Capgemini Rain Fs


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  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs








    A joint collaboration between

  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs


  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs


    Rain. RApid INnovation is adynamic, open environmentdedicated to helping clientsdiscover, develop and deliver

    sustainable new businessmodels using collaborationand innovation to build theirService-Oriented Enterprise.

    Capgemini and Intel arecommitted to helping Rainclients transorm the way they

    do business to become aster,exible and more responsive.

    Welcome to the end o business as usual.

  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs



    Service-Oriented Architecture(SOA) is a new approach

    or organizing and isolatingapplication unctionality, builton a exible and reusableoundation o services. It hasthe capacity to expand thereach o the enterprise byenabling services to defne andtransorm relationships and, inso doing, expand the scope o

    what Inormation Technology(IT) can make possible. Inshort, SOA means the end obusiness as usual.

    However, it can only be achieved i leaders

    possess the knowledge, the imagination

    and the roadmap to make optimal use

    o it. Services are not drivers o businesschange. The transormations promised

    by service orientation will not happen

    without the adoption o a new culture and

    innovative business models.

    Collaboration and a willingness to establish

    your organization as open or business

    are the keys to success with SOA. In

    recognition, Capgemini, one o the

    worlds oremost providers o consulting,

    technology, and outsourcing services,and Intel, the world leader in technology

    platorm and silicon innovation, have

    combined their intellectual powers to

    create the Rain environment.

    Short or RApid INnovation, Rain is a series

    o global, service-oriented environments

    uniquely designed to help organizations

    envision and embrace the uture. Its goal

    is to help companies unleash business

    value rom the constraints o traditional

    IT, transorming the business model or

    customers, employees and shareholders.


  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs


    Welcome to the End ofBusiness as Usual

    To compete in the global intelligenteconomy, enterprises must make a

    undamental shit to a uture built on

    innovative service-oriented business

    processes and new approaches around

    the use o technology.

    By becoming an SOE, your business can

    reorganize and execute to become aster

    and more responsive to changes in themarketplace. Above all, service orientation

    ocuses on the business imperative and

    oers opportunities to approach business

    issues in a dierent way. Intel technologies

    and platorms provide this basis

    end-to-end inrastructure or SOE.

    In this context, SOA provides

    orchestration: automated assistance

    to set up and coordinate all o the

    interactions required by highly integrated

    business systems. The SOE inrastructure

    is based on industry-standard hardware

    and sotware building blocks, and

    delivered as complementary, interoperable

    services interacting via standard web

    protocols. In this context, service not

    only spans entire enterprises, but also

    integrates multiple business units within

    the enterprise and across to external

    partners and customers.

    Rain is a physical and virtual experience

    that supports the building o Service-

    Oriented Enterprise (SOE) innovationsglobally by leveraging current and uture

    waves o technology developments. It

    models uture scenarios by industry sector

    and ocuses on areas o transormation

    that will make the most impact on

    businesses in the short and medium term.

    Rain helps clients fnd their own answers

    to such key questions as:

    How can the energy and ideas o

    outsiders be harnessed to help

    clients businesses?

    How can companies bring their

    customers closer to their core

    business process?

    How can their relationships with

    suppliers be strengthened?

    How can IT support employee

    innovation instead o holding it back?

    How can businesses best structure

    their IT resources to reect the needs

    and new capabilities o SOA?


    Rain provides comprehensive,rapid, sometimes radical, andcontinuous service-orientedsolutions to help organizationsbecome Service-Oriented Enterprises.



  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs






    The culture that meshesbest with SOA is one oempowerment and exibility.For SOA to achieve itspotential, many assumptionsthat have ruled businessand IT must be abandoned.

    The Rain collaborativeenvironment is designedto help organizations oster

    just that kind o culture.It can provide companieswith the complete picture

    rom inrastructure (SOI)to application services (SOA),to business processing (SOE).

    Rain helps organizations re-defne their IT as a servicethrough the radical development and adoption o new

    technologies and business services, enabled by Intel platorms.In collaboration with Capgeminis Accelerated SolutionsEnvironment (ASE), Rain acilitates the end o business as usualthrough a three-step process: Discover, Develop and Deliver.

  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs



    At the end o this process, organizations will have a clearroadmap to becoming a Service-Oriented Enterprise.Companies that seek to make many o their core business

    processes plug and play, have the ability to turn raw datainto real-time intelligence, and to prioritize seamless integrationbetween suppliers, customers, and employees.

    DiscoverThe SOE journey starts with a detailedanalysis of the competition, the clientsdistinctive IT operations and recenttechnology and industry trends. Thiswill accelerate the convergence ofbusiness and technology challenges tocreate the solution roadmap.

    DevelopRain uses the latest SOA/SOImethodologies across variousreference architectures to expeditecustom development of software andhardware platforms, conforming toyour unique SOE vision.

    DeliverRain leverages pre-built verticalsolutions and starter kits with fastprototyping capability to quicken the

    SOE implementation. The wave ofbusiness transformation starts here.

  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs






    Rain Deliverables Customized roadmap rom business

    process assessment to service

    analysis and development to

    inrastructure migration.

    Launch strategy or executives to

    get internal organizational alignment.

    Live demos and proo-o-concepts

    or rapid, customized prototype


    Reliable reerence architecture or

    clients to deploy SOE solutions using

    industry standards in both sotware and

    hardware technology.

    Real-time, continuous access to

    all deliverables via innovative

    collaboration tools.

    The Value of Rain

    Companies who visit Rain will

    create long-term strategic advantages

    measured by:

    Market leadership through rapid

    and radical development o new

    products and services to meet

    changing business needs.

    Faster time-to-market and reduced

    development cycles.

    Flexibility and agility o IT to meet

    business demands and address

    market changes.

    Utilization and re-use o core

    IT assets and inormation.

    Cost reductions via time, sta,

    and technology capital efciencies.

    Eective alignment o business

    and IT objectives.

    Increased creation and use o

    inormation services by end-users.

    The end o massive, disruptive


    Ongoing innovation leadership

    and development via Rain.

  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs



    Requirements 40%


    Rapid Innovation

    Rain-enabled project timeline

    Develop Deliver

    Traditional project timeline

    The Rain Process

    Time Saved

    Bringing decision-makers to the table andproviding the environment for rapid decisionmaking and design.

    Faster solution build by prototypingand leveraging 24/7 assets to rapidlydeploy solutions.

    Design 20% Build 30%Test/install10%

    20% 10% 10%20%


    The Value of Rain

    Partner Solutions Ecosystem

    Rain core offerings

    Rightshore solutionsand prototyping

    Solution partnerSOE tools

    AcceleratedSolutions Environment


    Business casescompetitive analysis

    Vertical focusedpre-configured demos,prototype solutions

    SOA readinessassessment

    SWOT IntegratedArchitecture FrameworkEnterprise Architectureanalysis

    Enterprise process


    Rapid integrationsolution-sets

    (integration express)

    Legacy data integrationcomponents

    Quick-win projects

    Master Data Management

    Data/information process


    Pre-defined service layerson legacy back-ends

    Quick-win projects

    NetWeaver upgrade

    IT solutions


    Server consolidation

    Pre-packagedinfrastructure solutions


    Real-time collaboration

    Rain Deliverables



  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs


    Accelerated Solutions Environment

    The ASE is Capgeminis cutting-edge,

    creative workspace, confgured to inspire

    group genius. It is a technology-enabled,

    collaborative design studio or developing

    strategies and solutions to capitalize market

    opportunities and solving complex business

    issues, enabling organizations to make

    business decisions in hours and days rather

    than months and years.

    Imagine a place where your decision makers,

    implementers, project team members,

    and subject matter specialists are brought

    together to ocus on one thing: attaining

    your strategic business objectives without

    disruptions. With centers located around the

    globe, the ASE and its proven approach has

    successully conducted over 1,000 sessionswith over 500 dierent clients, including 52 o

    the Fortune 100 and 44% oBusiness Weeks

    Top 100 Global Brands.

    Continuous Access

    Because Rain is a physical and virtual

    experience, companies have 24/7 access

    and visibility into their customized deliverables

    via innovative collaboration tools. Using theRain Virtual Interactive Environment (Vie),

    Rain customers have access to their specifc

    roadmap, prototypes, simulations, best

    practices, and our SOE knowledge database

    long ater they leave the center. In addition,

    they work virtually with a cast o subject

    matter experts, partners and customers

    with the right level o security to ensure they

    access the right inormation.

    This continuous, virtual environment speeds

    up access to knowledge, enables interactive

    problem-solving, and provides searchable

    databases or their queries, creating a

    collaborative landscape that grows and

    expands based on your wants and needs.

    Rain Collaborative Network

    Rain delivers industry-specifc roadmaps that

    come alive through the research, development

    and testing power o our partner ecosystem.

    These organizations populate Rain centersaround the globe with real-world scenarios

    and business solutions. Rain customers are

    part o a customized virtual network that

    utilizes current and emerging methodologies,

    processes and technologies to decrease costs

    and improve project efciency. Building SOE

    success requires IT solutions and innovations

    built on world-class platorms and emerging

    technologythe assurance and investment

    protection embedded in Intel SOE platorms

    and ocused via Capgemini SOE knowledge.




    For SOA to work, businessesneed to remove barriers and putthe right tools in the hands o theinnovators. Rain achieves this withthe aid o fve key dierentiators.

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    Collaboration tools

    Business analysis

    Thought leadership


    Hardware Reference

    Architecture, Sizing,

    Technical leadershipIntel

    Technical leadership

    Application awareness

    Rain Collaborative Network



    Industry Focus

    The issues, challenges and opportunities

    relating to SOE vary rom sector to sector.

    Dierent markets have dierent requirements

    and dierent cultures. To ensure Rain

    delivers true added value to its clients, the

    environment is equipped with the added

    dimension o extensive industry expertise.

    Focusing on Utilities, Consumer Products/

    Retail & Distribution and Manuacturing, Rain

    oers custom-developed solution prototypes,

    market analysis, competitive data and

    business modelling tools. Both the physical

    and virtual environments draw on Capgemini

    and Intels industry experience, together with

    that o the Rain Collaborative Network.

    SOE Expertise from Capgemini

    There are many reasons why Capgemini

    is an acknowledged leader in transorming

    businesses into Service-Oriented Enterprises:

    Unique and proven Integrated Architecture


    Leads the feld in developing open standards.

    Key member o both The Open Group

    and OASIS.

    Own Inrastructure Design Framework

    and a proven roadmap or developing

    a Service-Oriented Inrastructure.

    Capgeminis track record in delivering

    SOE success stories or a broad range o

    organizations across a broad range o

    industries speaks or itsel.

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  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs


    Capgemini is already recognized as a world leader in theService-Oriented Enterprise area by all major industry analysts.

    To consolidate this global leadership position, in collaborationwith Intel Corporation we launched the frst o our RApidINnovation (Rain) environments in Cupertino, Caliornia.Rain is dedicated to helping client organizations evolve intoService-Oriented Enterprises and reshape the very industriesin which they operate. In addition to drawing rom the entirespectrum o our own capabilities, Capgemini and Intel are

    collaborating with some o the worlds leading technologycompanies to bring the very best content to Rain clients.Patrick NicoletGroup Sales Director, Executive Committee MemberCapgemini

    Intel and Capgemini challenge businessleaders and IT organizations to move beyondinrastructure and incremental concerns towardbecoming a service-oriented enterprise. Takethe next steps in this journey by visiting Rain,our physical and virtual environment that bringstogether the best and most creative resourcesto create SOE leadership worldwide.




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  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs


  • 8/6/2019 Capgemini Rain Fs




    A joint collaboration between
