Booklet Umberto Manzo #4, 2016



This Booklet contains recent works by Umberto Manzo

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«Le teche in cui Umberto Manzo chiude i suoi dipinti contengono mondi, colori e sfumature che somigliano al vivere quotidiano dell’individuo insieme agli altri individui: inferni privati che sembrano “il paradiso guardato dall’altra parte”, solitudini, stasi o estasi contemplative, l’improvvisa confusione, l’assoluta certezza e l’uomo solo, che domanda a sé stesso e agli altri quale sia il limite della comunicazione, sentendosi monade, ma pur sempre parte di un tutto.»

— Gigiotto Del Vecchio

«The showcases in which Umberto Manzo encloses his paintings contain entire worlds, colours, nuaces which resemble an individual in his day-to-day life together with other individuals: private hells which seem to be “paradise as viewed from the other side”, solitude, inactivity or contemplative ecstasy, sudden confusion, absolute certainly and a lone man asks himself and others what is the limit of communication as he feels monad yet part of the whole.»

— Gigiotto Del Vecchio

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untitled, 2014mixed media on paper, wood, canvascm 120 × 1510

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untitled, 2013 mixed media on paper, mirror, steel, glasscm 150 × 270

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untitled, 2014 mixed media on paper and canvas glued on woodcm 280 × 220

untitled, 2014 mixed media on paper and canvas glued on woodcm 280 × 220


untitled, 2013 mixed media on paper, steel, glasscm 150 × 270

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untitled, 2015 mixed media on paper and canvas glued on wood cm 186 × 146

untitled, 2010 mixed media on paper and canvas glued on wood cm 140 × 200

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untitled, 2012 mixed media on paper and canvas glued on woodcm 52 × 180

untitled, 2013 mixed media on paper and canvas glued on wood cm 197 × 167

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untitled, 2008 graphite and mixed media on paper, steel and glass cm 140 × 170

untitled, 2008 graphite and mixed on paper, steel and glass cm 90 × 150


untitled, 2015 mixed media on paper and canvas glued on wood, steel and glass cm 90 × 150


untitled, 2008 oil on canvas cm 160 × 140

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untitled, 2015 oil on canvas on woodcm 180 × 210

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untitled, 2015 mixed media on paper, steel and glass cm 113 × 92

untitled, 2015 mixed media on paper, steel and glass cm 113 × 92

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untitled, 2015 mixed media on paper, steel and glass cm 113 × 92

untitled, 2016 mixed media on paper, steel and glass cm 280 × 220

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untitled, 2000photographic emulsion, oil, silver foil, canvas, steel, glass cm 50 × 90


design Donato Faruolofinito di stampare nel mese di gennaio 2015 – Napoli

STUDIO TRISORIONapoli · Riviera di Chiaia, 215+39 081