AtmiyaVidyapeeth · 2020-05-16 · AtmiyaVidyapeeth SUMMER VACATION WORKSHEET-2020 SUBJECT: -...


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  • AtmiyaVidyapeeth SUMMER VACATION WORKSHEET-2020


    Date -

    STD - 9th

    Max. Marks -80

    Reading [10]

    Q.1. Read the following passage carefully. (5)

    SO, YOU WANT TO BE A CARTOONIST? What writers struggle to express through numerous newspaper columns, the cartoon manages in a pointed one-liner. Little

    wonder then, that the first thing most of us like to see when we pickup a newspaper is the cartoon. Simple though it may

    seem, making a cartoon is an art that requires a combination of hard work, training and a good sense of humour. Cartoonists

    say that the cartoons that make us laugh the most are in fact the cartoons that are hardest to make. Even celebrated

    cartoonists like R.K.Laxman admit that making a cartoon is not a piece of cake. Laxman says he has to wait for over six

    hours, which includes spending a lot of time scanning newspapers and television channels before any idea strikes him.

    So how does one become a cartoonist? Which of us has the talent to make it? How can we master the rib-tickling strokes and

    the witty one-liners? How can we make people smile or laugh? There are few colleges or schools for cartoonists. Most

    cartoonists come from art colleges, while some learn the craft on their own. Most established cartoonists are of the view that

    no institute can teach you to make a cartoon. "You can pick up the craft, you may learn to sketch and draw in institutes, but

    no one can teach anyone how to make a good cartoon," says Uday Shanker, a cartoonist with Navbharat Times. While basics,

    like drawing and sketching can be learnt in an art college, and are important skills, these alone, do not make a good

    cartoonist. Because it's a question of one's creativity and sense of humour; two qualities one simply may not have. The

    advice established cartoonists give is that just because you can sketch, don't take it for granted that you will become a cartoonist. Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet.

    (a) What, according to Laxman, is the challenge in creating a good cartoon?

    (i) waiting for the right thought (ii) browsing newspapers to emerge. and television.

    (iii) getting the right kind of (iv) good drawing and sketching training. skills.

    (b) Which of these words BEST describes this passage?

    (i) humorous (ii) technical

    (iii) challenging (iv) informative

    (c) Of the many qualities that cartoonists should have, which of the following is not referred to directly but can be

    inferred from the passage? (i) knowledge of current (ii) knowledge of educational technologies. institutions.

    (iii) knowledge of news and (iv) knowledge of different current affairs. languages.

    (d) According to the passage, which group of people is of the opinion that one cannot learn to make a cartoon in

    institutions? (i) many struggling writers. (ii) highly creative artists.

    (iii) well-respected cartoonist. (iv) all newspaper editors.

    (e) "Don't take it for granted that you will become a cartoonist." Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the


    (i) Don't assume that you will (ii) Don't hope that you will become a cartoonist. become a cartoonist.

    (iii) Don't believe that you will (iv) Don't imagine that you will become a cartoonist. become a cartoonist.

    Q.2. Read the following passage carefully. [5]

    WELL RESCUED Ulhas Mandlik, 35, a power-loom owner from Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra, and his mother were homeward-bound one evening

    when heavy rain forced them to take shelter beneath a bridge. Not far away, a small group of labourers huddled together

    under a part of the cement housing above a 16 metre deep well used to pump water for irrigation.

    Suddenly, Mandlik and his mother heard the labourers scream. When the two got to the well, they were told that a five year

    old boy named Hariya had fallen in through a side opening in the structure. Ignoring his mother's fears, Mandlik quickly

    knotted together lengths of flimsy rope belonging to the labourers and asked them to lower him into the dark well. "I hope

    the rope holds," he thought. As he descended, Mandlik noticed the metal rungs on the wall of the well. He grabbed hold of

    one and started climbing down, when he saw the boy clinging to a pipe running up the well's centre. Grabbing the child,

    Mandlik started to climb praying that the old rungs wouldn't give away and plunge them both into the churning water below. Their luck held and within a few minutes, Mandlik clambered to ground level and handed over Hariya to his sobbing father.

    The man fell at Mandlik's feet and offered him some money as a reward. Refusing the cash, Mandlik took Hariya and his

    family to a nearby eatery and offered them steaming tea to warm them up. Several organisations have honoured Mandlik for

  • his bravery and presence of mind on that wet day three years ago. "I am happy I was at the right place at the right time," he says," and was able to return a little boy to his family."

    Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet.

    (a) What first drew Ulhas and his mother to the well?

    (i) shelter from the heavy rain. (ii) the return journey home.

    (iii) news of a small boy's fall. (iv) the labourer's screams.

    (b) What were Ulhas' mother's fears really associated with?

    (i) the rusted rungs inside the wall. (ii) the risk to the life of the rescuer.

    (iii) the churning water inside (iv) doubts about the safety the well. of the boy.

    (c) Which of the following could be a learning from the report? (i) it is best not to involve oneself (ii) one should not take shelter even in situations involving others. beneath a bridge in the


    (iii) one cannot predict when an (iv) metal rungs alongside the wall of accident may befall any person. a well may not always

    be useful.

    (d) Which of these expressions best describes Ulhas in view of this incident? (i) disregard for an elder's (ii) disbelief in one's own abilities. warnings.

    (iii) faith only in prayers for (iv) concern for others with no success. expectations.

    (e) Which of these did Hariya's father express on receiving his son? (i) gratitude. (ii) relief.

    (iii) anxiety. (iv) peace.

    Writing [20] Q.3.Develop the following outline into a story: [8]

    Two friends…………. Travel together ……… promises to help in danger…….pass through a forest……… a bear……….. One climbs up a tree………. The other too fat to climb ………….. Thinks a plan ……………. lies down ……. Holds breath…….. bear smells ………..thinks dead………. Goes away………. Friend comes……………asks what the bear said……….. don’t rely on false friends…….. Feels ashamed ………….. Moral.

    Q.4.Write an article in 100-120 words on the evil of dowry system

    Using the following points [5]

    Dowry system------ a stigma ----------- shame ---------- innocent

    Girls burnt alive--------- laws ineffective -------- women should

    Become bold ---------- education ---------- men should wash off

    this stigma.

    Q.5. Write an application to the head of the municipal corporation to draw his attention towards the dirt and filth which has

    spread in your locality, Also mention how these untidy things haphazardly spread in your area can be the major cause of

    spread of Covid 19. [7]

    Grammar [18] Q.6.Look at the following words and phrases. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. [8]

    (a) An antidote/and pain /it is/to stress.

    (b) Anything/the faith/they give/to believe/can/that/happen/ you

    (c) The minister /an impossible task/had set him/told Gopal that/the Nawab

    (d) Can result/or fire/electrical faults/in shock

    (e) (a) worshipped/people/saints/by/are/God fearing

    (f) (b) them/of/are/deceitful/some/totally

    (g) (c) purpose/in life/ to gain/their/is/name/fame/and

    (h) (d) Mr/Sharma/office/ daily/basis/goes/to/on.

    Q.7.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the

    correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have

    supplied. The first one has been done as an example. [4]

    In ancient days, doctors use to e.g. Use – Used Treat their patients by the help (a) --------- -------

    Of leeches. It was belief that (b) ---------- --------

    Certain diseases were caused by too much (c) --------- ---------

    Blood or by impure blood getting (d) --------- --------

  • Blocked in one of the organ of the (e) --------- ---------

    Body. The doctors will make a (f) ---------- ---------

    Slit on the body or attach leeches there. (g) ---------- --------

    It sucked the blood and prevented (h) ----------- --------

    Q.8. Fill in the blanks with the simple present or present continuous forms of the verbs

    given in the bracket [4]

    1. I am …….. (Write) a letter to my friend. I ……… (Write) to him every month. 2.Normally it doesn’t ……. (rain) in this part of the country,but it …….. (rain) Quite hard now.

    3. She …….. (want) a new phone, So she…… … (save) up to buy one. 4. My mother usually …….. (enjoy) detective stories, but she ………. (not like) The one she ………. (read) now.

    Q.9. Put the verbs given in the brackets in the blanks. Use the present perfect continuous

    tense of the verb. [2 Marks]

    1. Natasha ………… the piano since she was four. (Play) 2. Mrs. Rao………… for two hours now. (teach)

    Literature [32]

    Q.10.Read the following extract and answer the following questions : [4] I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence,

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ------

    I took the one less travelled by,

    And that has made all the difference .

    (a) What will the poet tell with a sigh?

    (b) Which road did he choose ?

    (c) How many options did the poet have ?

    (d) What has made all the difference ?

    Q.11. Read the following extract and answer the following questions : [4]

    Wind,come softly,

    Don’t break the shutters of the windows, Don’t scatters the papers. Don’t throw down the books on the shelf. There, look what you did – you threw them all down. You tore the pages of the books.

    You brought rain again


    1. What can the wind do ?

    2. What did the wind tear?

    3. How shoul the wind come?

    4. Who is the writer ?

    Q.12.Answer the following questions in brief: [6]

    1. How does the wind become the cause of rain?

    2. Who are disturbed by the wind///?

    3. What was poet’s opinion about both the roads? 4. Answer the following questions in details: [8]

    1. In the poem “The road not taken” what do the words symbolize? 2. “The wind is a symbol of power and strength. How can we befriend it and survive in our struggle for existence?

    Q.13.You are supposed to read a book of your choice and you need to review it by mentioning name of he book, name of

    writer, character, plot, genre, theme, writer’s critical view, price etc [10]



    ख�ड-क �१. �न�न�ल�खत ग�यांश को �यानपवू�क पढ़कर नीचे �दए गए ��नो के उ�र द�िजए ।10 m छा�� क� तीन �े�णया� होती ह� — पढ़ने वाला , न पढ़ने वाला और पढ़ने-जसैा �दखने वाले। तीसर� �ेणी के छा�, जो �क �कताब� म� व�त बबा�द न करने के नात ेने ज़माने के �लहाज़ से बहुत �यावहा�रक होत ेह�, शायद बाद म� इनम� सबसे सफल भी �स�ध होत ेह�। वे जानत ेह� �क पढ़ाई का �सफ� नाम ज़�र� है, काम तो दसूर� चीज़� से ह� �नकलता है और वे इ�ह�ं दसूर� चीज़� के मा�टर बन जात ेहै ं। वे हर सम�या का शाॅट�कट से इलाज करने म� मा�हर होत ेह�। मोबाइल, कं�यटूर और इंटरनेट के यगु म� भी उनक� ��तभा उसी अदंाज म� कुस�ुमत और प�ल�वत हो रह� है, �य��क कं�यटूर पर तो वसेै ह� शाॅट�कट के इ�तमेाल से तजे काम होता है। कं�यटूर और इंटरनेट के यगु म� श�ै�णक शोध के तौर- तर�के खदु एक बड़ ेशोध के �वषय बन गए ह�। कोई भी �व�व�व�यालय कैसे उस शोध पर गव� कर सकता है,जो वा�तव म� इंटरनेट से चोर� �कए गए ह�। जसेै- जसेै इंटरनेट का

  • �व�तार हुआ है और उस पर मौजदू अथाह �ानकोश �व�या�थ�य� क� पहु�च म� आया है, कट-एंड-पे�ट शोधकाय� आम हो गए ह�। शोध ह� नह�ं, �ाथ�मक से लेकर �नातक और �नातको�र क�ाओ ंके �ोजे�ट और एसाइनम�ट के �लए इंटरनेट का अधंाधुधं �योग हो रहा है। �कसी भी �ोत से �मल� सामा�ी का सदंभ� के �प म� इ�तमेाल करना ग़लत नह�ं है, ले�कन कई-कई परैा�ाफ और अ�याय उड़ाकर इ�तमेाल कर लेना बौ��धक चोर� क� �ेणी म� आता है। यह अन�ैतक तो है ह�, अपराध भी है और अपने स�ंथान एवं �वयं अपने नाइंसाफ� ़ भी। १. तीसर� �ेणी के छा� कैसे होत ेह�? २. �कस �ेणी के छा�� को सफलता �ा�त होती है? ३. कैसे शोध पर �व�व�व�यालय को गव� हो सकता है? ४. इंटरनेट का �योग �कस काय� के �लए हो रहा है? ५. परैा�ाफ उड़ाकर इ�तमेाल करना करता कहलाता है? ६. ' �ेणी' श�द का बहुवचन �या होगा? ७.'प�ल�वत' श�द म� कौन सा ��यय है? ८. ग�यांश के �लए उ�चत शीष�क �या होगा?

    ख�ड-ख �२.(क). श�द कब पद बन जाता है। उदाहरण देकर �प�ट क�िजए?1m (ख). श�द और पद म� �या अतंर है? 1m

  • �३. (क). उ�चत �थान पर अन�ुवार का �योग करत ेहुए मानक �प �ल�खए।1m

    १. स��या २. घ�टा (ख). �न�न�ल�खत श�द� म� उपय�ुत �थान� पर अननुा�सक �च�नो का �योग �किजए।1m १. गवार २. कुआ ं�४.(क). �न�न�ल�खत श�द� म� से मलू श�दो व �य�ुत उपसग� को अलग-अलग करके �ल�खए।2m १. स�ंांत २. सफल (ख). �न�न�ल�खत श�द� म� सेमलू श�दो व �य�ुत ��यय� को अलग-अलग करके �ल�खए।2m १. �चि�नत २. आ�थ�क �५.(क). �न�न�ल�खत वा�यो म� रेखां�कत श�दो के अ�य पया�यवाची �प से �र�त �थान� क� प�ूत � �किजए।2m १.जब �ीकृ�ण �शश ु थे , तब वह अ�य _________ गोपाल� के साथ खेला करत ेथे। २. तलुसीदास ने नार� के �लए ________ श�द का �योग �कया है। ३. राह �कतनी भी क�ठन काय� न हो, वीर अपने �लए ________ बना ह� लेत ेह�। ४. सप� को �वषलैा होने के कारण _______ के नाम से जाना जाता है।

  • (ख). �न�न�ल�खत वा�यो म� रेखां�कत श�दो के �वलोम �प से �र�त�थान� �क प�ूत � कर�।2m १. मन�ुय को क�पना �क द�ुनया से �नकलकर ____________ म� जीना चा�हए। २. कम� धारय समास म� एक पद उपमान व दसूरा पद _________ होता है। ३. प�ूण�मा �क रात चा�दनी से भरपरू होती है, परंत_ु________ क� रात अधेंर� होती है। ४. ि�थ�तयां द:ुखद हो या ________ मन�ुय को अपना सतंलुन नह�ं खोना चा�हए। �६. वा�य�योग �वारा �न�न�ल�खत श�द� के अथ� �प�ट �किजए।2m १. फल – फल २. योग – योग �७.अथ� क� �ि�ट वा�य के �कतने �कार के होत ेह� ? उनके नाम �ल�खए। 2m

    ख�ड-ग �८.�न�न�ल�खत ��नो के उ�र �दिजए। 6m १. गोध�ूल �कसक� सपं�� है और कैसे? �प�ट कर�। २. लड़के क� म�ृय ुके दसूरे �दन ह� ब�ुढ़या खरबजेू बेचने के �लए बाजार म� �यो आ गई? ३. �शखर पर पहंुचकर ले�खका को कैसा लगा? उसने वहां पहंुचकर �या �कया ?

  • �९. पाठ "द:ुख का अ�धकार" म� लेखक ने समाज क� �कन �वसगं�तय� को उजागर �कया है?5m अथवा एवरे�ट जसेै महान अ�भयान म� खतर� को और कभी-कभी तो म�ृय ुभी आदमी को सहज भाव से �वीकार करनी चा�हए।आशय �प�ट �किजए। �१०. �न�न�ल�खत ��नो के उ�र स�ेंप म� �ल�खए। 6m १. क�व ने ई�वर क� �कन �वशषेताओ ंका उ�लेख �कया है? २. रैदास ई�वर के साथ �कन-�कन �प� म� एकाकार हो गये? ३. �ेम का धागा टूटने पर पहले क� भां�त कम� नह�ं हो पाता? �११.रैदास क� भि�त दा�य भाव �क है। �प�ट �किजए।5m अथवा सागर क� अपे�ा पंक जल को �े�ठ काय� बताया गया है? इसके मा�यम से क�व ने �या �सख द� है? �१२.�न�न�ल�खत ��न� के उ�र �ल�खए।6m १. �ग�ल ूको म�ुत करने क� आव�यकता ले�खका ने कब महससू क�? उसके �लए उ�ह�ने �या उपाय �कया? २.सोनजहु� क� लता के नीचे बनी �ग�ल ूक� समा�ध को देखकर ले�खका के मन म� कौन से �वचार उमड़ने लगे?

    ख�ड-घ �१३. �न�न�ल�खत �वषय� म� से �कसी एक �वषय पर अन�ुछेद �ल�खए।6m

  • १. आइए चल� �कृ�त क� ओर सकेंत �बदं:ु • �कृ�त मानव क� सहचर� • महानगर� म� रहनेवाल� के �लए �कृ�त का सा�न�य �वग� के समान • �ाकृ�तक स�दय� के �व�वध �प • �कृ�त से छेड़-छाड़ का प�रणाम – �दषूण एवं असतंलुन । २. सां�दा�यकता सकेंत �बदं:ु • अथ� • बरुाइया� • राजन�ैतक कारण • धा�म�क कारण • दरू करने के उपाय । ३. �व�ान बन गया अ�भशाप सकेंत �बदं:ु • �व�ान का अ�भशाप बनने का कारण • पया�वरण असतंलुन म� �व�ान क� भ�ूमका • �व�ान के �व�वंसक प�रणाम • �व�ान का द�ुपयोग और �ाकृ�तक आपदाएं। �१४. पर��ा म� मे�रट म� आने पर छोट� बहन को शभुकामना प� �ल�खए। 5m

    अथवा अपने �म� क� दघु�टना क� सचूना देत ेहुए �पता जी को प� �ल�खए। �१४. �न�न�ल�खत �वषय� पर नारा (�लोगन) �ल�खए 5m १. वे�वे�वक महामार� कोरोना को�वडल-१९ २. �श�ा �१५. अपने ब�चे के �कूल म� �वेश को लेकर माता �पता के बीच सवंाद �ल�खए।5m

  • अथवा, ब�च� के भ�व�य के �लए �चि�तत माता �पता क� बातचीत को सवंाद के �प म� �ल�खए । �१६. अपने �म� के ज�म�दन पर शभुकामना सदेंश �ल�खए।5m

    अथवा आपके शहर म� फैले महामार� का सदेंश अपने माता-�पता को �ल�खए। •••••••••••



    Marks : 80 Time :

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    [Section B]

    Answer in Detail. Each Question carries 3 Marks.

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    [Section C]

    Answer in Detail. Each Question carries 5 Marks.

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  • ATMIYA VIDYAPEETH SUBJECT: Information Technology(Code: 402)

    Std: 9th

    Summer Vacation Worksheet

    Unit 1: Word Processing (Basics) Part-B

    Session 1: Getting Started with Word Processing

    1. Write the short cut key for the following:

    a) To open a new document

    b) To open a Existing document

    c) To Save a file

    d) To Save as a file

    e) To Close a file

    2. Difference between SAVE and SAVE AS.

    3. Define Indentation.

    4. What are margins? Explain different types of margins.

    5. What is meant by text Alignment?

    6. What is the different between copying and moving a block of text(cut).

    7. What is text alignment? Explain its types.

    8. What are the advantages of find and replace feature?

    9. Explain the difference between left, right, centered and justified alignment.

    Session 2- Setting up Writer and formatting document

    10. What is the meaning of Text and Paragraph Formatting

    11. What is the meaning of subscript and superscript? Explain with steps

    12. Write the different options for formatting documents.

    13. What is the meaning of change case? How many change case option are available

    explain each.

    14. Explain common text formatting option.

  • ATMIYA VIDYAPEETH SUBJECT: Information Technology(Code: 402)

    Std: 9th

    15. Write short cut keys for following

    a) Left align

    b) Right align

    c) Center align

    d) Justify

    e) Bold

    f) Italic

    g) Underline

    Session 3 – Formatting pages, Spell Check and Autocorrect Utilities

    16. What is Autocorrect? How it is useful?

    17. What is Autotext? How it is useful?

    18. What is break? How many types of breaks can you insert in writer?

    19. What are headers and footers in writer? Where do they appear in document?

    20. Define margins. How do you set margins in a document?

    21. What is page orientation? How do you set up page orientation in writer?

    22. Explain some page formatting features that are available in writer.

    23. How do you enter a new entry in AutoText list?

    Session 4- Tables and Printing

    24. Explain table terminology

    25. What is the meaning of splitting and merging in table?

    26. How will you save your text document in PDF format in Writer?

    27. What are tables? How do you insert tables in Writer?

    Note: Students all Question answers you have to write in IT notebook and if you have already

    completed some sessions don’t repeat it. Write one time in notebook.

  • AtmiyaVidyapeeth SUMMER VACATION WORK SHEET 2020-2021

    Subject: - Social Science

    Standard: - IX

    Q1 PICTURE STUDY (12m)

    (I)Identify the flags above and write down the

    name of every



    Who is he? How did he effect European history?

    Q2 Answer the following (18m)

  • 1.How are human activities classified?

    2.Describe unemployment in India and its consequences (effects).

    3.Explain organisation of production.

    4.How could the quality of population be analysed?

    5.How did the philosophers emerged in French Revolution?

    6.How do medium and large scale based farmers obtain their capital? How is it different from small


    Q3 Answer the following (30m)

    1.Describe village Palampur in your own words.(Write case study)

    2.Discuss the outbreak of French Revolution.

    3.Why is unemployment a problem for India's development? Discuss it's types.

    4.Who was Maximilian Robespierre? Describe reign of terror.

    5.What is five year plan? Describe India's first and tenth five year plan.

    6.Explain the schemes launched by government of India to ensure better infrastructural facilities in India.

    Q4 Answer the following (HOTS QUESTIONS) 20M

    1.Write case study of Sakal and Villas to explain how is S rural life different from urban life.

    2. What were the effects of French Revolution on world politics. Discuss in detail. SSS