Differences and Similarities Between Realism and Naturalism in American Literature 崔璨


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Differences and Similarities Between

Realism and Naturalism in American Literature



• General Knowledge

• Differences & Similarities

• Reflection on Novels

• Relation

Realism in American Literature

• American Realism was a literary movement happened between 1860s and 1910s.

• It stresses truthful treatment of material and commonness of the lives of the common people.

• Mark Twain ,William Dean Howells Henry James

Naturalism in American Literature

• Naturalism dominated American literature from 1890s to 1920s.

• The Naturalism tends to describe the reality and depict the dark side of the society.

• Theodore Dreiser, Jack London, Stephen Crane, Frank Norris

Differences & Similarities



Booming of economy

Science & technology


Civil War WWI



Chase of wealth and fame

Business conquering the world

Differences & SimilaritiesWriting featuresWriting features

• Character R: middle class, facing

moral or ethical choices,a ordinary person, one key character

N: low class,under the will of forces, a helpless object, more the one key character

Differences & SimilaritiesWriting featuresWriting features

• Plot

R:in real world, facts, daily routines

N:realistic picture of events,

hopeless situation, miserable

Differences & SimilaritiesWriting featuresWriting features

• Style R:describing things as they

exist in reality, dialects N:convey a character,

setting or thing so that the mood or atmosphere appears irreversibly doomed, dialects

Differences & SimilaritiesThemeTheme

• R:reveal the real world precisely, ordinary struggles of the common man

N:struggles in real world, the indifference and determinism of the universe; cruelty of the natural world

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Reflection on Novels

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Reflection on Novels

Silas Lapham:a middle class man, has his own businessfrom poor to richfaced with the moral choicefollows his conscience,business failsrises to a higher moral level

Sister Carrie:a country girl, has nothing but the beauty(heredity)struggles for better life and success at any cost(survival of the fittest)gets material success but lost her family and innocence

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