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“古代东方文明”课程参考书目 李宏艳 王欢


一 中文文献:

1) 039/M2001(05) 从马尼什图舒方尖碑考察阿卡德时期的土地所有制 欧阳晓莉 著 (学位论文室)

2) 039/M2003(19) 美索不达米亚争斗场景滚印的初步考察 曹明玉 著 (学位论文室)

3) 039/M2003(25) 赫梯文献所见的赫梯王室政变 李宇 著 (学位论文室)

4) 039/M2003(35) 恩美尔卡和恩苏克什达纳——一首苏美尔史诗 赵小玲 著 (学位论文室)

5) 902.01/4715 古代世界史/原始社会、古代东方、古代希腊部分 日知译 1954

6) 902.08/2668an 古代两河流域的文化 涂厚善 编写 北京 商务印书馆 1963

7) 909.01/0707 西亚细亚、印度和克里特上古史 [捷]赫罗兹尼著 谢德风, 孙秉莹译1958

8) 909/0053.1/C4 古代东方史纲要 童书业 1957

9) 909/0534 古代东方史 阿甫基耶夫 В. И. (Авдиев ,В. И.)著 王以鑄译 1956


10) 909/6703 古代东方史 阿·尼·格拉德舍夫斯基著 吉林大学历史系翻译室译 1959

11) 928/3878 古代两河流域的文化 涂厚善编著 1964

12) 951.81/6086 古代埃及与古代两河流域 日知选译 1957

13) B411/1 人 类 思 想 发 展 史 关 于 古 代 近 东 思 辨 思 想 的 讨 论 法 兰 克 福 , H.

(Frankfort, Henri), 1897-1954 [等] 著 郭丹彤译 2005

14) B929.1/01(SH) 剑桥插图宗教史 = The cambridge illustrated history of religions

(英) 约翰·布克主编 王立新, 石梅芳, 刘佳译 (社会学系) 2005

15) B929.1/4 宗教思想史 (美) 米尔恰·伊利亚德著 = Histoire des croyances et des

idees religieuses Mircea Eliade 晏可佳, 吴晓群, 姚蓓琴译 2004

16) B932/30 世界各民族神话大观 (苏)谢·亚·托卡列夫等编著 魏庆征编译 1993

17) B932/61 神话的历史 = History of mythology (英) 维罗妮卡·艾恩斯著 2003

18) J137.009/2 美索不达米亚艺术 = The art of Mesopotamia 潘 [bo], 方振宁著 2003

19) J141.1092/2 古 代 埃 及 和 美 索 不 达 米 亚 美 术 = Art of ancient Egypt and

Mesopotamia 罗世平主编 李建群著 2004

20) K09/01(上):1(JY) 历史著作史 上卷 从上古时代至十七世纪末叶 (美) J·W·汤普森著 谢德风译 (高等教育所) 教育学院 1988

21) K103/57 世界文明史简编 陈钦庄, 詹天祥, 计翔翔著 2000

22) K107/13 亚述帝国 戴可来, 楚汉 著 北京 商务印书馆 1987

23) K12/10 东方古文明 郭豫斌 主编 2005

24) K124.3/1 千古名城巴比伦 朱龙华 编著 北京 商务印书馆 1982

25) K124.3/2 巴比伦古文化探研 于殿利,郑殿华著 南昌 江西人民出版社 1998

26) K124.3/3 长河落日 巴比伦文明探秘 李铁匠 著 昆明 云南人民出版社 1999


27) K124.3/4 失落的文明 巴比伦 陈晓红, 毛锐著 上海 华东师范大学出版社 2001

28) K124.3/5 巴比伦 沉睡文明的梦与醒 赵树贤 著 北京 世界知识出版社 2003

29) K124/2a 神秘的古代东方 李政著 北京 中国青年出版社 1999

30) K124/4 神秘的苏美尔人 (英)哈里特·克劳福德著 张文立译 杭州 浙江人民出版社 2000

31) K124/5 日出东方 苏美尔文明探秘 拱玉书著 昆明 云南人民出版社 2001

32) k220.7/34 童书业历史理论论集 童教英整理 童书业, 1908-1968 著 青岛 青岛出版社 1998

33) K86-49/1a 西拉姆讲述考古的故事 (德) C. W. 西拉姆著 曾晓祥译 2004

34) K883.7/1 西亚考古史 1842-1939 拱玉书著(库本阅览室) 2002

35) K883.71/1 两河流域史前时代 杨建华著 长春 吉林大学出版社 1993

36) K884.119/1 古埃及两河流域艺术精品资料图集 毛君焱编 北京 中国工人出版社 1992

37)解析《苏美尔神庙赞美诗》 王福英著 学位论文(待编号)2005

二 英文文献

38) 0226067270 Mesopotamia : writing, reasoning, and the gods /Bottro, Jean. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1995, c1992.

39) 16117 Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archaologie Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 1939-

40) 736.3/F853 Cylinder seals 外文图书 教参阅览室 (非流通)

41) 8143.91 Journal of cuneiform studies American Schools of Oriental Research (东方学系) 外国语学院 1947

42) 8143.91 Journal of cuneiform studies/American Schools of Oriental Research


[Cambridge, Mass., etc., :b American Schools of Oriental Research], 1947-43) 902/P228 Babylonian chronology 626 B.C.-A.D. 45 Parker, Richard Anthony,

1905- Chicago, Ill. : The University of Chicago Press, (闭架借书处) 1942

44) 909/C144a/v.2,ch.1 Northern Mesopotamia and Syria Kupper, Jean Robert. (闭架借书处) 1963

45) 909/C144a/ Elam : c. 1600-1200 B.C Labat, Ren, 1904-1974. (闭架借书处) 1963

46) 909/St76/v.11 Chaldea from the earliest times to the rise of Assyria : (treated as a

general introduction to the study of ancient history) Ragozin, 1835-1924. (工具书区) 1886

47) 909/St76/v.13 Assyria from the rise of the empire to the fall of Nineveh : (continued

from "The story of Chaldea.") Ragozin, 1835-1924. (工具书区) 188748) 913.3/J6681(v.3) Ur excavations Joint Expedition of the British Museum and of

the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamia. [London] : Pub. for

the Trustees of the two museums by the Oxford University Press, (闭架借书处) 192749) 913.35/H561 Explorations in Bible lands : during the 19th century Hilprecht, H.

V. (Hermann Vollrat), 1859-1925. (特藏室) 190350) 913.35/K584(v.2) The letters and inscriptions of Hammurabi, king of Babylon,

about B.C. 2200 : to which are added a series of letters of other kings of the first

dynasty of Babylon Hammurabi, King of Babylonia. London : Luzac and Co., (特藏室) 1898

51) 913.35/W885u Ur of the Chaldees: a record of seven years of excavation/Woolley, Charles Leonard. [S.l.] : Ernest Benn Limited, 1929.

52) 913.352/B777 A guide to the Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. London : The Trustees,1922

53) 913.352/G117 The stones of Assyria : the surviving remains of Assyrian sculpture, their recovery, and their original positions Gadd, C. J. (Cyril John), 1893- London

: Chatto and Windus, (特藏室) 193654) 913.352/N42 The great king, King of Assyria : Assyrian reliefs in the Metropolitan

Museum of Art Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) , (闭架借书处) 1945


55) 913.354/L526(Plates) The culture of the Babylonians : from their seals in the

collections of the museum Legrain, Leon, 1878- (闭架借书处) 192556) 929.4/R166 Early Babylonian personal names from the published tablets of the so-

called Hammurabi dynasty (B.C. 2000) Ranke, Hermann, 1878- (特藏室) [Pub. by the University of Pennsylvania]1905

57) 930/W641 The five empires : an outline of ancient history Wilberforce, Robert

Isaac, 1802-1857. (特藏室) 58) 933/K413.3/v.3 A history of the Jewish people : during the Babylonian, Persian and

Greek periods Kent, Charles Foster, 1867-1925. (特藏室) 1899 59) 935.2/B469 Ninive und Babylon/Bezold, Carl, 1859-1922. Bielefeld ; Leipzig :

Velhagen & Klasing, 1909.60) 935.2/J62 Ancient Assyria Johns, Claude Hermann Walter, 1857-1920.

Cambridge [Eng.] : The University Press, (闭架借书处) 191261) 935.2/OL5 History of Assyria Olmstead, A. T. (Albert Ten Eyck), 1880-1945.

New York ; London C. Scribner's Sons, (闭架借书处) 192362) 935.2/P476 State letters of Assyria : a transliteration and translation of 355 official

Assyrian letters dating from the Sargonid period (722-625 B.C.) Pfeiffer, Robert Henry, 1892-1958. New Haven, Conn. : American Oriental Society 1935

63) 935.2/Sm65 Early history of Assyria : to 1000 B.C Smith, Sidney, 1889- (闭架借书处) 1928

64) 935.2/W639 The Assyrians and their neighbours Wigram, W. A. (William Ainger), 1872-1953. 1929

65) 935.4/B285 The royal inscriptions of Sumer and Akkad Barton, George A. (George Aaron), 1859-1942. New Haven : Pub. for the American Oriental Society

by the Yale University Press ; London : H. Milford, Oxford University Press (闭架借书处) 1929

66) 935.4/B65 The first of empires, "Babylon of the Bible" in the light of latest research : an account of the origin, growth, and development of ancient Babylonian empire, from the earliest times to the consolidation of the empire in B.C. 2000 Boscawen,

William St. Chad, 1854-1913. London ; New York : Harper and Brothers (闭架借书处) 1903

67) 935.4/B859 Babylonian life and history Budge, E. A. Wallis (Ernest Alfred


Wallis), Sir, 1857-1934. 189168) 935.4/J62 Ancient Babylonia Johns, Claude Hermann Walter, 1857-1920.

Cambridge [Eng.] : The University Press (闭架借书处) 191369) 935.4/K584 A history of Sumer and Akkad : an account of the early races of

Babylonia from prehistoric times to the foundation of the Babylonian monarchy King, L. W. (Leonard William), 1869-1919. 1910

70) 935.4/K831a2 Das wieder erstehende Babylon : die bisherigen ergebnisse der deutschen ausgrabungen/Koldewey, Robert, 1855-1925. Leipzig : J.C. Hinrichs, 1913.

71) 935.4/T115 Nabuchodonosor et le triomphe de Babylone, G.R. Tabouis, 1929- Paris : Payot, 1931.

72) 935.8/D374 La M鈋 sopotamie : les civilisations babylonienne et assyrienne ; avec 1 carte et 60 figures dans le texte/ Delaporte, Louis, 1874-1944. Paris : Renaissance du Livre, 1923.

73) 935/C767 Everyday life in Babylonia & Assyria/Contenau, Georges. London : Edward Arnold, 1954.

74) 935/D374 Mesopotamia : the Babylonian and Assyrian civilization Delaporte,

Louis, 1874-1944. New York : Alfred A. Knopf (特藏室) 192575) 935/D374/1925 Mesopotamia : the Babylonian and Assyrian

civilization /Delaporte, Louis, 1874-1944.London : K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd. ; New York : A.A. Knopf, 1925.

76) 935/G629 A history of the Babylonians and Assyrians Goodspeed, George Stephen, 1860-1905. 1902

77) 935/R199(v.1) The seven great monarchies of the ancient Eastern world : or, The history, geography, and antiquities of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, and Sassanian or New Persian empire Rawlinson, George, 1812-1902.

New York : A.L. Burt Co., (特藏室) 187578) 935/R633h3(v.1) A history of Babylonia and Assyria Rogers, Robert William,

1864-1930. London : The Trustees, 1922.79) 935/W117 The makers of civilization in race & history : showing the rise of the

Aryans or Sumerians, their origination & propagation of civilization, their extension of it to Egypt & Crete, personalities & achievements of their kings, historical originals of mythic gods & heroes with dates from the rise of civilization about 3380 B.C. reconstructed from Babylonian, Egyptian, Hittite, Indian & Gothic sources

Waddell, L. A. (Laurence Austine), 1854-1938. (闭架借书处)192980) 940.314/B392 African questions at the Paris Peace Conference : with papers on

Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the colonial settlement Beer, George Louis, 1872-1920.

(闭架借书处) 1923


81) 956.7/P217 Mesopotamia : the key to the future Parfit, Joseph Thomas. (闭架借书处) 1917

82) 956.94/W726 Palestine, Mesopotamia and the Jews : the spiritual side of history :

with a synopsis of the war Wingate, Andrew. (闭架借书处) 83) B920/F853 Before philosophy : the intellectual adventure of ancient man ; an essay

on speculative thought in the ancient Near East Frankfort, Henri, 1897-1954. (闭架借书处) 1974

84) B921/M568(LS) The riddle of resurrection : "dying and rising gods" in the ancient Near East Mettinger, Tryggve N. D. Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell International,

(历史学系) 200185) B929.37/F853(KG) Kingship and the gods : a study of ancient Near Eastern religion

as the integration of society & nature/Frankfort, Henri, 1897-1954. Chicago :

University of Chicago Press, (考古学系) 考古文博院 1948.86) B929.382/K162 The religion of Israel, from its beginnings to the Babylonian exile

Kaufmann, Yehezkel, 1889-1963. (闭架借书处) 197287) B929/P651 The religion of Babylonia and Assyria Pinches, Theophilus

Goldridge, 1856-1934. London : Archibald Constable (闭架借书处) 190688) B932/F231 Greece and Babylon : a comparative sketch of Mesopotamian, Anatolian

and Hellenic religions Farnell, Lewis Richard, 1856-1934 Edinburgh : T. & T.

Clark, (特藏室) 191189) B932/K86.2 Sumerian mythology; a study of spiritual and literary achievement in

the third millennium B.C Kramer, Samuel Noah, 1897- (教参阅览室) 197290) B932/L523m Mesopotamian myths McCall, Henrietta. London : British Museum

Press (人文社科区) 199091) B932/M999d Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others

Dalley, Stephanie. Oxford [England] ; New York : Oxford University Press, (人文社科区) 1991

92) B977.376/V857(v.2) History of asceticism in the Syrian Orient : a contribution to the

history of culture in the Near East (闭架借书处) 1958


93) B98/Sa18 The encounter with the divine in Mesopotamia and Israel Saggs, H. W. F. London : Athlone Press ; [Atlantic Highlands] N.J. : distributed by Humanities

Press (教参阅览室) 197894) B985/Ex52 Exile: Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian conceptions/Scott, James

M. Leiden [The Netherlands] ; New York : Brill, 1997.95) B985/T149/Key (v.1) The Babylonian Talmud. Keys to the Talmud Slotki, Judah

J. (人文社科区) 195996) B989.1/L625(YY) Manichaeism in Mesopotamia and the Roman East Lieu,

Samuel N. C. (艺术学系) 外国语学院 199997) D937.03/Ei24 Indenture at Nuzi: the personal tidenn utu contract and its

Mesopotamian analogues/Eichler, Barry L. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1973.

98) D937/F466 Fifty Neo-Assyrian legal documents Postgate, J. N. (闭架借书处 ) 1976

99) F319/El59 Agriculture and the state in ancient Mesopotamia : an introduction to

problems of land tenure Ellis, Maria deJ. (闭架借书处) 1976100) F633.779/M475 The messenger in the ancient Semitic world Meier, Samuel

A. Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press,1988101) F733.779/V519 Aspects of old Assyrian trade and its terminology Veenhof, K.

R. (闭架借书处) 1972102) G /B932-61/L532 A dictionary of ancient Near Eastern mythology Leick,

Gwendolyn, 1951- (工具书区) 1991103) H02/F519 The first writing : script invention as history and process Houston,

Stephen D. 2004104) H671.1/As79 (v.10/2) The Assyrian dictionary Gelb, Ignace J., 1907-

Chicago, (工具书区) 1956<1989 >105) H671.1/G28 Glossary of old Akkadian Gelb, I. J. Chicago, Ill. : The Univ. of

Chicago Pr (工具书区) 1957106) H671.1/T314 (v.6) Texts in the Iraq Museum Zaybari, Akram, 1930- Baghdad

: Directorate General of Antiquities, (闭架借书处) 1964107) H671.1/W171 Water for Larsa : an Old Babylonian archive dealing with

irrigation/Walters, Stanley D., 1931- New Haven ; London : Yale University Press,

(特藏室) 1970.


108) H671.46/So39 A dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and

geonic periods Sokoloff, Michael. (工具书区) 2002 109) H671/H261/v.3-4 (pt.1) Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum

Hussey, Mary Inda. (闭架借书处) 1912110) H674/AL78 The instructions of Suruppak : a Sumerian proverb collection

Alster, Bendt. (闭架借书处) 1974111) I12/M381 Gilgamesh : a verse narrative Mason, Herbert, 1932- New York :

Mentor, (闭架借书处) 1972112) I12/V366 Epics of Sumerian kings : the matter of Aratta Vanstiphout, H. L. J.

(Herman L. J.) (人文社科区) 2003113) I370.062/L176 Babylonian wisdom literature Lambert, W. G. Oxford :

Clarendon Press 1960114) I370.077/H362.2 The Gilgamesh epic and Old Testament parallels Heidel,

Alexander, Chicago : Univ. of Chicago Press 1907- 1963115) I370.077/H362b The Babylonian Genesis : the story of Creation Heidel,

Alexander, 1907- Chicago : University of Chicago Press, (人文社科区) 1963116) I372/P752E Poems of heaven and hell from Ancient Mesopotamia Sandars, N.

K. (Nancy K.). Harmondsworth : Penguin, (闭架借书处) 1971117) I377.22/G395jE Gilgamesh. English Jackson, Danny P., 1946- Wauconda, Ill.

: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, (人文社科区) 1992118) I611.151/M316/Xa Scenes and portraits Manning, Frederic. 1909119) J110.92/G892 Art of the ancient world : painting, pottery, sculpture, architecture

from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Crete, Greece, and Rome Groenewegen-Frankfort, H.

A. (Henriette Antonia), 1896- (闭架借书处) 1987120) J150.094/B635 Orientalism and visual culture : imagining Mesopotamia in

nineteenth-century Europe Bohrer, Frederick Nathaniel, 2003 121) J154.509/T0172(ZX) A history of Greek art : with an introductory chapter on

art in Egypt and Mesopotamia Tarbell, Frank Bigelow, 1853-1920. 哲学系 1896122) J305.37/B777 Assyrian sculpture British Museum. Cambridge, Mass. :

Harvard University Press 1999123) K091/D434 The idea of history in the ancient Near East Dentan, Robert C.

(Robert Claude), 1907-. (特藏室) 1955124) K103/H313 The first great civilizations : life in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley,


and Egypt Hawkes, Jacquetta (Hopkins) 1910- (闭架借书处) 1973125) K107.8/J8268 Journal of the Society of Oriental Research /Society of Oriental

Research. Toronto [etc.] : Society of Oriental Research. 126) K107.8/R229(Bd.10/1-10) Reallexikon der Assyriologie, unter Mitwirkung

zahlreicher Fachgelehrter hrsg/Ebeling, Erich, 1886-1955. Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 1928-

127) K107/L712 Literary and lexical texts and the earliest administrative documents

from Nippur Westenholz, Aage. Malibu, Calif. : Undena Publications, (闭架借书处) 1975

128) K107/L963 (v.1) Ancient records of Assyria and Babylonia Luckenbill,

Daniel David, 1881-1927. (闭架借书处) 1968129) K12/Ad19(KG) The evolution of urban society : early Mesopotamia and

prehispanic Mexico Adams, Robert McCormick, 1926- (考古学系) 考古文博院 1971

130) K12/C144.2 (v.3/2) The Cambridge ancient history (工具书区) 1970 131) K12/C144.3 (v.2/2) The Cambridge ancient history Cambridge University

Press. 1970132) K12/M286 Early civilizations of the old world : the formative histories of Egypt,

the Levant, Mesopotamia, India, and China Maisels, Charles Keith (人文社科区) 1999

133) K124.3/AL79(Bd.2) Altbadylonische briefe in umschrift und ubersetzung134) K124.3/AL79(Bd.3) Altbadylonische briefe in umschrift und ubersetzung135) K124.3/AL79(Bd.4) Altbadylonische briefe in umschrift und ubersetzung136) K124.3/AL79(Bd.5) Altbadylonische briefe in umschrift und ubersetzung137) K124.3/AL79(Bd.6) Altbadylonische briefe in umschrift und ubersetzung138) K124.3/AL79(Bd.7) Altbadylonische briefe in umschrift und ubersetzung139) K124.3/B0777(ZX) The Babylonian legends of the creation and the fight

between Bel and the dragon : as told by Assyrian tablets from Nineveh; with twenty-six illustrations British Museum. Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities.

[London : Harrison & Sons] (哲学系) 1931140) K124.3/B771 A political history of post-Kassite Babylonia, 1158-722 B.C. / J.A.

Brinkman. Roma : Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1968.141) K124.3/K86 The Sumerians: their history, culture, and character. /Kramer,

Samuel Noah, 1897- [Chicago] University of Chicago Press [1963]142) K124.3/L532 The Babylonians : an introduction Leick, Gwendolyn, 1951-


London : Routledge, (人文社科区) 2003143) K124.3/M291 Mari and the Bible / by Abraham Malamat. Leiden ; Boston :

Brill, 1998.144) K124.3/Op5 Ancient Mesopotamia : portrait of a dead civilization

Oppenheim, A. Leo, 1904-1974 Chicago : University of Chicago Press (教参阅览室) 1976

145) K124.3/Sa18.2 The greatness that was Babylon : a survey of the ancient civilization of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley Saggs, H. W. F. London : Sidgwick &

Jackson (教参阅览室) 1988146) K124.3/Sa18e Everyday life in Babylonia & Assyria Saggs, H. W. F. London :

B.T. Batsford (教参阅览室) 1965147) K124.3/Sa18e Everyday life in Babylonia & Assyria / H.W.F. Saggs ; drawings

by Helen Nixon Fairfield. London : B.T. Batsford, 1965.148) K124.3/Sp11 Spatbabylonische texte aus uruk149) K124.3/W755 Nebuchadrezzar and Babylon Wiseman, D. J. (Donald John)

Oxford : Published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press, 1991.150) K124/H142.8 The ancient history of the Near East from the earliest times to the

battle of Salamis / by H. R. Hall, with thirty-three plates and fourteen maps. London : Methuen & co. ltd., c1932.

151) K124/K86 History begins at Sumer / Samuel Noah Kramer. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1959.

152) K124/K86.3 History begins at Sumer : thirty-nine firsts in recorded history / Samuel Noah Kramer. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981.

153) K124/M297 Early Mesopotamia and Iran Mallowan, M. E. L. (Max Edgar Lucien) New York : McGraw-Hill,1965

154) K124/Or5 Assyrian colonies in cappadociaK370.2/An22/v.1 The history of Esarhaddon Esarhaddon, King of Assyria, d. 668 B.C.2000

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