Centro Escolar Kyool Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!


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Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Querido alumno (a) de Kyool:

Inician tus vacaciones en este 2015, esperando que puedas

descansar y recargar las energías para el próximo ciclo escolar 2016,

donde cada uno de tus maestros, te estaremos esperando para

acompañarte en tu formación académica.

Con el propósito de reforzar algunas destrezas básicas que

te ayuden a mejorar tus capacidades como estudiante,

hemos creado un conjunto de actividades que deberás

realizar cada día, de forma que ejercites y mantengas en

forma al cerebro.

Te recomendamos que selecciones 4 semanas de tus largas vacaciones y

durante el lapso de media hora, realices el ejercicio que tu maestra asignó.

Tu maestra ha redactado una hoja de lineamientos que deberás leer y

seguir al pie de la letra. Al finalizar cada una de las actividades, archívalas

dentro de un folder que te entregarás el primer día de clases del ciclo

escolar 2016.

Recuerda dar tu 100% de esfuerzo y dedicación, ya que estas actividades

las tomaremos como calificación de la I unidad de varias materias, como:

Matemática, Lectura, Destrezas e Inglés.

Miss Marthita Castellanos

Coordinación de Pre-primaria y Primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Trabajo de destrezas de aprendizaje

Instrucciones generales: realiza las actividades adjuntas siguiendo las

instrucciones específicas:

utiliza lápiz y escribe con letra legible cursiva, (letra de carta)

presenta el trabajo en un folder tamaño carta.

forrado e identificado.

El presente trabajo tiene un valor neto de 10 puntos en las clases de:

matemática, comunicación y lenguaje, inglés, lectura y destrezas,

dichos puntos serán asignados en la primera unidad.

la fecha de entrega es el primer día de clases del ciclo escolar


Adjunta esta hoja a tu trabajo para la asignación de tu punteo

Punteo ____________________________

Aspecto a


Excelente Muy


Bueno Necesita





Orden y





Caligrafía y


Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria Instrucciones: realiza las multiplicaciones y colorea según la clave

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria Instrucciones: escribe el nombre de cada objeto utilizando la letra inicial y colorea.

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria Instrucciones: completa el siguiente crucigrama guiándote con las imágenes.

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Destrezas de


Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten Your Spirit and Mind!

1° primaria

Welcome to your Destrezas Activities Set!


Please print the worksheets that you have to work and file them in a


The folder should be covered with blue paper and plastic. Don´t forget to

identify it.

You must elaborate a front page with your information and the grade that

you are currently ending.

Your projects should be in the folder that you will handle to your next

year’s teacher.

Remember that all aspects of your work will be graded: presentation,

order, handwriting, the use of pencil, etc.

Don’t forget, you have one week to do your English work.


Instructions: You have to elaborate a small poster including all the school

and art supplies words. You can even, add a picture of each. Here you

have an example:

Copyright ©2012 K12Reader - http://www.k12reader.com

1. pleasant 8.

2. 9.

3. 10.

4. 11.

5. 12.

6. 13.

7. 14.

Add Interest With Synonyms


Synonyms are two words that mean the same or nearly the same as each other.

You can use synonyms for over-used or “tired” words in your writing to add interest to what you are saying.

Read the paragraph below. The numbered words in bold print are over-used words. Think of a synonym you could use to replace each tired word to add interest. Write the word on the corresponding numbered line. The first one has been done for you.

Jennifer and Laritza had a nice1 day at school. In the morning, they listened as their teacher read a nice2 story. The work was hard3 during math because they had just started learning a new skill. The teacher was happy4 with their progress. It was a nice5 day, so they were able to play soccer outside for P.E. The class was happy6 when the teacher said they would have a party that afternoon. Jennifer was excited about the party, but Laritza did not want to go to the party. She was tired7 because she did not sleep well the night before. She stayed in at recess and made a pretty8 sign while the other children played outside. She used big9 letters to write the word “celebrate.” She even drew butterflies with small10 dots on their wings. Jennifer came back a few minutes later to help her. Together, they colored the pictures and letters that Laritza had drawn. When the other students came back in after recess, they all agreed it was a nice11 sign. The teacher put it up on the board in the front of the room. Then she passed out some good12 cookies. She told them they were celebrating because they did a good13 job on their recent test. She was happy14 they did well.

Copyright © 2014 K12reader.com. All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or in classrooms.

Name: ___________________________

Match the cause to the effect.

Cause Effect

1. _______ The car ran a red light. A. The horses were thirsty.

2. _______ Ben stayed up late. B. She fell down.

3. _______ The students were quiet in class. C. She was hungry at lunch.

4. _______ It rained. D. He was sleepy the next day.

5. _______ Lydia skipped breakfast. E. It boiled over.

6. _______ It was very hot outside. F. Everyone laughed.

7. _______ Lucy’s shoes weren’t tied. G. It sank.

8. _______ The boat had a leak. H. Chris got wet.

9. _______ The puppy chased its tail. I. The teacher gave them a reward.

10. _______ There was too much water in the pot. J. Another car hit it.

Cause and Effect: Match Them!

Fill in the blanks with the type of word described.


More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheetsCopyright © 2010-2011 by Education.com

There once was a _________________

______________ from _______________.

Nobody knew he was a _____________

because he had _____________ fur and

ate ___________ ______________ each

day. He liked to _________________ and

sing ____________________. Whenever

he was ______________, he would start

speaking ____________. Then he would

feel _____________!

describing word



number plural food


action word


Tell a SillyAnimal Tale

same animal




Centro Escolar Kyool

Brighten you Spirit and Mind!

Welcome to your Destrezas Activities Set!


Please print the worksheets that you have to work and file them in a folder.

The folder should be covered with blue paper and plastic. Don´t forget to

identify it.

You must elaborate a front page with your information and the grade that

you are currently ending.

Your projects should be in the folder that you will handle to your next year’s


Remember that all aspects of your work will be graded: presentation, order,

handwriting, the use of pencil, etc.

Don’t forget, you have one week to do your English work.


Instructions: You have to elaborate a small poster including all the school and art

supplies words. You can even, add a picture of each. Here you have an


This is your bleed line.

More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheetsCopyright © 2010-2011 by Education.com2012-2013

Reading a MapStudy the map and use it to answer the questions below.

1. What is the title of this map?

2. From the post office, is the lake north or south?

3. If you are at the library, which direction do you go to the town neighborhood?

4. What is west of Little Town Neighborhood?

5. What building is east of the hospital?




Our Little Town Map

Lake Little Town


Little Town Park

Little Town Neighborhood









Post Office

Lake St.

Post Rd.

Cross St. Park St.

Rail St.

More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheetsCopyright © 2010-2011 by Education.com


ScienceLife science

Your BodyName each part of your body in the space below.


Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com

SynonymsCut out the word tiles at the bottom of the page. Glue them into the box with the correctsynonym.













warm large easy



fast tinynasty freezing unusual

