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ROTES l'l.OM LONDON.rwvi-vTFt) .i.u itM v oi mr. nunca or wah« to

IM»IA- I'.Mil.lMt t-iiMMtMS ON lill, DBATH Ol


nan nan.aa -oc_M_rr to tbb C-MnaiDOflcsncu m'.uni. rnx bucksi aaca oa nuIIIAMIS

jrr.tiM mr BMV-AB COBBBSrOBM NT io mt: limnrVB.1Losmow.March81 Coajoctaro is baaywith tha

vir-it ef the PlaBeeel Wale« to India next Winter.lit« Isarss Bagiaad in November, eeosmfaaiea» atIn«own wish, by Sir H.trtlo Tren». Who It would be like Mr. Hisracli to have

BOOOSiVSd such a scheine. He never forgets that heliiiiiri« It in of Basten descent, and be la.-perhapsfot that of the Isw BagUsh politiciansmid atatBSBsen whoseem from thus to time to re-

BMOMW that Rngland has cn ladiaa Em-j«irt). His is not au iiiia-*iniition to be con-

Mi ti wilbla the ciioas-taeaes of one littleisland. If lu» di.l not originals he is (»nain to havsapprovedthepbtiB. It would bsaanstaks te sap»pBOf that tho Prince's journey 8i»riiiirs from Ins own

tmnWAtMsmen* or wall koowa love of travel anil.kanga Thor«? is a bread idea underneath it, thatOf arlagiag the tutme King of l.ti_)ai»d into per¬sonal relations wuk the vast multitude of hislaitue subjects in India, and especially with thegi b1 priaeeswhoes dsseeut Is mars antii-ut thanhis own. aad whsaehold upon the people is stillHir.Kii*. No Kagllrh «sovf-rcipn lia« lilltod thesevi_»l duiiuiiioii.i. and Hie offset of such a pro-ire»«-*, mIhe l'un.', will make will be (treat both on tbosswhom be goes arnon», aud those st home. »Indiawill bernara lovel to Bagiaad, anu England, let uh

hope, more loyal lo ludia. As for the Prince,ho will play his part thoroughly n tho fsshlsa io speah slightinglyof bi< Bhilitiea They may not be oftbe brilliant kind which a mun who lives by hisbt-iue mo*! value)., but they aie well sailed to theilutirtM be bas to perform. He Das (nod senpo, a goodk:i..»\i.-,ii»i. of mea, exact aeqnaintaace with eti-

iiMdt* tu its Ifltgest sense, thorough good breeding.non in it «,»rl »>f wisdom which COBBSS from censtaalititor« .»iirsn with the best people in many countries.They say of bim he never makes a mistake about thepieeise degrés of consideration due to each person or

peraoitai!« with whom hs comes in contait. The1'it-iioli. who are Jad_M in such matters, like linnhu». r»'«i>«-«-t bim. He aroa Rood o.tinions from e\ei*y-

botlj who saw him on his recent visit there.'-ii Prince would bet (cr apprei inte the hnpoi-iai#i- of ibis Indian journey, or tiuu the opportunityto bel ter account.

'."'"Ti» I inrbsh notice- of Mr. John Ifitebol'l death,wtiioii occurred ou Bátanla* morning at the house

s^tat»Welket la law,Mr. Hill Irvine, near Kewry«ant not aakiadl-. CoosldMiaa bow much mischiefhit. Mtti ii« had done, and how much more ho hadllted to de, to the liriliah Empire, a steiner judg¬ment tni«*!it bave been pronounced attains! him.

Hut ti h not in Eaglish nature lo carry animositiesbevon.1 the «rave, 01 to expies-« even a just aiiK»'i"wini.« it h still open. Men preta lo dwell on

-Utohol'n iiinriirirjr. his passionate love of his own

«.nillir i y. bis abilities as ii writer, îatli.r than on

tti«*t»> lo», ha-»i>y »lu.dities which made his life a

talara, or ou iLu.r sets which have a lasting staini,n bia iiKtiiiorv. la Ireland, it is needlSM to say. helo a bato to one section, and sossetbiaa very diilor-t-nt ftoni a hero to another. He will be long ri-niem-

betod ii l'-irhame-itary annals as the occasion of a

decision which. Ihouidt probably bad lo law, must

b» .r "t»«l .is a prooodent bereafti r. H is death rai."*.sanother qaostioa aboat thosoat for'I'ippcmrv. C'apt.M.X'i»-, who conte«!«-»! it acaiust him. hail lodged B

petition, and it seems doubtful what course ^»üi bstaken ob Ita petition, lhere was soms talk of de-i lariag to« seat vacant and issum** ii new writ ; but

that tsreeipitato plan has been. 1 believe, aban-iioitfi. and the Coart of Common Pleas will proba¬bly lu- allowed to frne jodgment on the whole mal¬

lei. It is won h roaHirking that liitebel. eareer ioAnser!» i Is severely spobee of even bv tbooo who at

OMtiSM timk sldtlS with him for the Confederacy.Ob .«cuni thoughts, GogUsbmea are iadispoasd to

favor i« Wlb.ui, sod situe Mitchel went ia for

Jsit».-! y i« üü institut ion, inadviiiiceoi the war, theylintt it tlilllctilt to u-roiii ile his passion for freedomlu Iieljiid willi his sappori of servitude in theb'nitii- ra-Matoool America.

l !... .»itbl.ii de.t'h of Mr. Bateman ves.erday Is a

shock le Idafriendoanda bototo looa to the drama.A ti.iv or iv. » sime lie was la tho fall rigor of hislirait li. tn.l li i »y with plans for next year's manai<e-

iiiitui «>! th" theater to which bo has -jiveu a whollyOBOOptioaal-BBM. He was u mau of larne viewslind in;PBSBMMsaoraj. Few Assorti ans of his au»- ie-

i:iin -i»» miicli bodily strength and mentol activity bs

Mt. Batomaa posssoe. «I. He hao yielded toen attackuf beai I -iooaoo, whit li, m far as 1 kuow, lias beenT»-ry rod-BOll developed. In these days of the.ori-ral decadence, not te s.iv degradation, ii was Mr.iJat.-iam« hoaorsble distinction to preserve his

faith in tha better in-ttints aad more culti¬vai.'.i lastet of the public, and to próvido 1erthe.-» alone« Spectacle, burle-qne, or operaboiiü«" tXNubialllg '»li« iadeCOBCies of spoken wordswith ih.»s.« ot tli.spla:, had poos, ad m of a _i cat pariaf the I .'»tulon otago when Mr. Baten.ea took theI»»»cum Theater. He bad only to eater to the pre*v.tiiiiiK mode to lasare ample pu.lils. II»-preferredla risk a fortano ia the Interesa». «>t uti and goodBserals, aad there is, 1 trnst, nodoubl that l»c madea fartons ineteed of Iohíiii; it. His engagement olMr. ii. mi*, supper«, d by s eomaetent company In-cladiog other artists of real abilities, proved aivic-

BOM n..iu tli»» iit-.t. The Hell-.. I 'Lib ;», ''.u ¡.»t ne Aram,Chu leo I. lb« hebt ii, filled the bones monthaftermouth. Then eaau Hamlet, which lonoa in its120thnight or thereabout. 'ILe imbin dots nut ofteni»t»¡> to think bow much c1 what they admirein a i,'*''d represontatioa is duo te the manager.Nor i« u always due te lum. Itwas ia Mr. Bate-mail's i .se, because lie devoted himself to bis wm k,BadentOOd il and enjoyed it. Hs luid ijuick perrcp-tiuaoaad rerj rare Brssaem <»f eharaeter, and bevaapcaudal bia profesoioo. He bad u right to bepreud of wbal he bas done ta it. I have often beenteMthat the Lyeeom Behind the scenes wasTeryBlilike wliat soiiu« tliealeis are. 'Ihe constant pies»anooof Mi- Bateflaaa's wife and daaghters gaveitahawal a domiotie air, and preserved ils purity.Its orderliness was Irreproachable. I cannot sarwbal is to be done now, or who will fake Mr. Hate-Buui'i place. The pet tolma:;, e of Hamlet la see»

pt ailoal till ne.) week. I must nut forget to nu ti¬

ti».u ¡hit Mt. Batemaa waa a thorooab American,sad took pride m auskiog his natioualitv known«My Bcqoaiataace with bun is verp recent andslight, bat I asesa te have lost an old friend, joh

ii.» not laiiow till the experience eomci hot mocbiipri-olon tbs di sith of a fellow ooontryman in afan u'ii land mnkt - upon you.

It B|ipean t!;nt Cambridge met with an aeridenlin t!ie lace oi .** ituro-aV. No. 8 (Dicker) broke theBopportof the roller to his slide. Theeflbetof thismiatotaas »\.is, according te aa rn ojng peper, notdiilv io prevent bim from exerting auv strenxiti.Mu.) to M.i)-.»*. it Impoooible lor bia. to koi i» in swingwith the rest, but also to pot him in extreme bodilypala, his leg Ikiik* lerribly gaohed l>.\ ibe brokensid.- of ile» boot. Thin siiikes sse aa rather highcolored. The Biishap < corred inly in the race,wh n Cambridge wars leading. Had there becBaaythias like aa < .nalit) between the two ere« -, ii

uii-bi vs. li have aJteeted the reealt. It lover] poo-Bible ti» «i it did sfleol the result in the senoe oliaero-Oiog the nomber al Ir-mrth»* !»y whiohCaai.Iiiiil«.' waa beaten. Otherwise it is not a Butter ofgreat eoaeeqa-BM .» onjrhoilj bot Hr. Diekei andla the maker of the broken olido. The opinion woj

oapro-vtd that Oxford oonld win with seveasan. ''¦ an a«-. ¿I. nt shoald bapi . b. It hi no1 m ees«

sii.v teadupl soextrems a beliei ss bat it

oeaaui rtaia thal nothing shorl ol some very gravet-ani^i.'' eoold have broogbi them down to theI'ambridgs level. Mr. Rhode«, th« CambridgeSteaks, sad |.» .!.;.]»« iii.* beat oar in eitbeiboat, »-'ii at ih<- dinner <.n »tm«i:i.v nightthai Cambridge had been beaton an their 1 iii«. L"ii- Oxford crow of thu year wau th» beathe bad .vet ruAodi'gaiiurtinUiSlií'». After bach un

admission from finch an authority.ii is not worthwhile to »-peculate on the might have boen. It iHaim.>.t a pity that Oxfont should have lagained hersupremacy before Cambridge liad pot even with heron the whole number of races. There hate beenthlrty-tWO ¡n all, of which Oxford boOWOB M1 BUtei Blo tiftecii of Cambridge. And tin- ««-ist of it is thatanother.period of seems to have sol ia atCal »bridge, lhere were great diflienlties m makin»,up tli»- (u w this ve.u. iii,, ehaaaes were Bameroee,and m th.» cud reoonrse iras bad t" twomeatol mnehoi.icr standing in the University than one expi ti iosie in a university erew. The fad there is sucha want of good oats among tiie younger moaibtus isof ill omen for next year. With Oxford it ia all theother way, and there are not wanting confident per«BOBOWho predict another lons: uninterrupted seriesof victories for Daik lillie. Bat with that WO neednot concern ourselves lill another Spring romes


i,. my, s,


KTCROSE8 OF THE >-K.X.a Lxcroax hy nu, v. ta bot sattb8____

Tîic regular monthly meei in;; of the Ncurolog-i. iii :-o« lety tenu liel.l 1_.( cvciilni; m1 ti).- Ollcco of l'hjsa inns nntl Barjraono, at Twenty thirJ-st. anil Court h-ave. After iho Uansardou of the régaler or routine¡»a lasos, Dr. F. La Boy Batteries read a paper sa meNearoeea of the 8_ln, of lito foilovvin-t li an

Bhotracl :1 Ins aloes of »iT-eilon» ni.iy he saul to occupy the bor-

der land'.»»-t ween (!i«-eas'\« of the nervous system andthose of the skin, soasUtaUag the link whieh eeaoeetaDerawtology with Bcurology. i>r. WUsea, ta his lee*tu.*«' on tiiseases of tin- Barronaapaleas, latan-a us thatu.t ie. .m niine pbyalologteta «tin! pothologtoti who toelaeaeajloalaotlaaaU thollo sunieicut fur thopeodaotion of the ehaagao in Ihe tiesues* while there are

otbero Who ore content tj speak of eels-growth alto-uetiier aomioeaei I by aorvoai torses, sad they eaforoethen stiifi'inouts by illustration» from tho .roathof plants und some of tito level animal»,to mi aethtag of the hum ia athrj ». Itself. Admiirin-*,they say, thal nerve force way regálate cr control tin

tritton, mc latter niu«t neceeesi-y lio independent ofit in its act.t.ii operation. Those, on tho other hu. I.whooooaOlreet loBoeaeo, wbieh olmoot amount* to a

vita: one, propagated by a Borve, v,miiu tbofact hi* tiase« wher»- ¦ nerve hoi besa severed ead anatrophy ot the parts bolea has resulted, or a uerve

l>r(»ceedl»_ to a mut-cle has 'leen lu,tired and thetntisrlo b is wiu-ted. So also a diseased eoadlttonOf tbe spinal curd i.r nerves may pvodBOO an erup-lion of the skin, ¡md sometime.» Uns s» inptoni

be tim oioy sign of oxliilog disease.i)r. TUharv Fes ooyo that tito erigía of some skin dn-it.i.i r liiHV bt) III Hie net.«-« tlitliim iTts, Wlilell COIitttl-late tho iiiii'ii.'T by Wblsh Hi« iD'.rhitl eliiiOK» s aie pro¬duced. l)r. Sattel I.»» divided the MUl-Bea of the ikldiiito diseases of loereaoed Krie«iiiiiit> or byporaMibeela,snd discuses of (cniiiiialitii i-.u.ibility or miaittiesia.Hi Batterien then iiieutiiiueit the «lilt, r.-nt . .ru rit s nu-

tier culi division aad gave the propos eoarsaol treat¬ment for eat h.ïbt« foliuuuiK oflicera were elected for the maning

rear: Fï-caldeot, William a. Ua-imoad, M. n -, Vtoe-Preeldent, J. c. Pelora, 31. D.¡ Second »lot President,1'. D. Leute, BL 1). ; iti-cordm»,' I ¦«.» n tnr.t*. (ooiko W.Mell«. 31. D. : ( urtespo.nlinjr ¡>eeretary. M.tx ll.i/.ia.. M.1).; 'IrcHHiuer, (linton Wa/a-n.-r. 31. 1». ; t'liiiij«'llora, .!.il. li. lunar.-. MD.. T. Im Boy Satterlee, M. D», T. Kiwards Clark, M. U., J. T lMrl.y, M. 1).


The Ur**t conference between the committeesppulntud by tbo Hoard of IMncatlon iiinl tbat ap¬pointed by the Ti u »tecs of the I'm orbul K.tiool», to enn-

sidcr the (|iie*tlonof tbo admission of tbo ParochialSchools to tbe benefit of tbe I'otiuuoo Mellool system.was brid yesterday at the ot the lijartl of làduc-t-tiou. There were preiiiit on the patt of the Hoard,Preatdeet MOtloonend GoBuatooloaen Wetmore, Bahar,K.trr, Vermilyea. Kelly, and Townsend ; on tbo part of

the Trustees of the Pareehlal Behool*, Beary i». Hegest,Frederick B. Gilbert, John B. Bereite, I'reilcrii'k B.Coud» rt, ticiirgc y. Becker, Ruinai T. Woodward,and the itrv. TJward J. O-bllly. Vit-ai (ienerall.'iinri waa to have uttendort the conference, bal was

pre von t.- d liy Ulaeoa Tbe Bov. Father Boonoy of the

Cathedral ottoadedas hil lahstttate« The eoBfereaeoassembled nt 1 )». ni., and Whs held tliioiii*hout withclosed doors, ftlaotOd until.'.. p. in., wh"ii Ibe Com-BÜttee for Uk Parochial Behool! took their departure,leavingtheOoaioBlttoe of the Boord «till in session.Thi» session continued sull with eloeod doors for nbonttin. e tiinricr« of aa hour. At Ui eonelaidoa the. ro-

poner of lui: Tkiiu st; Inquired of Preeldent Kellsouw. !ietii«-r tb«- proire lilias were to be laid bufoie ttit pab¬ilo forthwith. 3Ir. Neilson repli-d that it had i.r«»-n te

solved not lo pni'i.sli au account of what bad takenMaooatoaee. Nótalas ot any very great hnportaooelnul M yet takOO place. Tim Whole r.i' I it WOO ii (Hou«-

whatdelieatoooo.aaatopoblteb an arooeat of theirprocoodlngt» while aa yoi overythloa wao laeoaiploteund in an until itnte lo bo dloeaiOOd by lb»- publieat large, would he a hiadornare rather i'i.n nu

aid. Toe farther i-tonnation »jd gatberod tiiat thes:at»ment of t be c.t-e for t ho Parochial Schools had beenvrt tooted bj .loin» B. i» ivelm. li wa« road froaiaiaa»u ,ii ipi, n l.ich wai iiiu i ward la-.«l apeo the taiila» lot di«-cu-^ion and remalol lo tli** funds of BupenntoadealK-d.!!«*. The eonfereoce eppeorod lo bave paused ,.n.:...

Wy. l'a-i (jueoUon wus really ouly »pt ned.

thi: nkwakk m. E. ti)Xn;i.i.N( _.

The fifth day's session- ol' the NewarkMelhodlil Eploeopal Ooofereaeo wen held laTri-ltiClinii ii in York-it. yesterday. Btlhop Wiley occupio»!the chair. Til»-Uook (.'ommliiec reported ih_t the Con-ferenee was aese».«»*d li,st» for the Bool Concern, andthe repoit was r«'farred to the PMOtdiag Elders. The

Temp» ranee Committee reported a serif i of resolution-«ladantag total ShSttaoaeo as ibe only s ,i,. prottud. andreroniiimniJinx tenperance lUliWilUa The Conferencedeotdod to hd.i a traperaboo eorasoa to the an¬

nual programme of the CaoatsrOBOO, The It» v.

KOHta. 1»'iU4li'«« and Blal.O WON apptiluted it

coaiuulteo to attend tim ttaltOBal Totapof-OOOCon vent.on lo beheld in (liiea.o n. at June. Ihe place oftbe nix» coaaioo, w.n llxi-dal the iliisey Str»»-t Cher.b in Newark. Ti.o Commit¬tee ¡ii»i».i)tite«l io lavealigate th» rbatac of b^reay iii.-.iu.»ttie 'ii. v. w. c ulll,who wrote o boob said to containune) i bod., i .uni iitr.icjl dootrtne«, reported thal Mr.Ollioa oxeoaiBattoa before theUonaiUiee proved him-self In lull act nrdatno witt» ino i'burch, aad Mid Hitbe had only written prepárate?! to _aeth#r hook, io«iiiu h be wtUatleaipt lo c-.n b nil irconirnla :i.;»i_-,ttu tir.iox theo o-ry, Dalos the Hr>t b .¦* u so ereomeat.toe t'i'iiiitiiiteo tepon.-.I iLat tin« did not np'«.o iii tiie book, and it Wail tBereforo daoireroui,Tiie oiiiinittt e re.otiitüeiid la »-ii' reeding edit! »niail bl« «tn-uoit-nt« tw puUliaüed in the aaiua voloute. 1 aa

icport aaa laid over until tin*) morning, wimn n will boa special order al io o'clock. ThoBov. Dr, UaohJeU detired lo unreel aa impression wiiirn miniit ba cana >! byan artiein wbleb appeared in lue Ixie.i su ot Mondayio the » Birci licit the decioion in i it >r ol ihe L'barcb laiin« Dalsell in..' glvi « to tbe Chnreb properly worthovero nullen dollars for Biloolonary purnoeeo. l»r.i>j-,bi»-ll stated that tbo urticie iuia;itt laierfera witamlMlooary eollectloni for U7S, and bo dealrod to «tut»!that tbe properly I* net worth bo much aa elated, andina I me iiiuteti ha« no' >»t roceived any of tba money.Ti.i Itev. Dr. Miiclnil ol Kjii-us addreaaed the Confereu.-, u. brin',1 »f tiie itUXerera, .»ud a « ittloeitaa aaioiiui-

iaa to©71 w «a-« ukei) up.

MBETTStO OF XBB CATHOU« UHIOBThe re.mlar iiti;nteily meeting ol the Paro¬

chial Coaforoaeei ol the Catholle Unios m this cur wa«

bold hut evealos at tbe hail of iii»* Collet« of h. PraaanXavier, In w-it firteeath te, Tbe quarterl- ropoM of toe

Ireaoarer wai readsShowtag that the ori»auiz:itiou of

the * atholk Lihou now consists of ,-i ( nincll ol li mt m

n-, it parochial aoctlona, v,itii ob averogoof meaihi r

sbiji in each Boetloa of from ISO to IW. Xbeaggregateiiii-uiixmhlp of the Uoioawai eittmatodat shoatMiaThe couni-ii bus agota,the report «-futid, been rall d

npoataaldlo molatotalng a ComaUaotoa al Ifaoblncton. BOtabMohod to look af;er tbo Ihtereato of the t atho-lie indiiiii mh«io:is. Ihe report gave a ohort review of

«iin , i i Iii. i.iivi t muent mapoetlaa the Indians.

It waa alleged that the peace policy i.u I proved oaj »itathi ..i e of the Catbolts Indiaos.S0.0Mof wbooi.Beeordlngio(»en Ewlng'a report, bad Iteen banded overto differ-etil i'i. i. - ani d( i." nuil. r.i. 'ii-. Ii «..s;.»! t" recover

nil or »omi «f i o .e Catholic Indiana lo tlielr faith andli, tea» leis, ami for thia puruuM tiie Catholic Coumtalion ha* been establUhed ai waabluaton and oei underIbe care of (Jen. Ewlnjr- bul tbm far nein er iii»- eflortai.r the Commi-.'-ion nor the proteiti of Ibe Indiana tnem-««.iv«» liati plot« l of inuob avail. Mention whs niati»- ufIbe Increased efloria el ibeUaton to open ibe prteoua,r. form.i tones, ami other Male Inatliatlona !.. tba miniitry of lae Catholle rellctoo. A petition t«» tit« i isna

ceri of H»o BoolOtJ lol the !;.!... ii,KllitU ..f .Invrnii- lieliaqoeota waa read, olaiuuns i'"' rlahlol i.,, uoiii ol aorahlp |i<»! the Catbolle lomaieiof tbot Inatitntloa who oro ut preaeni t .mpelled to

attend Protcatanl worship. A mihi; .t pelllion ma lelaat lea» io the AValora House ol i; ; .. ¡» branehofin- a«n.e .- -t i» t «. waa anowered by allowina im frrarzereiM and practico of their iciu-ion leCathoUelain.*!,* iAfter the reading of tii«- i-epnrt Mr New» t. amid

moth applause, read the iddreaa wbleb Is to be pro-M i. ni to Archhiibon MeCh.s.e;,. congi Hil Rilan loin on

Iheuew I.r wbieh itie li.. -, I nor nos i*«nl rivdupon i, m. i.i ral -ui_ bun to tu« .li uny ol lue » animal-M..-, rbcltei I .«im Itelaler followeu wilb an addrr»n«m tba oi.i« «I ami iiims A the latiiolu I linn.


A Btectiug of the Directora of the Koal RBridge wm bofci yeotarday« The fli««i basto sa traaa.., :, ,i .,»».« the oi n pi .'.»n of tb« k pert of ilic Eio< u..».o

< ...,'Hi,jlie«: wbieli lerumiiUli'lcil ttjatv.» i» oa lit«- brida*»bo b (.in laMBedlatel] Xas ein« t lJuinoer waa, byi,-.,..un.»n. ordered le bogia »orii égala wllheat »leur

Ai luou Aa Ibu lay uri <A StOM aie Uuwu ou tb» litooki) u

side, the woikineu BBS SB work on th- New-York tower,

The fottOWtBg an arils (,, ttif. omier« -<f fffSfSftJ in NewYork, taken fur tim uso of «lie trille, x11 r»* made:Ailhur l>u|»as<|iiii«r. trustee. BUBjBMl J. C Harrow,

special guardian, ti.uki; ft. T. Bhephanl. MM] Ol-SSBtlLamil ly, |IS,IM¡ 1 rant Is V« BeVOBBB, »H-il; Bllins, t.-.-.i. a; Q <; f-hiitli, MUM) o It, !t« r< Bl I'.'".«'» ;

'iles. «;. ¡»ii.ui,, $;:.. ,*¦); EtenaaB Ooeti EtJMi C.Hachen..'sin' |_SS¡ Amna M. D. Mctirrtth tv, M IVan Boaeolaes MS.MS rue total satoaal ofthesi. iiwurds Is tlli.ISS TI.e pmpeitr pareBBBB_In New-York lies I.t I men Boonvail ¡uni Dover -«!.«. TheBBCboraca la to b.' lu Matsr-at. the balldlaas on theproperty icierreii to Hre tu be 10M .1- boob as Hie dseSsof the lands are gtveB to the Bride*Company. Thesppralaars1 lulls, auioutiting to $.».«-.*,() es. wer« ordere«!paul. Jamo Muley, a New-York director, WBO oleetwdj in« nibcr of the Executive « uniiniiti¦«.. 11« urv C.Murphy vu« eleeted chairmiin of tia Executive comiiti.t« t, 1.tul Joba l.'iily waa appointed ob the FiaaacoCotoeutlee. Tbe Bew-Tork emmon council 1« lobepétition«'«! for pet tnu-sion to hty a railroad Hack lia theUso oí the BCMfS 111 Kooseielt anil \Vatu--t».

tHI CAM-ITS H11' (OMI ETITl«)N.TheHoo. Abeam 8. Hew/Htofferedob HarchM

to eesBpstlt-BB anunig tho bejsef the AU»CoagrestisnalDistrict tho eaSetahlp in hu gift attie ITaBedBtatssNaval Academy St Annapolis, M,|. The ( omnntteel-eieclej by Mr. llenitt t«) award the ptiSS SBBsBtlSal 0?'I'll. Ale.auder 8. Webb. U. R. A., PmMSBt of theCollect- if the City of New York; Commodore K. P,Mccrea. U. S. X., aud the Bev. Kdwarrt M.Cl.iiu. th.-

well »uown pastor of Pt. BtrpltB'B Clarrb in Tateoty-cighlii st. Tia examining Mirg.oiis were JL)r. BtarvOOaalW. Morns and Dr. ,I«.hn T. Nagle of the Board of Health.Tin- literary examiners were Ptota. li dale. MotttoOB,and Metía« ion of the Colle«« oiNew-Ymk.The examination leek pla« ( 11 pou ! ii Bl da v lust at the

Klee ( ollegi* anti lasti-d from lo a. in. until 3 u. in., andm«s mos: ia ailinn in its character. The Bamber elraadtdatee admitted lo the competition w:«s :;«. and ofthese no reported for the examination. Ibe oarieOBBreje« led fuir, iis no1 being up lo the physical Kt_Bire*mcnis of the, and f«aur others wire found ti

r<- ade out of in«« district, Bat nu -2 barjra t«» eetrtead forthe prize. The elimination, which in, searciimir,»non nnrioweii the dioico to three buys, WBOBe ie«or.i

Bl the BSOSe w11* as folio« h.

1. John V. Laby, age 10 year.«, residing st au BertForty first st., SI mark*.

2. John 1*. fawcett, uko 1C yours, istldiug at Jil >'. istTnirti-ninth-»'., 49 maiks.

.1. Frederic V. .-.tries, ugo II year«, residing at ttt I ist

Sixiy-nluth »!., is m,ni.«.I lu- CO-MUlttOC therefore unanimously r«t ommendrd

Mr. Hewitt to ci ve the appointment 1,1 jouriic laiby, " bo1.1 tbe son Of Ihr IrleB patriot. Thom.i«, darke I.'iby.Mr. Hewitt states thut this appointaient will be ordio_ly be made.



JUMB IAMBI 1. BOOSBvSLT.Judge James I. Boosevelti a promincnl mern*»

bcr of odo 1 r the oldest faiiiilu « in this etty, died last

evininii at his residence e.t No. EM Uroudway, aller an

i; a.» -.- last Ins; three weeks.JiidgeJ Boom-v» It wa» born In tUs city, on DBS. It.

1795. In 1811 bo entered the Fre.« Cluan of < ohim-iiiti College. He was laaduated in isis, and entered tho

otll.o of the Hon. lvtcr Jar. with 11 horn he studied 1st.

He was ndnutt'tl to tin« liar In Isis, and became Mr.

Jay's partner. The santo jaar.Mr. Jay was elerie«! io

the législature, nnd all the business of thellrm devolveil BpOB tho Junior partner. MtEtoOOOvett followed his nniil 1^-JO.

Daring his professional geriet hs ipplled himself mereparticularly to these IBOSttOBa relating to chancery

practice. In 1d08. when Jackson recelred Ins aceoiul

uuiuiuutiou for the l'residouey. Judgo EMeSBVell was

active in politics and took side» willi Jackson. HS earlyidentiileil hlinself with the Iiuuocratlc party, omi was

for a time tho Trea.-tirer of tho Tammany « Coin

imitée. In lifJfl ho xts« «lected to Hi»* Com¬

mon Connel!, and was reflected lu MSB At

the rleee of his term, being much OlhaSBtod,he tetoporanly retircil from profi-ssivnal life, and trealupon a Etarapsaa tear. He was in rails darlas ihscoiumottous which follow rd the revolotiou of MSBand wi'.s present la IBS (bamber of Teers during the

trial of Prism l'oligmtc and other miiitsiei« et tho de¬

posed King, charles x. He vas eoBealtod hy ther.rislHn eOOTM In Madame Mailhan's divert« cn«e.While in Madrid lie became engne« d to tin- dañables ofGod. Van Ness, then American Minister to Spain.In US1 he ii torried aad n "-timed tbe praettee of tow.

Boob afterward bl waa appointed üSanalssionerol theAlma-booae and other public charitable institaBoaa ofiitoeity. jBdge Koeeevelt eerved for sever.ii jeirs mone of the truateeo of tin Pabilo Behool Board. InlSMbe waa elected te the Legislator«, and sala In MM,serving 00 boih eeeaaieas bsbbii mher of thstJudleisryCoBUBlttee. In Mil be was elected lo dm-cress. Ho wa» one of President Tylel's BeleolCommittee. Al the c'.om- «>r .'.ir Conereesional termin ii-«;i. he iva« tendered a rsaomlnatloa, bat declined Inconseqi.cüi«. of f.iiiniy bereavements, neath hnving mfiit« \»ct ka taken linee of its youaieT member« lit-thoa tool a second toar to Europe, where he reñíalo«-!for a year, Bladyloa foroiaa tow 10 tim eouriaof v..

Bland, l-'ruuee, and Hollaitfl. Upon las return he 1!.rated Are or six years n> i..c rultlaation ol hi. uno inWestcbester County, not for profit, bm for the ben« tit ofhi» heulih. Ile wa» sent -Itnnf this Hum BS a dcYgatolo several political eoavontloaalu 1M1 be eeceptetl the uomioatlon ff-r .1 i»tn*o if tiie

BepraaM Cour', m thi» disti Iel, to «huti be .¦ bs electedbya large majority. Ho filled ibis reapooal ;. iltioofur et-iht yean, ai.d dillina ana > «ir oceai ,i. «j offlett,a aeat ia the Coart of Appeals. At ti« close of liajndl-u I career ha was reaneated bj Preaident Uocbauan.wbo wat a warta friend, to accept the olBee of Unitedliâtes Attorney for the Booth« iii District of New York,nini at tne «lose of I'lv-Mruf liuchiit.-au'a uduiiim.Tationbe realaned and retired to private life.Ia pereoaal character,Jade. Boosovell was without

reproael. Hepoaaeeaed a parity a» stainless u* waealie catered public life, and nu laieirllr hs nnlia-paaehabla ¡1» when Irai elected to oflSce. Ha bad lui ssick for Ibreo weeks, bat tie mimeiiato canes of insr«- «tit ira« a f ill lalÙ room, by which the neck of histhigh-I10110 was broken.


OFFICIAL liCMll, HY TIIK OOUBCTOBOff lil! POBT,iiiAT run oui \»i-; ixtM.s ai tun waar.

Wabuibotow, i). c, April K..The foUowiag tele*billin was received hilo to-dajf :

K»ti wi »1 Pla«April i, is;j.To THF. Praiil 1 tar of Till. TBBSMBTI rroiu Dews-

pap« rs receive ii Itere to-day I leam lii.piitalu.osare enst upon me indirectly for failinit to Inforai the

Dspartateat of the ciTlalOBiai of ino BO-eeBed jiiiowfever eptSeBile at tile port I eonfim mv di»pntch of

yesterday after coaanltatloa >» 11li the EEealth Ofleer,anti state positivi ly that no rasi «if yellow fever eil.-t»lit tins tin* vicinity, ut on shipboard. The« a «es re-

ferred lela my dtapateh, if yellow fever al ali. whl ti i«

Btt*oaa»rdoBhtedbrasaay who lavo had too dlaaaae,x11 te simply spur.ulk The «Ity Is pf-rfietly heaBhj,with ao bymptum» of SlBBaseaad )... causo tor qaai-B-tinmg seamers toaehlBB Bl thla p*)rl.

V. B. \vi« km*., colicciorof Customs.

BO IBM CA8BS r.i.i' 1 i>.

Wasiiiní.ton, I). C, April 5..The foUowincletoaraa was received at the Navy Itepartaseal tin«

Boraiai.Rai Wi.'t. Ha., April .. MM.

Aur-jenn l-tnertil JuMrli l-.i*.li.i Vf* allí« r elaoged,Bli. u couler. Ho aew cii»e» of lever BtttOS the last tele¬gram, iiie preseiii itifiic «lions «re enciitiragiticr.

J. II. PBBBT, Acting A»-istant Suigeon.


nu: ni.l-l 'BLI an muk ii« ki: I BBLIBVBB TO lit


DbtboiTi Mich., April B..Keturni from ¡«11perM suoA general BopablleaB gains. (¿cn. 11. P.

«.taies has BOOB ro-eleeted Jiistluu of tho BafaNBMCourt on beth tleleta Mr. Mantea, who hoad* the

EtepnbUeaa ticket, has, from spasewasi -, ls.otwiimj ait/ for Jti.-tice nf the lapretaa Coart, an«! thsrest of the BepabBcaa st.ite ticket i« Huto behind.In mis county c. j. iniiev (Deas.) is elected ClrcattJndge. In Hil» 'ill «¡unge 8. Hwilt Is »»elected lit-

eerier wilhool opposition.


A DEMOCBATIC Mill Mill is ( iminvati.

ClBCIKBATI, Aplfl i..The eily «lection to-dn waa very ex« lilac, Bad the vote i»oii«d Is lbs heatni mi lino« n here. Theie was considerable disturbBaee et the polia, hal aothlaiof aeerleaa salareis rs

ported, at thla Boar (11 p. sa.) II la believed tint the

liento« lab, BBVC Oh CM I their entire tie .et by ma.) iritb *

in. lue timii l.t-i u t» c, n!.'i, Johnson, fur Mayor, receiv¬ing tbo bearies! rote. The «oh bil islarni ar.- cou.inglu ilowly.


Columbus, 0., April a..Lil»' City deetionpesai d ni \ei> qalelly. Moe thna ju avaraae *ote

v m ,. n« d. H liman. ¡Matorral, was sleeted Maror iyabout s<>.' mii|ority. è-feetios Orove, Morktagatea's sa4lud. pet.di ni c.indi int. t n.« n ". i. rai- wtii proba sir«.led nil their ticket. |Tao oili i il n tunis coi.tin

A OBBOCBATIC nCTOBT CLAIMBD in CUtYBLABB.(i \», o., Apiti I..The iniiiiii ipul

l-l ci Hull IU thla city la-da] was very SMtttBS. IfO SlB*turbjiu ¦.-» hal I."nil repnilcd. A lar^'e vole Utt tis!,

bal the oSJklal count is nut yet la. the DeBMeraMslates the fteettoa lu- a Baal lerebli majority. N- thingtictiiiii. « .m ia« aseerialood la Bight,

Sin« i sr, Y Y.. April V-A Ml naunil llifliaslClaij 111 barn . Hats ». » aat ki l» i lu u »ui.



lilt ii l!.i\ II \ IXICI l'.'iM* 'i 'I' IOB ÜMINCKI..oiti.M» IBYISB AM» BTATI li ali.. I ill. ill Y

OXI Ml-.All.l».Tam »e tteadar, April | i«75.

TLe r.inpiioi of Austria arrived bera this -Bora*

latfrein Trieste, ile was leerivedbytlMKiBBofItaly uitii a ihm,i «mbraee, ami caeorted to tbepains pi«pue«! foi linn. The crowds el speetatora\\«io iniii.« ii.,o ami exi'ecilingly enthusiastic. Tin.*w< atln r was very ¡im- and the «li .¡«lay magnifie« nt.

Among the «liotinguisheil paiBOBS pris« nt at the,inei-Tiug wen« the Crown PriBCe lluiiiliert. I'ritir«-Aiüa«li-!ts, Count Amha- -v, and Ministers lliogbettiami Vi»cunti-V« not la. Latería the day there waaa gran«! review, aad la Cm eveaiog a « ballwas given. Tho whole i ity i* dow uhlazo williIllumination«!. The Canella oi Venice WcWoSBSSthe Kinperor. anil considers that. Lv ibis visit to hisformer pi ovin« (.«.. be loudly proclaims his iii« nillypolicy towan! Italy Bad lortetfolasssel tbo past.

THE DIs.sF'.NsltjNs IN BPAEf.iu:..t »i oi PB0S1 -.sons \«¡Ais-i nía« iioN'.iiY Ht*

ll llln.Al. MKAM UK-.1111)111 I»S OB CABMBIOBBBBAU IO lu», i AP.i.os.

LOBOOB, Monday, April r,, lins.

A Madrid eotrespoadent writes that »earlyni! tho uuiv« r»ity pr.ifeisors of Spain have sigu. d a pro¬test ..«aiiiut the reactionary iilucatl.uial mcnamee, aadthat the BtadSBM Int «ad to make a gouiral Uemoualia-tioti in the urne itreettea.AceerdlBg to c.irliat artviees from the French frontier»

Qeaa. Bah.Ba ani Uxsaraga have Beat a loyal addrase»to Dun carlos seaoeaelag Cabrera's treason and teaiifylug to tho abiulnw fidelity of Hie C i Ulenia n».


DETAST-BI '¦! nu: iai:ai»ay PBOB BBATBIBBIl.«iM")M, tteadey, April .". i»;.*-,

'l'lif stesmihip Faraday sailed front (¡rave»;end today to complete the Wollt of laying Ino BBSS](Jalted btateH caine.


1Iii\>«.LOIBOB, Monday, April 5,1S75.

According to advices from Calinita in tela»tutu to Hie lloulilcs between lue i.iv. ruaient

and Ihc Rial of Lim mab, OOOei ming boundaries judother mallet«, the King in making warlike preparations.



Havana, April ó..A terrible case «>f f.m.iti-('¡»m, nu i rtaaaeed fay spirit nfpteaa, . ¦ un,v under

going In vest i,,'ii ion In pul-i- del Bio. A mother, believ¬ing the wa« actinic hy tho ordern of tho spirits, tore outtti. ojes of her BOB and afterward attempted to tear

out her OB B. Thin Hhe «Hil opeuly, us a aolenin aaei ISeo,lu the preseBee of the other women of the famih who

praytîd In a loud voice while It WBS coiug on. All tho

parties have Beea arrest.-ti and aro noir ou trial.

MEXICAN AFFAUtathi AiiK(.ri) ixrtjunoa ok run >sistbbi or

< llAlillY.riilK Al'HON. Al.AINlT A «¡t.NKKAL

i;i:\oii.t oki lu BUMBO km ou:.;_i:u.MUMB¬IL it lo-TKIt AN1> BBCTABIAaiSX.

nom an.« CAIIOBALOOBBBSrOBDan of Tii.TRim m:.J

ÀCABULCOi Mardi CO..The whole Ojaestiooeonueeted willi too SB Called expulsion of the riistersofCharily nn.iiiints to this: Hythe reform laws passsdalthe hegi.'unugof Jaana's term of offoe, a.i sMaastltorders were sheB-hod, to thatageaeral llsselaltaaalinouasti-rii s and BSUtBOriea foil.«weil the triumph of theUfa-rala la December, MM, The accession of Maslmil-l.ia to Lis pi, throne brought back th»\rw ordei«,und e»!ti!ili«hed them on their former touting lu Mexico

Accordingly, whou the li-'piiblieaos tooli paseeSStSBOfthe «apt! ii tn 1SST, they lound the m.ina-tci ¡«-1 and nun-

n.iles lu the same P mrisbin. condition rs they hil

h. en in prior to tne adoption the Constitution of 1857.

Tho «.-ci rainent thereupon entorred the retorm lavis,ami cleeed ail th.* r-'.ixion¦ tatahUshateata, axoeptlagsack aa Wen nee,ted for strictly parochial us«.?, undtiiof«»* of tin» Staten of Clarity ; trhieb, beeaaaeof tho chintahlo calling of tile inmates, «we,-«»

allowed te remain milli», in !.. .1. I.' was noon foundthat tfce building« oeeupi-l by ihe HateraBore made use of for political Bieètlagi hy frlari

a:.d BlMaBt-ataae eoaapiratora. The Uoreronaaiaccoidliiglv determined to disitaml the Sloterhood. Ity

then in« iel. li was claim d that iii.* Bisters of Charityhad not beea included in the BCl of CSBgrsSB, iu virtuoof-inch the other Orders were dlsooleod, ThereapoeOoBgroes poseed in EMeesshet laei an sawadalery act,vi... h directed tho dissolution of Ile Sisterhood ¡ but

uoihuig wh« sail ni lenard to expelling the mem¬

bers thereof from iho country. Boc lion the «ioyern-

lii.Tit atlCBBpted to e\|»«:l them. 1 lie Iliecatlve only in

forii'd fie law whim forbid« tie-in fr«.ii) aeeeesbllBg In

«'.nuo.nulty. The Stoters, however, said that if tht v Bera

prevented from Ihiiik together they wo,Id leave the

country.The QoeeTBSBOBl fBOpOBO» .« fa] liiMsfiiig that ihe

awi inuat be enforced, but said that la IhelS ladltidn licapacito ». tia- Breathers of the llstsrhasd Bight coe»

littu« their works of charity ami mercy. The BBSS re-

¡i- ted Ihn prepealMoB, ead resolved to le ive the coun¬

try, wliirh they dul. Friends of the chin eli. ned others

misinformed on the tafafe« t, have rir.iilat»-.l insidiouslytin- falsehood that ti-'- Bieters of chainy were espoliadfloat tho -topaatta by order of the OoveraaMat. Tills

report, together ailhthe r«-.-«nt rapid spread of Prot-Bstaadsai m many pasta, has areased tim u :. u

li-liid'His bigots, who aro a pingue to the nation,to the highest degree ot frenzy, cau-lug In tOBtO BtOB»ure tin'late lion ¡id') Bucanera iu tins ettr« aad the

¦-. BBataal-OBfl rlaewbere. Theptieati appealed lo theweBses of Mexico City aad of Qasaajaato, sad pro-cured the -igiiatuii's of huiiditd« lo a craftily w«-r.led

pi'.lest BgaiOBl tlte so.« ill«"! expul-iotl of the BtStBt- OfCharity. Now thal the real impnt of the document

lias BOS. to liitlit. and tan Bgacrs !" reSlVS finit IBS pro-loat wee ealy a hadly eononlved polltleal deatea of theprie «is, they save lu aataeroea lastaaeea wltbdm ra

their n noes treal tbe paper, while other« declared ifa tiihev never »¡g ied it. li seems Cut the hoar h is nearlyarrived winn tbe Bloody records ef another lallgioasv.iii- toeai likely to sbsbbibIbc lbs pege of Mexlee.chrcAi'r.J history. ^ Already the torch, the sword, andkuife of .in srodoiag their drcodfBl werfa in

Mtshoacaa, Puebla, aadsoato olia- wcB-Ibowb places.Hie »word «>f BapecadUea u aaaheathnd again, andli- sr« n aiiuo knows how or whea ¦Msacres will stop.In addition to recently relit ung QcB. Kulin from

his «. .immand In the army, the M-iii,t<*r of War has

theaghl well to atlopt a Htill more stringent measure of

precaution BftlB*1 the pessihlBt| of aay revolutionarymovement thal nnitht bo Stlea»pled in the Mfld-B, He

baa ordered the withdrawal of the fear brigadeeof ar

mi«Ty whii h nie attached to their respectivedlriatonsof Iho aiuii.and tiioir cou« euiratimi in the CBy or

Mexico. Tho four dlvtoaoB keadqaarters of tin* armyaio Meal b City, Ortoaha«Ouadalaiara,ead r»in LuisPotoM. XaBS rivalling to tim Capital all thn artillery oftiie BtS_y .¡ions that IBS «» ivertiment has no BOBSdCBCein either Hie troups or the clues aud States which theygan.»on. An order of this kledhasaever beea i»-uedI" f «re, Bad ii i« l«»o_ed upon as a sine for.Tanner of up-

pceeefalng iroafalce. OeauMeJia has called le the artil¬lery for that ii .should EBB ni!" the It.null of m-

siirgriit*: but should an outtu.ali overtake lum la the< .ti of MeM itself, then Iho CoVORMBeBl Would lo'Oi rerj i ittelloa gaa thal II has M *>. nae, as i bj this

means SSCI III alf IM own fill.It will be interesting to theos who wish te engag in

the healthful and lucrative i Balneal of coffee plaatlag, tin- l. -cislatarc ol Co nu i baa exemptedn mo ta\. s for the neal ten rears all foaag pi tal nions,uni im« tti.'iet .« pn ailinn of IMS to the CBterpnaingf iriin t w be Barréala tiie iir»t ... «) qalBtala el ci Boa ir..:n

trees planted after !'. antarv« MM, ead oae of Mao to hawin» gathers the lir-l ¿0 «i nntal.s fioui the BBBM desinp-tion of ptaataHyatteetioi bMbeeadrawB lo the fact that Miela.

lor Fooler la the PrelMeat at aa'* A-aerleae B BevoteatNe "t»-<" aad that the «>(>(.«.« of IIB aaaoelattoa la atorale propegale ead eaeoaragB ProteatantUni ihroaghoalMexico than BBythlag else. KdacBted Mexieaas baie

eernplained Mttertfol thla matter. They concédeteM 11 ni i t.-r t:i" nu'tit or H..II1U* to any eborcb hepi. «»«». ¡i.i.l ..f « i.iplouiix In» in uiev to «ii-ikeini, it,

whaii'M dnciriai bo wlab » bat the people here tiunk!;iit.i»v,. bare ao stale cburcb la the Uolied Stairs, liie iHiii m.-i loi» ai,«l ImnoiiljB for «mi represoniaursM pal lui.--1: «i i be be ni of nnj rellgtoiia propavi in 11,siel i - tiri in miaaioaari enierprl»«' the treieblnu I seal Ol ,.i « ¡. i.'i-t-r a- Mun »!er of a urcal lopul lie,a ¡. tel>, has bo stati chafahi

rOBEION K0TE8,MnMi'i \i. Ajiril «t-'.Bedpsth's sugar r«'-

laorj mi n. .o up .i« sonn a las peeeeei «ic .* ¦.( raw

eui u le Betkod oil, ut thesoeaeeatpetltloaof uttoH-

»Ililli s w

can rentiers renders (hat linaine««, In Canada iiiiprofltable at present. A lara- rtiinilier of wor-uien will thusbe tMotan out of employmt-ui..Sr. I'liTKitsBiitti, April B. Bece-jfoBI front

tb«- Catholle to the Ortbodes creek Chareb continue ou

a tarai Mels ia Koaslaa rotund. *

Havana, April 5..Tiie l'nited *>t:itM ateaaterfortune, havlnit returned te Havana from Key Weet,"sitie I to-day for Wa.liln-.toD. Tbe work of surveyIna tha ».ui. » f M x.i o, nader I.ii ni- CommjuJ.-r »» loee,bai» lu.» u eoaipleted,


(HY BUK ríos* in -BXAI-OUB, Mi)..a DBMDCBATIO\ icioiiv.two i loara aaiwaaa tbb wnnaaand Miicts sisoTS rutan and cnns i uki.i.y

i nail caá raaaoa b-ulbb and aavaa-t\V(ll'M)_l>.

B_xt__obb. April ..)..At the nranietpal elcc-ttoo in Anmipoiit lo day, tbo cutiie Demoemtta ticketWin elected by about M majority. A (.pedal dtapotoh to

The American from Aonapolle, to-night, says :

Although there was a fcreat »leal of excitement, every-

tbloc poseed off (|tiieilv np to i o'clock, «a hen a dtstarb-ance occurred In the Ihlrd Ward, and OOOOflcl betweenthe wlntti uiid Ila» ka» ii. 'lue disiurbanco wasul .».ill.lil.I by ann... tolOrcd ta li util lilptiUK lo I'te-vom a ii.'.i.o mt--,» aegro from voUag, and inthe Bilan which tallowed t-Aoor Unce abuts \ui" bred,I.ut uo serious BaOMgO oral done; tct it pervfdlo exasperóte both snlea und the new« of a con¬

tint >;.'>:.i., spreedine» a ¦ io*.i nnai-.iia!. i .¦ bo-Baa to Bother, tio- -»biteH being greatly In-neniad nt bad idiuu pteee. »«roe» wer»«

itrellioa about earryiag » odgols, autt wheo »me of themwa« toaMNMtrated with beeaaeo of bli sit iicli a white man with It sad ft gen, ral row.»t ooec bogga, which, honorer, lasted oniva few n I'oi.r..-, and was ended by ibo ne-

üme« rnaatag awoy and hidteg. Bbota »eretired hy betb «Idea and soroo five OTslxeolored meav.irebadi> lim t. One white ama tunned MeKewwaoshot in Hie hand, and another Domed Dovld v. Ut m theankle, a colored boy, II reara of ago, and mail proba¬bility au innocent one, aa be is . « r-. :.. i ,.i ,', apokoo ofby theee who Kuew lino, «as ulled by DOt-B sindin the baeit or his mad, apparently while attempting toeluda tbe crowd. Stace t tien everything has beeni|i.iet, except that tbo D. mocrats are noisy in

(.mutf . »i»ii'v».oii to their |u..linn i «pir,'» over

iheir vletory. It Is Impossible to ascertainlu- whom tim boy was killed, :i « therewsa au liadlaertmlaate tiring by tue whiteand negroes at the Ham. of eearoo both -.,:.- u ...

the defensive, but tin- nettroes itndoni.t« «Hy began tbe-..¦',.mi affray, io .% in n 1 was an ryo-Witaeio, althoughliol li wero eager for It.


ALUIYAL OF CARDINAL B-UnmrO AT LONDON'.London, Tuesday. April 6 »5 it. ni.

Cardinul Manning has arrived at London.The Catholic gentry of r.ogUud will In a fevr days pie-a,'iii iiini va it li a congratulatory address and testimonialof 5,1*00 gataeae. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


At t tieluck tikis -SOCB-Bf tînmes were tweu shoot»lag fruin tbe wiodowa of tbo Frankfort Hotel, on

the comer of Frank foi. aud William.-« Is. Encinoswere BOOB on the ¡»Touiiil, hut at tiie hour of goingto press thero seemed soioo <l_ogcr of great loss of

life. _


A ("ALIKOUNIA. COI.I.Ei;!-: nn.NFD-LO?8 UO.neO.."vin PBAVCnOO, April 5..The University

Monad College wea baraedlaet Bight, flaaio ihiie»tory and baaOOBOBl tramo bull ling, witb about atxtrstudent.». The Are originated in the baietnotit and. it li

OBBPOOOd, va.» Itliiilled by lately dtoeharaod «'bin«*»»«) out

ploytfa The batldiae Is a total loss and bur few article»of furniture were s.ivri. No lives were lont. One studentwas siitlocatnd hut was re-icued. Tho institution was

under the control of the Presbyterian «IcjioruiuaUion, andis a i »teparatory Behool for the University of CaliforniaThe loee to the trastees la from ttOflce to Iflo.ii.i. Ther. at her« .liol pupila, loee Toni pbWi lo Vu. .1 iii (»»MllioualTue laaaraaea ii t.3.oju.

THL RECESfT ïTRC IN TBE-TTOV, ». XThe wire mill of Coorirr, Hewitt fe Co., at

Trenton, N. J., wbieh was bwraed OB Sunday, Will berebuilt witliln on days. The 350 workmen employed will

not be idle, aa they wdl ho engaged in tbe reconstruc¬tion of the buildiug. or will be employed els^vvUer-tuntil the work of re bu «li on is completed. Tin- lo->s bythe fire la estimated BtfSMOO, wbleb will fall <»n thetim., a- lhere la do los iraaee, It b dog tn.* t»-.neral prin¬cipio or tbo tirm to Bosaate tb» ir um r..«,.»,


IN THIS CITY.A li io, earned bf a defect ive flue, broke out

at kin p. m. yeeterday ob the aeeoad Boar of the ti.ree-

Btory brick building No. em Whitest., hot was extm.

BBlahed in aboot 2,) mlnut -H. Tin' BMOad and tbirdlinoisin, ., opted by Joseph Mackey, pahllober. whose atoekv.iis damaged lltMa The life r.» the bnlldlng, wb-.ciiwai owned by .« Mr. win-. 1er, waa 11.000. fnsaraaoo ua-

kin.wn. ___________________


orvicr ov-rea Cuite sion ai (».ricr-B. >

Washim.1i'V, Tneedor, April o. UM ia. m. jftynontit r"».» Hie nisi tmnsntg-four Aonrp.

The barometer hil* fnlion in tho di-tricta on

the Atlanticcoeat, withaorlherly »Uidsauu elear»ooolneath» r. ...

ir h.n fallea m the speer laka ñatea, with easterlyMin Is, clear ned warmer tve tiber«Bontbarly «.um!'» and clear weather eontinue in the

Oulf Btatee and Ml...i'sli.|>l Valley, ami rooler wtlatherprevails In the Missouri Valley and la Minnesota, withnortherly wind« hh.I lat re.neil* rivers have rlaen ;»t Little Bock, Orrclia, Ht.

T. iii., line.nell and freepott, aad tatton at Morgan¬town. ProbaoiliHei.for Kew Fuñí md. Ihr Muli'.te étale» und S inili Atlantic

M .1 generally eioetr pnolhir wilt prrrait vith northerlytin t phiftiugi » tatterig or toulherlg, no deetded changem température, and riling barometer on ihe aeon.PurtbeOnlf Bteteo, Teooeosee, and the Oblo Valley,

partly cloudy ead wanner weather east of tbe Missis¬sippi, with easterly to southerly windi and stationaryort»,itn« baromi) ter, follow» d by cooler au 1 cloudywt atbi in tiie Booth w*( ii se ompanied by Bortberly toeaatei ly winds.For the Iahe reatoa geoerally clear "euther durin.»

tbe day. with ».«¦.t.'ii)' to southerly winds, ruins teni-jiriiiun-, aud iiliii.e barumeter, followed by cooler,cloudy we tiber In the upper lake reciou.For the Upper Mlselssipni aad Lower Miaaearl Valleya

cooler an.1 ewoerallr eteody woaihar m.-h reliableariaaa moetly ftom the north and weat, ileiiiK followedbj Î1 I'Tiar leu (.meter and lo.- ii rji!!-..

Tbe Upper Oblo, the Allegbaney and Mononrabelar*.'is «iii f.iii slowly. The Lower Obtoeed CentralM utaaippi riven will rise.


At iii bv, N. V.. April '¦)..Charlea F. Durstori,a Democrat. :tti* elect« »I I Ids eyenlo;.' as City Attorney.II»« is fbe tint I)» ever eltcteil to thal oflh-e 111


Tin: srience ol adrettlaing i-* one which can

be h Bim 1 ' y oaporteaee only, aad like ovocythlag elso

rrqalrtna Blady aad «'sin. 1* boat underateed bv tbo.olion«»), wboee avie boainess it la; bei ee, v..; rejturd tbatadvertiser ot« peculiarly fortunato win» is caabled to se¬cure the servlcea of u rciiai)le agent, converoant withthe whole HU'.jei-t, and aille,bv lus espericnce, kaowl«edge, and general repatettea with '»otii tbe pabueaadHie pul llslier«. to ffer all the advaoiaifes and enrola«nieut.. that «.au only be poaaeaoed by a Brot-elaaa bou«..Vu« iii,' timse in, 11«.* of knovt ii ho.idit v au.I nrumptneaiwhose on-lit« ¡ir»' ¡tnivereally recognlied aad wb< se r» linbiiiiv and skll' "iii! skii! remain unquestioned, perhaps that of1,1.1» r. Howellà Co., 41 Park-row, Kee Vol L.i-1.... \ iii/ 01 mention ann eonfl-lence. A cloae ji!. niton t.<

business, a walehfuliiess over Ita be »I literesta of their(, iiini n promptness iii I'id ovicutitin of nilordern lotrusted to their cara, bave been the character-letica of the 8rm from the outset, and han itonemneb toIngratiate íbera in i»uiiiie fator. Thi y bave always pos¬sessed the beat fscilltles for doma woik bulbi ip andwell, and by promptness and fair di ilinj. m coed inprocuring irom puollsbers, in all eases, tbo lowest « ir.iirates, and by bo doing .ii.titire ttieir i-otnnetitora In att.ii) ..i iii of « v, li, 11 ll.urnni apOB lar,,. »..uiial s..

[Prunk Leellc'i lilaatrated.

Attention ia railed t»» the is;ilc at auction to«dal bj ¡. H. Ludlow ft Co. of ino parsonage 0.uncle,1«s 1. ii the i'i ~. »>' t ..« ii Church, eoroer of 1 tt. ave, .mdVu. !. nth 11., uni situated No. .10 We»l Blgbteentb-otThis is a piece of property of .1 kind seldom offered Blpublic auction, and as well for elia.',,le iiu-atie- a« forii. i- .:iii ¡iiini-:.- I'M.'. u(«es should attract ne no

u«-«' of c.ip.i.. i«'. aad real catato Investor.. Toe boase1« w.»111'..ti.'i'iit < .1 terry coutrruUtotiy arraoced,and the situarton la liol onlj nnezccptiuitabk), bot baati,t added ad. ,ni*,r t.t j roepaoilve atti ia a in t,»lii.'.F. r i.m li i Ui »in lia of .1 boma lo a mi liou of lbs rlljv. n lim eu»v reach of everything attractive in the li t.

Bad yet alihiu walking dwuaaceot l.usin -. io paterfaiuiliaa, Il s house luual preoral ui.-t ilrairable r> 1«

tur.-. In every aspect, tuerefore, this prêt"... ,1 saléisfull of 0tira tiona i««i shrewd lareaiors, and no doubtthe pt«.per., ..«in commend a pro) rite.ij bubprtoe, ____________________



li IVAN«. M1KK. MMt,«... .»,. ii .l.apiiiab lui'. yiH«*«!lSi laaetiraa Baal,-'1 '. i.i,. i«. i,u:rt ou li.» nitr.l Mai . 'Io j.i. ..fuie,,

1.u lt:,.rt .1 ,i.t ,1,... '.'.' Hit pat« «,,. (al .:»»a. «,,l|.li..«li. ¦. a I »i.i se 11 lu lit i-,,nu' ns aa Lsalaa,lin,1 li: ¡ isMaiitu uu I'ii... Uju-117 f/ruaiu-. ío«;«t fWM|bsbBboI


\For other fihip Stiri tee Fifth rage.]ABBITB0 _.

Bt».i_.hln Mu« 'Do!«-!.). (Vt.l.'r K'.lt'rl-.ia Mirrk SB »it F -SVhu ii aiO ¦aaa, aeS pn«. t" l-ssa, los . «.

BM___B* ' rf» « Ba'oB, TttttAm, »"lib isla», lui pu¬to i Lai l« Baaaaa,..... a

tun ..»''a. ' . .'. r I, wann, llnaliurjr Mirk 2j, w.U m..«e. aaSta»., t.. K'.mirt. N»«1i<h1 li Kuhn«,

.-. I. i, »a M ....i,'.ti»«. wUkiini-e.Bart -Janina iVo. ll.ia.n.r.iiiil lltt-e !«) ill». IbUBsO-Lan L«-i.,ti( [ul,«. I. N.), MiKhaer, O.anuw SB t-'tf. «B

Ballett.Bru * " I'tivnaa (of Terka Beith, Porte <'«!...*.» IBSan willleas aUegrafel Mitl.iae). .-»'.ar. _!a»a_ae.i. P. K 21 -ir«. will

bbBbo bBd-U-B,

«.tetniibip IB willi for Leaf!, Del.; bitk CiriV for «t. « .«OBbre Paaaalelle, f-r Mttan/a«. fre.O. N.W. rleir.aiaoaaileJ.itev.-«.iii «»rial We.t.rn. f«r liri.'al: «bip Bon»«, tot

Harre. Inn« WeilaBS, f»r ll.mbnrn ttl.r» «»Kee for «,iH»eti;brie Billa, fur Bastar, I», Kau. )..__,» BSB-hsr, fur Deaterara, kuiP, Hart, fur Car;«««.

KP«yKKV.M.r.Ti « lit. !t 09.«< len. 2.1 lu li Lark air« 'Hr.), fra« Jits

|..r .«. .li Ilu,,« f,.r ur-'-r.'.M.rrb JO. lal. ..".I VJ, ion. 72 bark Jilaaie tV-oit, f.-oej Kew lorn.

tor isifaiApril 'i. lal. .'¡7 ox. |,D. ;i jo, bri< g, i_ Mo. art (Br), froet Vii,

eruo bl PL I».lelpbi^.Dom_ma port«,.

BnritiwiCB, Gi.. April b -Arm»!, tchr. Am* Walk'r, fra».Sa i «rai J'I

(i»iir.T.i«i «fra 3 -Citare.),, bri* J. C1. YrrY.'.rr. Laren«, M»t!e«|Babes. Alke Haag«, lar Vara Crai n,«i B.^i-tj !..i t«_i. <*Paena.ace, -u--¡ I*-Aombb, *i«a_«-iji ¡-.,r.ia, Uoit r».Mel-

('¦.iPhutlisd. April 5. .Arnred. br.f B»l»tt, from I'« lal t Para.

I'lPin.i .".I. «,I.r». P,.rt.. I'. ,.. tut Sp. 'uri, ,iul Jj..p, V Bio.n.f*'lph «. i'l»«r-d .".lb. «fcaa.t!!ip P.iecolii. f.r M«w Tori barkDum/, for M.ttB».».

.«-.vissAH, April .1.--Cleared thip. Sa'».«1,art. fur Liverpool; W, <_.Laala, sa,

s««< PaaSH mt», April . .(.'leireo, 3d. «bip« Sotrreija of Ilia Sate»Ueetpaei* ï.« m.,:-. Bulla,Ttu.K, (,«.. Saril4..tsIM,barbs Baases tee-eW-wai Oeria-,

Palma, BajaMB» S«il»d MB, «hip hi.le» ( klsdow. !. r .Tai»».

Trurt-tcs, Bupr-r'eia. Kla.trc Bti-tlatet. «Ve., "Beeler'« H«r'l Ko**tep Tralpes.' .«'«.i, r pulr. hkht. nf«, tal ptrfeitlr i.,ia'«»:i«bl -, f«aafioi/i ali iii'ir pul», r. »tin.'. i'.r.|>ra--g. nt («ulin-elrkt «.-«.-.».BMS in b-.'lrt-ï tn.|., bl Ib« ru',.«i..ii, long t-»iel, .lair« r»l'«bia.K.ltli'a, 737 liri ». I, 1., aaJ 1.417 CmttL-tk, PuiliS'a. terreel aa»

j..tairai, faTcr.tilt r «na.

At llarnniw*. Illppodrnnie : Beetee Watt, Veter!«-.»» K»ir-eena; ü.iloa.1 M. lunn .. ..«' ll.-r, l.ia-rl*. I»r, Uli« .1 .Nu. ¿.Uiii. -i Ta*eal»-tltl a ana« nnc» On bi « i :»._»> r I. a sa ae AnaX11 th» nnlv r* n.p.lT ran be reite I ou to ear» la.a«'B»*t ia boree«.

s.,; le .» |.,n,'.;-u., So. Vol Sutli-iie. Ooif 00c. aaS$1 j.«« bottle.

The huge. .Tri«'.-.Bflsiag. llskealB| pilli, foai'ra't'4 o' ervle,asassa, awi hall» BwrailMaaa, Bia fait li» rt» ««.»«rt'«:»! by Or I'i««. it i

Plaaaasl Porg.ti»« i'.i.».i. »r Ba_ar*MSia4, Caaeaan.Ma* Bael « Ju r». Atltl-b.lio«, 0'r«o«ili»-t'.r« ' Little «iltnl" C'attiartir otMíame 1b I'tr.u I'nfiac. M...1» a rl.tiBicai BdMBS« Dr filfiDBto .'itrt.-t fr.,a tl.eJ.ilVi of til-u o.l »aiaiol« rts.ta an.l bl 'be il.» r» tiu»lnwit!»!. wbn-a. wbei w.irIM mt« li-li» l'»'l»tte»OlBBBBB), Kirrrlr ltr|i-r I-iib millar ! a. e I, r»..d«n «acb Ulli« Pliai ai

asttfa ami ¡piwrrin! al a large pill, «bile ib«r are iaiKk nore pin ..-.eno-I | l-ae-tit in fife«?.

Dr. Ira A. inii«»r«f ¡lri<*osilien Ohio, wntei ! "I refinl »nar Pel-lett ia Ibu tie»! ratai.l» f.rt ti r l >'..'i¡¡«.¡« f ,r Brfcieb «SB pnr^rilie tba»of .urti lag I .'"»» ».ir BBBÍ, no in.! in »Ip.i. and It nl'if«li» bow»!, in in eiorllPBt leaBltaB. li i«»^i lo iii« Uitr «.uti like toa

pla.-» ..f ail r-n.i.rtii« p..ii i.i.i mt.lii.n««.L/on Mt«-, m',er, dro|f_' >*». V-nlBae, V. T uti - V» tb.nk

IbevuaBaiM taaaliBkaBateakas u n.,i ii pt-enl« _»i t, iu.,'.t-wella Iban, aat wiii «Beti ibe |illirwlr a. ibu«« liai '_«.« utni ikeiabk» tbrta um b lutlrr Ibis I«!«» pilli."

MAEHIEI).BtETfUf-UBStB-fs Brooi!»n. BsSSaSl, at the MBH-OSI of «ha

brill« trirJm.'lh»r bar tt.- lal Bita I -intb rrrinr of .11 Miff*!lli.l, Barliagtaa,I. J-, BewiesC, bssSsb at ¡,ne, Calf, io A ,ro,dinitufr .ii MWSli K_BM sf Nut Inri i .-j.

TB0BI-0I--ACUI--OBTb-aaBr« Apn, l, slB-BSS_a_BSBsfB-iliri in i p.n tit«, b. t'.» ki'». J,ii ia M 11-3' -rt. in. r»« tor of Jil. P. I I'l( b'irrb Patenas, n ,i. li, on rb.>mp»oo of N'«w R.Kbeil«, I, X., taBains, .¡.«.-'i of .'« l). IcaBar, »»'i- Is card».

Jil Sotiiei of Murviagei mast bl indorsed trith full««vie and address.

DIED.BlH'NR-On .«atari«». April :l ISIS, «I «b» r»«i !ec««e ef leuairl P.

l. «n I',-,*. V.'.. Mi«in II »ia-, r»it.-t of I juraai <i. Bass*Sel.»tlT»i tin! Ir;»n.1i tra innt.d in ail«ad I.i« fnneril ob tv.....««..«.Apiti 7, k1 I .u'i'iork, from die linllitetatu« B-Bt-B (ki-reb, WU-lougbli'-aie.. ii-.r Brondet«. lirooll.t-

BOSW-ttL.Oa .ssiuriir. Aprai j, BassatalA., «.d«wof iieurr aHetittW, ir.»! 'ia vpjr»

Beiiii»«-« and fr..-r.«l» trr rn»it<i.1 to atl»nd II.» faneril fro« b»tla«« reiiil.'ü«.i. 01 äou'.b Miaiti »t., Biooiljrn, K. D., oa lurtda», OlBlu»'., at I o'cloik.

lîROWN-Pitnrrit» nanrnnir, ifi-r a ihnrt llineu, Dr, J. D. Ur .an, lath» 64.tb t»ut of lu asa.

Kier»-.i larne«! ii * I re. Isaas of fcn "»n. 216 Writ Fortr-ib.r<l-«t,on Tne »1»t. A, ti, ac ¡pu.. U< !.!,».¦ lad dell, tr« iBii'.el lal.-.'LiJ lb« luuaral.

ScK-b |.«p»r. pi," ..¦ e.p».TOSKLIS-At«" II .«pr nr Harbor, L. T., an «nndi?, Ap-.: I ) «i-

t.pih li., wa'p i.f Kio'.ar! M I u-ji'in. aad dangnirf ef M late Dr.W!.a»l..-i'. b uiu ii Ilauuugtou, 1. I.

CBANlî.On Ihatidajr «uuiuf. April 1, Ibornti Crane, iu tb-734pear «gkia ate.

It' ltira. «n I rr.p-i', nt ttieftmll» Bia tn»:t«d to atfn.l hi. fta-rtl ti biaUl» l-i.a-r-, Mo. 12«) .'«!«,: «o- »».:., on la"«,.«.. Ap.i. I), at 1 p a_

OKtil'D.At the raatoaaeaW Li. Ukar, «.a.s.B.ta», SecS 4, ls7*.CBBtaia Pifrte Oltaai, late of tCe^ckool,"bipM^ra.rT, la it' IU«p.r nt hu tgr.

'i'i. r,- i. '. and f of th« f. ...'» are Ir.TÍled lo lltee. bil fan'ril, 1 12 W'p.t i'»,, -.i-tli.r« .t., saWs_Ma_V, "lb, atlOo'.'UKba. ni.

BISDIBSOI-»In Brnoklre, aa Son.!«» afarnno«, April I H7Í,Mi-d «i 1 .re.-.or AaJr«.«» A. Ileudertuu, I'. S. Siry, «.«J 5tf »uirair.! l ¦seta.

'ii » .-« -ii.t.i ».ii be!, i »tr It! le Philadelphia, iBaaBtf morniuf. forla-waiaat

1'biia.l'lpbii ptp.ri ;¦>.,- Cop».BAISTSLI Bl SaaBsBrr, r.n So.-la-, April 4. Kit» KTentl nisfhaaa.

wat« if L. li. Mar.*.,.ptK.ij' r.i «it.I tuk» liar« in.m th« tip|.!pb«-e of h-r lUp fitfcer. 0»or|« I).

BeTassse-r, .'ii Weat >o.-i» ara« sk, oa llaaaa/, .«e on» Bal. .. 1|. o.

BoCAPPBir.OS .SniiJ.» the 4-h iii.t.. Aurrj.tiua fhilp. »Id-»t»on o: .ii -ne J. A. mu Hu/ 11. Mel aff-rr, igaS 2 '«art, «J lu.albitcit s in,.

Iho r».m.».'» ind friend, af the ir» r« pei-lfulit tnT.te-1 to Itt»n4tbe fnnral ti. ra ii.« let-leafs at Lil ia'..',.- T«r, Lt' tari»', ga "JJI,, i n,'t.) cn BBtaaSj raoni.r.f, ths «Jil tn«t.. it lOaVIici.

BflflflTTgl itriBISBaB. B V. Sitirl«. Annl.l. A wita .Ali-». P. Mar. ea M rAUteier, aa i_d.iyi.u-r ot ...... c ¦¦ J. .. ,.

i-i Ih A'Aili i-1* el h-r tr».¡ u', j. «...», AptnU, «tap. ra., it the Chan-bo: tb« liol/y -it, Koadoai. t .. ui ii i . «. .«i V.

ri.DV-At Bes Neck, BBSsaa-f, April 1th lint, Je-uil I'j-';,ages' 5«> jean.

BeUueea aad fríen.), af Its Cuallf sis 'nT-»d to gutta tiie Baanlaa '. ».In. «J«», Ubi 7te lau.« at "J oViork. fron St, 1h ni»«', in. .j,.M"».»r. ntck. Tratïi ltare Kirrty-iei-oml-it. at 12 o'olo.k.

BO'M'.VHI»'l'.Airal ... a« ut. ret'dsne« bdC Bioniwaj, faSMt Lii -o- ».,-. in tb» IBtl »aar al Lit a_e.

-V'.ai, e .t fon«ral Lerrifier.SIlANKLAM>-t'n Surlar, 4tb April, Mri.Miriiir't E-SBlBsi.Balle

..f th» lil» Kob»n bbttiiiin! . it.ii .f M.urh.'a«, A'nh !.., gtotflauJ, in liir O-i'.Y ti'tr of la.r MO.

Tia rrlatiraa t.A trieaSi at Um fin.ilr in- r»tpe«-.'oilr in»it»l teatonal ti.» funeral trom tb» Haiti«' «'liarrli, un « linton-«»» BBSSPatereea Pliak rani. Jeeaej Cll| 11 gai», ou tari.ii/. Apn. 6, with«ou fui ¡her Ballas, ti 11 sfetetB.

BDTTOS.Ob SaaSSi niom.-r, Apnlt. sstot s BisaiisgIBssss. rta»ntliui ii. -'.ii',,1 ried bl tam.

Ri*iati»e» i.:iil í.i.'ül» ..f the lan i; «a» lateectlallf inn:.-« to «ii»j1 k Ifur.eral *roin bit l»t« r.'.i.ttuc». Wa TIS l*lfl. ni. ou WaS-SalaSlaor.iiBf. April 7, «t lu .»elaak.

WAtCPTT.At Haaat Varaaa, Weaa-War Cat. Sui.itr, -.iapan! «ii of »l.e L-. rt, Annus M. w.V ot IVl.i.t.. W-Icitl, aaSr|«o«h*er of the Ifr IlsarT l.epil« i,f li, ....'. r

TbalelaUrassbS f.-WaSs sr« iumi-.I te .'.'.--1 u» fu.pral it tbe r»a-uru.u ut h-r .:»i,f,t',pr. K i H D, l.arrbarJ, D I» . ^1 .*..»*u'b'»»«.,on «'»«tiirtdtr, April 7. al I: IS p ir.

WALKKB.Ia Braaklfa rnmntly, .sttird.» Atr,' g al Bl ssaBaaaaino Ma:.' «t. V. Wat )«.» _ti, -<<., «x'd «;.". v-.r..

Pnopral f.o-n M. Peter'alj leopel Ckureb, Bu I B »: Es a Waanrsdt». April 7 Is7i. Meml.'ii of M «tl»t » LaSflB, ''.17 K «ni A,Jl tel iLe »cotii.b line b^de-t (Aarora («ral»; art laT.tol lo it-leas.

'.vimIt.BaaSar, Aoni r», Sinh Bath Wl lie,The fanrrel setTi»«'i w,ll bo bold al ih- r». .Wurr nt I". A. Wbi*' ^5*1

I*, ar'-.t lin.sU.n, Tuuraii», Amil ». at 10 ». m. Mat tt.rulr BBSi.llt.i to Ill'.P' 1

WILLIAM.«.Al Bsillat-aTB. V « t-.r',r Apr: I 1*1 «.'.»'.-i I)», il.r:.', wl.'« ..i A-tln-r I. ...tni», .» , ..I Stn I' «nn*-o.

h-j i.e. t.:-'.,I« el the I .¦ Brat Harte, bn m-T'-»d to itlead i r IBm ral fn Grase Itasel, rweati ikiri.- aertbmita »att of ibird-tT»., aa la»'''.«, April ii. at 11 «.»lo»-., wi'.beal',,1'il I,a.II*.«

S«« Krineiiro ard Iii,!.,N T.. pap it p!- «e ro'».

WBinnT.Al Qreeawtea «.un. aa B-iarJa«*, April B Jeal WiiabS,m m« B.S rsst "I Us ft,

Bi ».. t" uti'.-. ib« le.11.1 baai las Ssssei«. amgtt»Mai < kan-, aa Tseadar. ApH' »i, at SI a

Sccticl .\ '.:i.ia

A..Raptare lvi.fBiliieB »m,-.«»«It ueatsJ ar BaS I.MASbII .r,,,,.., af the late Sna a Karak .*: i ¦¦ i. a hu o_fuBire, .*».. J V i»» ii. I lloa e apparite Kt. I'lS.'l Chori-h. StBasas«.aa «¡i. i*.» ..-..ii .» m t^l» tttfA.-Silk Lia rue BtOCkl_B*. S»l« lass Osps AMnai.nal

Sup.a.r. - -.::.. r. .. u .-, ,,. 1'raSrBaa, «IM A foUI's II' .¦»» ..I .'< t Si'.'Vn t I...I) i.-a'i-rdan-e.

Boat-Oflt'e S-iitf.-. »Tee BAILS kui i.i .iii. or .... aawtendntsAl BIMI ,'¦ 111, I » «. k1« aita aa ;.».'.i»,i(J -I «I ii o. M II » .1 .t 12 m ..n

Till l..>i'.\k »I U Util: .li .Mi »i ."». 1... 1: \Hm. i. .';.'. r n

Tbo I'lllaSetphla Otter « ; te« Tribaao n ut litMil III .»lill. .»I.

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.«..i'iürt.ii'rtiiN» »3tl« adie ii -..ia,.., i, r r: i'. :.:> at ."¦_.__l.'.ilr. -,s

Kobi .. rt «u ,. .» | «i»-r -»r».',l \jtrar ra «I ¦.¦-: r ..Ip ..ia .. ... I. .1,1- li

'. .' ». 1. ». .« 'I ..'.'.. I.-

,..-,.«. lia«, aaabataaaa «.«««ii»_

I I.uri li i I iii»- Hul*. Trialtr,:..'... .,. ¦.. i- t. »....: .-.

ii Iii a.'i.-u. Bal »...WlilBa i.pH

!'.IS AND KVEBI LVKNISGin th» i'i.",e nttL.l « urtu.

¦ i 7;30e'e!eak.Ker J W. BOXIIAS l!:... hi. ..'.... ::-r, M'hí'ltlíü It.

TllU.Ji tn.. Bteel _.o.«.«ri »peak.AL.


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of Usai ¦»

r ::.. BBS ruis IVISIXOII

< '.»«>.': li INS II if II,si 11»« wea.

Pr.-p I « I i it I «litrr !!.,.' li Caw«St, b«B-t«

.-. Bi .- II ll'.i'ivii'.lll.Al 1 ".» » I ¦'.' U -...i:-bf

;ik. »

I ree« ,-i«-<i»»oert r. «i.«.n|. ..' Ike Wrot »Ma .to «.-

nu» »r* ...«a. . ..:..» ...I'

,.,:¦.,«. US« i Ifajaal,

t~. li g am» i ».,..

n , .i u« lal «. kian ia li bra « »i '«s-l U ISlaVSt oui .\.tl_

""'"im,." .. '. I'M"N.U'.ipaJ.iii«., ..

* '" »arl lira,l< \ \\i i. -.. natA,J W l ...«»., «-' Beal I»/on...i M.I., *e*a i: ',V. K. Baiieaaea. I Uvatl la,«!?.,. V. BSSBtr, W i,a li. >.,'. i-i.ik,

Ma I'«.:.«PaaBatrii . ." .'-1 it"-'U'* l'h.''!»-'I ,, i« . ,»f H.."»p»p.l li..'|. i« * I« M. er. '.'Bedit ii.jii o. ii.".»ir,i li ¦.», l'a tail', ut.
