’d thatttimpiWS DflCd Falthful to Felt--m’s and to Dold--’s C ~ U S ~ , H’Accounts ns justly, as he justly Draws. I n both Capacities of Clerk,’and Host, True to the Duties of 111s donble Post ; Since none can better keep his Nart r’s Book, Bone better after 111s own Business 9 ook, As, though a Tap-House, every Place is d e m , Good Usage and good Liquors found within. Here &-WL the Cooper to the Brew-l-iouso ncnl; By Drinking, shews this Icen excels for Beer : Here Jolwy Sm--cl, whose Taste has oft been l~y’d, Quart after Quart, with a11 the Tribe beside, That walt upon the Boiler, or the Dray, Spend all the vacant Hours of Night and Dn,y ; So, there’s no doubt, but where the Brewcra colne, Good Drink must f1~4ght that hospitable Domo, F o r Grocer eats h~mself 110 rotten Plulnb.

  • Chis wcll- Street.

  • ECE Proverb says, and who’d a Proverb crossî That Stones, when rolhng, gather little Moss ; ’TIS well, d thls same saylng h t not Horne,

    BEN-T, the Vagrant Landlord of thls Dome, T h o , ln the apace of one revolvmgyear, Has In Sour &Berent Tenements sold Beer Fmt gw’n to Change, and Volatllc In Will, €Te left the GEORGX, for SWAN at DOWGATIZ-HILL , Theme ns the ~ G G O T blt lus Nob ag&, H e ment t o WOOLPACIK’S Sign ln FOBTEB-LANE, Where he a mhlle drew Drmlr, and thriv’d a-pace, Yet, for all that, nom settles ln this Place, Nay, what % o d d make a Satyrlst BO g m , &res BURCII one Hundred Pounds t o fix therein.

    The two chlef Props that lolter here for Bub, Are Prick-louse B--L-N, and fam’d Captam SoRUII. The first avers h’had Threescore S h ~ r t s forsooth, And twlce tTo Dozen Palr of Shoes, ln Tmth, Add we to thm, h18 Courage next I pray, Then on NOTTKUEIL’S Tln~ty second Day, H e fought mth several H~ghwaymeu at MIXIS, And had hls hat shot through i t a ve1.y Bnms. The last’s so called from bemg Harlot’s Gully, Nha tlpp’d h m Nag and 3lddle for h18 Folly. Neither's by BEN- T, as no Chap can gam-say, Held m Esteem llke LIS Doga Crss and Paxcrm. BEN-T, who fenrmg they should bleak then- Rest, Gmev Lodger that’s belvghted from lus Nest, And craves Adm~ttance, this Ungracious Auswer That he may go h ~ s Way, and d e n Back-up wlth I Grandsire.

    * A Wabchman so called Other Houses of Note The Ihng’s Arms, tho Green-hougo

    and the Golden E m d , all fnm’d for good LlqUOl’B, rare Dnmson, Gooseberry, Basberry, and Cnrrant Wine, sold only n t the I-Iorse

    Groom oppcislte t o Moorfields

  • EX” t o MOOR’S Gate, across the Fleld so nam’d, you’ll find a Douse for courteous Usage fam’d, The very Slght of ’t, at your Entrance m,

    Speaks the good Hostem t o be neat and clean, Who, not for Want, but for Elnployment Tmdos, And makes good Servants of three handsome Ma&, Thnt III thew proper sphere observaut move, Two in the lower room, end one above Ar’t ready, pretty M a d ? says 01ty Beau, Yes SW, c m s MOLL, that never answcrs, No, And straight supplles the Pop wlth Dish or Glass, That loolrs most wishfully upon her Face, And vmws her swolling Bubbies, as they m e Conscious of no Design, with guilty eyes, Or, if she to the Coffee-MIllrepnlr, And juts about her Tay1 with nrmble Air ; What Thoughts umhast those Motlons IU him form, Ev’n while the Girl 1s Innocent of Harm I Nor is the Lass that keeps the Bar, though free, Less decently hohav’d and clzaate, than she, But n t your iljcrvice, whensoe’er you call, For Liquor ln the L& agnlnst tho Wall, That baugs d lwm at full length m spaclons Words, To tell the different Sorts thls House affords, Which every Customer must hold confess’cl, Arc, 1n theh hnd, the nicest and the best. Ev’n such as Proud New Rzver’s Chapman please, m h o struts o’er others of more high Degrees, That more agreeably this Mannon use, Of uuyersal Note, for universal News.


  • N MOOR’S most ph-mant Field, where Nort;hern LadB I Wlth Western Youths, contend for broken ITcads, And where our Wealthy Citizens repnir

    To lengthen out thew &ives wit11 wholesome Air : Jo~ning to TROTTEIL’EI fanlous Onstla, stands A noted Mnnslon built by artful Hands ; Where Young or Old, a t smdl EX enso, may h¿¡ Delightful Pastlmes t o refresh the hd. Hither the sprightly Gemus has recourse, To pract~se rldin on tho Flying-IIorse ; Where, Dan er- P ree, he thro’ the Am may mow’r, And, vo~d ofklngs, fly fifty Miles nn IIour ; Nor that hns $his Com~er, tho’ he ruus BO faat, One livlng Leg to exped~te lus hast, Yet carries double, treble, if requir’d, But never stumbles, or is ever tw’d. As for the pregnnnt Wife, or tim’roue Muid, W h o fear, perhaps, t o mount so ~ w l f b a Pad, Bero’s a truo SOUTH SEA Conch, that S ortmg Bias Between the humbler Earth and lofhy S P (yes, Mma d to r m and fall with llttle Pains, L ~ k e t % a t uncertam Stock that turns ou- Brains. Liquors, the best, are also vended here From Heav’nly Punch to HALSI& Nobla Beer, By gen’rous WICITEPIEAD, who deservos the Bays From d l the Bons of Mnlt thnt Merit p i s o ; Therefore, if any should these Tmths dlstn1st, The F1yinng-U[orsc ad1 prove the Poet Just, Thither repaw and you wdl suroly fincl, Your Entortninlnent good, and Landlord kind.

  • Old Bedlam.

    F To a most ill-behav’d affected ASS; Disdains Advice, and Soars above his Last * AS he, with starch’d Demeanour makes a Pause, And struts behind the Liquor which he draws, Glv~ng no Answer to a Question made, Though its of Service to romote his Trade. Morose and Insolent, per aps because His Namesake understood BEAR-GARDEN Laws, And has obtain’d a reputable Word For many a lucky Bout at Staff and Sword. Be that his Prde-lt grleves me to my Soul, To sink so low as H o o m x ~ m the HOLE, Yet since my Pen has to this Thought giv’n Veut, Let him e’en tago the Saying as Its meant, To bring him to a knowledge of hls Post, And mnke him learn the Duty of an IIost ; Henceforward, when a Clustomer comes in, T’accost hm, freely, not to cock h1s Uhm. Foc howsoe’er Gl.ass-malrers, nelgbb’ring by, Bfay from the Nature of their Work be dr Howsoe’er Thirst may ra e withm then T roats, And make them send for wo-Peny by Groats, What Crouds soe’er may al each antque Room, Long us’d to Sp~ttle and Tobacco’s Pume. In fine, how much aoe’er hls Liquor's Fame, Contributes to advance lus Home’s name : None but a Sot, who’s nought but good Drink heeding, But will avoid it for the Master’s Breeding.

    ROM t h b well natur’d Man, well pleas’d we pass

    A Man whose Mind of quite another Cast,

    5 P

    Advertisement Mr. PriclcslnaU at the Horns in Moorelane sells good drink; at his house Mother Shipton’s Pro hecy 1s always before your eyes, for the Females Plock here to \ anter my Land- lord on his Name. YLrs 1s the Bucks-horns, but my Lord Miller’s is the Bull’s-horns ; the Eagle and Child and the White-horse, me dao xn this Lane, Fly your Kite !


  • so much for Stiffness aud a Lord-bke Air, Let Gayety be nest the Muse’s Care, A ~0na1, senad.de and courteous Kau,

    Here represents himself in honest DAN From CHmLm’s Race see t h Deecendmt s1Irtln& A name that; has in Record flourish’d long ; Famous for many B Match mith mnning Horse, A n d distanemg Its Rivals ln the Course a Though nom,m h m wo see no other Stir, Than who draws Wme, or Beer ? a comug Sir. As m his steed, his Sign with radiant Face, Shows us the Sun that dady rnns its race, To bring f h ~ s Landlord in Increase of Gam, W l m h flows upon him fpom the Grape and Gtraln, Much goo4 may thoae Emoluments produce He’s sure t o put them to a gen’rous uso, To make It by hm customers be seen, Bis Rouse 1s llke h ~ s Liquors, neat and cIean Whether for HORWOOD’S Drink he takes o w Gaya, Or else accepts It for fam’d AUSTIN’S Wine, Unmixed, and of Itself most exquwtely fine. The first he draws, m Common with the Beer, That’s sold at the BLACK DOG ln SEOREDITCXI Fair. For So ’tis Justly styled from the Resort, Of sho& of Malt-Worms, Cherß t o Drlnk and Sport. Attentwe t o Deohne of N&t from Noon, To hear the Clock play the Hnymnkel’s Tulm. The last, I mean 111s Wine, that needs n o Brewer, Is ofgood Vent, and of good Words secuce.

    * Other Houses of Note The Bull IU PIa14-street, migllty Bub : Magpye at Crlpplegaie, very good Beor. Plough ln Pore- street, a Tenement to Lett

  • Ere Justlce Ball, or, whde our Hand is in At Nlck-names, lives demure Sir TILQ~~s Thin;

    A Mall, than whom no house has juster got, For drawing us full Measure in his Pot ; And giving Notice, If his Drink’s not good, That suc11 a Sollt is not so Right as ’t shou’d.

    And almost dwindled to a SAeleton, Be counted Fat, and for that Purpose cries, H e should be choak’d, but for Tap-Exercise, l n drawing York’s Pale-Ale, or BUUS BilhBeev, And right Bnrbudoes Rwn, that’s neat and clear.

    O’er these, and other Liquors clean and nice, Each Monday, Tradesmen Club it for a Sice ; Who once a year, of different Sorts of Callings, Do what some Marrled People call Bear-hawling ; That is, take out thew Wives into the Fields, And see what chcar some ~~eigld’ring Villuge 1 ields ; Tho’ not till they solnetme before have stoop d, To dear the Way for Coats too widely hoop’d. Of these the Chef is Doctor Py-ne, who still Crys out Betty, newad, your TcdzurdJill! The Lawyer calls, Where ao?v s t a d s Pumon Lug? For want cf Dranh you w i l t m y Sparits clog.

    There’s thy Xenacherib too, a season’cl Quakel; Of‘ Female J obbs a doughty Unde~taker ; Who, by Report, has made his Comrades Mirth, By putting of his * Form within their Ecwt7~

    Fain would this Landlord, tho’ meer Xlwt and Bone,


    * 1,e. HIC p b e o !

  • i

    T Honest Fenow and a Generous Henrt; HE Man that keeps this House IS for hls Part BUSO, who’s tall and goodly to the Sight,

    A Son of AKAK for hm tow’nng helght, Though in h1e Temper a true ISRABLITE. Ne’er e’en a+ Home, will thm Mau grudge t o spend HIS Three Pence wlth a Customer, or Friend, h d entertain him with dirertmg Chat Oyer a Liquor that’s call’d This a d That. Of whch old DRUEY several times a Pap Makes half Pmts o’er and o’er to come m Play, One at a hme as often its he CILUS, And takes a Plpe and Smokes, and Dnnks and 8pnwls : Thence at the Tavern ’tis hm Custom still, Over another P1pe to d m k a, Gill. KXTTLD too cannot, though he’s Lame md Wo&, But hlther limp with, u1 each Hand, a Stick, The Dmk here set on broach, and here alone, Bemg attractive like the Loadstone grown, That Iron, Motionless, can to it Force, Ad towards its Embraces bend Its Course. JOHN CALTIH’S Jehu, for Sedition mpa, Cants hkewise of Rellgion o’er LIS Pipe ; While captloue DOBLE, Turnkey to the Pews, !The Saints in MUGWEL-~TREXT, a t Meeting use, Calls for half Pint of Two-peuny amain, And then slips out to come and cd1 again. But P- the Pamter (with hls Brother STR-WJN That 1s of bumming Bouze a .very Glutton, Whene’er the Tyre-smith TON commands full Cup, ( h d pulls moat lushly) crles, Sup ber up.

  • N” 4 xt Avery Hobbs his &!ansion bids us stop, And in it drink a very hearty Cup ; Six Go-doms, upon Rep, of Threps, or take Bumpers of finer Liquors Superrtao ; Both, in their kind, as good as can be found I n any Publiclr House on English Ground : The very Sign invites us at the Door, But, oh ! the Landlord, and his Treatment more ! T’his Man of Men, beheve me not to joke, Lives, tho’ his Neck has by n Fall, been broke ; A Fnll, that ldl’d the Idme upon the Spot, On Back of which he was advent’rous got: As Esoz~ppnli~~s, in Balrer’s Shape, Set him t o Rights, and caus’cl him to Escape. So, if great Things to little me compare, And Marlborough’s Horse be smm’d with Hobbs’s The Princely Chef that does this House adorn, [Hare, With Looks that speak him for good Actions born, Once in Rnmellids Field, to Conquest flew, Spar’d by the Bullet that his Courser slew. B u t not to blend Affairs of War with Trade, On which done, our present Scheme is laid, Tho’ he sells Ale, this Ilost’s a Vantner bred; And Bowsoe’er nor White, IIOT l i e d he vends, Is, by a Sort of Wim+TracZe, make Amends; Since Gentry that frequent his House, lay down, A Sice for every Bottle of their own.

  • ERE ENGLAND’S Red Tr~bunal haviug brought Men of Black Dedmg, and much Blacker Thought, Live by an Office, AdJectlve a House,

    Whereof the Managers ben’t rorth a Souse ; Because, If every Person had hls own, This HOUSE OP OPPICB had been never known. I speak not t h q to run upon the Mint, Or shew a Heart obdurate as n Flmt , But smce such Offices are suffer’cl there, Wlly does not the Kmght-Marshal enter’s Prayer T Especmlly m c e D-RY there resdes, That takes off Scollops from h s Pr~soners Sdes. Alas for W-RD, only nom ln Slght, Before your Pace he carmes on the Bite, Ldre Fellow that ln Street or Corner cl’ys, My B& ml11 take out Spots before your Eyes ; When all he boasts does only make appear, The Money’s spent, the Spender ne’er the uenr Smce ev’ry sign of Dlrt and Grease remuus, And he that takes the Coat to clean IC, Stnms. h t t l e JACR H-T, I know h ~ m for a Trap, Runs swlftly, and 1s slnlful d t a RAP, Oft does thla Man of Lams, Illegal, Talk, Seen oft on TENPLI’S AEdavit-Wallt, Whlle three or four solmttlng Asslstants, Speak C o u a ~ from Angels far at Distance.

    Obher Houses of Note. Golden Lyon, near the Churcl~, Dick M-ns, a broken Cheesemonger, then a Bum, h e t up nu Inn at. S&sbury, broke, came to TOH’II, put h ~ s Bald Nag into Nosogny Sarah’s Stable, and so became Master of this Ken

    The King’s-head, kept by one-ey’d R- and his very goocl- natur’d hopp~ng Wlfo, a house of the saue stamp,

    Rose and Cromn, In Rose and Crown-court, an honest soul Uorseshoe by t h Beach-Jonney-, 1 1 1 ~ dear Honey, 1s Iho

    BecIronmg paid T-Rlslng SuIl, If tho D I ~ C was LES good as they are lofty ; ’twould be the best BU^ m the whole Bo1ough.

  • Near St. George’s Church,

    Ere, boon comnpnnion, gwe me lea^ to ~m,r11 you, Look shwp’.S the FV orcl, liZenum Itabet in Corna !

    The fawning Miecreant that owns this H o n q Preys upon all the Guests that hither corne, Cajoles them to thelt Ruin, Inch by Inch, Sent thence to starve ia Prison, cail’cl IGzg‘s-BencA,, When they at the Expence of IIcdwas Corpus, TLUW themselves over for another Purpose.

    Here Turnkeys, Tlpstaves, Walters, jomtly drain, 8 Poor Debtors out of every Jack of Cole, Without Compunction, or Remorse of Soul.

    The Pris’ner, first transmitted by tlle Judge, I s carried into the King’s-Bench’s Lodge ; Where, left by T$, who bids his Charge Gocl-by, J--S comes, and ctlstmg round a. lenring Eye, Accosts the Leeches plmted near him, thus, Masters, your Rumble ! I s he One of’ua P Answer’d ln the Affirmative, (to pass A. Complime1lt) then t o him clrlnks n Glass; Conducts him fl-orn the Turnkey, to his House, And crys, NoEl, use hina kmclly, to h1s Spouse ; This Gextbrnnn’s ~ I J F;?,.iend! l’hm done, he says, Master I each Gm& Jhis Entrance-Bottle pc~ys. Hol1 ! Moll, stm&t, fe tch n B o t d e of chozce 12ed. Then leaves him by himself, t o scratch his Head ; Till Dinner calls, vhen fresh Demands ensue, And antient Customs are brought in a-new ; Such as for G c ~ v i s h , Sir, Q Bott le more, A Quw-fern,for your goivy t o the DOOY, Another, t111 be’s sent, as lins been said before.

    To asIr what Tribe frequent this House, ’tis vain,


  • Bird-Cage-Ally, Southwark.

    HE Coxcomb of a bluff concelted E]cost, T That swaggers here, and thinks to rule the Roast, 1 s ~ o s t - c h , who stdl jangling with his Wife, Leads her, as she deserves, 8 weary Life; Since to make no ruore Words of this same Matter, None but hmself can match her for ill Nature. Upon hm Sign, to shew its Owner’s Wit, Qz17 A l e is with au Air of Quackery writ, Truly prepnr’d, and recommended bg Fam’d Doctor Bosfoch, which in short’s a Lye ; But who can hope for Truth wlthm a Place, Where not one Symptom’s to be found of Graco. Here likewise, smoaking over Mild and Stale, Sate D-by, Keeper of Knight Marshal’s Goal, Here one-ey’d B- I I a Judge’s Tlpstaff late Now clerk of the Enquiries, drlnlrs in State ; JuBtIy call’d flnthes. by OLW Dame, ’t18 true, Since without him there would be no11gllt to do. When not a flinging the merry Main elsewllere, Or at the Pharoah Bank in $~ampstcnd Ail*; Jf-gan wlth him, joint I;andlord of tho Grolmd, Whereon LezC9h’s Booth i d Btdlo~A’~ to bo found. Here o’er a T’anlrslrd nad a Pipe receive Such Monies as the Doctor’s IIBREI’CI to ,$v(? ; Who, though the Stelvard Bty t 12s Imlsclf -lirr,soot~l, Not only Laudlord of t110 Grond, but I10ot1l ; But less Arna~d~ac~a t s n4wc t i ~ ~ e ’ ~ &tlc ,q~i($:, $fist for the Wench that u’r18 this n o c l o y ’ s - ~ ~ ~ i t l ,

  • J

    In the Minories.


  • OHM ~ E O R I C W S , alias upright JOHN, whose gate

    Rules here m Chmf, as Master of the Dome, J Speaks him erect, and as an Arrow strait, Whither grcnt Multitudes of T~plers come, I n Rooms carouslng, and Green Arbours some, TO guzzle double Beer at single Price, And swallow n full Gage for half n, Sice Tlus Landlord, Then Hlgh-Constable severe, W-r-ter the lofty, wlth assummg Aw, EIS Bouse of Sketih, md of Cards, would clcar, Stood Tryal when Indicted, and at last Tbat empty Tool of Magistracy cast. And why should he not do so, since it’s plain, To all Men, that hare any share of Bram, The Gaming Statute never was dewgn’d, To bar refresh~ng Body, or the M u d , But t o su press the then revmuling Vlce, Ofrmn’d $amll1es at cnr a sand Dice On TUESDAY Nights, here Gentry, to commence Sk~ll’d ln the Noble Art of Self Defence, Learn how to malre a Parry, and to T ~ F L K ~ , To all the Rules of Traverse twly just, Here hkewlse, upon FRIDAY Nights nppeaps, A Club for M U S ~ C ~ held these Porty Years, l’o nh~clz Lorn, the Tobacconist, belongs, Au henrty Soul for Instruments and Songs, BIBD, a great Dyer too, fiequents t h s Iren, The most obligmg and behav’d of Mon ; And so does BUILFIZ, by whom Proverb’s cross’d Whose Verltyno way 111 hlrn can boast, Slnce though thnt 68) S, Nme Taylors one Man mdro, This Taylor cau ninc Men to Atoms shake l

  • f


    RIB IIouse, to give to CBSAR CBSAR’S due Contmne such Drink as 1s surpasa’d by few, And holds a Laudlord whose frank open Heallt,

    Of most hls Brother Victualler’s gets the start ; Tho’ couldhe less Credulity have sbemn, That others Breasts were guiltless as his own, f I e ne’er had Losses upon Losses known Witness tho k m e when that lnost fiuigh’d Cheat F---a caJo1’d him with his Rum Recclpt. In R-G’S B-UH walks -No. 7, for that Witness again the P1*ounse which mas made By tho same Llmb of Petty-fogging Trade, Tor so much Money p a d h m down m Hand, Ootnmumoners were so at h a Co1nmand, That CBSAR SIIUTTLESWOBTIT, for they’re his Names, 8hodd be Tide-Water III the RIIWR TaAuEs, But, ifihat Post should difficult be thought And twesome, II more easy should be got. One at theu Office, who of Forfelts Judge, Wherc not a soul nulougst them acts the Drudge ; Or else t o malre n Man of him a t once, For whlch he ought to break this F-er’s Bones, Whene’er 80111~ Folks should NOVA SCOTIB qult, And he had f n l u l n Q L L I ~ ~ at Law for It, CBSAlt should not ofPot~uds Four Thousand fail, As Tribute paid to h m down upon the Nail, But tho’ sLd1 Frauds ns these mgh t others break, WAYLEFT, by none lu Bounder’s Art surpass’d, Tuneful 111 Soul, ns ln the Bells he casts , With whom, m Props, both SUITH and ALLEN sute, BOWDEN and DAWS, of. unstmn’d Repute.


  • E certam wheu you at PAUL GEIFFIN’S stop, While he 1s in 111s House it needs no Prop , Smce ln this llttle Dapper Fellow’s seen,

    A Man that d&ks hm Glase up mond’rous clean A s he two Journeys, in one Day ml11 talre, And kill lulnself almost, for a merry Livmg’s Sake. Nor does thc neat good Woman of thls House, Tho’ v e d d m other Matters than her Spouse, At Cookery fall short of him ln Paina, To dress Moat well, while Drinklng turns hm B r a m ; Unweaned 111 her Labours t o restore, T o prlstma Health, sick Pereons at Death’s Door %%ereof but few, that Lodge with ber for Air, Find her successless m her tender Care, Which more than the Physman’s NOSTRUN serves, Bud raises Lodoers smklng m thew Graves Whom, If they’& Females, our facetlous PAUL, HIS Angels always takes delight to cull Or, what’s with h1m the more accustom’cl Word, To Tltles of hu Xavelzes they’re preferr’d ; One of the mhlch, S- G--P, tbe Printer’s Wife, That t o HIS, owes her renovated Life ; When free from Gout, OUP Host’s alert and gay, H e dlgmfies by Style of Xovely @ ? c y , Slace she, by Lodging a t hrs House IS grornu, As plump as Plenty, from mere S h u and Bono. Add me t o thw, what’s more cllstluguish’cl fonnd, Are Flees tllat shnde n plensaut Shttle Ground, Whlch Pam attends hllnsclf t o suck hm Face, And brag, when Drunk, of’ mahug BENDERS 8 Case

  • 21 )


    Goswell- Street.

  • ICK W-T, OP all Mankind, it’s very certain, Fulfills the Proverb which s ap , Fools have Y ( w ~ For m the first Place, favour’d by thnt G t o d d c ~

    That ever sides with the most brainless Noddies , After three Wives Decease, and gone t o Tot, A Pourth, as luck mou’d hav’t, t h Bosh has got ; Who but for weddmg thls, her hireling Slave, Never one S~gu of Indiscretion gave, A Woman of good Management and Sense, And undeserv’d by h m a ~tllout Offence. Tho’ he well serv’d by * CASTZBT and by FEAST, rinds that hm %ade’s, bp pow’rful Drlnk, mcreas’d ; And has, of late, an House adpcent thrown, By B trluumphal Arch into his own ; Through whxh he prldes t o pass, and to repnss, With Joy that seems to wauton 111 his Face, Like that of Hero, who with Grandeur gay, Makes Publick Entrance on Thanksg~v~ng Day Lofty he looks, as ~f no Ground he folt, Up to the Pabnck, whch 111s Money buzlt Such was hls tow’rlng Arrognme of Thought, When he, to speak for Haelrney Coachman brougllt, Sad t o t he Justm, to give him Title hlgh, So may i t please your WorshqYs Mqesty. The Chief Supporters that for Tlpplo call, And make a f ~ m o u s Noise 111 B~~clr-Ratl-IIdl, Are first TOM B-T, thnt d eals ln G111, A d talres Whore’s Caps ILI Pnmn, when Moncy’d ~ I I I I I D a ~ e DICK the Butcher too’s a mighty Mm, Dame JACK, the Snob, both great n t Cmp a d Can. Rattle-skull SPR-H, (lrualten JONES, who’ll a ~ t d k D o r n au much Bub as B-I,L--u, bp n8 J3-m ; Nor must the grensle &des-man bo forgot, Nor Glyster Pipe, au uncoukestad Sot

    ---_ _- -__ * TRO Brewers. 1 TllC ncw l ~ o a m .

  • ger -lane.

    HIS House IS kept, although its Drd r mellow, By one JACK EI-LL, a poor bradesß Fellow, A SJKIP, advmc’d from Lwery Coat, of late,

    !Po LI Blue Plag, with which he struts ln State, And clams almost as mucb Obeysnnce too, As If ho rode Grst Admiral of the Blue The chmf of Liquors that aro styl’d the best here, Is Ur~nk that’s Christen’d by the name of CnEsTER, Over wh~ch S-W-B-DQI, Lord of all the Props, Diverts hlmself each Night, when ln his Cups, W i t h D~alogues, no doubt Instrrnct~ou-Proof, Between the Landlord, and an IRISH Oaf, Whom superan1umted ln Grmace, They with the learned Name of Doctor grace; So call’d, perhaps, because n t Funeral’s stdl, I I e llghts those to the Grave the Doctors kdl. O the r Supporters o f thls Tiphng ken, A r o young Excise and Court of Conscmce-Men. O n e of the &SC of these, when late a Courtmg, H a d like t’hme hoolr’dm a West Country Fortune, B y means of t l ~ e good wife within the Bay, T h a t doals as Broker m such sort of Ware, Tho’ she has rnqmr’d hey Trade bg’ts tahng Air. T h e Chief of all the Last 18 Satan’s Godson, The lzlgl~ and mighty Jobhe1,nolling H -K, A Wretch, stdl bragging of lm brave Bxplolts, In clientmg Cripples of the11* Parla11 Dolts, TVlth 111s wlde Nouth, still ga mg like the Grave, Wllicll never ceases t o deman i and crave.

  • Milk- street.

    IIE Landlord here ndvanc’d from 2 Muslret bromu, 7_’ To a Blue Flag, aud House of some Renonu, By an old C--st-off of the D-glut B-l,

    When of: each other they’d theu Bellies full , Thm Champlou. Ea14 hns plac’d wthout. his Door To shew what Calling he wm of before ; R o w he in Wars and Warriors took Dehght, And had stood Centluel full many a Dag aud Nlght Here In tall Glass that has the Maids regard, Who still must like what’s a ful l mensur’d TARD, Lnrge quautltles of Bumox Ale are swlll’d, Bp Gangs of Warehouse-&feu 111 Traffick slnll’d ; Who, all fI*orn I\IANCRGYTXR, full North t’a Mnn, Cry Sharp’s the Word, m d bite t h n t deepest cau As edn some Quakers, most dernul ely grave, Herd mith them to be tnugLt t o plarv the Irnave, WIth T~as and NATS t o gloss o’er Thugs uutrm, From GODFRET’S Court, and N-COUIC and 111s crew, Vhosc Sanctmonlous Mouths are seen t o water, m e n JENNY dnnks, the Buttel-Womnu’a claughtcr ; That grasps the Glass with a most ardent strength, And seems almost t o eat I t for Its length ; But nhnt’s the most stup1wmg of tllc \d~ole’s, Here &!-TT, the Pnuter , g~d l s n Press that rolls, Who ue’cr was brot~gllt t o such n Pass before, Was Bully’d Into Payment of B Score , That long had stood, ancl long was 11l~e t o stand, (To shew, that he to’s Rlonth could ldt 111s hand) Stedfast nud fix’d, ns Tuue t o Ilulldrcd Psnhn, Before, ’ t m s thought, ’tu ould touch the Lmldlord’a Palm.

  • ( 25 ) Queen -street, Cheapside,

  • Over-against Aldermanbury-Poslern.

    Gainst that Wall, where BEDLAM’B Bac l r s~de ’~~s l~ew~~, And good S n HARCOURT’S Frontispiece IS known , Thero stands a House, accustoln’d long to Trncle,

    Of old, well prop’d by many a fuddling Blada, Though ]t, of late, has, needful of Repnrs, Been held up by Sup Orts, unlike to them, By Beams, its crazy 8 a b r ~ l c t o snsia~n, A n d glre It back Its pnstme Strength agam, Each Room made cornmodlous t o receive The Guests, tha t dally i h r Attendance gwe, To make their Host JOZIN WICNDLEBOROUBII thrive Whose Stores of Amber, and of other Beers, Mellom’d, rcfined, and smooth’d mith Ago and YenrB, In divers Cellars l m besldes hls own, Aud prove our quondam Tomor n ealthy g~own, Who, whde we must allow be nvll behwes, Our Pockets, not our Beards, 110w closely S ~ ~ T C S . Among t h e rest, whom tk‘above D r ~ n l r s ~ n v ~ t e , JOHN W--x calls m here by Day and PITlgllt ; A Cook, ~f that IS not a Nama too II1g11, For a Pense Porndge-Vender by the by, One, that m nothmg else beslde 1 t denls , But Hasletts, Trotters, m d a í‘ow Cow-Heels There Dr BR-N too, whose Phpslclr Courses, Are learned1 prescrlb’d for Heels of Horses ; And hm fat &oLlIer of the Drench, who scarcdy W~ll lose the Name of Buttock and of Pnrsely Th~s Man, when Groom or Conclunan is a dry, Caus for Great Tankard, by the StylQ of My. But above these, and evory otller Guosl, UAX-D’S the Mm, whose Character’s tlm best

  • St. Ana’s-lane, Alclersgake.

  • v At sight of Goose md Instlwment t o Bro& I e w but the fhgn ; and ~t will make you S m l h This w~ll excite you both t o Drink and Eid,

    Oh ! for a Leg 1 for Its delmous Ment, To rellsh the Strong Tipple retail’d here, And g m , more B ZEST m Wine, t o Bees, But I forget, the Birds uupick’d I seo, And AIU wear Feathers stdl m Splgllt of me, DUTCH Carvers f r o m St. Pam’s adjacent Dome, Blther, t o whet their ’VPhstles, da117 come, Not Tools, and as t h a r Guts m t h Belch they fcnsl, To crave stdl more m Language of the Beast. Old TV-N B-Y, os If you please, Old Bunliar, Is often at free cast most deadly Drunk llcro Thls Wealthy good-for-nothmg Wretch of late, !Pd1 he by Buddug clmb’d t o an Estate, Was &Taster of this EIouse, wllcrem he still Lodges, of pohrerful Bouz to tuke his fill , And that same Throat, wlth strongest Guzzle glut, Which hc for Vldom B-N at Tavern cut, JACK Y-@ too, and a crowd of F1ddlo1-a ~norc, Here tire the Guests, and play them oui, of Door. As every Mothes’s Son amongst the &LW, Both eats aud d1~1nIcs, and spendv but Pance cnllcd Two, For Peuuyworth o f Cheese, besides good Bub, Thew Bread, their own, throughout tlla Csts-Gnt-Club Bob B--N, the Pnmter, tao’s another Ppop, Famous for tnImg Wounon’s Llmlell u p , JACK B-TV llkewlse lrnolrn for T1pp111,q Four, And EAT-N never bL~clrm , z ~ c l n t a mharc,

    C u ~ n ll~ultis dlis,

  • Carter- l a m

    Rn,lvling. Tom Beedle in this Mnnsion dwells, Boasting that none in fuller Quarterns sells,

    And the old Bragadoccio would speak true, Were his, fill’d nt the Top and Bottom too. Here Proctors that deli +t in single Lives, While they get Pelf by !L icences for Wives, Us’d some time since, for Eight Pence each JICT Bead, To be at Dlnner Season daily fed, T~l l Tom, who found young Appetites too keen For such a Sum, advanc’d those Pence t o Ten; For ~ ~ h i c h each Mother’s Son may rule the Roast Furnish’d with BeZh~-!ZFnzber at 111s Cost. So that the Man, who dealt in CouEs before, And Wholesal’d and Retad’d the Sulph’rous Om; By which their Herds got ready to be eat, -Were dress’d, now trafficks not in Coals but Jfecct, Ancl may, much Gain from his New-Trnde ame, No Stomncbs damp it of too grmt a Size, ~ Such as 1s Proctor T-V-T’~~, whose T’hro;lt , Sndlonrs doml Food for a vhole Tun of Gut; But as TVnt BU,~C~---S’S, whose genteel An*, i Shen S 111s Behaviour C: entlerllan-lila fair, Ancl pleasing to the Girl that keeps the Bar, She’s a youl~g su~idmg &iI~dwlfc, m r l r yon tllnt, And Madam Laycock must lmow what is n hat.




  • ELL may the Cod, with crest erected Gron; And look with State on the adjacent Row;

    Since by the Liquors, here, 111 Plenty sold, H e may his Head above his Neighbours hold ; And, as he once had done in Clem?¿ his Days : His present Master’s Fortunes amply raise : Though now grown stnrch’cl wit11 supercilious Air, This House’s wonted Guests to Dog rcpalr. There, over Wine, thew Hacney Scribes t o cheat, And bite them with a Glass and Bit of Meat. For still the Drink’s of every kind is good, The same the moderate Price of wholesome Food, As, in the time just mentioned, that it well May be afirm’d Old Clt~wh snrv1ves in Bell. Be&, who’s not only well-behav’d, but read, And can Discourse on many a knotty I-Ieacl. Name but the Subject, and he’ll hit Pat, With Explanation upon this and that; As we in him a Churchman staunch may view, To Monarchy and t o Religion true, Wllilk J o h n the Porter, hnZf Seas o’er, does quaff, And guzzle domn fidl Pints of Hcr.lfal~d Hu$ Nor hough Whig Book-worms pass this Mans1011 bg, (Such as is Ch-Zd, with a malignant Eye, Full of his Brother B-9,’s empty schemes) Shall he wrult Frlends in Mo~p-w ancl in JC¿TIZCS; Since they wlth a much better Grace prevail, For more delicious Draughts of Oxford Ale.

  • i

    Smith- field.

  • f u

    M And wlm’ß the Huccesaor t o Mistress JONES, m m , whom this Mansion for its Master owns, That out of it, By D I U ~ of Female Strength,

    Bwied three Husbands, stretch’d at their full length. MXLBIS, a Compan~on full asgood as e’cr Stuck b a Taukard of good hummin Beer ; Shews, i y the Toolß of Rlnck you? 8 onour’s Shoe That are in publlck ltoom expodd t o view, IIe does the ltules of Charity puraue. Thla httle Punch, so his Boy’s call’d, o m provo, Of lete from G-allow but a Third Removo, Whon in the Streets a Vagabond he strol’d, To cleau Folks Bhoes, with both his ow4 uusod’d, !P111 soft compnasion w$rm’d our Landlord’s Brefbßt; Prom Sntm’s Jaw8 to rescue the Distress’d, 9’0 cwibze an Zufunb wild and looso, And l w p him from tho Dread o f TYnvaN’s fatal Noose May n full I-IOUSQ its just Rewards display, May this good M m Heav’n’8 Blesslnge threefold renp, P n r Llwowlog thus his Bread upon the Deep May F- SE stdl drmlr like Fith olle Pair of Stnirs, And gwe himself n ROI^ of‘ Penoher’s Airs, May the old Lawyer boo, that sits below, Ne’er €rom his Prnctice of N~ght-Vreta go : May Et111 JOIIN FATTIIPUI, due Attendnuce pay, Aud S o m m EICNNANT thimt twelve tmes a Day Mny I~OLLI$T~IIURST of &wle be no stinter, Nor FRY, thnt drmlrmg, almast frys iu Winter , Nor Botchmg MEDT,BY, wlah hls Buckle W~fe, Cease molst’ning of their Olay o’er I)aiutleB, doJ*lng Life


  • N ear Hick’s-Hall.

    EXT, if we trace the &dance of our Nose, N Twdl lead us where good Drink of dl sorts f lowb Where Men of t r fd Experience, Sporters Keen,

    Drink up thew Glasses, and thew Tnukards clean, Such as are FR-S merry as the Day, Such pretty DICK, the scribe, alert and gay, Such (for no honest Man but takes his Part, Howe’er Dame Fortune Jilts hm) -’S Frleadly Heart ; Not but these three Associates more would plense, If they would do so by much less Degrees, And be then own Frlendtr more than they’re DU PR-^ A Landlord, who but laughs within his Sleeve, To see each one their proper busmess leave, Carouse from Morn to Night, from Night to Morn, That h ~ s Law Costs for Oysters may be born; For an old Flehwoman’s renown’cl Defeat, Wlth much ado most Cavsllerly beat, Forc’d to preserve her precious life by Flight, And afterwards t o get four Gmneas by’t. So well thla Hero of Law Pedlars knows, Tho Rules whereby a crafty Trickster goes, That’s us’d to Fan the Flumes his Breath has blown, And burn h ~ s Chent’s Fingers, not his own, Thls he m ~ g h t learn from 111s Sage Lodger BR-N, Who m such Cases IS a, dextrous Sham ; But who can set one that IS Headstrong right, Or fix a Bram that’s like a Feathe19 hght P

  • ND hence, good sober Sirs, let’s take 8 jump, A To honest Davis’s against the Pump, Thy Cyder Evan ! and thy rare WeZsh Ale, Are too well known to need f?om us a Tale, Thy Humour, and thy Latin. are so good, ’Twou’d make one split his Sides, by G-d it nrou’d Thy Salve Domina, 5%‘ quoque snlvus sis, Enough to malre a Man himself be-piss. What hast to drink? says L- ; quoth merry BUV~S, Cydel; Ale, Brandy, Utrum horum Mavis 1 Sir, if you:Iilre not that you put your Lip 111, I have a Glass of Glorious Golden Pippin. Whoever then admires good Liquor, Wit, €Tumour, and in good Company woulcl sit ; And wisely sets it to hrmself a Rule, To be in Winter vwm, in Sumner cool, Must be at Dnwis’s 01’ he’s a Fool.

    But I had almost quite forgot to tell, That Tuneful” Parru does with Davis dwell. The l’hracznn Orp?&u,Y, as the Poets sing) Made Forests dmce, and Brutes attend his String ;

    Took Enm, and listedd to the Harpers Play ; But, had 131iad Parry flourish’d in those Times, (For all the Il’lzracza/a’s Numbers, and his Rhymes)

    Nay, O~phcus, and his Harp, had dangled after him,

    1 All Nature wond’rmg at the pleasing Lay,

    l ) l n Nature had turn’d fkom Orplmu to the Dim,


    Y Bather !

    * A blrnd Harper, who marrled a, very hnndsomo youeg Lady ; from the Star nnld Garter, nt lulington, Broker and

  • AMES MONK here from the Cock in Whzte-l¿art-ynl*d J Near Drurp’s Hundred, claims our just Regarda A Man tha t must be Mettle to the Bach, And throughly vers’d ln Matrimonial Smack ; Or h’had ne’er flung a comely Dame on HWS, After sev’n Weeks were spent ln Widov’s Tears, For Spouse departed from thia Mortal Life ; Who’ld live a Widow, that mlght be a Wife í’ This House of Houses, formerly the best PorRYinks well-l-brew’d, nnclohoiceqf Meats well cl~ess’d, Had dwmdled in Repute since Ridley’s Days, ’Till MONK restor’d it from its last Decays, Just like the General of that glorious Name, Who brought these Nations t o their wonted Pame, No Man far better Two-penny can wish, Which B-11, the Lawyer, swills like any Fish, While Tonsor Scarlet, ‘like his Name appears, And Gibson, for full Draughts, lays by his sheers ; With James and Rustvn B-ltoya, sncks a-rnnin, And ØS”J~--ci%-,9h gapes for it like Earth for Rain, As 8heep, the Fidler, keeps the last awake, With Talk of Birds, which both their Fanck And old Fan-painting Wood, who’s a F1-encl4 Bolnar&, In Med’cines for those Blrds will yield to no Man. Wnen Sick, or molting, they their Feathers ahed, A Doctor fit, when Drunk, to cure the Dead. As Liquors brew’d by Nzcholson and Trhte, Trips up his Beels, as it ascends his Pate. ,

  • St. Martins le Grand.

    HE Man, that these T h e s Morrice Dmcers owns, T IS, tho’ a JVelshmm, none of illedin’s Sons, His Oracles to deal fiom Druid’s F o o d ; Thls, while he brings not his descent from thence Through Vehicles of Pewter , shews his Sense; As he from Pints a,nd Quarts of Min’ral Mold, Speaks by his Drink, what strange Bvents they hold. Smce ev’ry Drop contain’cl therem’s so strong, That it unbinds the Fetters of the Tongue, Cives a full Loan to Words unri e for Sound, And makes us seem to tread on F 4 airy Ground, That moves almost like DeZoS, when afloat, Caus’d by the Liquor swimmine down our Throat, Drink that most Customers by bcores, engross, While Hocbley’s Hob shall boast an Andren! Cross I The Props on which tlus House, in chief depends, And who’re Dzck Joncs, the Landlord’s, kindest Friends Are Green, a Weel-mc&r of good Repute, With Hammoncl, who makes Lusts to fit our foot, Mwp--t the Mercer too, and L- lock dapper, A little merry Wight, that deals in Paper, Sit sotnetirnes here among the Tipplmg Crew, That to be s;fich‘d, leave Btitching Coat and Shoe, While Williams, a Welsh Fldler, slimb and arch, Plays his Iate Grace the Duke of Ormond’s March.

    That Prophet always held it to be good,

  • $t. Martins 38 le Grand.

    THE Drink which Ivey sells that owns this sign, Clin 7s to the Pot as Ivy t o the Vine, I t s 8 roth remammg to its latest drop,

    And loth to quit its HoZd,when all the Beer’s drunk UP.. This knov S the Man, who with Right Bev’rcnd Harne Lives with another’s meritorious Dame, Whose Husband sometimes to hls Shop repahs, And makes hls Lasts t o fly about her ears, For thus defiling her Connubial Bed, B y plantmg large BrowAntZers on his Head. The Good Man, that the self same Trade pursues, Now turn’d to mnkmg Clogs fi-om making Shoes, W111 likewlse by th’abovesaid Truth abide, And be a Witness 011 this liquor’s slde. As also M-rphet, spoken of before, m7h0 frequently spends here a vacant Hour, With Colz-wn~y, a Guzler clean and neat Of Leather- C t ~ t t ~ y l’rade 111 A l ~ g c I Street. Nor must we pass a certain Crisph by, Who’s Beurt was nrel2, when’s Ncc7c WRS turn’d n7ary, ”l’il1 in its proper Place again ’twas set. He’ll testify the Strength of this same Wet : Though he can’t give leat Tokens of 111s own, At the same time his 6’ ife’e in want of none- Fruitful of Issue, wlth contented Heart, By broken Noverìnt Univcrsi M-t ; But above dl the Chaps that use this Ken No Craftsman breathing vies with honest Ben Roble by Name, that lrves a t Woodsfirreed’s end, One that makes Ladies Shoes that nom can M e d

  • ( 39 1


    HERE OEARLNS 111s Head near to the Globe is plac’d WILL AUDLEP’S Drlnlr 1s gl*atefnl to the Taste ; There, bred a Vmtner, he 111s Wues retales,

    Choice as the best that are ex os’d at Sales, Clean, brigllt and sparlrliug, li E e a Lover’s Eye Prom Irmeyarda of the Vale, t o Mountains high. All in their Kinds most exquisite, nor can The Globe outdo him, or the neighb’ring Swan ; Thou h both those Taverns haw deaerv’d Applause, For t t Q next racy Wlnes thab elthel* draws, Besides, what recommends t h ~ s Lnndlord more Than all his change of Lquors, all 111s Store; His courteous Mein, lm Industry t o plcase, And win B ou Affeclious by Degrees, Jolu’d to tEe Cares of a laborious Dame, Must one Day elbow hlm to Wealth and Bum, Smce, tho’ he’s, as his nanm dcclalw, of Kin, To tbe fam’d Lord that founded AUDLEP’I Inn. With humble GUIS^, and with Behaviow meek, Alike he’ll .to a Gent. and Butchor speak ; Ahke he’ll welcolne them for Wine and Beer, And thank thcm with a most; obllging Air Nor, if the nicest Eater of a Guest, Would have his Food by Rules of Cookery Drem’d : Does the good wife of this well-manng’d Dome, Short of her Husband in her Business come, Bince we through every Pubhck ITouse may look, And not find out a more experienc’d Cook. A Tavern Cook, that at one fire can boast, Twelve Yearrr rul’d both the Boil’d and Roast.

  • Liquor Pond Street.

    N Street where Pond with liquor us’d to flow, See J o h ~ Cole’s Cock, of Liquor8 Boast and Crow.

    O’elb which Tom Cock, n Gun-Lock-Smith that’s Old, Three half Pence In his Hand whole Days will hold, As, though he cannot speak one Word that’s plam; 1 For Fumes of Drink wxthin his Pericrane, 1 He Stutters out a Jargon of Discourse, ‘1 You’ll know no more of than my Lord Mayor’s Horse J Yet, whde you understand not what he sap, His Tongue runs on with Tales, from Adma’s Days Down to the present Tunes, and pausing Cries, i Aln~ost at every Period, when he lies, Perish mg Blood ? f a t is not, to Lind His Falshoods, that they rimy your Credit find, John Cleverly, who to Bottom from the Top, P m t after Pint most rleverly drinks up, r Is full as good a Customer and Prop. He’s a rare Gamester, when engag’d at Cards;

    i i

    Which, with the Girls, have all his keen Regards, Tho’ to be caught, at once, with * Damsels two, l Is more than any single Sports-Man’Y due.

    i 1 i


    * I n Come’s-AZley : Hush !

    At tbe Coach and Hot*ses mal* this PIACB, Ply your Kite ; and 50 you mny at thß Km S I-foatl m aruy’s-Inn-Lme,--be sure t o curry good storo of rick-thread ! But if you wou’d hnve good Llqnor, and goocl Usage, wlth a blah of Innocent Fun, repm to Andrew Andrab’s at Bugnlgge IIouss.

  • Bow Lane.

  • Smith- field”

    W When ask’d to suck hls Face, will ne’er cry No, I’NSMOIUE, for BO’S sirnam’d our Landlord J O, TO fina out who shall for each Tanlrnxd pay, With Graziers, Drovers, Hay-Men, and the Throug Of Jockles, whom two Catch-poles ~ I X among, Deals round the mighty Beer, to shew that he Can unlock all thelr Secrets wlth 111s K e y , Or If they score too far without the Crop, C m at the Rosa in WOODSTI~EIT lock them up. The very Slgu bids Customers beware, And Spend no more than they can justly s1~a1-0, Since, on the one hand, I f the pow’rful Drinlr Lays all Things open upon wlmh they think, It’s a Dlsester that they ought to shun, Risques of auch Dangers ought not to be run ; Or, If on t’other, T oid of true regard, Their Chalks swell Into Bulk by drmhng hard, They should moat surely play a safer Card Not that old @R-TER needs thw Lesson henr, Few @ames at &aughts will clear his sho t for Beer ; These he knows more, less puzzled and perplel’d Than when he thump’d a Ouahlon for a Text-. Nor, that, Bx----as's or N-NAN, want Advice, Who sell their Hay at a good Market Price; Or RAD-FF, who with that upon 111s Cap, Better than Dugs of Eine, loves WINSJEOBIO’S Ta;l:,, Nor bid we PA-E the Draper to take Claro, Fo r he’s a t Draughts a moet successful Player, But of all Soaks, deservmg of Rebuke, Re that Drmks Go-Downs, 18 GRAFTOW’I DuIra.

    But, while 111s Customers aL Draughts Essay,

  • White-fry am

    nox FLEET.STREET thro’ WIIITE-FRYARS Gateway pass, F J U R ~ on the &ght If you would take S GLISS, There, you the best of Two-penny may swlll,

    With the poor Hew of Forthless WIUITHAM’S Will, A Man that about twlce three LustreA slnce, Left Legacies of ( ; lop, wthout the Pence ; And llltlro DIEGO, lu his last Uevlse, Bequenth’d h m Patrmonles in the Bines, Or wheresoe’er the largess could be found, Either above, or else beneath the Ground. n e r e hkewlse CE-D, the Porter’s tuneful Lnys, And H--LL’s, mho batter’d W~ndow-T~lghts docs glaze, With H-~orr Jumor, who from rnaklng Whips, Drinks Two-penny with Sonnets on his Lqm, Try to excel1 the Bull Fluch in his Notes, But these alas ! In vain, distend thew Throats. In hnpes of Conquest while the pretty Blrd Warbles, and for h1s Musrclr IS preferr’d Muswk ! than which ’tls not lu human VOICO, To sond forth Melody so rlch snd cho~ce. WILL BEMBOE, alias Admiral of that Name, A S ortsmnn good, as e’er wlth Gun shot Game ; W1t 73 his Iov’d Spouse, a neat and cleanly Bnde, As Ebs t and Hostess oyes this House presde. Nothmg but Mirth throughout It’s to be seen ! But when the Songsters disagree therein : As the young Noverint Univeral Folks, When Drunk o’er Two-penny send round their Jokes ; And the Maid NAN laughs aut, and makes her Brags, Of throwing Women down with Dogs betwecu thelr Legs,

  • ( 41 )

    AVE n t thee, t o thine Eits WILL P---KNBY look, H ’TIS t119 Turn now t o come to meet the Book, Tho first well Malted, as It’s tnstod W d , But III thme Eer a Word-whence came tho latter, tell? 5 Sllence, I find, is what t h y Temper sults, Those Officers of Customs are such Brutes, That should a Syllable fall of Lquors run, They’d be about thme House, sure LLE D Gun. Then, Mum fer such affrlghtful dismal Specches, Enough to sink thine I-Ieart Jut0 thy Breechcs ; Por 1 perceive thy Colour waxing pale, And leave W ~ n e Spirits for thy Beer nnd Ale, That thou thme own mnyst by so domg ram, Who look’st around thee now with wi ld Amaze. Of a small House, thme handsomely 1s Gll’d, With Folks that are in Yortel+’B 3;iquors slnll’d ; A11d Ilas a R ~ g h t for Customers t o Vie, With most that bear thcir Heads nloft and high, Even n hen thew spnclous Rooms fow TiplerB hold bike unfrequeuted Churches bleak and cold. I’d fagn speak well of those that use thy Ken, But S-- N---D’s Bottle Nose would Scape us then : A Wretch that baullr’d his Dmghter of n P--le. By breaking off her Mnbch wlth Surgeon W-LB, Btacause he’d have Elor Fortune on tlm Nnyl, Aud would not be bl*ougllt III, for Cnlrcs ancl Ale, T o let it ln her Futhcr’s I-Iands nbido, Prom thc~lcc not t o be drnwn t111 Lnnlmus Tlde; Unless like th080 o f whom he makes his Prey, He’d ii~t each Pound of’s OWIJ Two kihill~ng~ pay.

    Thou mnyst good Drink, neat Bum and Brandy sell, 4

  • High- Holborn,

    M But yet the Man’s good-uatur’d,
