Artikel Mengapa Harus Menggunakan Air Dryer by English


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7/24/2019 Artikel Mengapa Harus Menggunakan Air Dryer by English 1/2


 Compressors, in addition to generating wind he was also prod!ing

water at high enogh le"els# $his is !ased %& the wind generated

enogh heat, so immense possi%ilit& o' !ondensation#

 Condensation is a pro!ess o' !hange in a more solid 'orm s!h as a

gas or "apor into another 'orm, in this !ase trns into a li(id# $hese

!hanges o!!r at temperatres %elow the dew point#

 Re'rigerated air dr&er is one tool or ma!hine that ser"es as t  he air

!onditioning ) wind# As the name implies, re'rigerated, then it wor*s

li*e a re'rigerator +'ridge *e& to how the air dr&er or other !ooling

s&stem wor* is re'rigerant# Are s%stan!es li*e -reon re'rigerant whi!h

has a low %oiling point and the !hanges %etween the gas as it passes

throgh air dr&er# As a li(id, the re'rigerant a%sor%s heat energ& 'rom

the !old in the water and trns into a gas dr&er# As a gas, then atrans'er o' heat energ& to warm air otside air dr&er and !hanges %a!*

into li(id 'orm, and then dis!harged throgh the drainage#

 air dr&er appli!ations !ommonl& sed in 'a!tor& .lasti! In/e!tion,

0low 1olding .E$, Sand%lasting, -rnitre, -ood, .rinting, .ainting,

and man& more# Unt*penge!atan, the 'n!tion o' this tool is "er&

!en tral and "er& help them drain the water !ontent !ontained in the air

or wind in the sppl& o' the !ompressor so as to red!e the %ad reslt

o' painting that !ases pat!hes o' water or water *andgan when

spra&ed r% o2 on 3eld in the paint so that the reslts o' the painting isless smooth and less good#

 -or se in 'a%ri!ation, i' at the 'a!tor& or in the wor*pla!e are sing

ma!hines or pnemati! tools are in motion %& the wind +air !ompressor

it is %etter i' &o se Air Dr&er a'ter o' !ompressed air, the %ene3ts that

!an %e "er& good 'or ma!hine4 and other pnemati! ma!hine, red!ing

the o!!rren!e o' !orrosion +rst on the ma!hine4mesian pnemati!

%e!ase the air has passed throgh re'rigerated air dr&er was "er& dr&

and !lean#

 -or te!hni!al data   itsel' o' Re'rigerated Air Dr&er !an %e p to 5 467degrees Celsis to Dew point is and to Am%ient $he temperatre !an %e

5485 degrees Celsis, Air Dr&er o'ten people !all it has two !hoi!es9

Re'rigerated Air Dr&er Low .ressre and High .ressre Re'rigerated Air


 $o o%tain ma:imm reslts, air dr&er mst %e e(ipped with9

 .re -ilter +-ilters are installed %e'ore the dr&er to !lean the dst

parti!les !arried %& wind prod!ed %& the !ompressor to the si;e o' 64<


7/24/2019 Artikel Mengapa Harus Menggunakan Air Dryer by English 2/2

 A'ter -ilter +-ilters are  installed a'ter the dr&er that wor*s to !lean

p the oil "apor !arried %& the wind resltant !ompressor p to 7#76 to

6 mi!ron si;e
