Connected Car Drives IoT Monetization



Internet of things

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The car is well on its way to becoming the

most sophisticated mobile device in the

Internet of Things (IoT), or, to use a phrase


Posted Oct 20, 2015 by Brendan O’Brien (@brendan0606)


The Cloud-Connected Car Drives IoT Monetization


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that’s more to the point, the Monetization of

Things™ (MoT). Linked to the cloud by way of

wireless technologies, smart chips, onboard

computers and mobile apps, connected

vehicles are driving new business models and disrupting old ones. Here’s a look at some

of the key monetization opportunities emerging from their wake right now, as well as

some not far down the road.

The cloud-connected car of the future is here today — and growing in number. It’s a

trend fueled in large part by consumer demand. In a 2014 report by McKinsey &

Company, more than a quarter of car buyers said that Internet connectivity is more

important than features such as engine power and fuel efficiency. In the next five years,

the number of connected cars may exceed a quarter of a billion worldwide, according to

estimates by Gartner.

Not only are connected cars catching on fast, their connections are also gaining speed.

Automakers have already made 4G wireless connectivity available in some new cars,

and the feature may well become standard in most models by 2020. The combination of

Wi-Fi and IoT technology paves the way for a bevy of rich services for drivers and

passengers alike, such as enhanced navigation, real-time traffic and parking

information, streaming infotainment and integration between dashboards,

smartphones and wearable devices such as health trackers and smart watches.

New Monetization Sources

Connected cars are changing the way we get from Point A to Point B. In the process,

they’re opening new realms of monetization for carmakers, service providers and many

other travel-related industries. Revenues from connected car services are expected to

top $40 billion (U.S.) in the next five years, according to a July 2015 report from SNS

Research. Many of those proceeds will involve a range of flexible billing options,

including traditional up-front payments, subscriptions and consumption-based

recurring payment schemes.

Data plans will account for a portion of those revenues. They’ll be billed the same as any

smartphone plan today, or as simple add-ons to existing plans. However, they represent

a significant source of new income for telcos and other service providers.

Additional revenues will come from

enhanced editions of subscription

Brendan O’Brien is co-founder of cloud

billing provider Aria Systems.

How to join the network

Technology innovations will continue

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services, like SYNC from Ford and

EnForm from Lexus, that carmakers

have been offering for some time.

New cloud-powered versions of

these digital services provide value-added features, such as always-on access to

emergency services and roadside assistance, teen-driver monitoring and advanced

voice control.

Subscription offerings like these enhance the driving experience for consumers. And

they give automakers a ready source of ongoing revenue above and beyond the initial

purchase price, while allowing them to deepen customer relationships and enhance

customer lifetime value (CLV).

A Very Big Market Indeed

The market for cloud-based car services is potentially enormous, and extends far

beyond new models. They’re also available to more than 150 million cars built since

1996. That’s the year onboard diagnostic (OBD) ports, which are located on or near

steering columns, became mandatory in most cars made in the U.S. and Canada. This

summer, Verizon launched hum, its new aftermarket subscription service. For $14.99 it

brings a host of cloud-connected services, including accident notification, system

diagnostics and stolen vehicle locator services to any older car with an OBD port.

ODB ports are in fact becoming the entry point for a rapidly growing number of cloud-

connected mobile apps designed specifically for cars. While many are free, some, like

the fleet monitoring app FleetLeed, offer a potentially lucrative source of ongoing data

monetization for service providers.

Smart Connected Cars As Active Agents

Today’s new connected cars are able to interact with the world around them and with

other cloud-based systems using such IoT innovations as proximity sensors and

predictive intelligence. For example, certain Mercedes-Benz models introduced this year

can link directly to Nest, the IoT-powered smart home system, to remotely activate a

home’s temperature controls prior to arrival.

The potential for connected cars to

do even more for us is far-reaching.

to profoundly influence how we price— and pay for — cars.

Connected vehicles are driving new

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They’ll soon be able to check us into

hotels, notify people when we’re

running late, confirm appointments,

make dinner reservations, order

movie tickets, even pay for gas and parking — all on their own and without intervention.

Enhanced services such as these will likely entail subscription- or usage-based billing


Disruptive Forces In Play

From a monetization standpoint, three disruptive trends, made possible in part through

IoT innovations, have the potential to dramatically upend business models for personal


Car Sharing. Real-time access to car availability and mobile connectivity are accelerating

the adoption of car-sharing, which customers pay for on a consumption basis. By 2030,

as many as 650 million people worldwide could be using some form of car or ride

sharing, according to projections by ABI Research. Joining ride-sharing pioneers like

Uber, rental car agencies and corporate fleet operations are getting in on the trend. So

are most major automakers. They see it as a smart way to augment traditional sales as

the concept grows in popularity.

Pay-Per-Use. One downside of car sharing is that if you want a particular car, you may

be out of luck. With a new pricing plan introduced in 2014 by Citroen in Europe, you can

own the car you want, but on a pay-per-use basis. Your monthly cost is pegged to how

much you actually drive. In other words, the car is priced, and billed, like a smartphone.

It could become a popular alternative to car sharing for low mileage or occasional

drivers, especially in the world’s burgeoning urban centers.

Direct-To-Consumer Sales. Tesla Motors sells its line of IoT-infused, all-electric vehicles

directly to its customers, a taboo that’s been in place for more than 100 years in the U.S.

In response, some states, pressured by powerful dealership lobbies, have banned the

practice. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), on the other hand, is in favor of it. Direct

selling could be a profound game changer, requiring carmakers to build closer

customer ties over time. With direct links to cars by way of IoT, they now have a prime

venue for doing just that. They’ll be able to proactively engage customers by delivering

upgrades, maintenance services, new features and incentives for upcoming models

straight to every dashboard.

business models and disrupting old


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The Road Ahead

Technology innovations will continue to profoundly influence how we price — and pay

for — cars, in-vehicle digital services, auto insurance and related goods and services.

Fully autonomous vehicles are perhaps less than 10 years down the road. In the not so

distant future, entire transportation grids will be run intelligently from the cloud. There’s

no telling where such innovations will lead. One thing we know for sure, however, is that

businesses will need to monetize with greater agility if they wish to cash in on the

compelling revenue opportunities from the Internet of Cars.


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