Apresentação Capítulo 11 - The limits of capital


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  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    Urbanizao, Poltica e Cidadania

    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    Instituto de Geocincias

    Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Dezembro de 2012

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    Quadro geral do captulo

    IThe use value of land

    IILanded property

    IIIThe forms of rent

    IVThe contradictory role of ground rent andlanded property within the capitalist mode ofproduction

    VDistribution relations and class strugglebetween landlord and capitalist

    VIThe land market and fictious capital.

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    The theory of rent

    Rent, in the final analysis, is simply a payment made to

    landlords for the right to use land and its appurtenances(the resources embedded within it, the buildings placedupon it and so on). The land, conceived of in this verybroad sense, evidently has both use value and exchangevalue. Can it also, then, have a value? If so, how can theexistence of that value be reconciled with theories ofvalue that rest on embodied labour time (such asRicardo's) or, in Marx's case, on socially necessary labourtime?(HARVEY, 1982, p. 330).

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    The theory of rent

    Valor no brota da terra.

    A renda da terra se insere no circuito da

    distribuio de mais-valia, embora possua

    funes de co-ordenao na sua produo.

    Um mundo de aparncias esconde a natureza

    da renda da terra e dificulta respostas sobre sua

    funo no sistema capitalista.

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IThe use value of land

    O que nos interessa so os valores de uso

    relacionados ao modo capitalista de produo.

    A terra pode ser alienada e transformada em


    Certos valores de uso da terra so reproduzveis

    outros no (distino entre valores de uso naturais

    e valores de uso fruto da ao humana).

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IThe use value of land

    a) The land as the basis of reproduction and extraction

    A renda da terra no a remunerao de um meio de produono-produzido. Somente o capital controla a produo do valor.

    Exemplo da queda dgua. A vantagem natural a base da gerao

    de lucro extraordinrio e no sua fonte.

    On these grounds, Marx disputes Ricardo's view that rent is a

    payment for the 'original and indestructible powers of the soil',

    because these powers are as much the product of history as they

    are of nature.(HARVEY, 1982, p.337).

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IThe use value of land

    b) Space, place and location

    Outra fonte de renda da terra a localizaao, uma vez que todasatividades humanas demandam espao e podem requerer

    localizaes especficas.

    Importncia para realizaao do valor no mercado.

    In the final analysis, however, the use value of a particular

    location can not be understood independently of the variegated

    needs of a whole host of activities [](HARVEY, 1982, p.340).

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IThe use value of land

    c) Location, fertility and price production

    Esses dois usos da terra podem ter pesos variados para diferentesatividades produtivas.

    Marx, de uma maneira geral, abstrai a questo locacional e

    trabalha somente com a fertilidade da terra postulando que o

    preo de mercado o preo de produo na pior terra mais o lucro


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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IILanded property

    Cada momento histrico tem uma forma de propriedade da terra

    e a histria do capitalismo se confunde com a alterao dessas

    relaes em prol da acumulao.

    Thehallmark of landed property under capitalism, Marx argues,

    is such a thorough dissolution of 'the connection between

    landownership and the land' that the landlord, in return for astraight monetary payment, confers all rights to the land as both

    instrument and condition of production upon capital. (HARVEY,

    1982, p.343).

    Tendncia: tratar a terra puramente enquanto ativo financeiro.

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IIIThe forms of rent

    a) Monopoly rent

    Toda renda se baseia em um certo tipo de monoplio daterra, mas a renda monopolstica surge em condies no-


    A terra enquanto obra de arte

    A terra enquanto artigo raro

    A renda absoluta possui base em certo tipo de renda


  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IIIThe forms of rent

    b) Absolute rent

    Fruto de um obstculo aliengena produo (posse daterra) coloca ao capitalista e livre circulao do capital.

    Fruto de um poder circunstancial que os proprietrios de

    terra tem de manter uma baixa participao do capital naproduo agrcola.

    Depende da realizao do preo de mercado e, portanto,

    tende a ser reduzida.

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IIIThe forms of rent

    b) Differencial rent

    DR-1 is easy to interpret given such simplifying assumptions.It reflects the material conditions that make fertility

    differentials permanent features to production. Landed

    property, which appropriates the DR-I, assumes a neutral

    position with respect to the determination of market value

    and cantherefore be exonerated from all blame for lagging

    accumulation or any other social ills.(HARVEY, 1982, p. 354).

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IIIThe forms of rent

    b) Differencial rent

    A renda diferencial 2 (RD-2) pode ser facilmente apreendidaatravs de um ceteris paribus, mas o importante a relao

    entre RD-1 e RD-2.

    RD-2 possui um carter transitrio, se confunde com e alteraa dinmica da RD-1 atravs do nvel normal de aplicao de

    capital. Elas no necessariamente se somam (impossibilidade

    de separao) e assumem um carter no-neutro em relao

    ao valor de mercado.

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The contradictory role of ground rent

    Landed property has nothing to do with the actual process of

    production. Its role is confined to transferring a portion of the

    produced surplus value from the pockets of capital to its own.

    However, the landlord plays a role in the capitalist process. of

    production not merely through the pre sure he exerts upon

    capital, nor merely because large landed property is a prerequisite

    and condition of capitalist production since it is a prerequisite and

    condition of the expropriation of the labourer from the means of

    production, but particularly because he appears as the

    personification of one of the most essential conditions of

    production. (Capital, vol. 3, p. 821) (HARVEY, 1982, p.359).

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The contradictory role of ground rent

    a) The separation of the labourer from the land as means of


    Thebarrier that landed property places between labour and the

    land is socially necessary to the perpetuation of capitalism. But in

    creating landed property as a barrier to labour, capital also creates

    barriers to itself. In making the reproduction of wage labourpossible, the appropriation of rent also becomes possible.

    (HARVEY, 1982, p.359-360).

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The contradictory role of ground rent

    b) Landownership and the principle of private property

    Thepreservation, and even the enhancement, of private propertyin land therefore performs an ideological and legitimizing function

    for all forms of private property; hence, some would argue, the

    importance of conferring privileges of home ownership

    (possession of a means of consumption) upon the working class.From this standpoint, we can regard rent as a side-payment

    allowed to landowners in order to preserve the sanctity and

    inviolability of private property in general.(HARVEY, 1982, p. 360).

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The contradictory role of ground rent

    c) Landed property and capital flow

    Apesar das formas como a renda monopolstica e a renda absolutaconstituirem entraves aos fluxos de capital a renda da terra pode

    ter efeitos positivos (disciplinadores) sobre a acumulao

    capitalista de modo a co-orientar decises espaciais da produo,

    de investimento e ajuda a manter o ambiente de competio eacumulao. As dificuldades surgem porque os donos de terra

    podem extrapolar seu campo de ao (RD-1 e RD-2) e inserir

    conflitos no campo distributivo.

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV Distribution relation and class struggle

    O padro de distribuio da mais-valia global fruto de uma luta

    de classe, na qual os proprietrios de terra se inserem em sua

    busca por rendas.

    Diferentes oposies de classe geram diferentes nveis de

    explorao, de renda e de exerccio de poder (conflitos com

    componeses vs. conflitos em contratos).

    A utilizao das renda tambm constitui um ponto de anlise


  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV Distribution relation and class struggle

    The landed interest lost its autonomous and independent role

    and was necessarily transformed into a faction of capital itself. []

    the share of rent in total surplus value produced is less and less

    the product of overt class conflict between two quasi-independent

    social classes and more and more internalized within the logic that

    fixes the circulation of interest-bearing capital among the various

    forms of fictitious capital that arise within the capitalist mode of

    production. Which brings us more directly to how and why

    interest-bearing capital comes to circulate through land itself.

    (HARVEY, 1982, p. 366)

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    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The land market and fictious capital

    Ground-rent, capitalized as the interest on some imaginary

    capital, constitutes the 'value' of the land. What is bought and sold

    is not the land, but title to the ground-rent yielded by it. The

    money laid out is equivalent to an interest-bearing investment.

    The buyer acquires a claim upon anticipated future revenues, a

    claim upon the future fruits of labour. (HARVEY, 1982, p. 367).

    The basic forces regulating the price of land and its

    appurtenances are the rate of interest and anticipated future

    rental revenues. (HARVEY, 1982, p. 367).

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The land market and fictious capital

    By actively pursuing the appropriation of values, landholders can

    force production on the land into new configurations and even

    push surplus value production on a scale and with an intensity that

    might not otherwise occur. In so doing, of course, they condemn

    future labour to ever-increasing levels of exploitation in the name

    of the land itself. (HARVEY, 1982, p. 368).

    Os proprietrios de terra sinalizam rendas futuras e orientam a

    produo do espao para os fins da acumulao, pois dependem

    de sua realizao para auferir renda.

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The land market and fictious capital

    By actively pursuing the appropriation of values, landholders can

    force production on the land into new configurations and even

    push surplus value production on a scale and with an intensity that

    might not otherwise occur. In so doing, of course, they condemn

    future labour to ever-increasing levels of exploitation in the name

    of the land itself. (HARVEY, 1982, p. 368).

    Os proprietrios de terra sinalizam rendas futuras e orientam a

    produo do espao para os fins da acumulao, pois dependem

    de sua realizao para auferir renda.

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The land market and fictious capital

    Por outro lado, as aes individuais de um proprietrio de terra

    afetam no somente todo o mercado de terras como tambmcompromete a fora de trabalho futura.

    Como evitar um frisson espectulativo e suas consequncias


    Monoplio e propriedade estatal poderiam ser solues, mas

    possuem suas prprias contradies.

  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The land market and fictious capital

    Capitalism cannot do without land price and land markets as

    basic co-ordinating devices in the allocation of land to uses. It can

    merely strive to constrain their operation so as to make them less

    incoherent and less vulnerable to speculative disorders. Two

    implications then derive from this general conclusion. (HARVEY,

    1982, p. 371).

    1. Terra dever ser um ativo financeiro e aberta a circulao de

    capital, deve cumprir seu papel de capital fictcio.

    2. O mercado de terras afeta tanto a produo como a fora de


  • 8/14/2019 Apresentao Captulo 11 - The limits of capital


    The limits of CapitalDavid Harvey

    Chapter 11The theory of rent

    IV The land market and fictious capital

    Thefact that it sometimes forces too hard or in erroneous

    directions simply establishes that the land market

    necessarily internalizes all the fundamental underlying

    contradictions of the capitalist mode of production. It thereby

    imposes those contradictions upon the very physical

    landscape of capitalism itself. Yet it is, at the same time, a vitalco-ordinating device in the struggle to organize the use of

    land in ways that contribute to the production of surplus

    value and the structuring of capitalist social formations in

    general (HARVEY 1982 p 372)
