Bullying Book - Parents 2013




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At Decoy Community Primary School we expect

children to co-operate and be kind to one another, but

we know that from time to time, things go wrong.

Children sometimes fall out with friends or say unkind

things in the heat of the moment.

This may not be bullying.

Bullying keeps on happening

over time.

The person who is being

unkind is doing it on


The person who is bullying has

some sort of power over the

person being bullied. This could

be that the bully is bigger or

louder, or it could just be that

they have a toy that everyone

wants to play with.

Talk calmly to your child to find out if he or she has

a problem.

Talk to your child’s teacher so we can work

together to support your child.

Be positive with your child and emphasise the good

in them.

Children sometimes won’t admit to problems with a

friend, because they feel it is a sign of weakness.

Ask your child directly if everything is alright at school.

Listen carefully for clues as to the problem.

Try not to put words into their mouths as children

sometimes agree to please you!

Try not to interrupt.

Tell your child that they have done the right thing by

telling you.

Talk to your child’s teacher so that you can work

together to support your child.

Don’t panic. Friendship problems often resolve

themselves in a few days.

Please don't advise your child to respond in an

aggressive way. In our experience, this often makes

the situation worse.

Be assured that at Decoy School we do take your

concerns seriously.

We recognise that bullying occurs in our school, as in

all others.

We have a clear Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy, to

which all staff and governors have agreed. This

ensures that incidents are investigated quickly and


Asking all the children who were involved and any

witnesses to explain what happened.

Involving the children in looking for ways to rectify

the situation.

Closely monitoring the situation to avoid a


Offering support and listening to children.

Working together with parents.

Reporting to parents about the progress made.



