Chapter 11 Review Game -...


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Chapter 11 Review


What was the purpose of the Black Codes in LA?

to restrict the actions and movement of freedmen

Why were former Confederates unable to vote during Military


They were unable to take an oath that they had been loyal to the


Who was the first African American elected to a statewide office in


Oscar Dunn

What was the goal of the Southern Democratic Party during


A commitment to white supremacy and segregation between the



What was invented on Avery Island during Reconstruction? What

was under Avery Island that was used in this product?

Tabasco, Avery Island had salt dome.

What race based massacre occurred in 1873?

Colfax Massacre

In what year were the Black Codes passed in LA?


What was the period of time between the end of the Civil War and

1877 called?


What event marked the end of Reconstruction?

The U.S. military leaving the South.

Why was Louisiana used as a testing ground for policies designed to

bring rebel states back into the nation?

Louisiana was used as a testing ground for policies designed to bring

rebel states back into the nation.

What are the 13-th15th Amendments

13-End Slavery 14th-Freedmen are citizens 15th-Freedmen vote

How were Lincoln’s and Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction plans


They both focused on quickly reintegrating the rebel states.

Why were former confederates able to regain control of the

Louisiana legislature? (Think about 10%plan)

Presidential Reconstruction was very lenient and allowed ex-

confederate soldiers to vote, that ended during Military


What was the purpose of the Freedmen’s Bureau??

To help integrate freedmen into society, provided schools, medical

care, and were supposed to regulate labor relations between

blacks and whites.

What conclusion can you draw about the reaction of whites to the

end of the Civil War?

They were unhappy with new legislation resulting from the conflict,

AKA freedmen getting rights and former white confederates losing


How did Northerners respond to the passage of the Black Codes?

They saw them as an extension of slavery and called for firmer

federal legislation

Which political group worked for and benefited from freedmen

voting in Louisiana?


Why did Republicans gather in the Mechanics Institute building and

what was the result of the riot?

Gathered to discuss freedmen’s right to vote. Hundreds died.

Which happened as a result of the 1866 Mechanics’ Institute Riot?

Northern outrage led to the election of more Radical Republicans

and stricter legislation.

What was the name for members of Congress that wanted to punish

the South for seceding?

Radical Republicans

What is another name for the time period when the South was

subject to the Reconstruction Acts (Hint: The military was here)

Military Reconstruction (Radical Reconstruction)

The Southern states were organized into ____________, during Military



Which military district was LA part of?


Military commanders dissolved state governments at the beginning

of Military Reconstruction because they were being run by ________________________, who hated freedmen.

Ex-confederates (Democrats)

What does disfranchise mean?

Take away the right to vote.

What is a carpetbagger? Scalawag?

Carpetbagger- Northern that come South to profit during


Scalawag- Southern who supported Northern/Union policies.

Who were the Knights of the White Camellia?

a paramilitary group formed to keep African Americans from voting

Why were many Louisiana elections disputed in the late 1800’s?

(Hint: Think about racial violence)

Voter intimidation and violence by groups like the White League

What violent event is considered to be the deadliest single instance

of politically motivated violence during Reconstruction?

Colfax Massacre

What was the White League? How did they impact Louisiana during


A paramilitary organization meant to keep white supremacy, used

violence and voter intimidation to control the state.

Be able to explain the Battle of Liberty Place. Who, what, when,


The White League attempted to take over the city of New Orleans,

they were initially successful and then defeated by the US Army.

What was the Compromise of 1877 and what president removed all federal troops from the South?

The 1876 presidential election was hotly contested as there was uncertainty whether the winner was Republican Rutherford B. Hayes or Democrat Samuel Tilden.

After several months, the Supreme Court decided Hayes was president.

This decision angered many Americans.

Hayes made promises to Southern Democrats such as removing federal troops from the South.

By agreeing to this, he ended the government’s commitment to Reconstruction and gave control back to Democrats.

What was home rule and who were the Redeemers?

Democrats called themselves Redeemers and they enforced their

home rule ( white democratic political control)
