Basics of BOM


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  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM




    1) Inventory (INV)a. What is the use of the Ite Attri!utes"

    AN#$Ite attri!utes are %e&'s in the ite ta!&e use' to store seci%ccharacteristics of the ite such as ite status,unit of easure,revision contro&etc.

    Attri!utes can !e contro&&e' at either the aster or the orani*ation &eve&.

    It +i&& store the structure nae of the - on&y +e can %&&store one structure.

    !. Which ta!&e ho&'s the Master Vs chi&' Orani*ation etai&s"


    c. What is the 'i0erence !et+een OR/ORANI2A3ION/4-INI3ION# an'


    AN#$in or/orani*ation/'e%nitions +e can 6no+ a&& the orani*ation naes But+e cant 'i0erentiate +hat is aster7chi&' orani*ation

    But fro t&/araeters +e can 'i0er this.

    '. If Master Orani*ation 'oesn8t have any chi&' orani*ations, this +i&& !e store'in

    M35/PARAM434R# or not"

    AN#$yes,it +i&& !e store' one recor' chi&' orani*ation +i&& !e as a asterorani*ation

    e.What is the Ite 3e&ate" Nae soe Pre'e%ne' 3e&ates"

    Ans$ We can 'e%ne the roerties of the Ite autoatica&&y. Pre'e%ne 3e&atesof Ite is

    9 Inventory Ite

    9 #toc6a!&e

    9 3ansacta!&e

    9 Purchasa!&e

    9 Purchase' Purchasin 3a!

  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    9 A&&o+ 'escrition u'ates

    9 Reserva!&e

    f. What is eant !y 5ot an' #eria& contro&&e' ite"Ans$

    #eria& Nu!er

    It is the uni:ue reresentation of :uantity for an Ite.

    5ot Nu!er$;

    It +i&& rou the ite :uantities.


  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    In +hich ta!&e I can see the transaction tyes"


    i. What are the >--s in Inventory Mo'u&e"

    1. Account A&iases

    ?. Ite Cata&os

    @. Ite Cateories

    . #a&es Or'er

    . #toc6 &ocation

    . #yste Ites

     D. What is the 'i0erence !et+een M35/#E#34M/I34M#/B an'


    Ans$ In M35/#E#34M/I34M#/B the seent store' in seent !utM35/#E#34M/I34M#/>-V concate a&& the seents an' stores in to seent. It(>-V) ain&y use' in 5/co'e/co!ination for chare/account/i' !ecause the

    chare/account/i' store' in 'i0erent seents. If +e use the >-V it concate a&&the seents an' stores into the one seent.

    6. What is the Ite Cateory" What is the use of it"

    Ans$ By usin Ite Cateories +e can rou the ites +hich have sii&arroerties.

    Fse $

    9 e%ne the struction for cateory

    9 Create cateory

    9 Create cateory sets

    9 e%ne the ite an' assin the ite to cateory.

    &. What is the Ite Revision"

  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    Ans$ It reresents the ura'ation of ite.


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    Ans$ It sho+s the co&ete structure of an ite.

    r. 4=&ain the #tes ho+ to create the Bi&& an' Routins +ith one e=a&e"

    Ans $1. Create the ites CPF, RAM, Processor an'

  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    In P3O $ We +i&& chec6 +hether the con%uration is avai&a!&e as er custoerre:uireent. If avai&a!&e ic6 the ite an' shi to custoer.

    A3O ; Avai&a!&e to or'er

    P3O; Pic6 to Or'er

    v. What is the Mutua&&y 4=c&usive in BOM" When +e can use it"

    Ans $ If +e chec6 utua&&y e=c&usive chec6 !o= +e can se&ect on&y one ite. Ie.,either ? B RAM or B RAM

    If it is unchec6e' +e can se&ect (or) 'efau&t it +i&& a'' a&& the ites.

    +. What is the P&anne' an' -ai&y Pro'uct BOM"

    Ans$ P&anne' is use' for on&y forecastin urose.

    In ro'uct fai&y +e can rou the ites +hich have sii&arities inanufacturin an rocessin.

    P&anne' an' Pro'uct fai&y !oth are on&y for our interna& urose on&y.

    Purchasin (PO)

    =. What is the P?P cyc&e" 4=&ain in 'etai&s a&on +ith ta!&es"

    Ans$P?P cyc&e eans Procure to ay cyc&e in this cyc&e +e +i&& erfor fo&&o+instes

      1)creatin the re:uisition

      ?)creatin R-K8s

      @)Creation Of Kuotations  )creation of urchase Or'er

      )creatin Of Receits

      )creation Of invoice

      L)a6in ayents


  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    Ans $create re:uisition an' arove an' a6e e&oyee as !uyer.

    a. What is the 'i0erence !et+een Prearer an' Re:uestor in the Re:uisitionfor"

    Ans $rearer$

    Who is authori*e' to create re:uisition

    Re:uester$+ho is re:uestin for a6in re:uisition.

    Preairer has ri'es to create re:uisition !ut re:uester 'oes8t have any ri'es tocreate this case re:uester re:uest the reairer to create there:uisition.


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    Ans $No,%rst +e nee' to arove the &anne' o an' re&ease the o then on&y +ecan create receit.

     D. What are the ta!&es e0ecte' after creatin B&an6et an' #tan'ar' PO"



    B&an6et$ o/hea'ers/a&&,o/&ines/a&&,o/&ine/&ocations/a&&

    6. What is the 'i0erence !et+een Areeents an' Re&eases"

    Ans $

     &. 4=&ain the Process ho+ you can re&ease the Contract PO"

    Ans $+e an re&ease the contact o throut stan'ar' o

    Naviation$ootye8stan'ar' o8,su&ier8@M hea&th care8 enter su&ier

    an' site as in contact oC&ic6 on reference 'ocuent then enter &ine 'etai&s an' arove.

    . Why you can8t re&ease the Contract PO throuh the Re&eases"

    Ans $In re&ease entionin the &ine nu!er an'iatory !ut contract o 'oes8thave &ines.

    n. Can I chane the PO 'etai&s once it is arove'"

    Ans $yes !y :uerryin o nu!er +e can chane the 'etai&s, !ut +e nee' rearove the o.


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    s. What is the Match arova&s an' ho+ any tyes are there"

    Ans $By usin this +e can ea6e sure that invoice is enerate' for the oo's +ehave or'ere'.

    We have @ tyes of Match Arova&s


      Kty Bi&&e'Qo Kty

      Invoice Bi&&QPo aount.

    ?)@Way$ Kty Bi&&e'Qo Kty

    Kty Bi&&QReceive' Kty

     Invoice Bi&&QPo aount

      @)Way$ Kty Bi&&e'Qo Kty

      Kty Bi&&QReceive' Kty

      Kty Bi&&Qaccete' Kty

      Invoice Bi&&QPo aount


    t. What are 'i0erent tyes of Receits"

    Ans $ +e have @ tyes of receits1)'irect 'e&ivery

    ?)stan'ar' receit

    @)insection re:uire'.

    u. What are the Receit ta!&es"

    Ans $RCV/#

  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    Ans $o to receivincontro&s; +e +i&& %n' to&erance ta!

    y. Can I chane the shi;to &ocation +hi&e creatin Receit"

    Ans $ yes +e can chane.


  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    h. What is the 'i0erence !et+een Cre'it Meo an' e!it Meo.4=&ain theProcess +ith e=a&e +hen you can use this"

    Ans$In cre'it eo su&ier +i&& create neative at invoice.

    In e!it eo invoice custoer +i&& create neative aount invoice.

    #uose custoer or'er 1G ites !ut suiers sent S ites an' create' invoicefor 1G ites in this setuation if suier creates neative invoice it is ca&&e'cre'it eo invoice.

    If su&ier creates neative aount invoice then it is 'e!it eo invoice.

    i. What is the PO efau&t"

     D. 4=&ain the Process ho+ you can create the Invoice aainst the PurchaseOr'er"

    Ans$craete the o an' coy the o nu!er

    #+ r to aya!&e vision oerations

    Naviate to invoices the in &ines enter tye,o nu!er inv 'ate ,inv no,aountetc.

    6. What is the Recurrin invoice an' +hen +e can use this"

    Ans $

    &. Why you are 'oin Create Accountin8"

    . What is the 'i0erence !et+een Chare an' 5ia!i&ity"

    n. What are the Invoices 3a!&es"



    o. Which ta!&e ho&'s the Invoice Accountin inforation"


    . Which ta!&e ives the inforation a!out ho+ uch oney +e have ai' for




    :. What is the iortance of the PAEM4N3/#3A3F#/-5A in AP/INVOIC4#/A55


    Ans $By usin ayent/staus/Ua +e can 6no+ +heather the ayent is ai'!y custoer or not.

    r. What is the ho&'" Which ta!&e contains the ho&' 'etai&s"

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    Ans $ ho&' is use' to sto the ne=t rocess


  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    a). What is the Price &ist" What is the Re&ation !et+een rice &ist an' OM"

    Ans $!y usin rice &ist +e can se&& the sae ite for 'i0erent rices.

    If +e +ant to et 'efau&t rice for the ite in OM +'e nee' to 'e%ne rice &ist.


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      @ ic6e'



    h. What is the 'i0erence !et+een Pic6e' an' shie'"Ans$ After ic6in Kty of ite +on8t !e re'use' as Dust +e are reservin the ite!ut

    After shie' the Kty of ite +i&& !e re'use'.

    i. Nae the Proras +i&& !e su!itte' after each an' every stae" 4=$ Pic6e'an'

    shie' etc.

    Ans$ -or Pic6in$

      1 Pic6 se&ection &ist eneration

      ? Pic6 s&i reort

      @ shiin e=cetion reort

    -or #hiin$

      1 Bi&& of &an'in

      ? Pac6in #&i Reort

      @ Coercia& invoice

      Vehic&e &oa' sheet 'etai&s

      Interface tri sto

     D. What is sini%cance of the Bi&& of 5an'in Prora"

    6. If I ic6 the ite +hat are the ta!&es +i&& !e e0ecte'. ive ore than L ta!&es"

    Ans$ +hi&e ic6in the or'er the fo&&o+in L ta!&es +i&& !e e0ecte'


  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


      -or #hiin

      3ransaction 3ye #a&es Or'er Isuue.


  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    #hiin tie is &ess.

    #hiin rice is &ess.

    Wi'e rane of ites can !e 'e&evere'.

    is A'v$

    After no of ties interactions !et+een custoer an' thir' arty thir' arty cana6e 'irect contract +ith custoer.

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    C&ic6 on actions !utton se&ect re&ease ho&' an' enter roer reason an' c&ic6 onre&ease then ho&' +i&& !e re&ease'.

    '. What is the use of Con%urator8 !utton in OM screen"

    Ans $custoer can con%er the ite

    4=$ if the custoer +ants to se&ect cu of !(out of ?!,!) then +e are usinco%uratot.

    e)4=&ain the Process of Interna& #a&es Or'er"

    Ans $ interna& sa&es or'er eans nora& sa&es or'er in OM

    Account Receiva!&es (AR)$

    f. What are the 'i0erent tyes of invoices (3ransactions) +e have"

    Ans $+e have fo&&o+in tyes of invoices in AR

     1. invoice,?.cre'it eo, @.eosite,.uarentee, an' Chare !ac6.

    . What are the 3ransaction (Invoice) 3a!&es"

    Ans $RA/CF#3OM4R/3R/A55




    h. What is the 'i0erence !et+een eosit an' uarantee"

    Ans in case of 'eosite$it is use' to ive soe oney in a'vance to thecustoer.

    -or uarentee$ uarentee is a&so &i6e a 'eosite that oriina& aount

    Won8t !e re'use' fro uarantee aount !ut in case of 'eosite oriina&aount +i&& !e re'use' fro 'eosite aount.

    i. What is the Chare!ac6" When you can use it"

     Ans $Chare !ac6 is use' to cance& the aount.

     D. Can I create or cre'it eo an' 'e!it eo aainst one invoice" If so e=&ainho+ I

    can create"

    6. What is the a&ie' an' una&ie' aount in Receits"

    Ans $

    &. What are the Receit 3a!&es"

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    Ans $Cash Recits$


  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM


    1. Create the Do! $

  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM



    1. Kueue

    ?. Run

    @. 3o Move. Receit

    . #cra


    Asse!&ies at this ste are +aitin for you to erfor an action.


    Asse!&ies at this ste are !ein run ie., +or6 is oin on.

    @. 3o ove

    Asse!&ies at this ste are co&ete' an' +aitin for the ne=t oeration ifavai&a!&e

    . Receit$

    Asse!&ies at this ste are reDecte' an' +aitin for reair.

    . #cra

    Asse!&ies are this ste are use&ess (We cant use the at a&&, they shou&' !ethro+n a+ay)

    =. What are the !asic setus re:uire' to create the Do!"

    Ans$ We re:uire t+o stes to create a Do!.

    1. e%nin Paraeters$

  • 8/16/2019 Basics of BOM
