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  • 1. - 34 - BIOLOGY
  • 2. - 35 -
  • 3. - 1 - 5 . 1. (Digestion) 2 1. 2. 2 1. (Mechanical Digestion) 2. (Chemical Digestion) (Mouth) (Teeth) (Tongue) (Salivary Gland) (Pharynx) (Esophagus) ---Collar Cell Choanocyte (Gastrovascular Cavity) (Pharynx) (Sucker) (Scolex) (Gizzard) 2. ANIMAL PHISIOLOGY (Stomach) Mucous Cell , Parietal Cell ,Chief Cell (Small Intestine) Duodenum ,Jejunum ,Ileum (Pancreas) , (Liver) (Large Intestine) ANIMAL PHISIOLOGY
  • 4. - 2 - 7 . 3. (Respiration) 1. (External Respiration) 2. (Internal Respiration) 2 1. (Air Passage) (Nose (Pharynx (Larynx) (Trachea (Bronchus) (Bronchiole) 4. (Excretion) - (Contractile Vacuole) - Gastrovascular Cavity 2. (Air Exchange) (Alveolus) Medulla Oblongata 2
  • 5. - 3 - 8 . - (Flame Cell) - (Nephridium) 1 - (Malpighian Tubule) (Kidney) 2 (Cortex) (Medulla) (Pelvis) (Ureter) (Urinary Bladder) (Urethra) (Nephron) 1. (Bowmans Capsule) 2. (Glomerulus) 3. --- (Proximal Convoluted Tubule) (Loop Of Henle) (Distal Convoluted Tubule)
  • 6. - 4 - 9 . 5. 2 1. 2. (Blood Pressure) (Systolic Pressure) (Diastolic Pressure)
  • 7. - 5 - 6 . 2. 1. (Aerobic Respiration) 1.1 (Glycolysis) 1.2 1.3 (Krebs Cycle) 1.4 2. (Anaerobic Respiration) 2.1 (Alcoholic Fermentation) 2.2 (Lactic Acid Fermentation) Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration 4 36-38 ATP 1 2 ATP 1 Co2 H2 O ATP Co2 ATP ATP
  • 8. - 6 - 10 . (Blood Vessel) 3 1. (Artery) 2. (Vein) 3. (Capillary) 3.1 (Plasma 3.2 (Blood Corpuscle) (White Blood Cell Leucocyte) (Red Blood Cell Erythrocyte) * ABO 2 2 A B (Multiple Allele) 4 Rh (Lymph) () (Lymph Vessel) (Lymphatic Organ) 1. (Lymph Node) 2. (Spleen) 3. (Thymus Gland) 1. (Innate Immunity) 2. (Active Immunization) Granule Leucocyte (Neutrophil) (Eosinophil) (Basophil) (Heparin) Nongranule Leucocyte (Monocyte) (Lymphocyte)
  • 9. - 7 - 11 . 6. - (Amoeboid Movement)--- (Pseudopodium - (Flagellum)--- (Microtubule) 9 + 2 - (Cilia) (Paramecium) - (Jelly Fish) (Planaria) (Earth Worm) (Gastropods) (Squid) (star fish) 206 1. (Axial Skeleton) 80 2. (Appendicular Skeleton) 126 500 3 1. (Striated Muscle) 2. (Cardiac Muscle) 3. (Smooth Muscle)
  • 10. - 8 - 16 . 7. (Gonad) 7.1 (Testis) ----- (Androgen) (Testoserone) 7.2 (Ovary)-------- (estrogen) (progesterone) 8. ---- HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) (Progesterone) 9. (Thymus gland) ------ (Thymosin) 10. --------- (Gastrin) 11. (intestin) ---------- (Secretin) 9. (Behavior) ------------ 9.1 (Inherited Behavior) 1. (Kinesis) 2. (Taxis) 3. (Reflex) 4. (Chain Of Reflex) 9.3 (Visual Communication) (Sound Communication) ------ (Pheromone) (Tactile Communication) 9.2 (Learning Behavior) 1. (Habituation) 2. (Imprinting Behavior) 3. (Trial And Error) 4. (Conditioning) 5. (Reasoning)
  • 11. - 9 - 12 . 7. (Coordinating Fiber) ---- (Nerve Net) ---- (Nerve Ring) - (Nerve Ganglion) - () () (Cerebral Ganglia) - (Brain) (Spinal Cord) Myofibril
  • 12. - 10 - 13 . 2 1. (Cell Body) 2. (Nerve Fiber) (Dendrite) (Axon) 3 1. (Sensory Neuron Afferent Neuron) 2. (Motor Neuron Efferent Neuron) 3. (Association Neuron Interneuron) (brain) 3 1. (Forebrain Prosencepalon) 1.1 (Cerebrum) 1.2 (Olfactory Bulb) 1.3 (Thalamus) 1.4 (Hypothalamus) 2. (Midbrain Mesencephalon) 3. (Hind Brain Rhombencephalon) 3.1 (Cerebellum) 3.2 (Pons) 3.3 (Medulla Oblongata)
  • 13. - 11 - 14 . (Sense Organ) 1. 3 1. (Sclera) 2. (Choroid) 3. (Retina) (Rod Cell) (Cone Cell) 2. 1. (Outer Ear) o (Pinna) o (External Auditary Canal) o (Tympanic Membrane) 2. (Middle Ear) - (Malleus) (Incus) (Stapes) - (Eustachian Tube) 3. (Inner Ear) - (Cochlea) (Semicircular Canal 3. 4. 5. 8. (Endocrine System) (Hormone) (Target Organ) 2 (1) (Non-essential endocrine gland) (Pituitary gland) (Adrenal gland) (Testis) (Ovary) (Pineal gland) (Parathyroid glad) (2) (Essential endocrine gland) (Islets of Langerhans) (Adrenal gland) (Thyroid gland)
  • 14. - 12 - 15 . 1. (pineal gland ) (Melatonin) 2. (Pituitary Gland Hypophysis) 1.1 (Growth Hormone : GH ) (Gonadotrophin) 1. (FSH) 2. (Luteinizing Hormone : LH) (Prolactin) (Aadrenocorticotropic hormone ; ACTH ) (Thyroid stimulting hormone;TSH) 1.2 --- (MSH) 1.3 --- (Oxytocin) (Vasopressin) 3. (Thyroid Gland) ----- (Thyroxin) (Calcitonin) 4. (Parathyroid Gland) ---- (Parathyroid hormone ; PTH) 5. (Islets Of Langerhans) (Insulin) (Glucagon) 6. (Adrenal Gland) 6.1 (Adrenal Cortex) (Glucocorticoid Hormone) (Mineralocorticoid Hormone) (Sex Hormone) 6.2 (Adrenal Medulla) (Adrenalin Hormone) (Noradrenalin Hormone)
  • 15. - 13 - 17 . 10. (Reproduction) 1. (Asexual Reproduction ) 2. (Sexual Reproduction) 2 1. (External Fertilization) 2. (Internal Fertilization) (Testis) 1. (Scrotum) 2. (Seminiferous Tubules) 3. (Epididymis) 4. (Interstitial Cell) 5. (Vas Defferens) 6. (Seminal Vesicle) 7. (Prostate Gland) 8. (Cowpers Gland) 9. (Ejaculatory Duct) 10. (Urethra) (Semen) (sperm)
  • 16. - 14 - 18 . 1. (Ovary) 2. (oviduct fallopian tube) 3. (Uterus) 4. (vagina) 5. (oogenesis) (Cleavage) (Blastula) (Gastrula) Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm
  • 17. - 15 - 1 . 3. 4. (Light Microscope ; LM) (Electron Microscope) 1.--- (Reproduction (Metabolism) (Irritability) (Movement) 3. (Mineral) - (Carbohydrate) - (Protein) - (Lipid) - (Vitamin) - (Nucleic Acid) 1. INTRO TO BIO & CYTOLOGY 2. (Biology) 2 (Process) - (Observation) - (Problem) - (Hypothesis) - (Testing The Hypothesis) - (Analysis And Conclusion (Knowledge) (Fact) (Data) (Theory) (Law) (Metabolism) (Catabolism) (Anabolism) 3 INTRO TO BIO & CYTOLOGY
  • 18. - 16 - 2 . 4. (Cell) 4.1 (Prokaryote) (Eukaryote)
  • 19. - 17 - 19 . 1. () 1. (gene) 23 50,000 50,000 2. (allele) (allelic) (homologous chromosome) 3. (genotype) TT, tt, Tt 4. (phenotype) TT, Tt 5. (homozygous) TT (homozygous dominant) tt (homozygous recessive) 6. (heterozygous) Tt 7. (dominant) 8. (recessive) 3. GENERAL GENETICSGENERAL GENETICS
  • 20. - 18 - 20 . 1 (Law of Segregation) 2 (Law of independent assortment) 1 (Incomplete dominance) 2 (Codominance) 3 (Multiple alleles) 4 (Polygenes) 5. (Sex linked gene) 6. 7. (sex-influenced gene) 8. (sex-limited gene) (Pedigree) 1. Monohybrid cross Phenotype 3:1 2. Dihybrid cross Phenotype 9:3:3:1
  • 21. - 19 - 21 . 2. DNA (DNA Replication) DNA -----------------------> mRNA -----------------------------> Transcription Translation DNA Replication Reverse Transcription
  • 22. - 20 - 22 . Transcription Transcription Translation RNA RNA 3 (messenger RNA ; mRNA) (transfer RNA ; tRNA) (ribosomal RNA ; rRNA) RNA Translation
  • 23. - 21 - 3 . 4.2 - - 2 1. 2. 1. 2 3 1.1 (Diffusion) 1.2 (Osmosis) 1.3 (Facilitated Diffusion) (Active Transport) 2. 2 1. (Exocytosis) 2. (Endocytosis) 3 2.1 (Phagocytosis) 2.2 (Pinocytosis) 2.3 (Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis)
  • 24. - 22 - 4 . 1.3 Mitosis Meiosis
  • 25. - 23 - 23 . (Evolution) (Lamarck) (Charles Darwin) 1. (Allele Frequency) 2. (Genotype Frequency) 4. EVOLUTION Hardy Weinberg Theory (Binomial Equation) A a A p a q p + q = 1 (p + q)2 = 1 (p + q)n = 1 n (p + q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2 p2 = AA 2pq = Aa q2 = aa EVOLUTION
  • 26. - 24 - 24 . 3 (genetic diversity) (species diversity) (ecological diversity) 2 1. 2. 5 1. (Monera Kingdom) 2. (Protista Kingdom) 3. (Fungi Kingdom) 4. (Plantae Kingdom) 5. (Animalia Kingdom) (Taxonomy) 3 1. (Classification) 7 Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species 2. (Identification) 3. (Nomenclature) 6. BIODIVERSITY & TAXONOMY 2 1. (Procaryotic Cells) 2. (Eucaryotic Cells) BIODIVERSITY & TAXONOMY
  • 27. - 25 - 25 .
  • 28. - 26 - 26 . 6. 1 1. Root cap 2. Zone of cell division 3. Zone of cell elongation 4. Zone of cell maturation - Epidermis - Cortex - Stele 6. BOTANY & PLANT PHYSIOLOGY (plant tissue) Apical Meristem intercalary Meristem Lateral Meristem Complex Permanent tissueSimple Permanent tissue epidermis parenchyma collenchyma endodermis cork xylem phloem Vessel member tracheid xylemfiber xylem parenchyma Sievetube member Companion cell phloem parenchyma phloemfiber sclereid fiber Plant tissues Meristematic tissue Permanenttissue sclerenchyma BOTANY & PLANT PHISIOLOGY
  • 29. - 27 - 27 . 1. Epidermis 2. Mesophyll 3. vascular bundle 6.2 1. - Apoplast - Symplast Plasmodesmata 2. - Capillary Action - Root Pressure -Transpiration Pull (Mass flow) (turgor pressure) () ( ) phloem
  • 30. - 28 - 28 . 6.3 (Photosynthesis) 1. ( light reaction ) 2 1. (Non Cyclic Electron Transport) 2. (Cyclic Electron Transport) 2. ( CO2 fixation reaction )
  • 31. - 29 - 29 . 6.4 1. Pollen Grain or Male Gametophyte 2. Embryo Sac or Female Gametophyte 1. (Simple Fruit) 2. (Aggregate Fruit) 3. (Multiple Fruit)
  • 32. - 30 - 30 . 6.5 1. 1. Auxin 2. Gibberellin 3. Cytokinin 4. Ethylene 5. Abscicic Acid 7.1 (Population) (Community) (Habitat) (Biosphere) 7.2 1. (Producers) 2. (Consumers) (Herbivores) (Carnivores) (Omnivores) 3. (Decomposers) 7.3 1. (Food Chain) 2. (Food Web) nasty photonasty thermonasty phototropism geotropism hydrotropism chemotropism tropism guardcell movement Contaet movement sleep movement photonasty thermonasty thermonasty 7. ECOLOGY 1. (Symbiosis) 1.1 (Commensalism) 1.2 (Mutualism) 1.3 (Protocooperation) 2. (Antagonism) 2.1 (Parasitism) 2.2 (Predation) 2.3 (Competition) 2.4 (Antibiosis) 3. (Neutralism) ECOLOGY
  • 33. - 31 - NOTE
  • 34. - 33 -