Anat Terms


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  • 8/13/2019 Anat Terms


    Fovea. L. fovea , small pit.Fundus. L. fundus , bottom.Funicular. L. funis , rope.Fusiform. L. fusus , spindle, + forma , shape, likeness.Ganglion. G. ganglion , a swelling under the skin.Genu. L. genu , knee.

    Glia. G. gloia , glue.Globus. L. globus , sphere.Glossopharyngeus. G. glossa , tongue, + pharynx , throat.Griseum. L. griseus , bluish.Gyrus ( pl. gyri). G. gyros , a turn.Habenula. L. habena , strap.Hemiplegia. G. hemi , half, + plege , stroke.Hemisphere. G. hemi , half, + sphaira , ball.Hernia. L. hernia , protrusion.Hiatus. L. hiatus , gap.Hilum. L. hilum , a small thing.Hippocampus. G. hippos , horse, + kampos , sea monster.Hydrocephalus. G. hydor , water, + kephale , head.Hypaxial. G. hypo , under, + L. axis , centre line, axis.Hypoglossal. G. hypo , under, + glossa , tongue.77

    Anatomical Terms and their DerivationHypophysis. G. hypo , under, + physis , growth.Hypothalamus. G. hypo , under, + thalamos , chamber, couch.Impar. L. impar , unequal.Impression. L. in, in, + premere , to press.Incisura. L. incidere , to cut into.Indusium. L. indusium , tunic.Infundibulum. L. infundibulum , a funnel.Innervation. L. in, in, + nervus , nerve.Insula. L. insula , island.Intrinsic. L. intrinsecus , inward.Invagination. L. in, in, + vagina , sheath.Isthmus. G. isthmos , narrow connection.Jugular. L. jugularis ( jugulum ), pertaining to the neck.Jugum. L. jugum , yoke.Kinetic. G. kinesis , movement.abyrinth. G. labyrinthos , ma e.acuna. L. lacuna , pond.amina ( pl. !ae). L. lamina , thin plate.eminiscus. G. leminiskos , band.eptomeninges. G. leptos , thin, + meninx , membrane.imbus. L. limbus , border.imen. L. limen , threshold.ingula. L. lingula , small tongue.

    obus. G. lobos , lobe.ucidum. L. lucidus (lux ), full of light, clear.umen. L. lumen , light, opening.unate. L. luna , moon.


    Terms Specific to the Nervous System"acula. L. macula , spot, stain."ater. !. mater , wrap or nutrient."atrix. L. matrix (mater ), womb, groundwork, mold."eatus ( pl. !us). L. meatus , passage.

  • 8/13/2019 Anat Terms


    "edulla. L. medulla , marrow, pith."eninges. G. meninx , membrane."eningocoele#"eingocele.G. meninx , membrane, + koilos , hollow."eninx(pl. meninges).G. meninx , membrane."esencephalon. G. mesos , middle, + en , in, + kephale , head."etathalamus. G. meta , after, + thalamus , chamber."etencephalon. G. meta , after, + enkephalos , brain."icrocephaly. G. mikros , small, + kephale , head."icroglia. G. mikros , small, + gloia , glue."icrosmatic. G. mikros , small, + osmaomai , to smell."ydriasis. G. mydriasis , dilation of pupil."yelencephalon. G. myelos , marrow, + enkephalos , brain."yenteric. G. mys , muscle, + enteron , gut.$eopallium. G. neos , new, + pallium , cloak.$erve. L. nervus , G. neuron , cordlike structure,nerve, tendon.$eural. G. neuron , nerve.$euralgia. G. neuron , nerve, + algos , pain.$euraxon. G. neuron , nerve, + axon , axis.$eurenteric. G. neuron , nerve, + enteron , gut.$eurilemma. G. neuron , nerve, + lemma , husk, sheath.$euroblast. G. neuron , nerve, + blastos , bud.$euroectomy. G. neuron , nerve, + ektome , excision.$euroglia. G. neuron , nerve, + gloia , glue.$eurology. G. neuron , nerve, + logos , treatise.79

    Anatomical Terms and their Derivation$euron. G. neuron , cordlike structure, sinew, tendon"equivalent of L. nervus , hence, nerve.$europil. G. neuron , nerve, + pilos , felt.$europore. G. neuron , nerve, + poros , hole.$igra. L. niger , black.$ode. L. nodus , knot.$ystagmus. G. nystagma , short sleep (during whichrhythmic head movements occur), modernuse, rhythmic eye movements.%culomotor. L. oculus , eye, + motor , mover.%lfactory. L. olere , to smell, + facere , to make.%ligodendroglia. G. oligos , few, + dendron , tree, + gloia , glue.%phthalmic. G. ophthalmos , eye.%ptic. G. opsis , sight.%stium. L. ostium , door.%tic. G. otikos , belonging to the ear.%tolith. G. ous , otos , ear, + lithos , stone.&achymeninges. G. pachys , thick, + meninx , membrane.&allidus. L. pallidus , pale.&allium. L. pallium , cloak.&apilloedema#&apilledema.L. papilla , nipple, + oedema , swelling.&araesthesia#

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    &aresthesis.G. para , alongside of, + aisthesis , sensation.&araflocculus. G. para , alongside of, + L. floccus , flock of wool.&araganglion. G. para , along, beside, + ganglion , knot.&aralysis. G. para , alongside of, + lyein , to loosen.

    &araplegia. G. para , alongside of,+

    plesso , # strike.&arasympathetic. G. para , alongside of, + sympathetikos ,sympathetic.80

    Terms Specific to the Nervous System&araxial. G. para , alongside of, + L. axis , axle.&arenchyma. G. parenchyma , pouring out into the ad$acent.&aresis. G. paresis , relaxation.&arietal. L. paries , wall.&arieties. L. paries , wall.&edicle. L. pes , foot.&edunculus. L. pediculus , a little foot.&ellucida. L. per , through, + lucere , to shine.&erilymph. G. peri , around, + L. lympha , fluid.&erineum. G. perinaion , perineum.&etrosal. L. petrosus , rocky.&etrous. L. petrosus , rocky.&honation. G. phone , voice.&hotoreceptor. G. phos , light, + recipio , # receive.&hrenic. G. phren , diaphragm.&ia. L. pius , delicate.&iriform. L. pirum , pear, + forma , shape, likeness.&ituitary. L. pituita , slime, phlegm" at one time believedto secrete a mucous material from thebrain into the nose.&lacode. G. plax , anything flat.&lexus ( pl. !us). L. plexus , plaiting, braid.&lica. L. plicare , to fold.&ons. L. pons , pontis , bridge.&resbyopia. G. presbys , old man, + opsis , sight.&rocessus. L. processus , going forwards.&rochordal. G. pro , in front of, + chorde , cord.&rofundus. L. profundus , deep.&roprioceptor. L. proprius , special, + capere , to take.&roptosis. G. pro , before, + ptosis , falling.&rosencephalon. G. pro , before, + enkephalos , brain.&ulvinar. L. pulvinar , cushioned couch.&unctum. L. punctum , point.81

    Anatomical Terms and their Derivation

    &upil. L. pupa , girl.&utamen. L. putamen , shell, husk.&yramid. G. pyramis , pyramid.&yriform. L. pirum , pear, + forma , shape.'uadrigeminus. L. quadrigeminus , four%fold, four.adicle. L. radix , root.adix. L. radix , root.amify. L. ramus , branch, + facere , to make.amus. L. ramus , branch.

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    aphe. G. raphe , seam.eceptor. L. recipere , to take back, receive.ecess. L. recessus , retreat.estiform. L. restis , rope, + forma , shape, form.eticulum. L. reticulum , little net.etina. L. rete , net.hinencephalon. G. rhis , nose, + enkephalos , brain.hombencephalon. G. rhombos , rhomboid, + enkephalos , brain.ostrum ( pl. !a). L. rostrum , L. saccus , sack.acculus. L. sacculus , a little bag.arcolemma. G. sarx , flesh, + lemma , husk, skin.cala. L. scala , staircase.ciatic. G. ischion , hip $oint.clera. G. skleros , hard.clerotic. G. skleros , hard.eptum. L. saeptum , fence.inister. L. sinister , left side or unlucky.inus ( pl. !us). L. sinus , curve, cavity, bosom.inusoid. L. sinus , curve, cavity, + eidos , shape,likeness.82

    Terms Specific to the Nervous Systemomatic. G. soma (pl. somata ), body.omite. G. soma , body, + suffix -ite , indicating origin.pina. L. spina , thorn.trabismus. G. strabismos , squinting.tratum ( pl. strata). L. stratum , layer.tria. L. stria , furrow.