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MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



Tous les jours, au cours des visites, tu devras compléter avec sérieux les fiches suivantes en anglais.

Ces fiches, ainsi que le questionnaire que tu as renseigné avant le séjour, constituent ton dossier.

Après le séjour, il te sera également demandé de créer un mini-diaporama (3-4 pages commentées en anglais) sur une visite ou une journée du week-end passé avec ton/ta correspondant(e). Le sujet sera tiré au sort pendant le séjour. Les meilleurs diaporamas seront mis en ligne sur le site du collège.

Evaluation :

Ton travail ème trimestre :

- Questionnaire / 10 - Fiches / 25 - Diaporama /5

Ton investissement sera également évalué : investissement au cours des visites ( prise de notes, curiosité, intérêt, autonomie, respect des horaires) ainsi que dans ta famille d'accueil anglaise (communication, participation à la vie de famille).

Le dossier ainsi que le mini-diaporama sont à rendre au plus tard le mardi 8 avril à ton

Comment contacter vos professeurs pendant le séjour :

Mme ROLAND chez Dr Alldred : 01225 422 109 Mme WARGNIER chez Mrs Hall : 01225 852 127

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)


OUTWARD JOURNEY : from Sully to Bradford

I travelled by: (circle the answers)

Shuttle coach ferry plane train

I left France from (circle the answer):

St Malo Boulogne Calais Brest

What was the weather like in France?

What did you do on the boat ?

I arrived in Britain at: (place and local time)

What was the weather like in Britain?

Tell us about the first moments with your host family :

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)




On your way to the first stop....FIND THE NAMES OF - two churches:

.................................................................................................................................................. ..


1st stop :ON THE FOOTBRIDGE. Where are you? Over the river.......................................................................................

Look at the buildings around you. What are they made of? (in French and in English): .................................................. = ....................................................................

2nd stop : AT THE BARN Write its complete name..................................................................................

What's the equivalent of the » tithe »in French?:......................................

Look at the roof « tiles » : they are ...................... at the top (= en haut) the bottom ( = en bas). This is a style of traditional roofing typical of this area. On your way along the canal, Find out its name:........................................................................................... The boats you can see are Translate this adjective into French:.........................................................

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



What do you know about it? Tick the right answer

1. What is this sign?

a) fish can be bought here b) the school has a swimming pool

5. How old are the students who come here?

a) between nine and fifteen b) between eleven and eighteen c) between seven and eighteen

2. What does this sign tell you?

a) It is a Performing Arts School b) there is a theatre coming to school c) there is a cinema at school

6. What kind of school is St

Laurence? a) a grammar school b) a comprehensive school c) a junior school

3. When did St Laurence School open?

a) 1990 b) 1880 c) 1980

7. What is the name of the

Head Teacher? a) Mr Colquhoun b) Mr Stewart c) Mrs Hall

4. How many students are there?

a) more than one thousand b) more than ten thousand c) less than one thousand

With your English partner:

Where did you have lunch? What did you eat? .....................................................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................................... Which classes did you have?


..................................................................................................................................................................... Was it different from a class in France? Explain why. ( en option pour les 5èmes)


..................................................................................................................................................................... Did you enjoy your afternoon at school? Why?


MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



What did you have for breakfast?

What did you do with your English partner? Where did you go? Give your opinion.

Did something surprise you?

What did you have for lunch and dinner?

What did you prefer during your weekend?

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



Their fa


Make a physical description of him/ her. Don't forget his/her school uniform:





Has he / she got any brothers and sisters? ........................................................................

If yes, how many? What are their names and ages? .......................................................



Has he / she got any pets? ...............................................

If yes, give details: ..........................................................................................................




MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)


DAY 4 : BIG PIT ( Blaenavon)


When did the mine open?

How deep is the shaft? (= le puits)

How did you get down the shaft?

What can you visit underground?

Why were the stables (= les écuries) underground?

Did you like this visit? Why?

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)




romaine ? De quelle période datent les thermes de Bath ? et le temple ?

It was called ..................................... ;; the baths date back to ............... and the temple dates back to .................

A quoi servaient les thermes ? People went to the baths to ...................................................................

Quel est le nom de la source ( = spring ) qui alimente les thermes ? Quelle est sa température ?

.......... ;; .

Quel est le nom du système de chauffage utilisé dans les thermes ?

Comment fonctionne-t-il ( en français ) ? The system is called ..................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................

A quelle déesse de la mythologie la source chaude était-elle consacrée ? Quelle était la fonction de cette déesse ?

........................... ..................


In the museum, the costumes date back to the ........................century. Find this dress and write the caption:

........................................................................................................ Make up a list of 6 accessories displayed in this museum:

.................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................

This is the dress of the year 2012.

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



What does the word bath mean in French ? ...................................................................

When was the city of Bath founded ? Why is called Bath ?




Why is it so famous ? ........................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................

Give the name of the river which flows underneath :


Write the caption ( = légende ) of each photograph .


MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



Write down the names of the different things you saw during your day in London.

What is the name of this place?

Name a park you walked along or across:

What is the name of this famous busy place?

What is the name of this famous busy place?

What can you see? (tick the answers): There is...a river a column a statue of Napoleon fountains a theatre

There are...people cars tourists taxis double deckers

I can see... lions trees a statue of Admiral Nelson buildings

Around the place, there is...Big Ben the Tate Modern The British Museum

The National Gallery the Tate Britain a zoo St Paul's Cathedral Your impressions : It's...noisy calm quiet busy nice

Write a caption:

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)


What is the name of the famous big clock near the river

What is the name of the big monument next to it?

Give the name of a cathedral nearby:

What is this?

What is this sign? (in English and French)

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



Where did you start ( 1 ) and where did you arrive ( 2 ) ?

Embankment Pier Tower Pier London Bridge City Pier Westminster Pier

Tick what you could see during the cruise on the Thames.

Millennium Bridge London Sea Life Aquarium Golden Gate Bridge

Windsor Castle: St Paul's Cathedral:

HSM Belfast :

The Statue of Liberty:

The London Eye:

Shakespeare's Globe

Tower Bridge

The tower of London

Big Ben

Did you enjoy the cruise? Why?

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



Explore @Bristol

What sort of museum is it?

Décris une expérience (en français) :

How did you enjoy the museum? Complete:

For me, the most impressive experience The funniest experience

Near Bristol

What is the name of this bridge?

When was it built?

Back at St Laurence school

What film did you see at school ?

Did you enjoy it? Why?

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



Departure time from Ashley Road car park (St-Laurence):.................................................... How did you cross the Channel? : By ... shuttle ferry train How long did the crossing take ?:........................................................................................... Where did you arrive in France?:........................................................................... Weather in England :................................................................................................................... Weather in France:...................................................................................................................... Arrival time in Sully : .......................................................................

Bilan du séjour: complète les phrases en nommant tes expériences personnelles :

For me, the most interesting visit was

The most surprising moment was

The funniest moment was

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



LANGUAGE The most important words

Please / Thank you (very much) Excuse me (before) / I'm sorry (after)

Hello / Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening / Good night / Goodbye

Pour accepter: Yes, please

Pour refuser: No, thank you

You're welcome!

Si vous ne comprenez pas:

Can you repeat please?

Can you speak more slowly please? (= pouvez-vous parler plus lentement SVP?)

I don't understand.

La première rencontre:

Pleased to meet you.

Le premier soir:

Si vous avez apporté un cadeau: ve brought you a little present from home.

je utiliser la salle de bains/ les toilettes ? » : May I use the bathroom/ toilet ?

r :Could I have another blanket / pillow, please?

Si quelque chose est cassé: The ___ is broken / The ___ doesn't work.

: There is no hot water in the bathroom / There is no toilet paper.

Pour demander : May I watch TV?

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)


Pour demander à quelle heure il faut se lever / quitter la maison:

What time do I have to get up? / What time are we leaving the house tomorrow?

Pour demander à télé lais (en cas de problème) :

I need to speak to my teacher / Can I ring Mrs Roland / Mrs Wargnier


:I don't feel very well / I feel sick .

Le matin:

La famille vous demandera peut- Did you sleep well? » =bien dormi ? (-> Yes, thank you, very well)

What would you like for breakfast? Tea / coffee / cereals? = Que voulez-vous au petit-déjeuner ?

This is your packed lunch. = Voici votre déjeuner (le pique-nique à emporter)

A ce soir: See you tonight.

Bonne journée: Have a nice day!

Les repas:

A quelle heure est le petit-déjeuner/dîner ?: What time is breakfast / dinner?

Pour dire que vous avez apprécié le repas: That was nice / delicious / super / excellent !

Shopping :

Pour expliquer ce que tu recherches : Do you have ___? / I would like __ / Do you sell ___? / I'm looking for ___

Pour demander un prix: How much is it, please?

MY TRIP TO GREAT BRITAIN ( March 13th March 21st)



Note ici au moins 15 mots ou expressions que tu as appris durant ton séjour :

